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 Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions.

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Dimension's Keeper
Dimension's Keeper

Posts : 449
Village of Residence : Etc.
Join date : 2009-04-23
Cool Points (LOL) : 12
Kekkei Genkai : Dimensional Energy, Nightmare Energy, Liquid Energy

Character sheet
Character Race: Scarecrow (Dimensional Entity)
Character Info (Highlight):

Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Empty
PostSubject: Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions.   Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Icon_minitime1May 7th 2009, 7:33 pm

Name: Tigen
Age: OVER 9,000 haha, not really. He is unaffected by the timeline in all ways.
Origin: Dimensia (The first created dimension)
Species: Dimensional Entity
Weight: Unknown
Height: 7'3
Race: Scarecrow (Dimensional Entities which have dominance over Dimensions)
Known Family: Pumpkinhead (Brother)
Used Jutsu: Jikukan Ninjutsu, Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Kinjutsu, Taijutsu (Slight), Summoning Jutsu, Bunshinjutsu, Nintaijutsu, Genjutsu (Slight).

Likes: Chocolate, What he considers to be 'friends,' traversing dimensions, his family, playing, having fun, not being tied down, going anywhere and everywhere he wants to at any given time, joking around, being random, when people are nice to him and don't make him angry.

Dislikes: Things that destroy chocolate, what he considers to be 'enemies,' not being able to see his home or having enough power to save it, when Pumpkinhead is angry at him, boring things, being tied down, not being able to go where he wants to, dull people, being sad, things and people that piss him off, when his body is altered in any way, being pissed off.


A puppet-esque, inter-dimensional being with a pumpkin head, who is a little over 7 feet tall. Tigen's head, the most important part of his body, is a black pumpkin with carved features similar to that of a Jack-O-Lantern. On it are triangular eyes and a carved mouth, however no nose. The eyes and mouth change shape as Tigen feels other emotions, and therefore, their immediate shape is not particularly definite, however for the most part, Tigen's mouth remains hidden on most occasions. The body of Tigen is made of a special type of fabric from another dimension that sports a durability that is similar to a mixture of metal and elastic, thus making it very hard to rip, tear and puncture, but also making it very smooth, soft and stretchy, to an extent. It can be called a more efficient version of 'skin,' if you will. Within the body of Tigen are no traces of organs, bones, nerves, muscle, or even a brain. There is nothing within except a sort of fluff from another dimension, as well. Thus fluff, being from an alternate dimension, does not work on the same plane as the ones here would. It regenerates itself continuously at an incredible rate as to instantly fill its current container, namely, Tigen. They regenerate by constant and simultaneous, exponential multiplication. Once the fluff reaches the boundary of its container, it becomes up to Tigen to decide if it is to continue to expand or not. The body and the fluff regenerate also depending on the Dimensional Energy of the area, able to take it in and duplicate the felt and fluff, and as such, if Tigen looses a piece of his body, he may regenerate the part gradually. The arms, legs and body are completely sewn together where the joints would be on a normal human body, therefore making artificial elbows and knees and such for Tigen to freely move his limbs. The stitches are kept together purely by Tigen's own will, and as such, he may take apart and stitch up his body parts at any given time he wishes, allowing all of his body to disconnect. His head is the only part of his body which is never truly attached, but actually rests in the place where a head would be, safely in place cuddled in his scarf. Tigen's hands are claw-like, but are easily hidden by his gloves. His feet are pointed at the tip, but are also covered by boots. The final aspect of Tigen's anatomy is his own will, his very life, also known as his Living Flame. The Flame inside of Tigen's head works similarly to a brain, save for the physical aspects of the brain. It literally transports Tigen's own will through his entire body and anything in Tigen's possession at all times. It allows him to see, and, like all flames, USUALLY (but not always) needs air to breathe. It keeps memories, emotions and personality, and as such, each of these change with a different color flame that Tigen has. Also, because it is a flame not from this dimension, it is unable to be controlled by mere fire manipulators, at is is not only Tigen's entire will and therefore has dominance, but also it is not like normal fire in some key aspects.

