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 Repeating my sins...

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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2009, 10:11 pm

Aya waited in a small field that was covered with tall grass, she enjoyed the tiny scencery.
A young man appeared before her bowing slightly. His eyes were slanted with a queer eerieness that attracted her to him. She smiled as she grabbed his hand. "Would you spar with me, I could use the training !"
"If that is your wish." Haji placed his right hand to his mouth and ripped off the knot, the badages fell to the ground as he straightened up his hand the fingers lined up in a hard sharpness.
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2009, 10:23 pm

Aya jumped back leaving enough distance between them, she fixed her uniform up making sure that it was quite well kept. She straighted her hair tucking her loose strands behind her ear. She unshelthed her katana, she closed her eyes to concentrate on the power of her katana: Seductive Temptress.

She held the katana high over her left shoulder, she ripped part of her sheelve as she swung down toward the ground, simultaneously a bit of her blood began to stain her shirt a dark form of enegry gathered at the tip of sharp blade and shot down toward the helt of the sword causing what was left to over flow onto her hands. Aya could feel a bit of her own chakra slip away. She smirked gentle, as her feet hit the ground with hard thuds, she pushed off with her right foot placing all her weight in her step. She leaped into the sky, she placed her palm over the end of the helt she slid her palm across it quickly. "This is new-- Double Edge Strike."

Haji quickly met her at her right side, he glanced over at her and took the opportunity to strike. "TO SLOW !" She was already engulfed in a black mist, thousands of hard crystals shot out from every angle. Haji had a few sitting in his stomach he landed on the ground quickly pulling them out, they melted as soon as they touched the surface.
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-06-02
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Kekkei Genkai : Kokorobosoi shin

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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2009, 10:36 pm

"Asha ! I miss you, work by my side once more so that we shall condemn our enemies !!!"
The water molecules that surrounded Aya began to change and moprh into a small blue bat. The bat flew around Aya and it created a water lotus below her, as Aya landed on the tip of the crystal. A flood of water rushed toward the sky engulfing her very body, her hair flew up toward the blue sky, her clothes had defied gravity she wrapped her hands around her body and she gathered the strength to create a current within the water she stripped off her clothes and she curled up into a little ball.

She was resting for a bit. When she opened her eyes they had become a deep blue as if the sadness had over come her. The petals began to change, the first layer had a fast current that moved rapidly around within the tiny space provided. The second layer was calm and collected, the third layer was vicous with sorrow.

As she spoke the first layer of petals shot off toward Haji. The petal's surrounded him, if he were to hit one the water would simply fall apart but when the second layer came the water would only wrap around him. What would he do ?
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-06-02
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Kekkei Genkai : Kokorobosoi shin

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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2009, 10:44 pm

Haji quickly cut through the first layer of petals, he rushed foward using his hidden powers he took flight with her wings, she dove toward the lotus of water that lay in plain view, he was going to rip it apart.
The second layer shot off toward Haji with intinct as he flew toward Aya in means to harm her. Haji dodged the first two, but the others connected together and formed a wide shield to cover his path. Suddenly the shield slipt into tiny marbles of water. He could detect something was different from the first, Aya had laced them with chakra. Some were going to follow Haji and attack his body with sharp pressure. He spiraled through them with quick speed, but some keep up with him. They flew at his pounding his body like boulders.
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-06-02
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Kokorobosoi shin

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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2009, 10:52 pm

As thew last few layers struck Haji's side's as well as his stomach. The last layer released Aya from her fun, she stood to her feet holding her ground she was completely wet. Her hair was dripping with water she decided to have some fun so she turned the water in her hair into ice and the few drops that were left were turned into snow flakes.
The pool of water that was on the ground was not going to be wasted. Aya coilled her fingers around her arms they were crossed over her chest. As she did this the water on the ground ran up her legs to her waist then up to her chest. The water then took the form of a flowing blue dress. It moved easliy with her body. The rest of the water formed within her hand and created a long sword made with tiny breakable crstyals. She ran her fingers along the blade of the sowrd and the molecules tightened willing.
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-06-02
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Kekkei Genkai : Kokorobosoi shin

