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 Kama's Jutsu

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Posts : 1289
Age : 33
Village of Residence : Twilight Village
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Raikogan

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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 7th 2009, 5:57 am

Raikogan Abilities:

Raikogan: Occular jutsu that allows the user more indepth access/power over lightning, especially in the area of the body/nervous system. It also allows for the control of lightning chakra, and current, and grants that the user can see any amount of electric current no matter the size. Allows user to also see through objects and surroundings, like x-ray vision.
Kama's Jutsu Raikogan

Nerve Seal: five-pronged seal that shuts off all nerve activity, by me absorbing all of their current electricity from their nervous system.

Shinkeikata/Nerve Fist: A style of fightning based off of hitting my opponents nervous system, much like the gentle fist but hitting the nerves instead of the chakra points. Im very fast when using this style, at a blur movement, so blocking will be very hard.

Paralysis jutsu:I hit nerves that paralize my opponents. If I hit a nerve in the arms of legs, then that arm or leg will be paralized. if I hit at the spine I can paralize the entire body.

Dispel Jutsu: using the Raikogan i can inactivate any of my opponents lightning chakra based jutsu.

Lightning Blast: I use the Raikogan to call down lightning from the nearest clouds.

Nerve Healing: I use the raikogan to minipulate my nervious system to speed up my healing factor 25x.

Senkaku Raikogan: Raikogan which can do all of the normal powers of the origanal raikogan, also allows the user to see in a perfect 360 degrees around, as well as at a greater range of sight as well grants a 50% power boost to lightning based jutsu, grants a 50% cut in chakra consumption to all lightning based jutsu, including the following, and can also use three of the six highest forms of lightning: Akaraikou,Aoiraikou, and Pururaikou
Kama's Jutsu SenkakuRaikogan5

Lightning Immortality: Any lightning nature jutsu that hits me will not do damage. I can cancel it out but putting the same amount of electricity in my body at the point of contact with tha same amount of current as the attack.

Kujokokunai: I force my opponents nervious system to attack the rest of their body, which makes their body start to deteriorate at a rapid pace, by hitting certain nerves in the spinal column.

Soujuu Nijuushin: I can control people's clones that they make as my own by taking over the clones weak nervous system. This can be done because the clone is 10x weaker than the original ninja. I must hit the clones to activate this.

Kyoushinshou: I force my opponents to have a heartattck by hitting certain nerves along the spine.

Shinkeiutsu: I start killing off all the nerve cells in my opponents body by sending high volts through their body that their nerves arnt strong enough to handle. 10 sec and you are paralized. 30 sec and you pass out. 1 min and you die.

Akairaikou: It is the strongest of all electric current, 10x stronger. It can even travel though the lowest items of conductivity like rubber as though it were metal. It also can overpower anyother lightning. If subsituted for normal blue lightning in a jutsu, it would increase the jutsu 10 fold in strength.
Kama's Jutsu Thdfwafawf

Aoiraikou: It is the most destructive of all electric current, able to spead though things and break them down on a molecular level. Can turn almost anything to dust, or nothing at all on contact.
Kama's Jutsu ThLightning-Green

Pururaikou: It is the fastest electric current, able to travel from cloud, to ground and back to cloud in the time it takes any other lightning to travel from the cloud to the ground. Basicly its double the speed of any other lightning.
Kama's Jutsu Thlight

Burakkuraikou: This Raikou has the nature to have the highest amount of vibrations of any lightning, as it vibrates trillions of times per second. Thus, when it touches anything solid, or liquid in nature, it can simply make them shatter by force. If it touches anything plasma, or gas, it will travel right through, having the ability to phase through it since it's molecules are moving so fast.
Kama's Jutsu Lightning2

Orjijuraikou: This Raikou as the nature of heat, and has a orange hue to it. It gives off so much heat, that it is the temperature of a star's heat. With that being said, it can burn through almost anything it strikes, and also raises the temperature of the area 100000's of degrees.
Kama's Jutsu Orjijuraikou

