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 Power Of Oblivion

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PostSubject: Power Of Oblivion   Power Of Oblivion Icon_minitime1May 7th 2009, 1:04 pm

-------------moves of zeik hellgate---------

HELL FIRE- is the results of makai chakra,it is the only thing needed in order to produce a single flame. hellfire has been used among the higher hellgate members since the beginning of time. i having had my hellfire for such a time have grown in control and power exponentially. i have the ability to manipulate my flame to any temperature of my liking or course the higher the temp the more chakra it drains. i may bend my hellfire and control it as i see fit. also my hellfire may take up any density i choose and can not be doused by simple means. this means tossing water on me will have no effect. the fire comes from inside my body. also makai chakra drains other chakra's and even disrupts them. this makes it hard to warp out of most os zeiks moves since the user will find his chakra is going hay wire when zeiks chakra is around

hellfire streams: streams of hellfire are thin, flexibly and fast. zeik controls them with his mind and can all most any number of them now

hellfire flows: the flows of hellfire rarely change the trajectory. they are large spiral things of intense heat (think flamethrower from pokemon)

hellfire blitz: I run hellfire around my blade and slam the sword into the ground. Upon the sword hitting the ground it releases a number of spiraling hellfire flows that spiral towards the enemy (think backlash wave..Inuyasha)

hellfire requiem: my body begins to glow a blackish red. I then draw my right hand back and unleash a blast of hell fire that heads for you head on, i then shadow warp to your left and right flanks firing more blast of fire, i finally shadow warp behind and fire one more flow of fire. (note this all happens in like 5 seconds)

hellfire rasengan: this rasengan is made entirely of hellfire

makai rasengan:this rasengan is made just like the normal rasengan only zeik puts a large amount of compressed makai chakra in the center. the chakra in the center looks like a silver dot. upon impact of this move zeik fires hordes of makai needles into the victims body.

eruption: I punch my hand into the ground. And I send hellfire though the earth. the fire then travels to a near by chakra signature and erupts once it finds one

heat hand:grabbing the opponents face zeik fires hordes of makai needles into the body of the victim. while this happens hellfire spins around us as if we where about to go super sayian. the fire around us whips and tears at the victim

flame shot: while in the sky zeiks hand begins to glow he gathers an enormous amount of chakra and finally thrust his hand towards the ground. the ground below him is now riddle with explosion

sparkler: zeik fires an unstable ball of makai chakra into the air. once it reaches three hundred feet it explodes and rains millions of makai needles down on every thing

hell's rush: zeik shadow warps in front of you and begins to unleashes a series of crushing blows each punch and kick laced with makai chakra,zeik finally sends you away with a punch to the chest and with that punch comes a huge flow of hellfire in the shape of a dragon

blitzkrieg: zeik unleashes a series of crushing blows. his hands and feet are laced with heavy amount of makai chakra.

hells Elysium- this is one of the forbidden jutsu of the hellgate. this move is required a massive amount of hellfire,to be compressed. so that it may be fire out of the hands as a beam. this beam grows stronger and faster every 1/20th of a second.

chaos arm:i draw the feathers from around me and the form a giant black arm around my right arm.

chaos onslaught:zeik makes the arm turn into large black flaming feathers which ravages though the opponents body

crescent locus makai style: zeik throws his foot into the sky with it come a geyser of hellfire that force the target into the sky. zeik then brings his foot down. slamming it into the ground and forcing him into the sky. zeik flies past the target but the force pulls the target with him. zeik then unleashes a violent barrage of kicks and punches at the target. each attack would forces gallons of makai chakra into the target. zeik finishes the assault with a hell drop kick packed with enough chakra to rival the greatest impact kick.

