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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 16th 2009, 2:00 pm

((Can weapons rank higher?))

*Sibs would walk back in to the reality after her various battles, she had a couple wins under her belt and figured that she had a good handle on her skills... with that being said she felt like she deserved a ranking exam, hopefuly she could rank higher and get on working on those souls.*
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Posts : 288
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Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 3:53 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 6:22 pm

(I got you..)

Maze appeared in the area holding Una and Yoko's hand as we made our way over to the young lady. "Hello there miss. Your trying to have a ranking exam. Correct?"
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Posts : 288
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Village of Residence : Dusk Village
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Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 6:25 pm

--Sibs would keep walking towards Maze, she recognized him using soul perception. Tear also told her about Maze--
"Uh... yeah, one of those. You're Maze right? Tear told me about you."
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 6:28 pm

"Tear you say? How is he? Haven't seen him in a while....BUT anyway if you wish for a ranking I'd be more then happy to give you one." Maze smiled at the young lady. It had been forever since the last time he gave a ranking exam himself and Maze had many ideas.
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 6:41 pm

"He's... hot- I mean.. he's cool. Yeah, cool. Anyway, a ranking exam would be nice."
*Sibls would blush before extending her palms outwards towards Maze she would levitate a bit off of the ground and fire a steady stream of plamsa from her palms, it was going at a reasonable speed and was coated with her soul energy*
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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 6:49 pm

Maze chuckled a bit at the young ladies red face. Maze then looked down at his two soul partners before warping about 10 miles away from the lady making stone chairs raise from the ground for Maze and his Soul partners to sit. A holographic image of Maze's face would appear in front of the women and say...."All you have to now is get to me and you pass...Good luck." The hologram then disappear.
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 6:52 pm

*Sibs awayed the blast, and thought to herself. Why couldnt she just kick maze's ass and call it a day? Perhaps this is another test of skill. She decided to use soul perception to locate maze's position, and for this she had to chargea bit of soul energy which created a sizable crater around her. When she was finished she located him and floated off the ground propeling her with a steady stream of plasma from her boots*

Okie dokes...

*She said as she took off for maze's known location guarding herselfjust in case*
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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 6:59 pm

Una: She's coming..

"I know....Just relax." Maze snapped his fingers making drinks and popcorn appear for both himself and his soul partners.

Yoko: Yah~!

"Now we watch.." As Sibs headed at Maze multiple spikes would shot out from the ground trying to impale her. If she dodged and of the spikes more would just pop in her new direction.
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 8:25 pm

*Sibs dawned a look of excitement upon her face, she attempted to just burst past the spikes... she did using her decent speed, but she noticed that they were following her and closing in on her fast*


*she said to herself as her nails outstretched to plasma swords, she went dead in on the spikes attempting to slash them at blinding speeds, her feet were keeping her a float with cold plasma now*
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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 9:23 pm

Sibs slashes would be very affective against the earth spikes slicing threw them very easily.

Una: Haha it didn't work~!

"Shut up Una I don't see you doing anything..."

Una: Fine I'll show you how it's done!!!

Una put her hand forward and from a 30 foot distance in front of Sibs a giant ass wall of stone shoots up from the ground reaching the clouds and spread across the entire area.

Una: Haha that's how it's Maze!!

Yoko: .......
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 9:29 pm

*Sibs looked towards the wall and her eyes narrowed, she extended her palms towards the wall and unleashed a large blast of cold plasma that began to freeze the wall. Aftewards she unleashed a mighty kick towards the wall aiming to shatter it to pieces*
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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 9:40 pm

Maze busted out laughing "HAHAHA~!!! What happen to your big bad wall now Una!!!"

Una: Shut the hell up!!

Yoko tugged on Maze's shirt trying to get his attention. "What is it Yoko?"

Yoko: Is it my turn?

"Aww Yoko go ahead." Yoko smiled as she looked on at Sibs and the shattered wall falls around her.

Yoko: *devilish smile* Now...come Jongo....