Gosairaikou: This Raikou is of a yellow hue and exhibits the enmmense power of sound by giving off constant huge 'thunderclaps' which are sonic booms powerful enough to blast through strong metal, and even create large craters. The sound waves can be directed using the lightning to do so.
Kama's Jutsu Gosairaikou

Forbidden Technique: Senkaku Combination: A fusion of Akaraikou, Aoiraikou, and Pururaikou, to make a new superior lightning that has higher attributes than that of the others provious. It moves at 3x the speed of light, and has the power to turn the moon to dust, if charged correctly. This forbidden lightning is forbidden for a reason, and quickly drains the chakra and strength when I use it. It is pure white in color, and so bright, that it makes the sun seem dim, and dark, making it extremely hard for anyone to see it coming, as it could completely blind someone if they stare at it for more than a minute.

This is what would it would look like from looking at the earth when it is formed.
Kama's Jutsu 3

And this is it, only much, much, much brighter.

If any of these are added to a lightning based jutsu, it will give the jutsu the same advanced effect as the attribute it holds.
These lightning forms are only possibly controled through the Senkaku Raikogan, so anyone who doesnt have this form of Raikogan, cannot control these lighting forms.

Other Lightning Style Jutsu:

Raikireme (Lightning Breaker): My own form of Kakashi's Raikiri. This art enables me to combine my own KG with the Raikiri, and allows it to be much more precise in its power. When it hits, it hits a precise point, and through that point, lightning streams into the rest of whatever is hit. The cutting ability of this is so precise that I can slice individual cells up if needed. The Lightning that is then streamed through also is precise enough to do the same thing to surrounding parts. When formed, hand takes a flat palm.

Raikujiku (Lightning Crusher): Basically the same as the Raikireme, however, with a closed fist. Punch that builds up electric current in the fist, and then when punch is released, the lightning is also released. It has the capability to make craters in the ground what are quite large, and with focus can break through very solid materials.

Raikireme Rajiaru (Radial Lightning Breaker): This is the Raikireme that is spread from every part of my body. It is still extremely percise, and can be used to target all the major organs/nerves in a person's body at the same time, which when hit, could cause instant organ loss/instant paralysis.

Raikireme Tsuppari (Lightning Breaker Thrust): This is a forwards thrust with both hands that projects a straight-forwards wave of streaming lightning, which passes through, and around most objects and continues onwards. The streaming lightning is precise enough to again, slice through cells, damage major organs, and cause instant paralysis.

Nerve Minipulation: gives me the ability to create more nerves to speed up my movement, make me stronger, and heal faster. When this is active, nerves are visible along my entire body, as long bumps.

Lightning Clone Jutsu

Lightning Clone Explosion:clone self-destructs and sends electric current everywhere.

Lightning Taijutsu: I fill my entire body with lightning chakra and due to the destuctive ability of lightning anything I hit, kick, etc. with explode with much force.

Lightning Ground Blast Jutsu: I hit the ground sending lightning throughout it. anyone who touches it will be electricuted and stunned

Lightning Scalpel: I infuse electric current into the scalpel which severs nerve cells as well, and burns when hit.

Static Shield: I make the air around me charged with negative ions. When any taijutsu or physical attck is about to connect with me, the ions create a barrier making the attack the same charge as the ion that is around me, therefore creating a natural force against the attack. This works because 2 ions of the same charge naturally repeal eachother with great force. This barrier deflects all minor attacks (shuriken,kunai, small un-chakra-charged taijutsu attacks,etc.) and most major attacks depending on the speed and skill of the attack. The barrier cannot be controled or minipulated by another person, it is under complete control of my Raikogan. Kama's Jutsu 461760784_aede8502d5

Ion Field: I fill the air with negatively charged ions that I control with my Raikogan. The ions I can use to control objects in almost any way physically. (lift rock,etc)
I can stop attacks that are lanched at me that are physical attacks. I can create barriers in the field which most objects cannot pass though. The ion field cannot be controled or minipulated by anyone else but me, it is undercomplete control of my Raikogan.

Lightning Immortality: Any lightning nature jutsu that hits me will not do damage. I can cancel it out but putting the same amount of electricity in my body at the point of contact with tha same amount of current as the attack.

