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PostSubject: Dream Archive.   Dream Archive. Icon_minitime1July 15th 2009, 9:41 pm

The Lost Pieces of Aeon's Memory

=-A Dream-=

=-A group of people are staring at someone, angry scowls and sorrowful frowns amongst their face. Even little kids look viscious. Everything that is happening appears to be in a civilization in the sky. The large area appers to be falling. A man glowing and bloody looks back at the people. A look of sadness on his face. A young woman speaks up-=

???: Why? We could have done this another way.

Glowing Persona: There wasn't any time....

=-A young teen boy with a Katana at his side walks next to the young lady-=

???: You're going to leave us all behind! What about everything!?

Glowing Persona: Everything....is the price I'm going to pay... =-The man begins to glow even brighter as he jumps, descending to a world below, covering with dark glyphs

=-The voices of a few people can be heard-=
???: Come back A---!!!



=-A man in a cloak crashes to the ground, landing in a fountain on the outskirts of a town. A young woman accompanied by what appear to be knights is walking by as she sees the man in the fountain. Her long pink and white hair, stops at the waist of her long white and red dress. Seems like it could get tangles in the various belts around her hips-=

???: You're going to get in trouble for playing with that fountain. Need some help?

The Man: =-The man groans as he attempts to lift himself up, tired he fails and just lays there-= No, I'm fine.....

???: =-She giggles-= Alright then. =-She waves as she smiles heading off with the two knights-= Don't miss the celebration. =-Fireworks and ballons float in the sky above the town.-=

=-A sound like a screen cracking echoes throughout as the memories fade away-=


=-The man finally stands up from the fountain-=
Man: A celebration huh? =-The man looks toward the small town as the ballons and fireworks continue to rise. He walks to the town. Once in town he see the various people laughing with happy smiles-=

=-A teenage boy walks up to the man. He has a ball of candy on a stick in one hand, a drink in the other.-=
Teenage Boy: HEY! Come on and CELEBRATE! =-burp-= Seion just left on her journey! Come on, come on you know she's going to make a new world for us!
Man: Make a new world? =-The man chuckles-= Sure. =-The man waves as he walks off-=

=-The man walks through the town observing the people and their celebration.-=
Man: A celebration for a new world? =-The man chuckles once more. As he travels he spots a house a little ways away from the celebration. He heads that way hoping someone would be home.-=

Man: Excuse me. =-The man knocks on the door-= Is anyone here?
???: Turn around, kid.
Man: =-The man turns around to see a lady with a nice height. She has a petite build and nice body. Her face smooth. But her white hair and stern eyes give away the fact that she's old..-= ummm?
=-The man looks at the young woman next to the old lady. It's the same girl from before:
The girl: I thought you were going to sit in the fountain? =-She laughs as her and the old lady walk past me and open the door-=
The Old Lady: Come on in!! =-Her firm voice makes the man stand up straight and walk inside.-=
Man: Yes maam!
=-I walk into the room as the Old Lady tells me to have a seat-=
The Old Lady: So what did you want?
Man: Well, I'd like to know where I am.
The Old Lady. We are in Nemui, The Sleepy Town...
Man: Nemui.......
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PostSubject: Re: Dream Archive.   Dream Archive. Icon_minitime1July 15th 2009, 11:03 pm


=-The dreams continues from where it left off. The man now speaking with the Old Lady and the young woman he met by the fountain-=

Man:Nemui...... =-A face of confusion lies on the man's face, the name of the town isn't familiar to him-=

Fountain Girl: Something wrong? =-The Fountain Girl takes a seat on the arm of a chair. The Old Lady then takes a seat in the same chair, she takes a sip from a cup that she is drinking.-= Hey Grandma, is there any more? =-The Fountain Girl points to the drink in the old lady's hand-=

The Old Lady: Yes, Seion....but you need to hurry child!

Seion: Yes yes, Grandma! =-The young woman walks into the kitchen. Her long pink and white hair flowing as she walks away-=

=-The man touches his chin, that name sounds familiar-=
Man: Excuse me, maam. =-I gain the attention of Seion's Grandmother-= You're granddaughter...just who is she?

Seion's Grandmother: Boy are you daft? Seion is the one who will create a new world for us.

Man: Create a new world? =-The man's disbelief must be more than apparent as the Grandmother begins to laugh-=

Seion's Grandmother: Don't believe me, huh? That's fine, but you're the only one in the world who thinks it isn't possible. Just who are you boy?