Because Tigen is a Scarecrow, he does not wear normal clothes, but rather, tattered, old, worn cloth of sorts. On his head, he sports a large, zig-zaggy, pointed tattered, black witch's hat, which generally covers the top of his head down to his triangular eye sockets. Around his 'neck' and mouth, there is an over-sized, pale-orange scarf that covers the bottom part of his face, predominantly his mouth. This scarf, which is made of a fabric from another dimension, however slightly different from Tigen's own body, can stretch and contract, change its size and shape, and morph itself into other things at will. It is generally used as a third arm, as that is the shape that the scarf is made. It works just like an extra limb, and Tigen moves it around effortlessly. In addition, it has an alternate dimension of its own within itself, which is called by Tigen the 'Storage Dimension.' This dimension is where Tigen keeps all of his extra belongings that don't reside in Tigen's own created dimension. Over Tigen's body, he wears a long, worn, tattered shirt that looks as if it has been sewn up many times over. The most noticeable and significant stitching is around his chest and back, which is in the shape of an X across the entire thing. It is made out of a weaker alternate dimensional fabric than Tigen's body and scarf, however it is still incredible durable. The only thing it does not have is the regenerative ability, but it is easily fixed by Tigen's 'will sewing.' Adorned on his and on his hands are normal looking, puffy, dark gray gloves. Though these gloves look normal, they were specially made to harness insanely high amounts of energy of all kinds, therefore making them extremely resistant to just about any sort of energy. On his feet are matching, puffy, dark gray boot-shoes, which actually are made of the same material and thus, have the same purpose. They allow Tigen to 'step on' high amounts of energy of all kinds, but is technically redundant since Tigen floats and does not touch the ground ever unless unconscious. Also, floating above, and to either side of his head or body are his Magnifiers, which also are made of and come from a special, other dimension. They are shaped like little floating rings with energy flowing through their center constantly. They are indestructible in every sense of the word, therefore making them physically invincible. They are about the size of Tigen's head, perhaps a little larger, and they constantly generate pure Reflective and Magnification energies through their centers.

Tigen's personality is constantly fluctuating. He has no true set personality, and thus, can be depicted as 'Totally Random.' However, his general personality can be summed up better than random, being as though he loves his family and home very much, he appreciates all friends and acquaintances that he meets. He will do most anything for chocolate, and also loves to play and be free, not tied down by anything, not even of this world. As such, he doesn't even have a set place to live. He absolutely despises confinement to the highest degree... He has a high sense of justice and morality for what HE thinks is right, (not so much what other people think) and believes in Free Energy. Tigen also tends to be rather oblivious and spacey, it would seem, however most times he has a sense of what is going on in a situation and knows more than he lets people know. He also tends to be a bit of a joker most times, loving to play with people in cruel, but majorly non-lethal ways. He also loves to sport the knowledge of what lies in other dimensions, alternate realities and other timelines because of his ability to warp from these 3 things (and more) at will, but will keep most things secret. Because of his high emotion and, for the most part, inability to control them, he has Multiple Personality Disorder, to a degree, and is emotionally unstable. Each of Tigen's flames (which denotes another emotion) has an alternate personality, but unlike most cases of MPD, he can retain everything that happens, but doesn't really CARE about what happens when another Tigen takes over, most times. He seems to get angry very easily and HATES when his body is damaged or when people undermine him. In addition to his mental instability, he is an amnesiac. His only memory of his own world and his people used to be a sword that was given to him upon leaving, and had no memory whatsoever of why he left and where this place is, but he was damn sure that he would find it one day. Now, because of recent events, he knows about his home dimension, his brother and what is going on, and aims to save his home dimension by gaining enough power. He still has no recollection of his 5 other siblings nor his mother and father, though.

Tigen's Flame
TO REITERATE; Tigen's flame is his own will, his very life, also known as his Living Flame or the Will of Tigen. The Flame inside of Tigen's head works similarly to a brain, save for the physical aspects of the brain. It literally transports Tigen's own will through his entire body and anything in Tigen's possession at all times. It allows him to see, and, like all flames, USUALLY (but not always) needs air to breathe. It keeps memories, emotions and personality, and as such, each of these change with a different color flame that Tigen has. Also, because it is a flame not from this dimension, it is unable to be controlled by mere fire manipulators, at is is not only Tigen's entire will and therefore has dominance, but also it is not like normal fire in some key aspects.

Not to mention, Tigen can totally spit fire when he reveals his mouth. The intensity and effect depends on his flame color, however, as stated before, because Tigen has absolute dominance over his own flame, he can maneuver it to his will at any given time, even when outside of his body. The color, emotion and effect of Tigen's Flames that he has so far are listed below.

Normal Flames

Red- The Red Flame is the flame of Fire and Anger. It gives gives Tigen great power through incredible surges of anger. This increases his physical strength and attack power by an incredible amount. It also gives him immunity toward Heat and Fire.
Effect: Extreme Heat/Incineration. Emotion: Anger.

Blue- The Blue Flame is the flame of Water, Ice and Calmness or Coolness. It gives Tigen great evasive abilities and reactionary times thanks to a cool, calm and collected demeanor. This increases his evasion and reflexes/reactions by an incredible amount. It also gives him immunity toward Water, Ice and the Cold.
Effect: Freezing. Emotion: Cool/Calm/Collected.

Yellow- The Yellow Flame is the flame of Electricity/Lightning, Plasma and Obliviousness. It gives Tigen no physical enhancements at all, and it means that he is completely oblivious to his surroundings. However, it does have some sort of special attribute as to weaken the effect of literally everything that hits Tigen. It also gives him immunity toward Electricity/Lightning and Plasmas. It is also called Tigen's Normal Flame due to him acting oblivious most times. However, this trait is also shared with the Green Flame.
Effect: Lightning Fire. Emotion: Normal.

