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 Tatsu's Techniques.

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Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 16th 2009, 11:49 pm

My Kekkei Gankai: Manako: Allows me to basically exert control over my own body, all of its parts and in doing so: 1. Replicate and create different body parts on other parts of my body and in other places. 2 Allows for some manipulation/advancement with those body parts, and very high advanced Senses. I haven't unlocked total control yet, however, but what I do have unlocked is listed below. Edit: Have now further unlocked them/it.

Eyes: Allows me to reveal and create eyes out of my body, and also within other substances(thanks to assimilation) Also allows for me to steal peoples eyes, and for me to use other ocular jutsu that I steal. I'm limited to having ONE doujutsu activated at a time.

Sharingan: Reveals stolen sharingan eye.
Tatsu's Techniques. Sharingan

Byakugan: Reveals stolen byakugan eye.
Tatsu's Techniques. Byakugan

Byakugan Style Arts:


8 trigrams 64 Palms

8 Trigrams Rotation: larger rotation than that of the origanal rotation.

8 Trigrams 128 Palms

Gentle Fist Taijutsu

8 Trigrams Earth Palm: A Palm strike that is able to destroy even the hardest of earth structures. Shoots large amount of chakra in one direction.

Raikogan: Reveals Raikogan eye: Raikogan: Occular jutsu that allows the user more in depth access/power over lightning, especially in the area of the body/nervous system. It also allows for the control of lightning chakra, and current, and grants that the user can see any amount of electric current no matter the size. Allows user to also see through objects and surroundings, like x-ray vision.
Tatsu's Techniques. PossibleRaikogan2

Akisu Raikogan: Second Tier Raikogan witch activates only to those who are not of the Kento Clan, and thus have a stolen/implanted Raikogan eye. This Raikogan gives the user higher efficiency than normal Raikogan, boosting healing factor, speed, strength, reflexes/reaction time. It also cuts down upon the amount of chakra that it takes to use lightning based jutsu and jutsu of the kekkei gankai itself. It also allows the user to see in a perfect 360 degrees around, as well as at a greater range of sight as well. Last, but not lest, it allows the user to manipulate three of the 6 Raikous.
Tatsu's Techniques. AkisuRaikogan

Nerve Manipulation: Can increase and strengthen nervous system, boosting strength, speed, relexes, and healing factor by a good percentage.

Paralysis Jutsu: Can touch people and depending on where I touch them, and how powerful they are, I can paralyze them, or parts of them. Once paralyzed, they won't be able to focus chakra in the area of paralysis and if its total, not at all.


Chidori Stream: Full body lightning attack/defense.

Lightning bolts: Can make or summon lightning bolts of various sizes.

Lightning Bird: Creates a flying bird shape out of lightning that I can guide towards my target.

Raikous(3/3 unlocked)

Akairaikou: It is the strongest of all electric current, 10x stronger. It can even travel though the lowest items of conductivity like rubber as though it were metal. It also can overpower anyother lightning. If subsituted for normal blue lightning in a jutsu, it would increase the jutsu 10 fold in strength.
Tatsu's Techniques. Thdfwafawf

Aoiraikou: It is the most destructive of all electric current, able to spead though things and break them down on a molecular level. Can turn almost anything to dust, or nothing at all on contact.
Tatsu's Techniques. ThLightning-Green

Gosairaikou: This Raikou is of a yellow hue and exhibits the enmmense power of sound by giving off constant huge 'thunderclaps' which are sonic booms powerful enough to blast through strong metal, and even create large craters. The sound waves can be directed using the lightning to do so.
Tatsu's Techniques. Gosairaikou

Other Eye Jutsu:

Secret Art of 100 Eyes:Reveals 100 eyes on my body.

Eye Transplant Jutsu:I can place eyes anywhere.

Secret Seal: Eye Thief Technique: I can steal an eye that has an ocular jutsu and replace it with one of my normal eyes. Once I have stolen the ocular jutsu, I can reporduce the jutsu I have stolen, in any of my eyes.

Eye Explosion Technique: Allows me to use eyes as bombs, making various sized explosions.

Mouth: Able to open mouths on my body and on other places. These are also special chakra mouths that allow me to consume other peoples jutsu/chakra when the mouth takes it in. It also allows me to blast large amounts of my own chakra out of them, or water for water jutsu.

Tatsu's Techniques. Mouth

Mouth Chakra Bullet: Shoots blast of concentrated chakra from one of my mouths.

Mouth Consumption: When chakra or jutsu is eaten, the energy is broken down and transferred into chakra for me.

Tongue Whip: Creates an elongated tongue out of a mouth, which lashes out, and is able to be used like a whip, or to hold onto things. (Think Orochimarus snake tongue)

Giant Mouth: Creates a larger mouth in another substance usually, one that's large enough to eat a person whole, and could too.