Water Style Jutsu:

Water Gyser Jutsu: water explodes upward from my enemies feet.

Giant Water Quill Jutsu: forms and thorws giant water needles at opponent.

Water Clone Jutsu

Water Style: Giant Water Vortex Jutsu

Water Style: Water Dragon jutsu

Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu

Hidden Mist Jutsu

Water Style:Water Wall Jutsu: wall of water shoots strait up 30 feet

Water Style: Water Arena Jutsu: circular wall of water surrounding area of water

Water Style: Multiple water geyser jutsu: I can call multiple water geysers out of the ground.

Water Style: Water Bullet: Shoots from mouth or water source a large concentrated ball of water.
Kama's Jutsu Waterbullet

Water Style: Exploding Water Shock Wave: Expel a huge amount of water out of my mouth or scroll and create huge waves on which I ride upon, and take out opponents with the waves/mass of water.

Genjutsu: Although I'm as skilled in genjutsu as I could be, I can still perform exterior genjutsu which means their just chakra that's set up to look like different things, which are also not tangible, and cannot physically hurt you.

Mist Genjutsu: Can use after casting Hidden Mist Jutsu to create chakra based illusions of whatever in the mist, and since my chakra is everywhere in the mist, I can make almost anything anywhere in it, as far as illusions go.

Summoning Style Jutsus:

Summoning Jutsu:: Yochihari: I can summon (giant) porcupines known as Yochihari which are of all sizes and shapes, some as small as a hedgehog (and often mistaken for them) while others are larger than cars. They can shoot their quills out at will, the larger ones able to reach of 10ft in size for quills easily. They have earth chakra and jutsu which they use to dig underground at very fast rates as well as "earth-bend" using it to control the earth under them. They also have sense of smell comparable to that of ninja dogs, so they can be used for tracking and sensing. Porcupines can also curl into a ball, and by sequencing their quills together, create a very hard armor, which will protect them from most attacks.

Summoning Jutsu: can summon Griffins

Water Scroll Summoning: I pull out a water scroll and summon lots of water.

Summoned Animals Jutsu:

Giant Porcupine Mud Trap Jutsu Combination:Me and the Porcupine combine water and earth to form a sticky mud trap in which enemies are stuck to.

Griffin Wind: The griffin uses its wings to create a giant wind storm, 100 mph at least.

Griffin Flame: griffin breaths flame.

Griffin Fire Storm: griffin combines fire and wind to create a flaming wind storm.

Medical Ninjutsu:

Palm Healing: Obvious
Kama's Jutsu Abilities-tsunade-heal

Chakra Scalpel: obvious
Kama's Jutsu Bisturigaara5fq

Medical Art: Secret Restoration Jutsu:I sign and a diagram appears under me. I stand in the middle and am enveloped in greenish light that will immediatly heal all my wounds. Can be used on other people too.
Kama's Jutsu Naruto20-20Ninjutsu20-20Healing20Re

Other Jutsu:

Life-flash Genjutsu: makes my oponent see their most frightening memories in a rapid repenting flash.

Clone Explosion

Fusion Technique: I take water and fuse it with lightning. The water comes completely under my control at this point. The electric current running though it cannot be taken out, stopped, or minipulated in any way because it is under direct control of my Raikogan. The water takes on both liquid and electric charactoristics and will electricute and burn anyone it touches, but it also acts like water in that it flows and shapes the same. The water that has been fused cannot be frozen, minipulated/controled with chakra from other people/animals, and to some extent cannot be evaporated. The water will not harm me because of my lightning immortality (shown above.)

Water Fusion Gyser Jutsu: Fused water shoots upward vertically

Water Fusion Rain Jutsu: I send my fused water into the sky where in comes down in a hard shocking rain.

Water Fusion Needles Jutsu: The fused water forms many many needles that I can shoot at my opponent from any direction. The needles act jutsu like senbon made of water but they also electricute the target.

Water Fusion Dragon Jutsu: I form a dragon out of the fused water. Like normal water dragon but electricutes.

Water Fusion Tidal Wave Jutsu: I make the fused water form a huge tsunami like wave that takes everything with it but also electricutes everything it touches.