Green- The Green Flame is the flame of Wind, Nature and Hyperactivity. It gives Tigen incredible speed and makes him virtually silent, despite it being induced by hyperactivity. As such, this increases Tigen's stealth & speed by incredible amounts. It also gives him immunity toward Wind(And natural forces) and going to Sleep or being Unconscious (unless out of energy). It is also called Tigen's Normal Flame due to him being hyperactive a majority of the time, when not oblivious. Therefore, this trait is also shared with the Yellow Flame.
Effect: Sleep/Unconsciousness. Emotion: Hyperactive/Normal.

Purple- The Purple Flame is the flame of Poison, Corruption/Contamination and Corruption/Violence or Silence/Seriousness. It gives Tigen's body the ability to corrupt or poison whatever he touches. The poison ranges from neurological poisoning, physical poisoning, and things of the like. Also, Tigen's Liquid shares this toxic ability when the Purple Flame is active. It also gives him immunity toward Poisons/Toxins (not that they affected him anyway), Corruption and Contamination (this means ALL THINGS. No exceptions.)
Effect: Poison/Corruption. Emotion: Serious/Corrupt/Violent/Silent.

Orange- The Orange Flame is the flame of Focus. It gives Tigen's incredible focus, allowing him to know about literally everything in the area at all times, and the ability to break down the speeds of things frame by frame, regardless of speed. This also could be called an ability to analyze and assess everything. In addition, Tigen's body gains super speed and super power, making him titan-strong and mach-speed fast. It also gives him the immunity to lose focus by outside influences (meaning, unless it is of Tigen's own will. No one can 'force' him out of this state.)
Effect: Superspeed and Superpowered. Emotion: Focused/Concentrating.

Gray- The Gray Flame is the flame of Sadness, Gloom and Stone. It gives Tigen the ability to literally change whatever he touches into pure stone in all aspects, and the ability to Petrify all aspects of something. If Tigen is to petrify a person, not only would they, themselves become petrified, but so would their chakra and energies. They would stop flowing. Also, petrification does not particularly mean 'turn to stone.' It also means to 'make immobile,' and therefore, if one cannot be changed to stone, they will instead be forced into immobility in all ways. In addition, Tigen's body becomes super strong and super durable beyond that of what it originally was, making Tigen able to take even the most devastating attacks lightly as if they were nothing. It also gives him immunity to Petrification and Immobility (chakra/energy included).
Effect: Petrification/Immobility. Emotion: Gloom/Sadness/Dark/Silent.

White- The White Flame is the flame of Purity, Healing and Light. It gives Tigen the ability to heal and restore whatever he or his energy is to touch, thus cleansing it of all ailments and hindrances, as well as a lot of chakra/energy and vitality and such. It also gives Tigen's body purity, making it unaffected by any sort of status ailment or hindrances as well. It also gives him immunity to Light and Impurity.
Effect: Healing. Emotion: Good/Wise/Serene/Pure.

Black- The Black Flame is the flame of Evil, Hate, Malice, Seriousness and Darkness. It gives Tigen the abilities of all of the other flames (save for the Super Flames and the White and Gray flames). As such, it is Tigen's most powerful normal flame, save for the White Flame. This flame has also the ability to give Tigen immunity of Shadows and Darkness, as well. Also, he becomes immune to impurities in the same fashion as if he were using the White Flame, for some reason. It gives him immunity to anything the other flames have (save for the Super Flames, and the White and Gray flames), Darkness, Shadows and Impurity.
Effect: All (except for super, gray or white flames). Emotion: Evil/Serious/Hateful/Malice.

Super Flames
These, differing severely from the Normal Flames, are flames that can normally not be acquired by normal means, and usually involve strong emotion that Tigen does not feel often or something else of the sort. These Super Flames have transcendent power over the other flames, and as such, have incredible potency when used, making them dangerous, however very useful to Tigen. They usually increase his power by an ungodly rate, however will most times limit Tigen in another aspect of himself to balance it out.

Clear- The Clear Flame is the flame of Transcendence. It is an all powerful flame that mixes all of the normal flames together, making their abilities and enhancements fused together. In addition to that, it increases all of Tigen's abilities by 1,000fold, allowing him to be able to use his large
attacks with ease and minimal stress or drain. Besides that, the Clear Flame has a special ability of its own that allows it to continuously burn until it has nothing left to burn. It cannot be put out by water, suffocation, or anything that any normal flame would EXCEPT if it had nothing to burn. It was the first Super Flame that Tigen ever learned to use. Its power can only be called upon with a strong burst of rampaging emotion or when trying to fuse with The Bucket of Destiny. When in this mode, Tigen's Magnifiers fuse with his body, allowing him to also magnify the power of his own abilities before they come out, as well as gives certain portions of his body reflective abilities.
Effect: All. Emotion: (To Get): Rampage. (During): None.

