Squall was raised in a prominent, well-to-do family, educated by high-end schools, and trained in some minor fighting styles out of boredom. A naturally smart child, he never seemed to really have much fun, or any social life to speak of. He always stood there, not uttering a word. Why he left his home when he was 17 is up for debate, as is anything he does anymore. It's not for money, or vengence, or anything like that... maybe the guy's just looking for some purpose or fun in this dull life he lives?
Squall's really laid back, but not obnoxious about it. He stays silent, usually with his back against a wall, taking in conversation. He wears his hat over his red eyes a lot. He only speaks when needed, and in a deep, crisp voice. Obviously, his favorite color must be green, but few are even sure of that. All in all, Squall's real character is pretty mysterious..