Taijutsu Forms:

Water Palm: I create water bubbles around each of my hands. I am then able to manipulate my opponents body water contentand manipulate the water in the bubbles, shaping them as I see fit. I can make the water expand and shoot outward or become thin around my hands, like discs. (this is only two examples of many more possibilities) Whatever part of the body I hit will be pushed outward with great force or will stick to my hands, depending on what I want. This is a more defensive style though it can be used to attack. The style uses open palm attacks and parries, much like the Hyuga clan’s Gentle Fist or Soft Boxing.

Wind Palm: I create condensed disks of wind around my palms. They can be used to cut almost anything, even metal, by slashing my palms threw things. I can also blast objects/opponents away from me by using my open palms. If I hit my opponents chest and add more wind chakra, I can even make my opponents lungs explode. This is a more balanced style, using both offensive and defensive moves. Much like the water palm style above, only with wind.


Storm Mode: Im able to transform myself into lightning.

Cloud Manipulation: With my advancing power over water, I can manipulate clouds.

Storm Nimbus Creation/Manipulation: I can create a Nimbus which is basicly just like the fusion technique, but lightning is fused with water in the form of a cloud. A Nimbus has a few differences from a normal cloud. A Nimbus is completely solid, so it creates a great defense. A nimbus is also very wispy cloud, grayish in color, although still slightly puffy. They are also brimming with lightning, so they I can easily use them to create lightning jutsu, and composed of water, so I can use water jutsu through them too. They are very tough, most weapons and jutsu wont damage them, they are resistant to heat, water, wind, and earth elements. Nimbuses

Nimbus Form: Advanced form, stronger than storm mode, that transforms me into a nimbus like beast. Must have storm mode activated first. It gives me 100x my orginial strength and defense, though Im the same speed. most attacks just get absorbed, or deflected.
Kama's Jutsu NimbusMode

Nimbus Beast: Basically the same as above, except Im not in them. They are beasts much like clones, which are quite strong and fast. They are about the same size as my Nimbus form, or a little smaller. (same pic as above)

Nimbus Clones: Clones Made from a nimbus cloud, they are not like normal clones that puff away as soon as hit. Nimbus clones are closer to actual clones and take some damage before dispersing. They are only 1/2 the strength of the original used, instead of the 1/10 of the original user, so they are still quite strong. They also retain my lightning quick speed. They also can blend into a cloud, becoming the same substance as the cloud therefore, becoming momentarily invulnerable.

Akakumo (Bloody Nimbus): Storm Nimbus tech combined with Akairaikou. This combination creates Nimbus which is 10x stronger than before, making the Nimbus very resistant, and even harder to destroy or break through. Since it is also flowing with Akairaikou at the same time, it makes it super conductive, anything touching it would have Akairaikou suddenly conducted through it, and also almost totally resistant to all types of electrical current, since Akairaikou is able to overpower almost any other type of Raikou or lightning.

Kama's Jutsu Red_clouds

Because of the Conduit Ring, Im able to access wind chakra and wind jutsu.

Wind Style Jutsu:

Wind Style: Wind Dome: By Pouring out chakra from all the points in my body, Im able to create a swirling dome of wind around me, that would push away most objects, and people. Can be used to blast away surroundings, but creating a consentrated dome and then releasing it outward like a radial blast.
Kama's Jutsu WindShield
Wind Style: Wind Slash: can release slashes of wind that cut through objects in their path. Cant cut through harder substances if more chakra is applied.

Wind Bullet: Shoots concentrated blast of wind/air out of mouth at opponent/object that will cut its way though and blast away the opponent/object.
Kama's Jutsu Winddrillingairprojectile

Wind Style: Hurricane Wall: Creates a large tornado vortex of wind either around me to protect me, or somewhere else, to do some other task. Powerful enough to throw/pick up a a train, cars and all, and throw it/tear it apart, since its kinda destructive. can tear metals apart.
Kama's Jutsu HurricaneWall

Wind Style: Wind Dragon Current: Creates a large stream of wind that forms in the shape of a dragon, and shoots towards opponents, throwing them back if hit and tears them apart.