oblivion realm-using his oblivion eye zeik opens a rift to"hell" hell is not what you would imagine. when some one dies they go to "hell" unless they are strong willed they will not know they are dead and will spend the rest of eternity running and hiding from a beast or person that does not truly exist. "hell" looks like a gray apocalyptic field with building that are torn and destroyed. the place is not all safe though there are monster and what not running around that need to feed. if zeik takes a living person here they will have all but no power. for a mortal in the world of "hell" is nothing. demon and what not have a slight less effect. they may use any of there demon moves but nothing else. the only way to prevent this power downgrade is with zeik's pentagram on you or his makai chakra to be in you. there is no ruler of hell per say. for there really isn't shit to rule. however my family does go there from time to time and my mother is trapped there. with this being said there is no coming back from death without going though me and there is no "satan"

phoenix down- the fallen feathers of my wings of hell begin to glow and impale you exploding once they enter your body

Phoenix rain- zeik makes red clouds cover the battle field in it's entirety. he then umps into the clouds and it begins to rain. the rain is condensed needle like hellfire. they have enough density to leave holes in the hardest of material

plasma storm- jumping above the clouds zeik gathers a vast amount of lightning energy in the shape of a spirit bomb. grabbing the lightning energy and condensing it into the shape of a scythe. he swings it towards the ground and a crescent shaped blades flies towards the ground with such force that it aways all of the clouds in the area.

chidori gale - after making a hells chidori, zeik will point his in any given direction making a tornado of pure electricity. while inside this tornado of sorts. you will be continues attack by bolts of lightning

chidori prelude-zeik equips his cats eye Draco to the same hand of his chidori gale. he then fires a flow of hellfire that is amplified in power exponentially. the fire flows though the chidori gale

chidori requiem-after striking his target with the hells chidori,zeik forces all of the lightning though the targets body. causing sever damage to their insides once zeik feels content in with the internal damage he will force all of the lightning energy out of the user body from every hole possible.

hells tempest- making large tornadoes of hellfire fall from the sky. they whip around the target violently tearing at the ground and what not. the tornadoes encircle the target and increase the heat index higher then that of anything on earth. the tornadoes continue to spin and tear at the target mercilessly

oblivion assault: zeik jumps high into the sky. hellfire swirls around his foot violently. zeik then crashes straight into the ground with the power of the greatest impact.

omni slash eight blades pop out and surround the target. zeik then begins flying from one sword to another slicing at the target as he flies to grab another one. once he grabbed eight blade he would fly above the target and come down with a powerful slash, the other seven blades would follow behind him"

blades of fury: he then unleashes a devastating number of speedily stabs at the target with two of his blades"

oblivion door:zeik will strike a stance and on the ground or in air. the hellfire will spiral around him protecting him from projectile or other attacks and assault the enemy if they were close to him. after this happens zeik will shadow warp behind the enemy and slice at it's back

Violent Storm-I thrust my palm outward and a huge burst of wind with minor slashing ability "copied from aeon"

chidori-i make a ball of chakra using the lighting element*

hells chidori-i make a chidori the i pour my hell gate blood on it making it ten times more lethal

live wire- i slam into the ground with with my hells chidori releasing dangerous bolts of lighting across the area*

finale rush: I begins to run in a circle with god like speed, me and 3 clones then pop out of the fiery circle and kick the enemy into the air. then one of the clones uses rasengan forcing you higher into the sky. 2 of the other clones jumps into the sky and hold you in place i then fly at my enemy and stick my arm right though his chest, and explode my clones

-----My kineses powers----

kinesis: these powers where obtained by absorbing zuki mankato. they may not be related to my kekei genkai but they where his so no copying

telekinesis- using the power i obtained from yuki i can freely control objects with my mind.

gyrokinesis- using the power i obtained from yuki i can freely manipulate the earths gravitational fields

chronokinesis-using this i can manipulate time to a certain degree. i cannot travel more then a year though time with this yet

vitalkinesis- using this i can heal me or someone else from practically any injure.

magnokenisis- using this i can freely manipulate the earths magnetic fields allow me to control metal objects

zeik has recently trained with zack hyuuga of the burst. he was able to master the hyuuga clans style of fighting. doing this enables zeik to use his own variation of many of there jutsu. allow me to explain how his style works.