A black portal appeared in front of the three and from out portal climbed out a demon warrior carrying a mace and four lanterns on it's back.
Siblyx's Ranking Exam Anima___Lantern_Oni_by_Wen_M
Yoko: Go get her boy..

Jongo snarled as he rocketed off toward Sibs at great speeds. "That may of been a bit much Yoko."
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 9:55 pm

*Sibs would burst through the wall only to find this demon thing taking off towards her... her eyes widened as she extended her palms towards the beast unloading blasts of cold plasma laced with her soul energy at the beast going at a reasonable speed, it was like the blast volley's from dbz*

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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 10:03 pm

Jongo's lanterns started to glow as multiply beams of demonic energy fired out from the lanterns clashing with each of Sibs's own blasts. Jongo then jumped into the air and came down swing his Mace at Sibs.

Una: Wow Yoko you are crazy~!

Yoko: As a friend of mine says what's wrong with a little bit on insanity?

*facepalm* "Damn you Khrona corrupting my partners.."
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 10:25 pm

*sibs would look above her, waiting until the last minute to move out of the way. She strafed letting the beast fly downward past her, she then unleashed her plasma whip out of her fingers attempting to entangle the beast with cold plasma and soul energy*
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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 10:31 pm

The whip would wrap around Jongo as he let out a loud yell

Jongo: GYRRAHH!!!
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 10:45 pm

*Sibs grunted as she lit the demon a blaze with plasma and tore it to shreds separating it limb from limb, the infectious properties of her soul energy would convert the remains of what she wasnt using of the beast into soul energy. She then spun around like a top and flung blazing pieces of the beast towards maze like comets, they were going quite fat of course*

take this...
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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 10:53 pm

The flaming corpse would get a good 2 feet from Maze before being block from what can be described as an invisible wall around Maze. Yoko's eyes began to water as she started to cry and buried her face in Maze's shirt.

Yoko: She killed him... .-_-.

Maze patted Yoko on the head sighing. "There there..." Maze looked toward Sibs waved to her. She was so close to us now and all she had to do was walk a few yards.....
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 11:04 pm

*Sibs would look pleased, but she would arm herself nonetheless... she landed on the ground and walked slowly towards maze, she guessed she was finished, she slung her arms above her head and smiled*

Alrighty... what the catch Maze-sama
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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 17th 2009, 11:25 pm

After consoling Yoko about her dead demon Maze returned his attention to Sibs. "Catch? Look up." Maze pointed above Sibs and a huge stone ball of spirit bomb pa-portions was floating a good 20ft above Sibs. "Now you have to chose....take the easy way out and just back up or try to get to me before this stone ball crushes you." Maze smiled. "Oh and no destroying the ball ether. GO!!" Ball then starts to fall.
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 18th 2009, 12:35 pm

*Sibs smiled and mustered a bit of her soul energy she wasn't very physically strong but she can channel her frustration soul to make her a long stronger... so she got mad, and burst into a hand stand. Her leg strength was stronger than that of her arms so she caught it on her legs, she then began walking on her hands towards Maze slowly. Sibs was sweating bullets, but she really wanted to pass this exam*
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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 18th 2009, 1:30 pm

Una and Maze: Damn~!!

Una:I like this girl.

"Me to but can she make it?!" The three started cheering Sibs onward

Una/Maze/Yoko: Come on you can do it!!! YAY~!!!
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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Siblyx's Ranking Exam Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 18th 2009, 3:44 pm

*Siblyx pressed onward towards her proctors, she felt empowered by their encouragement and a bit patronized which made the frustration soul larger and more powerful she was walking at a regular pace now and eventually arrived at Maze-sama, she kicked the ball upwards high into the sky as it landed behind her with a large thud of epic proportions*

That was.... interesting.

*She said wiping her brow from the sweat, she wanted to shower after this shit was over. She bowed to Maze in respect*
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Posts : 288
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Village of Residence : Dusk Village
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Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1September 23rd 2009, 2:55 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Siblyx's Ranking Exam   Siblyx's Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1

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