Void Mouth: This mouth is totally circular unlike normal mouths. It also exhibits a void like power which is able to suck things into it, and destroy them if caught within. Things which enter the mouth are exposed to extremely toxic substances, which usually breaks whatever enters down within seconds, but it depends on the substance. The mouth resembles a squid like mouth, with many, many teeth in a circle around the middle.

Tatsu's Techniques. TatsuKraken_mouth

Void Mouth Bullet: Void mouth shoots out some of the toxic material to try and break down whatever it hits.

Nose: With this, I can create noses on my body anywhere, and also anywhere on substances. With these, I have a very acute since of smell, being able to track someone on the sense of smell alone. I'm also able to detect and differentiate different peoples chakra from each other.

Violent Sneeze: Creates a giant blast of wind from a nose which reaches speeds of over 700 mph. Can be used to move out of the way, or rip through attacks.

Snot Jutsu: Shoots out greenish boogers which are super sticky, and are able to trap things with it. Its very adhesive, and also very fire resistant.

Ears: Enables me to create ears on any part of my body and on other substances. It also gives me the power of detecting sonic waves of the smallest quantities, and able to absorb sonic attacks too, even if they are of great power.

Skin/Hands: This allows me to power of the sense of touch through both skin and hands especially. Used to create more skin, thus can heal skin damage, cuts, burns easily, and also allows me to create more hands on any part of my body, or on/through other substances.

Skin Regeneration: Allows me to create ample skin, thus I could heal wounds of myself, or skin graft to another person, allowing them healing.

Multiple Hands Buddha Style: Creates more hands to do things with, hold weapons, hand sign, etc.

Bone Manipulation: Allow me to freely manipulate, and grow/produce bones off of my own skeletal structure, which I can also manipulate. Because of my control over them, I can nurish my bones with chakra to make them harder than most metals, which means they are super strong.

Bone Bullets: Shoots smaller bones out as small, very penetrating projectiles.

Bone Spikes: Produces many spikes of bone out of my body at almost any point. Can also used underground to produce a geyser like effect of bones.

Bone Chain and Whip: Grows a particular set of interlocking bones, which work together to form a chain like sequence, which is very resistant to breaking, very strong, and also is very flexable, making it a good binding tool, or weapon. Can add sharp edges or spikes for weapon use.

Bone Armor: Covers self in a exoskeleton like armor which is very nice for avoiding damage in tight spots. This armor is very quick to produce.

Bone Parasite: Allows me to touch a person, and rearrange their skeletal structure. I or some of my chakra has to enter the person's body in some way however.

Nerve Control: Apart from the nerve manipulation give by the Raikogan, this allows me to do the same thing on a higher level. Nerves can be stretched to a higher limit combining both, and thus, allows even higher attributes.

Hair Control: Allows me to manipulate and grow hair at will. Using chakra, I can strengthen the hair, making it like wires or even thin, but very sharp blades. Other things can also be done.

Hair Quills: Transforms hair into harder projections, which are very sharp and pointy. Can be released in a flurry, and used like porcupine quills.

Hair Wire: Grows hair out like wires and strengthens them with chakra. They are also linked together that can form long wires. These wires are very thin, and even once formed, can be made to have chakra flow through them, making them very resistant to breaking, although not impossible.

Hair Blades: Forms hair into very thin blades, which are extremely sharp, able to cut through some metals even. Since they are so thin, they are often hard to see, but can be swung around as a many blade type attack, or used to pierce.

Muscle Control: Allows me to manipulate and grow muscles beyond their normal capabilities. Not only does this allow me to create superior strength, but also form muscle tissue which is also extremely strong, and can be extended outside the body.

Muscle Fiber Armor: Creates armor of muscle fiber, which is very resistant to straining and bludgening attacks. Can be regenerated very fast when damaged.

Muscle Fiber Whips: Creates whips of muscle fiber, which are very strong, and anything hit by the whip will get hit by a much higher force than one would think.

Mega-Muscle Punch: Builds up muscle in one arm, which then releases, causing a much more powerful punch and also the arm to extend itself for further damage and reach.

Cellular Manipulation: Allows me to exert control over my individual cells, allowing me to manipulate my own entire body structure. This means I can open natural holes in my body, and a variety of other things.

Osmosis: Allows through cellular control, to allow a certain substance or energy, to pass right through me, and thus allowing me to resist forces by allowing them to pass right through my body without hurting me.

Phasing/Reverse Osmosis: Allows me to pass right through other objects, by fitting my cellular structure through other solid objects.

Cellular Dispersal and Restruction: Allows me to disperse and reconstruct my body at will. I can do this with my entire body, or just one part. It takes more chakra for whole body obviously.

True Clone: Allows me to generate a single perfect copy of myself through the growth of my own body. Telling it between me is almost impossible. (At this rank, only one can be made)

Brain and Psychi Control: This allows for manipulation of my brain, and my '6th sense'. With this, I can even launch psychic attacks, enter people's minds if possible, read emotions, and even use psychic energy of sorts.

Psychi: Allows for telepathy and telekinetic arts.