Nothing/Ghost- The Nothing/Ghost Flame is the flame of Nothingness. It is an all powerful flame whose power output is equal to the Clear flame, however it is greater in ability. Not only does Tigen's power increase 1,000fold and can let him handle large attacks with ease, but he becomes
intangible, untraceable (invisible, silent and not giving off any source of existence) and able to make his attacks purely nothingness. Lastly, since the flame is made of the essence of nothingness, when it is blown outward, there is no flame to be seen and there is no heat, but everything it 'touches' becomes nothingness instantly. Also, it needs nothing to burn, making it a sort of everlasting flame that kinda isn't there to begin with. He may only go into this Flame after first using the Clear Flame, however if he stays in this flame form for too long, it begins to engulf his body and destroy him, basically making him die without question. The longer he stays, the harder it is to change back, for he becomes deluded with fear and insanity, and they start to grip his mind, leaving him to utter negativity. The only way to get him out at that point is to talk him out of it. Being so very dangerous, it is only used as an uber last resort. Also, he will NOT under any circumstances attack if the opponent is not attacking, unless they seem threatening.
Effect: Gives Tigen's abilities the power of Nothingness as a whole. Also makes Tigen
untraceable by anything and invincible, in a sort of way.
Emotion: Insanity/Fear/Negativity/Remorse.

Nightmare- The Nightmare Flame is the flame of Dreams, Nightmares and Illusions. It is an all powerful flame that is equal in power to the Clear and Nothing flames. This flame allows Tigen to spawn nightmares at will and change normal things into nightmares. In addition, Tigen can change reality into dreams or nightmares on a whim, being able to merge the Dream Realm with the Real World. Not only that, Tigen can materialize into thin air and rematerialize wherever he wants without warping, thanks to illusory and nightmarish abilities. Lastly, he has gained these new... 'Nightmare' abilities from this flame. Also, all of Tigen's Liquid energy becomes liquid nightmares, but still their property is able to be changed... it's just infused with nightmares so that when it hits, it seeps into the very mind of the foe and instantly shatters their minds. Tigen can also create spontaneous illusions of any magnitude and any real like-ness, thus making the most far-fetched of illusions possible.
Effect: Summons nightmares, allows materialization and illusions. Emotion: Demonic/Destructive/Doomed.

Liquid- The Liquid Flame is the flame of Liquid Energy. It is an all powerful and a newer Super Flame that only appears when Tigen absorbs an extremely high amount of Liquid energy and focuses its power within himself, namely, if he attempts to fuse himself with the Bucket of Destiny or uses his Liquid Genesis, or absorbs power straight from the Dimension of Eternal Liquid. This flame allows Tigen to control Liquid from wherever it is, whether it be the entire sea to the liquid of another's body. It can also instantly allow Tigen to convert whatever he touches that is not liquid into a liquid with the property of his choosing, as well as change liquid already there into something of a different property, making him very deadly in this form. The only drawback is that Tigen cannot use his magnifiers, no Dimensional energy or any Nightmare Energy (Unless it's in Liquid form.) Tigen also cannot use any sword abilities except for the ones involving Liquid.
Effect: Complete and utter control of liquids, allows conversion between liquid, gas and solid state.
Emotion: None.

Properties of Liquid Energy
Oh, one more thing. Tigen can change Liquid Energy into the properties of his choosing, since Liquid Energy is the basis of all liquids in all universes. Therefore, the Liquid Energy can have any property of any liquid, thus taking on the effects of said liquid. Tigen can learn new properties of liquid when Tigen reads or merges his liquid energy with something else that has a property of liquid. Tigen can also manipulate the temperature of the liquid energy, if ya didn't know. His liquid energy does not conduct electricity, evaporate or freeze unless it has a Property in it.The properties of liquid Tigen can make his energy into:

Bone Marrow (The Bone marrow can turn into solid bone if Tigen wants it to.)
Holy Water
Liquid Air
Liquid Crystal (Which is only partially Liquid)
Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid Oxygen

Form Changes
Nightmare Scarecrow Forme 1
(Tigen transforms into the picture below, only with a black pumpkin head, a hat and scarf, and of course, a lot cooler looking.)

This is the very first of Tigen's transformations. It is the form of the Nightmare Scarecrow, a form that anyone of the Scarecrow race takes when they are overwhelmed by the overuse of Nightmare Energy or when their negative emotions take over their being a mindset temporarily. In this form, Tigen's dimensional structure becomes less stable, allowing him to materialize anywhere and everywhere he wishes. However, to maintain his shape, when he is not in the midst of materializing and rematerializing, he must stay grounded to a solid object and cannot move from that spot. On the flip side, all of Tigen's abilities become much more powerful and amped up in every way than they were beforehand. They also carry a parasitic ability to absorb the energy of everything that they touch and filter it to Tigen so that he can ascend to the next form. Also, because of Tigen's slightly weakened dimensional structure, he can freely alter the shape, size, constitution and general basis of his entire body at will, allowing him to do amazing things whilst in this form. And he looks pretty snazzy in that tux, right?

Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Evilpu12

Nightmare Scarecrow Forme 2
The second of the Nightmare Scarecrow forms. Due to Tigen's over consumption of energy in the first Nightmare Scarecrow Forme, he has utilized the excess energy and transformed it into more matter and mass for himself, solidifying himself greatly and increasing his dimensional structure to great lengths. Tigen becomes about 3,333 feet high and over 33,000 tons, making him quite a formidable opponent. Because his dimensional structure is so sturdy and solid in this form, his body is incredibly heavy, dense and hard, so much that even steel will not harm his gigantic body. Though he cannot change the constitution of his body, he may still extend and enlarge his body parts at will to make him that much more powerful. His strength, defense and durability and phenomenal in this form, as well as his speed. Though he is heavy, he can move his body as if it were as light as a feather and as quick as a lightning bolt. He has also gained the ability to spontaneously produce demonic pumpkins and pumpkin roots from the ground or himself as he pleases.

(That pic is the body. The head sits right up on top.)

Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Db32_110

Nightmare Scarecrow Forme 3
The third of the Nightmare Scarecrow forms. This form is similar to Forme 1, however Tigen is able to control his dimensional structure and is stable, and thus, he is able to move freely as he pleases. All of the abilities are increased drastically, even moreso than the other two forms. Tigen can increase his weight, size and density just like in Forme 2, but also has the ability to materialize at will, change his shape and constitution and extend his body parts, just as in Forme 1. The new perks of this form are that Tigen is now able to blend/converge into shadows and dissipate into thin air when he needs to. All of his abilities and attacks are highly parasitic, draining the energy of everything that they touch. The nightmares are so intense that even Tigen himself is highly parasitic, and touching him will drain your energy, though because of this, he has become a little vulnerable to the light. Another problem is, he cannot stay in that Forme longer than 33 minutes and he cannot get into that form without first doing Forme 1. Forme 2 is optional. If Tigen is to gain enough energy within 33 minutes, he will change into his final Nightmare Scarecrow Forme, however if not, he will revert to normal.

(Again, imagine with a black pumpkin head and with a scarf and hat...)

Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Scarec10

The Nightmare Scarecrow (Scarecrow Forme 4)
The final of Tigen's Nightmare Scarecrow Formes, this being the total and complete version, the Nightmare Scarecrow. This Forme can only be accessed if Forme 3 collects enough energy to sustain the Nightmare Scarecrow, since it uses up so much energy to use and maintain. This being has a constantly fluctuating dimensional structure, giving it all of the abilities of all 3 Formes in the technical sense, however now it is a tad slower than Forme 3. To make up for his slowness, he is ungodly powerful in all other aspects, especially power and defense. Being composed of majorly Nightmare Energy, he feeds off of fear, negative emotions/atmosphere and nightmares/brain waves, able to summon whoever and whatever's fear or nightmares he wants to. He is able to increase the power of Nightmare Energy attacks to his will, as well. Also, darkness has no effect on him whatsoever, it only adds to his power. He is susceptible to light and cannot use any forms of Liquid Energy, however he may still use Dimensional Energy to his will. He has also gained a new moveset in which he can utilize to his will in accord to all other abilities he has This moveset is:

Nightmare Claw: Tigen unleashes his thin, long, sharp claws, causing them to grow to epic proportions. These claws will rend through and drain all energy and power of whatever they are to touch, giving power to Tigen. If the fingers are destroyed, they grow back very quickly.

Lantern Demise: Tigen blows a special sort of fire the same color as his active flame that spreads throughout the entire field almost instantly. Whatever color it is, the effect is tripled along with the size of the flame. The fire lingers and spreads swiftly throughout the battlefield until put out, and can only be put out by their opposite element, for they drain and consume the power of everything else that they come in contact with. (Though they are fire, some are put out only by one element. They are displayed here: Blue = Heat, White = Dark, Black = Light. The rest are put out by water or earth.)

Night of Terror: Tigen converts himself into a metaphysical form, becoming, in a sense 'a nightmare itself.' He will surround the area, blocking off all sources of light, and produce horrible illusory images throughout the area. If Tigen's target is in any sort of darkness while Tigen is in this form, their energy will be drained at a phenomenal rate and all of their senses will start to stop working. As an addition or an alternative, Tigen can release multiple nightmares from himself or from darkness in any fashion or form he chooses to go attack the target.

Night of a Thousand Screams: Tigen can summon 1,000 powerful Nightmares (or the 1,000 copies of himself) and they will all omit a powerful sound from themselves. This sound is so potent that it causes the enemy to lose their senses, their brains to gradually stop functioning, their chakra network to be restricted, all energies in their bodies to be gradually drained, muscles and bones to deteriorate, and their molecules and atoms to separate until they are nothingness.