Man: Not that it matters, but =-The man's face finally comes into view-= I'm Aeon Revorse.
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PostSubject: Re: Dream Archive.   Dream Archive. Icon_minitime1July 20th 2009, 3:04 pm


Seion's Grandmonther: Revorse? That's a unique name.

Aeon: I suppose, I don't know anyone else with the name. =-I shake my head. I quickly try to get back to the subject at hand-= So Seion, she's going to create a new world? Would you mind explaining how?

Seion's Grandmother: Is there really a point in explaining to someone who doesn't believe? =-Seion's grandmother crosses her arms, her breast lay upon them like huge bags!-= I'm not going to waste my time or breath. Don't you feel the same Revorse??

Aeon: That's smart, maam.

=-Seion comes back into the room with two cups. She walks over to me and hands me a cup-=
Seion: So your name's Aeon Revorse. That's a pretty name. =-She smiles as she looks to the drink-= Try it. It's good.

Aeon: Well it smells good, =-I tilt the cup around, swishing the liquid inside of it. The steam just rises from the cup. I take a sip as the flavor hits me. It sweet and cold-= It's cold...

Seion: Well yeah, you've never had Ever-Tea?

Aeon: Ever-Tea?? =-I raise my eyebrow at the name of the drink-=

Seion's Grandmother: Ever-Tea is the name of the tea that comes from the chilly areas of Everchill. Because it's warmer than most drink in that area, they refer to it as a tea.

Aeon: Where's Everchill? =-The constant question from me, causes the grandmother and daughter to look at each other-=

Seion: Are you okay? You don't seem to know anything...

Aeon: Well.......

=-The memory fades I begin to awaken-=
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PostSubject: Re: Dream Archive.   Dream Archive. Icon_minitime1July 20th 2009, 10:03 pm

Seion: Are you okay? You don't seem to know anything...

Aeon:Well....... =-I didn't want to give any more information than I thought was necessary. Telling them I'm not from around here could raise even more suspicions-= ....I hit my head pretty hard when I fell into the fountain. Everything's a bit fuzzy still.

Seion's Grandmother: You fell into the fountain?? =-She seems wary of my answer..she had every right to be. Fell was and understatment, plummet would be the best word.-= Something is fuzzy with you...

Seion: Grandma, don't be mean...=-Seion smiles at her grandmother. A loud roar of townspeople can be heard outside-= They sure are enjoying the celebration

Aeon: =-My eyes sharpen, and my body tenses.-= That wasn't a celebratory yell.... =-The three of us stand up heading to the door. As we make it outside, we see a large crowd heading toward the house. The drunk from earlier and a knight of sorts lead the pack-=

Drunk: THAT'S THE GUY!! He doesn't believe in Seion! He's probably here to kill her!! or feel her up, or sumfthign!

???Knight: Thank you, sir...now get some rest. ((Imagine this knight like Suzaku, but more of a bitch)) =-The knight is in full armor. A sheild on his back and sword at his side. A armor of white and gold. He seems to be of a high position. He helmet massive and full of decoration seems as if it would take days to craft. Even nook and cranny glowing clean. He pulls the sheild from his back and holds it firm ready for battle.-= You, he of doubt. The fact that you do not believe in our new world is very upsetting, but if that is the case, your presense around Seion can be nothing but negative. You shall come with me. =-This knight is really intent on bringing me in-=

Aeon: You only prove of me not believing in Seion, is from the mouth of a drunk. Can you really trust that? =-My answer is calm as not to start trouble-=

???Knight: Then why is it that you are so relaxed?! Any one of us would show instant anger if someone were to believe that we doubted Seion. You show no signs of anger. You don't know how important Seion is!!! =-The knight draws his blade. It's brillant gold and white colors are magnificent, an unique energy can be felt from it.-= I, Chuugi Vanalos, of the Chuugi family, will not appreciate your action.

Aeon: Dammit.... =-I reach behind me, ready to draw Seiryoku. This Vanalos wasn't playing anygames, but I had to be ready-= I'm innocent, and I'll fight you to prove it!
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PostSubject: Re: Dream Archive.   Dream Archive. Icon_minitime1July 20th 2009, 11:19 pm

Vanalos: Let us begin!!

