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 Ranking Exam #2

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Ranking Exam #2 Empty
PostSubject: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 8th 2009, 7:23 pm

Ren leaned against an iceberg, not knowing how in the world she had reached there. The last time she had ranked was probably a year ago, and felt to try again. Did she improve in any way possible? Ren had to find out as she anxiously waited for her proctor/match. The wind blew ferociously against her warm cheeks, standing out from the white icy shadows, spreading across.
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 8th 2009, 7:32 pm

Skye would briskly walk into the area, breath making itself visible in the cold atmosphere. He had come because he heard a Chuunin wished to rank up.. and he hadn't been able to perform a ranking exam before. This would be his first in... ever.

"Well then.. shall we get started?"
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 8th 2009, 7:39 pm

Ren nodded and decided to cut to the chase.

First things first, she stomped the ground after whispering some words, and a burst of cold energizing wind came out from under him, 20 feet wide at diameter length. She then, caused the air pressure to lower, making breathing difficult, while a heavy force pushed down on him, ready to crush the bones.
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 8th 2009, 7:46 pm

Skye's hair turned slightly more green as he caused the wind around him to form into a large green vortex of pure wind energy, sending air pressure upwards as well to negate the force coming back down on and suppressing him. He made no offensive movements.. not yet.
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 9th 2009, 11:44 am

"By the way, I'm Ren. What's your name?" She asked in a pleasant manner while she continued on with the match.

Ren decided to keep the atmospheric and sky(way up in space) air pressure at one low level. Going higher and higher in the sky, the air pressure would lower even more, so if Skye had decided to push the air upwards from before, it would only make it harder. A regular weak person would have naturally died from such air, though it is not the same with this anbu here. Along with the pressure of the atmosphere, the glaciers and ice seemed to be off balance. The ground shook while breathing was difficult. Since wind was the only element she had learned so far, might as well make the best of it. Standing as still as possible, Ren formed 7 razor wind disks in her hand. One of them she had jumped on, while the others hid safely behind her back. Going at 500 mph on the disk, also using the natural ferocious wind in the area, she flew behind Skye, as the disks disappeared blending in like camouflage. A scented cyclone formed under him and trapped him inside, while Ren threw the disks into the swirling wind. The disks would push inside the cyclone, going at blinding speeds, aiming for Skye. The smell of the sweet aroma flew around standing out from the vague battle ground, pushing against his skin. The cyclone stirred ready to shave and slice the one inside it.
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 10th 2009, 3:59 am

Skye smirked; there was no better way to make his introduction to this little Chuunin.

"The name's Skye.."

He concentrated a tidbit of fire energy in his hands, letting the oxygen and other organic, flammable substances in her aroma'd air take full effect. Because of the abundance of Air she was using, it was only natural that plenty of loose Oxygen had found its way into the mix, and so Skye's bright orange flames took full bloom with the wind currents around him, much like a gigantic stove. Hence, the current that was trapping him caught on fire, as well as to the wind discs which were also trapped in the vortex and converted into pure Fire energy, making the pillar all the more deadly. Skye himself had since leapt back several feet, now standing cross-legged to watch as Ren sped at 500 miles per hour into a spinning, fiery cyclone partially of her own creation.

"Skye Silverclaw~"
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Ranking Exam #2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 10th 2009, 5:28 pm

Ren watched Skye leaping back, changing her own cyclone to that of fire.

Fine, She thought.

The second he landed, a huge air vent sucked the outside materials into it including him and the jagged icebergs surrounding us. Everything was being pulled towards the vent including the fiery cyclone. The sharp icebergs flew around Skye, ready to crash into him. After testing how much weight, mass, and energy Skye used up from his leap, Ren caused the air vent to use even more force, as the pressure from above pushed him down deeper. Ren flew away from the firing cyclone. She then located the pushing energy that was causing the cyclone to spin and stopped that force, now it was just.....fire....... blazing across the icy floor. Ren blew a wave of wind against the fire, as it separated particles from the extremely cold temperature and flushed towards Skye. Most things seemed to be flying towards him today, but of course, it wasn't that hard to stop it either. The sweet aroma smelled even stronger than before.
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Ranking Exam #2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 11th 2009, 12:38 pm

Now it was time to step things up, but Skye had to make a choice, and fast. On one hand, the terrain was perfect for ice users, and he even wondered why Ren had chosen such a place to hold a ranking exam. Perhaps to challenge herself? On the other, the icy terrain and her moves would be easily exploitable by fire. Closing his eyes, he held out an arm and spoke, his decision made.

"Solaris Glacialis."

His hair turned an icy blue color, and his hands began to radiate with blue chakra, much different from before. Around the pupils of his eyes were what seemed to be a light blue snowflake, signifying his activation. Even the sun in the air shone blue light.