Wind Style: Wind Drill: Makes wind rotate around my arm, so that a spinning point is created at the end of my hand that I can use to drill through things, and opponents.

Wind Edge: makes wind chakra from around any weapon that I hold, making the sharpness of that weapon increase 10x so that it can cut through most materials.

Last edited by Kama on January 26th 2011, 11:46 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 23rd 2009, 9:13 am

Note on Akairaikou, Aoiraikou, and Pururaikou: Since people are getting confused, I will offer an explication: These are not lightning. though they take the shape and speed, or greater speed of lightning they are not lightning. They have some similar traits, that is why I compare them to lightning, but as I said before, they are not lightning. They are forces that are directly controlled by the Senkaku Raikogan. thats why no one else can control/ absorb them, because you dont have my Senkaku Raikogan, and on a larger scale, are not of my clan, and don't have my Kekkei Gankai. If there is any questions I will gladly answer them.
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 23rd 2009, 7:57 pm

Kama wrote:
Akairaikou: It is the strongest of all electric current, 10x stronger. It can even travel though the lowest items of conductivity like rubber as though it were metal. It also can overpower anyother lightning. If subsituted for normal blue lightning in a jutsu, it would increase the jutsu 10 fold in strength.
Kama's Jutsu Thdfwafawf

Aoiraikou: It is the most destructive of all electric current, able to spead though things and break them down on a molecular level. Can turn almost anything to dust, or nothing at all on contact.
Kama's Jutsu ThLightning-Green

Pururaikou: It is the fastest electric current, able to travel from cloud, to ground and back to cloud in the time it takes any other lightning to travel from the cloud to the ground. Basicly its double the speed of any other lightning.
Kama's Jutsu Thlight

Forbidden Technique: Senkaku Combination: A fusion of Akaraikou, Aoiraikou, and Pururaikou, to make a new superior lightning that has higher attributes than that of the others provious. It moves at 3x the speed of light, and has the power to turn the moon to dust, if charged correctly. This forbidden lightning is forbidden for a reason, and quickly drains the chakra and strength when I use it. It is pure white in color, and so bright, that it makes the sun seem dim, and dark, making it extremely hard for anyone to see it coming, as it could completely blind someone if they stare at it for more than a minute.


Heres a question for you Kama:

If these Special "Forces" That are no set energy for some reason aren't lightning, then why the hell do you say they are "electrical currents" in each post with every single one of them? If they have an electrical current no, they don't have to be lightning, but an electrical current is an electrical current, which regardlessly is a type of electricity just like lightning is. Unless these aren't "electrical currents" and are something else, but then you would have contradicted yourself. So in addition to answering this, can you explain what it is excately? Since "forces" is very vague.
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 23rd 2009, 8:03 pm

yeah what chicky said. I would like to hear this explanation myself.
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 10:24 pm

By saying electrical currents, I'm actually comparing them, since as I said, they have similar traits to lightning, then I'm comparing how they are similar by say something such as "its current is 10x stronger than lightning" or something to that effect. Since they are similar I compare them in the same terms. Does that make sense?
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 10:30 pm

yeah but what would this force be then if it's stronger then lightning but the same in every way except strength . everything vomes back to the main elements so this would be lighting....
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hisoka yuudai

hisoka yuudai

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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 10:55 pm

okay, so I'm guessing that Kama is saying that its lightning but at the same time its not....like Zeik's Hellfire, its fire but its not, and Ken's Plants which are plants but not plants at the same time, so while his moves are akin to lightning, they're not........am I in the right ballpark Kama?
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 10:56 pm

Exactly, took the words right out of my mouth XD.
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 10:59 pm

Whether your right or not, the question still stands: What-The-Fuck-Is-It. Same goes for Zeik and Ken, hell, my "Onyx Roses" are part of my kekkei genkai but when they get easily cut for being vines and roses, then they get cut for being vines and roses.
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hisoka yuudai

hisoka yuudai

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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 11:07 pm

I would say that its a different element in its own....something on one if familiar with, but its based in chakra if that helps at all, but thats just its base.....Its a lightning that isn't lightning but does lightning things...lol
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 11:09 pm