Reaper's Revenge: Tigen converts one of his arms into a gigantic scythe. This scythe has the special power to cut at metaphysical objects and ideas, thus allowing Tigen to rip apart the mental thoughts of the foe as well as slash at their very souls. If Tigen is to make physical contact with this, it has the potential to sever and destroy one's chakra network or rip apart and drain their soul in addition to it cutting up their thoughts. The scythe has potential to harm the foe physically and spiritually.

Forsaken Hell: Using the power of his flame, Tigen will instantaneously ignite the entire battlefield with his flame that Tigen has in his head. The field will take any and all effects of his own flame (ex. If he has the blue flame active, the field turns into an icy field of blue fire that will freeze the atmosphere, making it below absolute zero).

Light Eater: Though Tigen's body is susceptible to light, Tigen can get around this by consuming and converting the energy from light, using the 'positive energy' and changing it into 'negative energy,' thus converting it into either Nightmare Energy or darkness. Alternatively, instead of converting it, he can just absorb any light particles into his own flame to feed him more power.

Pumpkin Wrath: Tigen will instantaneously generate 1,000 of himself in Nightmare Scarecrow Forme throughout the area, and each of them will either use Nightmare Claw in an attempt to completely obliterate their foe. Alternatively, Tigen can generate and grow demonic Nightmare Pumpkins from the ground, which have the ability to use his Nightmare Energy powers as well as their own explosive bodies for attacks. They have the power to consume souls.

Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. The_sc10

Phantom Scarecrow
Tigen's form in which he changes into a phantom of Dimensional, Liquid and Nightmare energy. Tigen loses his legs, is able to become intangible at will, able to drain chakra/energy just by touching an opponent, able to create alternate dimensions (not open up rips to, I mean CREATE alternate dimensions controlled by him and him alone), control all liquids within a 30 foot radius of him, even if they are not his Liquid Energy, extend his body to any length, multiply himself, possess inanimate objects or even animate objects, and lastly create/eat/go into nightmares or dreams at will. His magnifiers become his arms, which he loses, and the magnifiers change into weapons for arms... Well, 2 of them. The other magnifier outlines his jacket/cloak, which is made up of another dimension and allows him to stretch it and have other things get sucked in by it. His weapons also alternate from axe to sword to chain to claw to chainsaw. Pretty powerful, eh? Well, with such power, he becomes quite small, no more than 3 feet, which is half of his normal size. Also, his body becomes quite frail and decrepit, if you can get past his magnifying and reflecting cloak and arms. It takes a bit of energy to use, requiring all 3 of his energies to consume certain parts of his body to change.

Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Images

Tigen's Story

Dimensia; the very first created dimension which was the basis and creator of all others, and still continues to create dimensions to this very day. This is Tigen's home... The realm of the Dimensional entities which have dominance over all dimensions and the energy of dimensions, the Scarecrows. There are two types of Scarecrows; the Cacti and the Pumpkins. Tigen, our friend, is a Pumpkin. He lived a wonderful life in his dimension, secluded from all other dimensions as it was impossible for anyone to enter other than Scarecrows. He lived in peace. However, one day, Tigen's father grew very weak, and his great dimensional power weakened, as well. As such, his excess power allowed a gigantic, galaxy sized Inter-dimensional Wormhole, also known as the Godspace, to appear. Dimensia was under a great threat of being destroyed. The entire realm and the Scarecrows were going to be obliterated in their entirety because of this ungodly power... And so, the children of the royal family, who were Tigen and his brother, Pumpkinhead, were sent out of this dimension so they may hone their dimensional energy controlling abilities and not only rebuild their dimension but seal the wormhole that is destroying it. Due to the Godspace draining all of the dimensional energy in Dimensia, it is impossible to warp out once inside of it, thus, if Tigen and Pumpkinhead were to return without the proper power, they would be destroyed with no means of escape. Therefore, they only have one chance and must train until they think that they have enough power. Though Pumpkinhead knew the goal, Tigen did not at the time. His memory was wiped entering a random dimensional field, leaving him not knowing his race, his purpose, or his home. Pumpkinhead was forbidden from telling Tigen this truth before he realizes himself because of Tigen's mental instability. So, Pumpkinhead kept quiet as they traveled dimensions. They have traveled through many dimensions and come across many things that have helped them, and now there is this one. (Naturally, now Tigen knows everything, ya know.)

Last edited by Tigen on November 23rd 2010, 5:11 am; edited 17 times in total
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Dimension's Keeper
Dimension's Keeper

Posts : 449
Village of Residence : Etc.
Join date : 2009-04-23
Cool Points (LOL) : 12
Kekkei Genkai : Dimensional Energy, Nightmare Energy, Liquid Energy

Character sheet
Character Race: Scarecrow (Dimensional Entity)
Character Info (Highlight):

Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions.   Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Icon_minitime1May 7th 2009, 7:33 pm

After Tigen learned two of
his most powerful Liquid abilities, Alphus Liquidus and Omegigas
Liquidus, Tigen had started to realize somethings about himself. During
his acquisition of the Omegigas Liquidus, Tigen had attached the Bucket
of Destiny to himself which caused him to go temporarily insane and
unleashed one of Tigen's hidden power flames; The Clear Flame. After
the Clear Flame came to Tigen, he began to remember things about his
past, though they were very small snippets that were blurry and
unclear. He didn't mind it. His brother, Pumpkinhead, also told him not
to mind it (wherever the hell he was.)