In no time Skye took complete advantage of the ground around him and raised it up, walls of ice surrounding him as protection from the attacks. As they all hit, he leapt up again and closed off the wall, making a nice platform for him to stand on. From behind, small bits of ice began to break off, each like tiny little daggers in their shape. Using another hint of wind energy kye redirected the course of the wind blowing around both of them, sending literally a blizzard of daggers to strike and swirl around Ren.
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 11th 2009, 7:22 pm

Yes, Ren had chosen this area to challenge herself. Since this was a ranking exam, she needed to step it up a notch to see how far she had gone in her skills. So, as the blizzard of daggers continued to aim towards her, Ren signed and formed a dome made of natural wind over her, spanning for about 5 feet from each side. This dome not only tried to block the ice daggers but it pushed out an immense amount of air blasting the daggers toward Skye, with such speed pressuring away even the blizzard from her. She then, took out a dozen metal bars made of something similar to the strength of titanium. She rubber her palm over the metal bars with chakra and they changed color into something clear. After forming some more hand signs, vines grew from under Skye's feet and continued to wrap around his legs going further and further up. The vines were also made of wind chakra but contained the titanium rods inside. These wind vines(w/rods) squeezed Skye, as scented spikes shot out to pierce or scratch him in different areas.
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 13th 2009, 10:06 am

((*kicks self for not seeing this sooner* >< ))

The daggers dissipated at the snap of his finger, returning to ice dust on the ground as they started. As for the vines, Skye emitted frozen energy over his very skin, formed from the activation of his Solaris. The vines that touched him merely froze as if liquid nitrogen had splashed all over them, and he began calmly walking forward as the vines' very molecular structure was crystalized and shattered.
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 13th 2009, 10:54 am

Hmph, this would've been so much easier in a low pressure system. Ren sighed a deep breath as she swooped her arms back and forth. The cold breezes shifted towards her and then back at Skye, with a new aroma passing by. This time we can hear buzzing. It grew closer and closer by the second. Soon enough thousands of bees emerged from all directions buzzing around Skye. Only a couple of hundred were quiet, not making any noise at all. Those, Ren had poured a special chakra layer on top of, while she ignited the insides with extra energy. These bees stayed at the back. Ren created tiny infiltration holes under Skye's feet, at every step that he took. The glaciated ice made things a bit easier, as they could have been crushed easily. Under the ice sheets, Ren and Skye were on top of, is water. The energized bees had attached a molecular ball on them and went under the ice sheets, through the infiltration holes, ready to sting and splatter on Skye. After forming some hand signs, thousands of Ren had appeared in front of Skye, surrounding him at every angle. Each Ren watched Skye intently, taking out a gun, waiting for the right moment. While the bees were getting to Skye, Ren slashed at the glaciers, separating them from each other. Now Skye was standing on a small sheet of ice, fitting for him only, as the rest was just water. Ren blew all the other ice sheets away from him. The titanium rods from before were still crackling with chakra, wrapping around him.
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 13th 2009, 1:34 pm

Skye just shook his head, smiling coyly. He stooped down and touched the water on either side of the ice platform he was left on with both his hands, asit began to freeze completely over, even down to the seafloor below. It spread into the other ice shelves, seeing as how water infiltrated them naturally. The solid re-freezing of the water around him would surely kill off, or at least permanently seal, whatever bits of chakra Ren had deployed under his feet.

As he got up, he merely touched one of the Ren clones on the forehead with his index finger, watching as it began to quick-freeze down to its core, eventually shattering when it hit the ground from a mere shove on Skye's part. No, he couldn't see where the original Ren had gone, but was clearly not threatened by the presence of so many clones.
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 13th 2009, 6:23 pm

By the time he had touched one of the "Rens" she disappeared, stepping to his side. The bees under, flew up and shot a sting of wind at Skye without touching him. They buzzed around and shot more senbon stings. The bees were close to him, following him as he calmly walked without worries. Those hundreds of bees with the chakra energy running inside of them placed themselves on every main part of his body. 3, 2, 1. They exploded. A huge blast was heard, enough to cause headaches. the bees exploded directly shooting for him, sending a tera-ton of seismic pressure cuts on him, ready to break through. Then, it appeared that each Ren shot their gun, pointing at Skye. A "boom" was heard and purple liquid flew from the sky. It rained down on Skye. This purple liquid was able to burn through most metals, trees, and houses. Even if it didn't actually burn through them, it caused a hot melting and burnt feeling. Ren kept a chakra layer on her feet, keeping the ice sheet she was standing on stable. She slid more molecular balls under and it circled around Skye's head. 3 Rens came closer, one on each side, standing 10 feet away.
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Ranking Exam #2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 18th 2009, 5:31 pm

((For Skye's long absents this ranking is over......Ren enjoy Jounin))
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Ranking Exam #2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1June 18th 2009, 5:35 pm

((Thanks Maze, thanks Skye))
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam #2   Ranking Exam #2 Icon_minitime1

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