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 Training with a new sword

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Training with a new sword Empty
PostSubject: Training with a new sword   Training with a new sword Icon_minitime1May 3rd 2009, 12:08 am

"Hm Hm Hm Come on work damn it"

Nese:Lin's don't get angry stay clam

"This makes no sense...why doesn't this thing work....Why can't i unlock this power"

Nese:Your letting something block your mind

"There's nothing blocking my mind..."

Nese:What about that girl..Kira

"Kira.." memories of him and kira flash in his mind

Nese:Lin lock her out of your mind

"I can't she....she's the most important to me"

Nese:Even more than me

"I don't Know Nese..I love her"

Nese:Hm.....Lin Goodbye

"Nese wait!!"

Nese:You said that i was the only thing you had Lin and noone can change that..so goodbye

"Nese....I can live with out you wait!"

he stops her

Nese:If you really mean that kiss me...kiss me like you do her


Nese:Then i;m gone Lin good....

Lin kisses her

Training with a new sword Kairi_and_Sora_by_Garih

Nese:I'll stay thank you Lin
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Training with a new sword Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with a new sword   Training with a new sword Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 12:08 pm

Part 2 Charka surrounding Lin and nese is standing in front of him

Nese:Come on Lin you can do this!

Thinking "Come on work damn it...." the charka disappears and Lin's on his knees "huh huh huh...what is the problem why can't I unlock the power of this blade.....could this mean I have to forget everything....no I can't I must keep trying....Haaaaaa"the charka comes back around Lin

Nese(thinking):Why won't he forget this girl,his friends,his family...WHY?

"Come on Lin you can do this this is nothing" Just then the sword begins to glow and Lin's appearance starts to change..He has on this
Training with a new sword Gaara%202%20outfit%20

and the sword's power made the sword look like this

Training with a new sword Star_seeker

Nese:Lin you did but how?

"I forgot someone"

Nese:Who,who did you forget?

"You" Lin walks off into the night

Nese:Lin..Lin come back lin I can live with out you.Nese starts to fade away.Lin..Lin..LLLLLLiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn!!!!!!!! Nese disappears
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