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 Nathan's Mastery

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Posts : 993
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-06-16
Cool Points (LOL) : 5
Kekkei Genkai : Tamashii Okami

Character sheet
Character Race: Lycan
Character Info (Highlight):

Nathan's Mastery Empty
PostSubject: Nathan's Mastery   Nathan's Mastery Icon_minitime1September 8th 2009, 9:28 pm


--------- Elements Usedl----------
Water Mastery: 57%
Fire Mastery: 54%
Lightning Mastery: 57%
Wind Mastery: 53%
Darkness Mastery: 47%
Earth Mastery: 53%
Light Mastery: 47%
Sound Mastery: 50%

----------Combined Elements-----------
Ice Mastery: 57%
Lava Mastery: 54%
Metal Mastery: 40%
Sand Mastery: 30%
Storm Mastery-54%
Hurricane Mastery-52%
Plasma Mastery-45%
Mud Mastery- 47%
Chaos Mastery-39%

------Basic Stats------
Chakra control: 64%
Chakra pool: Above Average
Speed: A-((enhanced by specific means)) S
Spiritual Pressure: Above-Average
Furyoku: None
Dying Will Flame Mastery:40%

----------Kekkei Genkai Mastery--------------
--Tamashii Okami-72%
--Okami Lightning 58%
--Okami Wind 50%
--Okami Storm 56%
--Okami Flame 52%
--Okami Earth 50%
--Okami Haos 45%
--Okami Haos 45 %

--Okami Magma 47%
--Okami Sand 23%
--Okami Sound 0%
--Okami Ice: 57%
--Okami Lava 54%
--Okami Metal 0%
--Okami Sand 30%
--Okami Storm -54%
--Okami Hurricane52%
--Okami Plasma 45%
--Okami Mud 47%
--Okami Chaos -42%

---------------Other Stats---------------
--Weapon Manipulation: 64%
--Soul Energy Manipulation: 59%
--Shinigami Abilities-73%
--Heightened Senses 70%
--Lycan Ability's 59%
--Taijutsu mastery: 62%
--Genjutsu mastery: 0%
--Ninjutsu mastery: 68%
--Weapon Mastery: 70%
--Yumari 64%
-- Box Weapons 37%

-Nathan has incredible reflexes that allows him to get out of situations that the average ninja cannot.

-Before Nathan becoming a lycan his speed was extremely fast at a young age, it was later when he became a lycan that his speed has doubled and a new found strength was reached as well. He is able to send projectiles at light speed and through certain means he can go into light speed as well

-Nathan has a knack for thinking things on the fly and making good use of the environment around him as well.

-Nathans skeletal structure is that now of adamantium and is able to do things such as the Kayuya clan thanks to his high speed regeneration as well as metal manipulation

-Nathan has learned about the Okami Clan and their KG out of the 7 spirits of the Okami he has unlocked all seven of the elements and now does not require for the tribal markings to show on his body like earlier. how ever the Okami Clan insignia is now tatted on his back

-Nathan now has enough control of his zanpakuto as to know how to use his shikai to his full extent and has learned to use his spiritual pressure.

-Nathan has learned to use his wavelength and soul ability and has bonded with yumari enough to resonate their souls together throughout her different weapon transformations

-Although he may not look it but he is actually a nice guy who usually doesn't show it when around people other then yumari.

-Nathan has achieved bankai which has now allowed him to make his spiritual pressure expand more. His spiritual pressure is now that of as it was at shikai x2

-Nathan overall strength and speed has also increasing dramatically thanks to his training with khrona

-Nathan has two flame types one being Rain which is his dominant the other being Storm sub dominate

Last edited by Nathan on January 2nd 2011, 10:54 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Nathan's Mastery Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nathan's Mastery   Nathan's Mastery Icon_minitime1September 8th 2009, 9:54 pm

"Weapon Mastery: 15% Doubled Bladed Swords 11% Yumari 11% Me & Leo 14% (I do consider myself as a weapon)"

So I was looking through your bio and stuffs and no where did I see that you have some genetic traits of a weapon, as a matter of fact you arent even in the weapon class. You just happen to have a soul partner, but sure max your stuff up, I dont know how an 11%, another 11% and a 14% averages to a 15% but thats just me. Maybe my math is off?
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Posts : 993
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-06-16
Cool Points (LOL) : 5
Kekkei Genkai : Tamashii Okami

Character sheet
Character Race: Lycan
Character Info (Highlight):

Nathan's Mastery Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nathan's Mastery   Nathan's Mastery Icon_minitime1September 8th 2009, 9:58 pm

By considering my self as a weapon I meant me being a lycan not about being an actual weapon, the reason why i got 15% out for me Leo for being together for so long and how much in sync we were. But seeing as i am wrong put it all out to 11%?
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Nathan's Mastery Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nathan's Mastery   Nathan's Mastery Icon_minitime1September 8th 2009, 10:01 pm

My apologies, the wordage was confusing, but everyone considers themselves a weapon, that really isnt anything special hell I consider myself as a WMP. But dont let me tell you how special/badass you are. Keep it the way it is if you choose.
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Posts : 993
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-06-16
Cool Points (LOL) : 5
Kekkei Genkai : Tamashii Okami

Character sheet
Character Race: Lycan
Character Info (Highlight):

Nathan's Mastery Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nathan's Mastery   Nathan's Mastery Icon_minitime1September 8th 2009, 10:03 pm

Oh sweet. and just to make sure WMP is weapon of mass pwnage right?
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Nathan's Mastery Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nathan's Mastery   Nathan's Mastery Icon_minitime1September 8th 2009, 10:09 pm

Nope... nice try though
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan's Mastery   Nathan's Mastery Icon_minitime1September 9th 2009, 2:54 pm

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Posts : 993
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-06-16
Cool Points (LOL) : 5
Kekkei Genkai : Tamashii Okami

Character sheet
Character Race: Lycan
Character Info (Highlight):

Nathan's Mastery Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nathan's Mastery   Nathan's Mastery Icon_minitime1December 24th 2009, 1:58 am

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PostSubject: Re: Nathan's Mastery   Nathan's Mastery Icon_minitime1

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