Aeon: Whatevs! =-I sigh as I lunge at Vanalos, I slash at Vanalos a swift strike to the chest. Vanalos quicklt brings his shield upward, deflecting the attack. Pushing forward on the shield, he pushes me back. I backflip and regain control, I close in with slashes keeping the pressure on Vanalos. He sheild just taking every slash. He deflect the slashes using a much energy as I am.-= Why don't we just stop this, you haven't the slight piece of proof. Besides....=-I dodge a thurst from Vanalos and take the chance, I launch a powerful knee to him, but before I know it his shield is there blocking the attack-=........it's not a crime to have a thought! =-I launch another powerful kick, creating distance-=

Vanalos: Any ill will toward Seion is to upset a god! Seion will create a new world, a world we are desperate for!! =-Vanalos holds his sword directly in front of him and close his eyes.-= How could you doubt....you are a fool. I will not allow anyone whose foul spirit could effect Seion to live! =-He opens his eyes, his blade glowing a brilliant shade of gold-=

Seion: Van please stop!!

Vanalos: DIE!! =-His blade instanly grows in size, almost the size of a water tower. He brings down the golden blade, the ground ripping apart from its strengh-=

Aeon: =-Seiryoku increasing to the same size, although the size addition is Burst Chakra. I clash with Vanalos's strike, a wild release of energies is sent flying througout the town.-= Would you listen!? I'm not here to taint anyone! Can't you understand that!?

Vanalos: BE SILENT!! =-He increasing his energy output, the town begins to rumble and shake-=

Seion: Stop please!! =-As Seion yells at us to stop, the area around her body glows a holy white. Her hands clasped as if she was praying. The energy from Vanalos and I stop clashing as the blades are instantly brought down to normal size. Seion stumbles as she starts to walk toward us.-= Stop it..please? =-Her smile fades as she hits the ground-=

Vanalos: SEION!! =-Dropping his blade he runs over to her-=

Aeon: =-I exhale heavily, I'm tired from the clash-= It's one thing after another.....
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PostSubject: Re: Dream Archive.   Dream Archive. Icon_minitime1July 21st 2009, 10:07 pm

=-Seion's grandmother quickly picks up Seion.-=
Seion's Grandmother: Vanalos come with me! =-Vanalas nods as they begin to run into the house. Mummurs can be heard in the crowd. 'What happened to Seion, it's that mans fault, Chuugi was trying to help,that man is a demon, what's going to happen, GET HIM!!. The towns members circle me, they have eyes filled with anger, their bodies clearly tense. I drop my blades on the ground as they villagers grap me and tie me up.-=

Voice: You're fucked now! Rot in hell! =-The Villagers take me to a large well, the well was not that far from Seion's house. A few villagers with staves walk forward, they say a few words talking in complete focus. The well water glows a shining blue, lighting up the sky.-=

Aeon: =-I notice how the well water glowing lights up the town. So much happened, I didn't even notice it was nighttime.-= Night already?

Villager: SHUT UP!! =-The man pushes me into the well. It's not water, more like a portal. Just as quickly as I was thrown in, I land on the ground. A large man picks up me, he releases my chains, but quickly hangs me to a wall nearby, outstreched looking toward the town-=

Large Man: It's going to be fun, helping kill you! The villagers will be here soon

Aeon: ??? =-I raise an eyebrow to the man-= You people are crazy. Why didn't the people just bring me here?

Large Man: Cause of this. =-The man jabs a large needle in my side-= They want you to feel the most pain possible Tha's where I came in. Your disrespect to Seion won't be acceptable. That will increase your bodily sensations my an extreme amount. Can you imagine what it was used for?

Aeon: Obviously torture...... look why are you even talking to me?

Large man: =-Ignoring my question he keeps talking-= Nope, ya wrong! It's used for sex. Way back when, a traveling merchant come to us selling various things. The mayor at the time was a big old sex fiend! Him and his wife would go ahead with various public displays....only reason he was still in his position cause he had a good head on his shoulders. Could make the best damn decisions ever!

Aeon: LOOK! I don't care!

Large Man. Shut up! I'm talking. =-The man punches me in the chest, I gasp hard, the pain from the punch was unreal.-= it's working huh! Hell yeah! playtime!! =-The man cracks his knuckles, ready to pound-=
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PostSubject: Re: Dream Archive.   Dream Archive. Icon_minitime1April 3rd 2010, 9:13 pm

MEANWHILE Vanalos along with a few important villagers and Seion’s Grandmother overlook the sleeping Seion.