We have discussed these types of things and it all comes back to the major elements. just classify it as lightning. if you class it differently it's just you being childish cause you don't want it to have a weakness
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hisoka yuudai

hisoka yuudai

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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 11:12 pm

okay, so if we classify everything down to the basic elements.....it will be classified as lightning
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 11:16 pm

Oh so your saying I'm being childish? I don't think so....Its characteristics is that of lightning, but it doesn't act completely like lightning in that it goes beyond what lightning could ever do, so its like Hisoka said, though it could be classified as lightning, its not really lightning in a sense. But we'll classify as such, sure....
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1June 3rd 2009, 9:55 pm

Obtained from recent mission, and training with arashi:

Water Style: Water Falcon Missiles: Causes multipule spires to shoot out of a water source, take the form of falcons, and shoot towards a opponent at high speeds.

Suko-ru Raikogan: New Raikogan, with abilities that I myself are unaware of, but it seems to involve the power of water, wind, and lightning combined.
Kama's Jutsu White_eye_7
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1June 11th 2009, 5:38 pm

Obtained from mission/training:

Combustion Style Jutsu: I can make my lightning and wind combine, making the oxygen in the air combust by the lightning hitting them. Any lightning I or my opponent puts forth, with some exception, can be combusted.
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1July 5th 2009, 11:18 pm

Obtained from L. in the Twilight......

Geass: Nullification: Once activated, anyone who I look at loses their ability to use their Kekkei Gankai (bloodline trait) or in the case of them not having one, their main special trait or ability. Once they step out of my line of sight again, they gain it back. Geass is not always active, therefore must be activated to work ((duh)).

((note: this is already approved by Mahk-x via pm, if you have a problem P.M. me and him....))

Shock Theropy: Used to revive people, restarts their heart using electricity, and I regenerate them too if their body isn't whole....
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Kama's Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1July 6th 2009, 4:55 pm

From the mission with Unknown, I have been given the power if Glacius

Glacius: The ability to lower the temperatures/create ice/freeze that are temperatures just above absolute zero, which can even freeze plasma ((depending on the plasma)). When formed it is extremely hard, almost unbreakable, and can freeze almost anything that comes into contact with it. When Glacius freezes things, they are extremely hard to break, so it shattering is very unlikely UNLESS: I can structure the freezing to make it unstable, so that it will shatter, this takes more chakra, and once shattered, anything that comes into contact with the shards of it will also freeze. It is used by me in two ways:

1. By breath/wind: When used here, either I breath on things to freeze them, or create a aura that is extremely cold. or I make gusts of wind that basiclly do the same as breathing on things.

2. By Contact: once touched, either directly or indirectly (if I touch my sword to something it can also freeze) then I can cause that thing I touched to freeze.

The contact freezing drops the temp to almost a 1/2 of a degree above the absolute zero, while the wind/breath is a few degrees above that.....

I can also make the Glacius into a swirling ball of supercooled air and ice, kinda like a rasengan, that I can throw, or hit things with ((like a rasengan)) to freeze and destroy things.
Kama's Jutsu NovaAbsoluteZero_main_image

Combining Glacius with Nimbus: Coming soon ((must expiriment with it first)) hehehehe......

Last edited by Kama on July 7th 2009, 12:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

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PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1July 6th 2009, 5:08 pm

Hey I had that abilty first Damn you Kama!!! XD
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PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1July 6th 2009, 5:09 pm

HUH>>>? When since......is it named the same...?
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

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PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1July 6th 2009, 5:11 pm

When. Back in the nightmare.

Yes it is named the same mine does basicaaly the same thing your does besides the plsma stuff since i dont know wth is it. And mine is i think below absolute zero dont know i might have to check
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PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1July 6th 2009, 8:52 pm

K....Im sorry Akarui I didnt know you had this, otherwise I wouldn't have asked Unknown to give me it in the mission......I dont want to steal your idea....