zeik apply a thin layer of makai(hell) chakra to his fingers will eject the chakra into the target upon touching them. the makai chakra will into the body and begin damaging the internal organ,chakra network,and even the targets soul if zeik wills it. zeik does not have the byakugan so he can not put the chakra into the network directly. however upon studying the layout of the network zeik may hit the network. (i will roll a die if i hit a 5 or 6 then i hit the chakra point) there is a slim chance zeik will be able to hit it directly

----------------specials of zeik----------

the sharingan: zeik has obtained the ability to use the sharingan however he may not deactivate it. he may only toggle between oblivion and mangekyou eyes. since zeik has used the sharingan in his past he needs not to train with it to obtain the same know how. this means stop rushing at him cause you will no longer hit him with your random punches and moves too slow for him.

Power Of Oblivion Pentagram-1

this is the pentagram of the makai houka. using this zeik is able to unleash the forbidden jutsu of his clan. he also may place the symbols on his hands for other unique makai jutsu

once the pentagram is active it follows who ever was in it once i activated it. it can also freely defend and attack for me

forbidden jutsu of the makai houka"hells wrath-*the 5 points of the star shoot a thin beam into the sky they then combine and float above you. while the beam grows thicker the star up under begin to spin,it's speed steadily increases. the ground around us begin to shake. then without warning the beams above you begin to rain down upon you while the surface erupts with hellfire from all over* that should be enough *the pentagram disappears and zeik sits awaiting the smoke to clear*

second forbidden jutsu of the makai houka-"cremation"- the image of the pentagram pops on on both your left and right but also above and up-under you.* check mate *all of the pentagrams glow and fire hellfire from all angles engulfing your body*

third forbidden jutsu of the makai houka-"hells confrontation"- *the pentagram begins to glow an even brighter red. then with out warning it begins to flow with hellfire. the hellfire takes the shape of thousands of different swords that attack while that happen the top of the barrier fires steady flows of hellfire*

oblivion realm-using his oblivion eye zeik opens a rift to"hell" hell is not what you would imagine. when some one dies they go to "hell" unless they are strong willed they will not know they are dead and will spend the rest of eternity running and hiding from a beast or person that does not truly exist. "hell" looks like a gray apocalyptic field with building that are torn and destroyed. the place is not all safe though there are monster and what not running around that need to feed. if zeik takes a living person here they will have all but no power. for a mortal in the world of "hell" is nothing. demon and what not have a slight less effect. they may use any of there demon moves but nothing else. the only way to prevent this power downgrade is with zeik's pentagram on you or his makai chakra to be in you. there is no ruler of hell per say. for there really isn't shit to rule. however my family does go there from time to time and my mother is trapped there. with this being said there is no coming back from death without going though me and there is no "Satan"

Last edited by Zeik on September 25th 2009, 5:15 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Power Of Oblivion   Power Of Oblivion Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 3:03 pm

Makai Force: This is the highest form of Makai chakra known to date. Makai force has a much higher potency, then zeik's regular chakra. These improvements to his chakra allows him the use of a number of Hellgate unique Jutsu and access to "Purgatory" a realm with only one door, completely separate from hell. Zeik knew of this chakra,but had no intention of slaying his wife...which would be his closet loved one. However Hao used his spirit to kill Kurai,so he inadvertently obtain the power. Makai force is more a level then an actually chakra. It amplifies all of Zeik's previous powers and significantly cuts his chakra cost to perform them. However Zeik's Chakra is slowly eating away at all of his insides and soon his body will be sustained solely by his chakra.