Important Villager1: “That unruly bastard should be put to death!!”

Important Villager2: “No. Did you not see his power?! Imagine if that were ours”

ImportantV1: “No way in hell! He doesn’t seem to want to change!”

Important V2: “How can you assume that? You’ve never spoke with him.”

As the two elders bicker Vanalos’s mind drift to Aeon. He starts to scowl an elborate mask of anger covers his face.

Grandmother: “You care for Seion don’t you??”

Shocked by the question Van begins to nervously fidget around, but quickly gains his composure and bows to Grandmother.

Van: “Please allow me another chance at this man.”

Seion begins to stir in her sleep, slowing waking up.
Seion: “No……” Seion rubs her eyes sleepily. “I don’t feel he’s here to cause harm”
Van: “But, he’s the reason for your collapse!”
Seion: “No that’s my own fault….I just wanted the fighting to end”
Seion wraps her arms around herself and she smiles up at Van. “Just please don’t hurt him”
ImportantV1: “So what are we gonna do?!”
Grandmother: “If its bothering you that much, we can just have him leave the village. He would tag along with Seion and Van”
Seion: “Really?” Seion seems excited about this piece of news.
Van: “Why?! For what reasons!!” Van’s anger is just spilling out at this point.
Grandmother: “His strength could be valuable to us. Also if he’s as evil as you suspect him to be, he would slip up as he gets more comfortable with you and Seion. If such events unfold and he shows the ill will he bears toward Seion…..you can dispose of him.”

The room falls silent. A long night will pass as the group dwells on the decision. Back with the inquisitor things are rough. Angrily I stare at my feet.

Aeon: Why, why can’t I control my chakra…this guy should be nothing to me…
Inquisitor: “Had enough? HAHa nope don’t think so. ARRRH!!” He jumps back ready to strike as a voice is heard.
???: “Send him up now.” The inquisitor grumbles as he unchains me and tosses me into a glass mirror. It’s a portal and I appear on the other side of it in a flash. Looking up I see Van Seion and her grandmother.
Aeon: “The hell’s next?”
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PostSubject: Re: Dream Archive.   Dream Archive. Icon_minitime1April 24th 2010, 11:37 pm

Seion “Oh you’re hurt?!” “Seion rushes over to me a place her open palm inches from my forehead. Van grips the pommel of his sword tightly. Seion kind actions toward me aggravates him to no end. “This should make things better” her hand band begins to glow pink as a pink aura wraps around my body, healing my wounds from early giving me a refreshed feeling.

Aeon: “Interesting. I wish I had time to learn about her powers….” my thoughts are quickly ended by Seion popping right in my face.

Seion: “So are you okay, Mr.Revorse?” She looks at me with calm and caring eyes. The sunlight bright behind her.

Aeon: “Yeah, thanks a lot.” As I begin to rise up Granny quickly approaches me and kick me back to the ground. I raise an eyebrow as I look to her. “…ummm why?”

Granny: “I have something to tell you. So sit down and listen.” She begins to pace back and forth calmly.

Aeon: “Tsk! I’m already sitting you didn’t have to kick me…..”

Granny: She ignores me as she begins to speak “This is what you are going to do now, you will accompany Van and Seion on their journey.”

Aeon: “The World’s Creation if I recall?” I smile a little, creating a world is a bit farfetched. Van gets angry and scowls.

Granny: “Calm down Van, but yes you are correct. This is what hass been decided and this is what will happen.” The grandmother smiles with a bit of a triumphant glare in her eyes.

Aeon: “Doesn’t seem like I have much choice, do I?”

Granny: “You have a choice, but this is the only choice.”

Aeon: I scowl looking at the grandmother. “It’s the same thing…..”

Granny: “ Does it matter, just get up and go”

Aeon: “Its not like I have much choice. I don’t know a thing about this world at all, so it’d be best to tag along with these people. Maybe we’ll come across someone who can help me and besides Seion and this World Creation. I doubt she can really create a world but I want to see where this path lies.” Standing up I walk toward Seion I take off my belts and blades and hand them to her. “Since I have no choice, I offer my service to your journey.”

Seion: She laugh “This is interesting and I accept your service.” Seion grabs the belts and swords and begins to refashion them on me. Seion grandmother begins to speak

Granny: “Revorse you are now a procter of ‘The World’s Heart’ when you return with her safely after the creation of our new world, you might even be considered a hero.