Would you like me to change the name or just delete it and think up a new idea for the mission....?
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

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PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1July 6th 2009, 10:33 pm

You could change the name or just think of something else I really dont mind
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PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1July 7th 2009, 12:03 am

Alrighty.....I will think on it, and let you know.....thanks.....
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PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1July 7th 2009, 12:49 am

Now Edited!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Kama's Jutsu   Kama's Jutsu Icon_minitime1September 13th 2009, 12:03 am

In Training with Retsu, I have created the following Jutsu

Typhoon Vortex Technique: it makes a water and wind vortex, that smashes, and cuts its way through most anything in its path. Its twice as strong as a tornado, and lasts twice as long, and is twice as resistant against elemental attacks. Also can be used to block wind enhanced flames.

Fight With Unicron:

Fuhen Raikou (Everlasting Lightning): This lightning is only avalible when Suko-ru Raikogan is activated. This lightning does not run on ions, and its current never dies. It thus takes less energy to maintain, and about the same amount to control. It is a slivery white lightning in appearence, and since it never dies out, it can basically out do any other lightning. If it would be absorbed by someone else without the power to control it, it would overload them, and kill them almost instantly. It travels at the same rate as normal lightning, but it can also travel through mediums in which normal lightning could not, since it never dies out.

(Fuhen Raikou)
Kama's Jutsu Lightning

Fuhen Storm Mode: In this, my body is made of the Fuhen Raikou, giving my body all of its attributes. This form allows me to space travel, as the Fuhen can travel through space, since it doesn't run on ions.

(Fuhen Storm Mode)
Kama's Jutsu EverlastingLightning

From Training With Raichin, I have gained these following abilities:

Orjijuraikou, Gosairaikou, Burakkuraikou: (see first page, first post)

Suko-ru Senjutsu Art (Storm Sage Senjutsu): This enables me to absorb chakra from the following jutsu styles/natural elements: Water, Wind, Lightning, Ice/Cold. When such jutsus are used against me, I can absorb the majority of them, and use them as chakra, and thus I'm almost immune to them, for the most part. It also allows me to recycle chakra from my own attacks, thus, when I'm using storm attacks, I'm actually using way less chakra.

Kouten Storms: These are some of the most powerful storms that exist. They can be produced when the Suko-ru is activated. These storms exhibit chaotic power, winds that move 1000's mph, lightning, rain, and hail all blasting around to create an enviroment in which a person who got even within a few yards from it would be torn to pieces smaller then dust, or sucked into and the same. These storms are even strong enough to be resistant to gtravitational forces, thus gravity, and vaccum like blackholes are unable to effect them.

Kouten Voids: When focused enough, the Kouten storms (above) can be made to literally tear open a void to another dimension which is then used to suck whatever is around into it. Because the Kouten are strong enough and actually holding the void open, they themselves, are not sucked in, unless I want them to be.

Rinji-Hakaku Raikou/Rinji Raikou/Hakaku Raikou (Three names for the same thing): This is the ultimate Raikou that can be produced by one of my clan. It has several attributes listed here. The first is that each Rinji is unique to each clan member, usually having attributes of the clan members other non KG abilities. Kama's Rinji has these powers:
First, it is a cold lightning, able to bring whatever is hit by it and is around to to a degree above absolute zero, and has been show to even freeze things as hot as stars, or close to them. Its second ability is that whatever powers that it hits of an opponents is nullified, and renders the opponent without that particular power until the end of the battle. Finally, all Rinji Raikous are the furthest away from all lightnings, even further away then the Raikous. In this way, Rinji-Hakaku Raikou CANNOT be absorbed as lightning, or controlled as lightning, or transformed into normal lightning. It also is not bound by ions, thus cannot be disrupted as normal lightning, and lasts much longer than regular lightning.
Kama's Rinji-Hakaku Raikou is also gray in color.

(Rinji-Hakaku Raikou)
Kama's Jutsu Rinji-HakakuRaikou

From Dangerroom Session:

Holiday Nimbus: Developed in the Dangerroom, its Nimbus combined with the conductivity of Akairaikou and the awsome solidification powers of my S-class Lightning Flame ring. These are with both additives are made completely indestructible, and are even more dangerous when touched.
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