Tigen soon reached the
rank of Anbu after a long and grueling battle with ZK, in which Tigen
helped him train with his big ass sword. Soon after the battle, in
which Tigen was COMPLETELY drained of energy by letting off a final
attack, Liquid Exodus, Tigen had been asked to join ZK's team of The
Preventers. Tigen thought about it and soon afterwards accepted the
offer after like... some days of thinking.

As a reward for Tigen
gaining the clear flame, becoming part of the Preventers and getting 2
of his most powerful abilities, Tigen had been rewarded with his
brother's weapon. It was an extremely large butcher knife named Pumpkin
Carver, which had speed that surpassed that of a normal sword by an
uncountable number.

A short period after being part of the
Preventers, his rank went up as well to Anbu. This gave Tigen a whole
new perspective of the Nightmare entirely. He also began to unlock a
power deep within him that he did not know was there... The power of
Nightmares. This was when Tigen could change into his Nightmare
Scarecrow forms, though the only one he's really reached was the 1st,
which was in a battle with Vash, one of the only people to actually
defeat Tigen in combat. Tigen learned a life lesson from that battle...
In addition to these nightmare forms, Tigen's flame turned a color that
was equal in power but stronger in effect to the Clear Flame's... The
Nothing Flame. In his Clear Flame mode, he almost acquired the power of
the Nothing Flame, but it was far too powerful for Tigen to even
comprehend, and thus resulted in him reverting back to a normal flame
color. Tigen vowed not to use the flame again.

A long ways down
the road, Tigen came to ZK for assistance in seeing what happened to
his homeworld, since he had started to remember more clearly. He was
then introduced to Gatomon, who aided him in getting ZK. They both
agreed to combine their power with Tigens so that they could go to the
past and have a first hand look at Tigen's beautiful, yet mysterious
homeworld; the world of the keepers of Dimensional travel and that of
all dimensions... The land of Dimensia. It was then that Tigen saw for
himself the interdimensional wormhole that started to break and
deteriorate Tigen's land, and also explained why Tigen and Pumpkinhead
had to leave and were not allowed to come back until they had a
sure-fire way to eliminate this black hole of interdimensional doom. To
this day, it is still expanding over the homeworld, slowly eating its
material makeup, however not destroying it, but converting it into more
energy to feul itself and make itself grow. Some would say that it was
alive. They went back to the present before they were unable to return
and parted ways from there. It was then that Tigen was told about Vash
and how he had absorbed a certain fiend's abilities into himself. Tigen
went to Vash's house and asked for assistance, but was promptly denied
due to the resignation from the Nightmare. This left Tigen sad and in a
struggle of what to do next... Was there anyone else to help him in
such a crisis?

On a side note, Tigen had gained some new cute
friends for himself along the way of him being an Anbu, and some new
abilities and weapons. He recieved a sword from Laharl, the Overlord of
the Makai Kingdom, naming it Munashiigen for its adeptness with the
abilities of Dimensional Energy. He also recieved a few new Pumpkin
abilities from a battle with a feline with extremely powerful magic who
assumed the shape of a human/witch, Blair. He endured an extensive and
intense battle with a small, yet noble Spanish accented figure by the
name of Meta Knight, who may or may not have unknowingly taught him
some things about the way of the sword and speed. Soon after, Tigen got
his first buddy, Chaos Zero, who was originally just controlled by
Tigen with a well placed Liquid Control, but now actually has grown
fond of Tigen and who he is. The next buddy was a Pokemon, Gardevoir,
who loved Tigen unconditionally from the point of capture. Tigen loved
her back in the same way, and they connected with their emotions,
making a harmonic bond though they had just met. The newest member was
a Tonberry who Tigen could relate to, from the woes, pain and hatred of
the thing that killed his people, how he will not see them again for a
long time, and revenge for their deaths. With an emotional connected
that was more dreary, yet still as powerful as his with his
Gardevoir's, Rinna, Tigen calmed the Tonberry's murderous intent... at
least, to Tigen. Tigen also unknowingly gave the Tonberry a love for
carving pumpkins.