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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2009, 10:58 pm

Aya quickly rushed foward toward Haji. Her sword was so long that she could place the sword at least 3 feet in range from him. She smiled as she slashed her sword out sending tiny blades of the sword at Haji, the water that was depleted gathered from the source that was surrounding to build the sword right back up.
He stammered as she met her challeged, he dodged the tiny blade they're was enough spoce to evade them quickly. Haji slammed his sword down on her blade, which caused her to retreat a few steps back. She used her other hand to push on her own blade to hold it steady. Aya used the water from her dress to wrap around Haji so that he couldn't really escape.
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2009, 11:05 pm

Aya quickly leaped into the air, feeling herself slipping away from her sanity. As she landed on the ground the water that was placed on her body like garments turned into simply that water. Then the outlayer fell as well. She took in deep breathes but she continued to have a hard time taking in enough air. She was completely naked as always. She rose her hand to the sky and her clothes materilized from the sky. She had hid them in a pocket of space. She learned that trick from her good friend Sylvtri. Her clothes fell on her, she was to tired to really put them on.
Haji was at her side attending to her needs, her dressed her then her picked her up in his arms.
"Tak-e me home Haji-san"
"If that is your wish."
Haji quickly took flight as he carried her back to Rozalyn's home, back to her room.
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-06-02
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Kekkei Genkai : Kokorobosoi shin

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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1July 4th 2009, 9:58 pm

Aya created a fire lotus, a earth lotus as well as the rest of the elements.
She didn't intend to completely get involved with all of them.
She sighed with relief now that her training was over.
Aya ran over to him hugging him tightly.
"Let's go home now."
"If that is your wish."
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Kekkei Genkai : Kokorobosoi shin

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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1July 16th 2009, 4:53 pm

"Uhm..I haven't been here in a while. It sure smells like haji, even--though he's already gone."
Aya smiled to herself as she looked up the blue sky.
She gently closed her tierd eyes as she did she felt something within her change it's shape as well. When she opened them again she was on all four.
What's going on
Maybe it's another dream
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1September 16th 2009, 8:18 am

*Reminder for me*
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1September 16th 2009, 8:26 am

Asha formed onto the field, her lovely bubble form shifted into a state of mist then formed back into a liquid form and took the shape of a bat. Asha was circling around her head calling out her name with joy. 'I have not seen you in a while'

"I know !"
"I've been a bit busy love."
Asha flapped her wings in the hair and two blast of water shot out of her wings and turned into ice spears as the temperture changed around Asha's wings.
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1September 16th 2009, 9:00 am

Aya noticed the drop in temperture fairly quickly, she dodged back to avoid the spears that had landed at her feet as if to inpale her where she once stood.
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1September 18th 2009, 1:05 pm

"Asha, lets do some light weight training today I need to excel your skills."
Asha took the form of Aya herself, creating a clone of water that had the same integumentary as well as the same organs. Aya smirked at Asha her look was flawless except for the fact that her hands were glowing with a trance of dark aura around them.
"Whips of the sea !"
Asha leaped into the air from where she stood, her ponytail flapping around against the breeze of the wind.
Her hand slashed in a down ward motion which had simultaneously caused a long trail of water to drip from her fingertips. Sending the steam down toward the ground the whip had crackled as Asha shifted the movement of her hand slightly.
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Anima of the Depths
Anima of the Depths

Posts : 317
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Repeating my sins... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1September 18th 2009, 1:10 pm

Aya rushed foward scanning the field she saw the whip touch down onto the earth it was...heavy. A large crater was left with it's gentle thud of excitement, Aya quickly leaped into the air pulling in the hydrogen within her surrounding area.
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PostSubject: Re: Repeating my sins...   Repeating my sins... Icon_minitime1

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