Aeon: “urg.. Can’t wait” I stick my tongue out at the Granny.

Van: “Enough of this, we should move. Enough time has been wasted.”

Seion: “Sorry Van, you are correct.” She walks up to her Grandmother and gives her a hug. “Bye Grandmother!”

Granny: “I know, take care of Van and little Revorse.”

Seion: “Yes” Seion smiles as she grabs Van’s arm begins to drag him off. I turn around and begin to follow. Seion’s grandmother call out to me one final time.

Granny: “Don’t give your life, there are other Triggers to Salvation”

Aeon; “Huh?” I turn around but Granny is gone “…….” I turn around and run to Van and Seion.
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PostSubject: Re: Dream Archive.   Dream Archive. Icon_minitime1May 1st 2010, 7:20 pm

I catch us with Van and Seion

Van: “Zephyr Canyon then correct?” As we walk Van mentions this place to be our next destination.

Seion: “Sure is, we should be able to get the Wind Sophos there”

Aeon: “What’s a Sophos and what’s the Zephyr Canyon?” I ask the question completely oblivious to how stupid it might seem to Van and Seion.

Van: “Are you sick? You have the nerve to bare ill will toward Seion and have no knowledge of anything.”

Aeon: “I already told you I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Van: “You are annoying”

Aeon: “The same can be said for you” The both of us reach for our blades and scowl at each other.

Seion: “Enough boys” Seion comes in between us and pushes us apart. “I’ll explain everything. That way, you’ll be able to understand a bit more”

Aeon: “Thanks a lot Seion” Van look upset as he turn his head and keeps walking.

Seion: “As you know, this is the World's Creation journey as the World's Heart I have to collect the power and knowledge to create the new world.” During Seion's explanation she holds her hands to her chest and her eyes look like she's in pain.

Aeon: “And these Sophos must somehow me connected to this process?”

Seion: “Correct. The Sophos are a collection of information left behind from those that come before us. In addition to the information, the Sophos house an immense amount of Elemental Energy.”

Van: Van speaks up helping Seion in her explanation. “They are invaluable to this journey. Without the Sophos the journey would be impossible.”

Aeon: As I digest the information I place my hand on my chin. “So what exactly do Sophos look like, and with such invaluable power I'm sure that reaching them will be quite the hassle.”

Van: “I've never been able to see a Sophos, but I do know there are Sophos Guardians. Guardians of the Sophos who require a test before releasing the Sophos.”

Aeon: “A test.....so a battle. That's why the two of us are here?”

Van: “Yes as a Heart's Sheild we must overcome whatever in order to protect Miss Seion.” Van draws his blade and raises it in the air, like a declaration of his job or something.

Aeon: “It would seem to me the Heart's Shield's are just sacrifices to protect Seion..... So back to my other question, how exactly do Sophos look?”

Seion: “From what Granny has told me they haven't took a form other than orbs in thousands of years.

Aeon: “Orbs huh?” I wonder as to way the Sophos would change forms. “Do you know what they looked like before?”

Seion: “Based on what Granny told me, they would change according to exactly what Element they were aligned with as well as the knowledge they held.

Van: Van slams his fist into his hand as if he remembered something. “That's right! I recall now. Back then the Sophos weren't as scare or as grandiose but still powerful nonetheless. They are known as Sophos Artifacts today but just Artifacts in the day. Artifacts were useful for their various powers and purpose, just like tools. Things went quite smoothly, but somehow things got hectic. The Royals began limiting the Artifacts based on a claim that relying too heavily on the Artifacts could be dangerous. The common people agreed, believing that the Artifacts should be considered a gift and advancement and use of the Artifacts should progress slowly. But it was just a lie. The Royals just wanted more Artifacts for themselves, to become powerful.

Seion: “And thus war broke out. Those who rapidly abused the Artifacts and those we were for a controlled gradual advancement. But during the War, the Artifacts were used so rampantly. Regardless of if it was to protect or destroy, it apparently had negative effects to this world. In short, the World is now dying. After the war, the Artifacts vanised. A voice rang out throughout, it declared the diminishing of the Artifacts and replaced them with Sophos. The voice then explained the situation of the World and how the Sophos would help. I'm not entirely sure of how, but a plan was laid out and groups were determined for the restoration of the World..”

Aeon: “So much information...Seion do you mind if I ask a few questions?”

Seion: “Sure go ahead”
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