As of now, Tigen trains to become stronger and
find more capabilities in making Black Holes so that he can fuse them
with his Dimensional Energy and hopefully put a stop to the one
terrorizing his homeland.
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Dimension's Keeper
Dimension's Keeper

Posts : 449
Village of Residence : Etc.
Join date : 2009-04-23
Cool Points (LOL) : 12
Kekkei Genkai : Dimensional Energy, Nightmare Energy, Liquid Energy

Character sheet
Character Race: Scarecrow (Dimensional Entity)
Character Info (Highlight):

Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions.   Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Icon_minitime1May 7th 2009, 7:33 pm

As of being on the moon, Tigen went under some
personal training trying to master his Nightmare Scarecrow formes. For
some reason, something went wrong and caused his flame to be corrupted
with nightmares. The valiant Shiro came to stop this. After a grueling
battle between the two, Tigen took on the final Nightmare Forme, which
was definitely the most powerful. He and Shiro fought long and hard,
and though Tigen did not want to fight Shiro like this, and Shiro did
not want to kill Tigen, the corrupted flame had control over Tigen's
body and thoughts, making him fight with devastating tactics. This new
flame... an evil flame with the ability to summon nightmares of all
kinds... The Nightmare Flame came to be.

Soon after the battle
with Shiro, Tigen got a house; a large Liquid and Dimensional orb that
hovers over the Eastern Sea, which seems to have no end on the inside.
It warps during the day and comes back during the night. Tigen threw a
housewarming party which seemed to be a big hit, showing Tigen's
popularity. Afterward, however, Tigen went up into his quarters to see
his dear brother; Pumpkinhead, who was in no real mood to hear from
Tigen. He immediately forced Tigen out of his room and Tigen fell
asleep after talking to his lamp, Pumpikkus. Tigen's little buddies
downstairs could feel something was wrong with Tigen, and with some
great ideas from the Mawile, Hiun, they all decide to go upstairs to
see Pumpkinhead, however it only goes for the worst... Pumpkinhead ends up beating up Tigen just a bit, however after this, Tigen is tired of Pumpkinhead blaming him for these things and flings him into the Dimensional Pool in his house, which leads to the Chaos Village. Pumpkinhead somehow found his way to the Reality village, but still is in the Chaos at the same time. His power is not as full as it used to be, hell, it wasn't before he was flung, but now he quests to get his power back.

Tigen has acquired the power to destroy the astronomical interdimensional wormhole that threatens to eliminate his dimension, yet does not possess the personal strength to do this. This power he has received can control, tamper with, parry and destroy a black hole as well as create reverse black holes (not white holes, just reverse black holes) via... a vacuum cleaner. He wished for this and it was given to him by Sadira. This vacuum cleaner has the ability to 1) suck in chakra/energy from wherever it is facing and whatever is within its gaping capacity (which indeed goes a very long way.) 2) Creating gravitational collapses spontaneously depending on how much energy it has, 3) Reverse the effects of black holes that point in its direction. It will prove to be very useful, though not really useful to Tigen unless up against black holes, ya know?

Another thing Tigen wished for was his scarf to have magical abilities like that of the late Grimnyzmal, the Devourist of the Black Hole. Tigen did inherit these abilities and uses them in different ways and such, but his scarf became very weak. Tigen figured out a way to concentrate his energies into his scarf as he fought, making it not-so-weak anymore. Regardless, eventually the power returned to his scarf, giving it double the power of the arm-strength of Tigen, as it was before.

One more thing that happened to Tigen was in his own house... He was locked in his Dimensional Pool, and the intense dimensional energy caused all of his flames to split and take on their own bodies, though they were made of energy of the color of the flame that resided in them. They wondered how they were all going to get back into the Main Body of Tigen that was lifeless at the moment, since they would not be able to survive if they left this place without a body as a host. You could say that these were Tigen's... Souls... And it seems as though Tigen has quite a few souls. They got into an argument out of panic, rage and conviction that one was right and the other was not, but that seemed to be the catalyst of an important event for Tigen... The main body suddenly spat out the 3 super flames; The Clear Flame, The Nothing Flame and the Nightmare Flame. These took the forms of an energy Tigen as well, and they mounted themselves on huge podiums that randomly bursted from the pool and surrounded the largest podium. Each podium was reserved with the names of the super flames, and the largest one had 'Dimensional' on it. The power from the super flames invoked the other flames to merge with with the main body, and enlisted in Tigen getting a new super flame and one of the most powerful; the Dimensional Flame... But the Dimensional Pool did not see Tigen fit to acquire this flame yet, and submerged back into the dimensional goodness that was the pool, giving Tigen's other 3 super flames back to him. He was expelled from the pool not to summon the Dimensional Flame until Tigen had gained sufficient power to control it. Soon enough.

Tigen also seems to be finding... The darker side of himself recently. That battle with Shiro was not the beginning and end of the Nightmare Scarecrow. Tigen used this on Bloom, in which he almost ended up killing her... and that is when the Nightmare Flame began to act on its own, acting as a second voice to Tigen. Tigen ended up sparing Bloom's life and acquired various Nightmare Energy abilities, but it seems this new Nightmare Flame is eating away at his thoughts and purity, slowly turning him into a nightmare himself... Unless this flame is controlled or purified, it will consume him in its nightmarish grip.

Tigen's got some friends: Kappa, Tonberry, Ring Leader, his Pokemon, and Skull Kid.
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Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions.   Tigen; Keeper of Dimensions. Icon_minitime1

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