Makai disruption: In the presence of large amounts of Maki Force chakra, other chakra will have difficult time maintaining balance. This works in a similar way as a high level captain’s spiritual pressure. Only instead of Zeik making people feel light headed, they begin to lose control of there chakra

-----------------------------------Origin Vision--------------

Origin Vision: Zeik having lost his sight to his pact price wondered how he was going to defend his Kingdom. His friend shino feeling as though she Owed Zeik something made him a blindfold out of her “connection” chakra. He blindfold combined with the fusion of his sharingan and oblivion eyes gave birth to Zeik’s new vision. Zeik calls this vision “Origin” vision, for it allows him to see the energy of all things. Zeik can see a lot further then one would imagine and his vision is 360dg in radius.
Origin Range: On top of Zeik’s ability to see 360 dg he has a six meter radius of constant time/space manipulation. Anything stepping within this radius would be instantly slowed to a point of all most stillness. This is something Zeik has no control over and weighs quite heavy on his chakra.
Origin Sharingan: Zeik’s sharingan is still active during his origin vision. So he is still able to copy jutsu, read movements and all that good stuff.
Origin Mangekyou: Zeik’s penance stare and tsukiyomi activation have changed with his vision. Zeik doesn’t need to be looking at a person in order to trap them in the dreaded genjutsu known as the Tsukiyomi, he just needs them to be within the origin range. However this is not the case for his penance stare. Zeik doesn’t need to make eye to eye contact, but they do need to be in the six meter radius known as Origin range and he has to be looking in the direction of their face.
Origin Oblivion: The oblivion eyes allowed Zeik to see moments into the future as well as open rifts into Hell. These powers were not effect in the change of his vision, but Zeik is constantly seeing a few moments into the future, something he has grown use to and tries not to let others know

------------------------Zero point energy------------------------------

Zeik having been introduced to the sky flame by his long time old friend Mahk-x, has grown to love the powers that come with it. While Zeik is in hyper dying will mode he is able to use a number of unique traits. It is unknown if these moves are limited to Zeik alone
Zero point breakthrough First edition: This allows Zeik to drain the energy of oncoming attacks by placing his hands together and releasing waves of sky flames. The sky flames harmonize the energy into coming directly for Zeik’s palms were it will be drained and used as energy for Zeik. This works primarily on ninjutsu and only works if Zeik has more chakra then the jutsu coming his way.
Zero point breakthrough custom: This is an edit to Zeik’s first Zero point move. This allows him to freeze the very energy of just about anything. Once frozen by this tech, one would be stuck there until Zeik released you or you found the one in a million way of breaking free. Since the chakra in your body is frozen it’s believed to be impossible to reverse on ones own
Zero point breakthrough Zero mode: This is one of Zeik’s greatest uses of Zero energy. While in this mode Zeik’s movements are unaffected by forces, time, space anything. While moving without any restrictions Zeik’s speed becomes unmatched by any, this allows him to perform a number of what one would call unseakable things. As seen in the khrona and maze vs Zeik fight. Zeik can latterly step in and out of dimension without having to move, this allows him the ability to traverse the omniverse in order a second. A marvel to be held indeed. However this mode drains Zeik’s chakra at an unimaginable state thus Zeik has trained so that he can enter and exit this mode as he sees fit. (Note if Zeik is standing still he can be touched and is indeed effect by time and space etc)

-----------------------------Soul flame---------------

Soul flame: This is one of the six flames of Hell. Zeik acquired this flames via perk of his pact. The flame is known as the "Purge" in Hell. Its job is to rid hell of any threats without hesitation. The way the flame works is by breaking down the very essence of anything it comes in contact with on a molecular level.

It's second ability allows Zeik greater manipulation of souls in Hell and on the living world. With this ability Zeik can summon the souls of the dearly departed and force them into submission. As for manipulating souls that haven't died goes, Zeik can only control them if enough of the soul flame is in their body. Of course the amount of Soul flame necessary for this depends on the level of shinobi


Oblivium: A latent ability of the Hellgates. This power allows the "Death" of all forms of energy that it may came in contact with. The energy in a sense defies the "Law of Energy conservation" But not entirely. The "Law" states energy can neither be created nor destroyed, this Law is assumed to be on Vescrutia. So I configured the power to keep Certain people off my back. Oblivium Targets the "Soul" of things it comes in contact with and transfers it to more oblivium subsequently killing the Energy. This happens at a rate in which it looks and appears to be as it is destroying the energy since the oblivium does grow in power as this happens. Instead it simply sends the extra energy it collects to Purgatory. A space in Hel lwhere there is one entrance and no exits.
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