Psychi Energy: Allows me to use Psychi energy which attacks a person's mind and such. Psychi looks like acid green like energy, looks like a cross between acid green lightning and spiderwebs when manifested in the physical world.

Brain Trust: N/A (Soon to be revealed, hasn't quite aquired yet either, although still has the ability to do, just hasn't discovered the ability yet)

Other Jutsu:

Blinding Genjutsu: Places opponents in a illusion of pure light where they can see because the light is too bright.

Earth Style: Earth Suffication Jutsu: the enemies sink intp the earth and are stuck there while being continuely sufficated.

Earth Style:Earth Grid Jutsu: I put my chakra into the ground around me in a grid like shape, if anyone touches it I can feel it.

Earth Clone Jutsu: Obivious

Earth Style:Giant Earth Ripple Jutsu: I hit the ground in front of me and a giant ripple of earth goes out from me.

Earth Style: Mud Pit Jutsu: Forms a mud pit that has sticky mud in it that will swallow you up.

Earth Style: Earth Spikes Jutsu: Forms small earth spikes anywhere on the ground that i want.

Earth Style: Spinning Mud Blast Jutsu:shoots a large amount of spinning mud at you.

Earth Style: Mud Inferno Jutsu: i can set any mud on fire.

Infinite Cage of Darkness: Covers opponent in a mound of earth and seals it shut making it very hard to escape.

Infinite Death of Darkness: earth in the cage forms large spikes, and tries to stab the enemy.

Assimilation Jutsu: I can become part of other elements that are around, and move through them. Can do this with any elements I control.
(Think of this as like what Zetsu does when he merges with trees, and earth, and stuff, and then can come back out of them somewheres else)

Water Style: Water Worm Current: like the water dragon, only a worm instead.

Water Style: Water Spout: creates a mini-tornado of water, can create more than one.

Water Style: Water Prison: Makes a sphere of water around the opponent to entrap them.

Water Style: Water Wave: Makes a high wave of water, or waves of water, rise up, and try to crash down upon opponents, washing them away.

Water Style: Rip Current: Makes the water that an opponent is standing on suck them down in a fury of a current. It is very fast, and strong, able to suck a elephant down in a few seconds. Even underwater, it keeps sucking the thing caught in it downward, to drowned it if possible.

Water Style: Water Barricks Jutsu: Makes a wall of water shoot up around me, and friends, to protect us, from every angle.

Water Style: Water Pulse Jutsu: Makes the water vapor in the air form into a disk/bubble shape, that flies at the opponent. I can create it almost anywhere, not just right besides me.

Wood Style Jutsu: I can now manipulate wood with the training I received from Sirus. I can make wood from almost any shape, and can create trees, and other plants.

Wood Style Body Jutsu: I can combine my Assimilation with Wood Style and my Kekkei Gankai Manako, to allow me to produce/grow wood out of my own body, thus protecting it, or perhaps using it as an offense.

Summoning Jutsu: I can summon giant worms that have lots of eyes like me and can reveal and retract them like me.

Worm Spew: worm spits burning acid

Worm Suffication: worm sufficates you

Worm Swallow: Worms will eat you and digest you in burning acid

Worm Self-Destruct: Worm can self destruct destroying everything in a radius depending on the size of the worm.

Last edited by Tatsu on January 31st 2010, 12:11 am; edited 8 times in total
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Wraith of the Depths
Wraith of the Depths

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Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 12:01 am

So the whole sharingan/byakuguan hybrid thing is off now?
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Village of Residence : Twilight Village
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Kekkei Genkai : Manako

Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 12:03 am

Huh? what you mean....Ive been in the twilight for like 6 months and no one said anything.
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

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Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 12:04 am

Oh no we had this problem with L. there be no use of both eye techniques pic one or te other
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Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 1:43 pm

We still somewhat do have the policy of no stolen KGs from Naruto or anything like it. It's mainly unspoken now, but if you make a character with unoriginal moves, its gonna be looked down upon and eventually killed, UNLESS you manage to use the Sharingan / Byakugan in a unique way hat doesn't involve anything Vescrutia considers godhackery.
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Join date : 2009-06-16
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Kekkei Genkai : Manako

Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 1:46 pm

Oh...i see. Im talking it over with Mahk-x now but um I was thinking of making it so I could only use one eye at a time, if that would make it better?
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Join date : 2009-06-16
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Kekkei Genkai : Manako

Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 2:26 pm

I edited, I can only have one activated at a time, per Mahk-x.
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

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Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 3:09 pm

Hey rose what ever happened to that big ass ridocuosel seal of approval?
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Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 4:06 pm

If you want Akarui I can always pull up the pedobear seal of approval and hit every single person with it O.o
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

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Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 4:10 pm

Thats the one im looking for.
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Posts : 115
Village of Residence : Twilight Village
Join date : 2009-06-16
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Manako

Tatsu's Techniques. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1June 17th 2009, 5:33 pm

??? 😕
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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu's Techniques.   Tatsu's Techniques. Icon_minitime1

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