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 ~Sadira's Mastery...?~

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Sadira Dakini
Phantom Level Member
Phantom Level Member
Sadira Dakini

Posts : 445
Age : 33
Village of Residence : N/A
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 9
Hobbies / Interests : Delivering things, bombs, baking
Kekkei Genkai : Hangetsu no Goudou

~Sadira's Mastery...?~ Empty
PostSubject: ~Sadira's Mastery...?~   ~Sadira's Mastery...?~ Icon_minitime1September 9th 2009, 11:10 pm

Name: Sadira Darude Dakini

Main elements

Fire Mastery: 45%
Lightning Mastery: 0%
Wind Mastery: 39%
Water Mastery: 0%
Darkness Mastery: 0%
Earth master: 3% (in case someone reads my jutsu list and is wondering where the earth is at, I got some sand stuff)
Light Mastery: 0%
Sound Mastery: 0%
Psychic Mastery: 0%
(because this is something I use, I'm addin it) Void/Dimensional/Whatever ya wanna call it Mastery: 27%


Chakra control: 63.37%
Chakra pool: Above Average
Spiritual Pressure: n/a
Furyoku: n/a

Ninja Arts

Kekkei Genkai Mastery: 64.5%
♠️ Hangetsu no Goudou Mastery: 58%
♠️ Bennu Chakra: 13% (this is here because it can only be used with the kekkei genkai. will move if requested)

Taijutsu Mastery: 25%
Genjutsu Mastery: 0%
Ninjutsu Mastery: 62%
Weapon Mastery: 11%
Shinigami Arts Mastery: n/a

Amount of Speed: B+/A- between there somewhere on the ground/A in the air

♠️ 'Bennu chakra' refers to the energy she gets from the ancient Bennu (a type of phoenix) that she happened to accidentally fuse with.

♠️ She cannot use Hangetsu no Goudou to turn into insects or arachnids.

♠️ Her weapon mastery is isn't as high as it could be due to the excessive amount of box throwing.

♠️ Her element mastery is isn't as high as it could be due to the excessive amount of box throwing.

♠️ Said boxes are her greatest weapon.

♠️ Much to the Bennu's dislike, Sadira can use Bennu-sama's energy to grant wishes.

♠️ Her weakness is technology since she can't seem to use it.

♠️ Her Alcohol Tolerance is massive.

♠️ Her 'Sweets Mastery' is over 9000...%.

♠️ Her normal ol' 'Kitchen Mastery' is under 50%.
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~Sadira's Mastery...?~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Sadira's Mastery...?~   ~Sadira's Mastery...?~ Icon_minitime1September 10th 2009, 1:07 am

holy shit she though in some decimals. your all good with me sadi,your all good with me
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~Sadira's Mastery...?~
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