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 Takai's Puppets

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Takai Kugutsu

Takai Kugutsu

Posts : 678
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-07-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Hobbies / Interests : Playing with my hand puppets
Kekkei Genkai : Poison Conversion

Character sheet
Character Race: Posion Humanoid
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Takai's Puppets Empty
PostSubject: Takai's Puppets   Takai's Puppets Icon_minitime1October 17th 2009, 8:37 pm

Takai’s scorpion puppet that has a strong layer of defense around its body. It is equipped with a set large claws that can be used to dig under ground. This puppet can release large waves of weapons from its back, mouth, and poison covered claws at a fast pace. It can also shot large blast of energy or poison from it's long spike covered tail.
Takai's Puppets Movie_10

This is one of my more human like puppets that was made in my village equipped with very durable armor for close combat. He is able to release kunai, needles, and bombs from his hands, chest, mouth and other parts of his body. He can also attack with its long poison covered dual swords which I can also use if them if needed.
Takai's Puppets Anima______19_by_Wen_M

This is one of my new puppets which was created from my old dragonfly puppet. This puppet can fly with the help of its large wings and can also release a massive amount of kunai, needles, and paper bombs from the wing. Tenshi is also equipped two arms that are not attached to his body but instead float around and are used for sneak attacks. Tenshi can also use a set of sword with his floating making the slashes very unpredictable.
Takai's Puppets 218c8110

This is a puppet I created myself that has been made with special tags that allow me see and hear what what is can. I also there is a speaker placed within Pinocchio so I can also speak though him when needed. This puppet is made from very hard but light material making if fast and hard to destroy. When needed Pinocchio can break his body into multiple sections and then reattach them almost any way I please. While this puppet is normally used for spying and undercover work Pinocchio is suited with many weapons. These weapons include a nose cannon, multiple arms, hidden wires, kunai launchers, many hidden blades, and flame throwers.
Takai's Puppets 1411

This puppet was created from remain of Takai's opponents for a past mission Takai took with a little help from Takia's puppet master abilities. This puppet has little few hidden weapons but has very good leg mechanisms allowing him to move very fast to avoid attacks. Shisen is able to release multiple wire from their his hands which can extend long distances and by large numbers. The wires are very sharp, can be be covered in Takai's poison at any time, and lastly the wires can be used to control puppets in the chance Takai needs to use more puppets then Takai can control at a time.
Takai's Puppets 002_sh10

Last edited by Takai Kugutsu on June 6th 2010, 12:25 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Takai Kugutsu

Takai Kugutsu

Posts : 678
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-07-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Hobbies / Interests : Playing with my hand puppets
Kekkei Genkai : Poison Conversion

Character sheet
Character Race: Posion Humanoid
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Takai's Puppets Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai's Puppets   Takai's Puppets Icon_minitime1January 9th 2011, 9:45 pm

This puppet was created from remain of Takai's opponents for a past mission Takai took with a little help from Takia's puppet master abilities. Jurouta power lies in the beads around its bod which will disconnect from Jurouta main body once Takai pulls the threads on Jurouta in a certain motion. Once disconnected the beads will grow to large sizes and will grow large mouth and float around Jurouta being also controlled by Takai's chakra threads. These mouths will try to bite down on Takai's opponent exploding once they get a good grip on anything. These beads also have a very strong amount of blunt force so they will also try to ram into Takai's opponent with a large amount of bone crunching power.
Takai's Puppets 003_ju11

This puppet was created from remain of Takai's opponents for a past mission Takai took with a little help from Takia's puppet master abilities. Mayumi unlike many of Takai other puppets is directly connect to Takai's poison abilities having a device that it able to drain poison from Takai and coat all of its hidden kunia, shuriken, swords, chains, and other weapon in the poison. Mayumi main ability however comes from his single arm sleeve which can release multiple poison gas covered hands which will constantly attack my opponent not simply trying to hit them but just touch then causing the poison them are made form to enter their body from simply touch causing their body to begin to slowly shut down before they pass out.
Takai's Puppets 004_ma10

This puppet was created from remain of Takai's opponents for a past mission Takai took with a little help from Takia's puppet master abilities. Although unlike other puppets made from Takai's puppet master ability this puppet was mostly intact as a human so it kept it normal appearance as well as its abilities. Asoba has the ability to use the wood release via the multiple seals around his body and a device in his chest the release waves of chakra to animate to wood around him to be used by Takai how he pleases. The little dragon around his neck can also be used as a puppet by Takai and can be directly affected by Asoba's abilities causing it to change size of shape.
Takai's Puppets 005_as10

This puppets was made form the Werehound a creature that had attacked to Duck was quickly defeated and turned into a puppet by Takai. Although Takai made many modifications to the animal turning it form a human like wolf into a more real wold like form with large tanks of poison on its back constantly pumping poison though its body as if it is alive. This puppet is able to release large waves of poison from its body in energy, liquid, gas, or solid form and send it toward the enemy at fast speeds. This Werehound is also able to take the poison in its body and turn them into little poison mini wolf spawns that can act on their own or under the control of Takai if he wants.
Takai's Puppets 010_we10
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Takai's Puppets Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai's Puppets   Takai's Puppets Icon_minitime1January 17th 2011, 3:14 pm

*facepalm* Mayumi's not a guy name, and it's been brought to attention to me that those are/were Lukas/Unknown's edits. I'm not saying you did anything back here, but we're trying to track to the source how his edits were leaked. We're investigating. 8D

.... Could you possibly provide links to where you found those pics, or...?
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Takai Kugutsu

Takai Kugutsu

Posts : 678
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-07-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Hobbies / Interests : Playing with my hand puppets
Kekkei Genkai : Poison Conversion

Character sheet
Character Race: Posion Humanoid
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Takai's Puppets Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai's Puppets   Takai's Puppets Icon_minitime1January 17th 2011, 3:23 pm

Well I really just goggled "neo aksuiski" and their pictures came up in multiple places.
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Takai's Puppets Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai's Puppets   Takai's Puppets Icon_minitime1January 17th 2011, 3:28 pm

Oh? Is that so? Interesting... Thanks. Google does that alot... I'll tell Unknown. <3
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Takai Kugutsu

Takai Kugutsu

Posts : 678
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-07-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Hobbies / Interests : Playing with my hand puppets
Kekkei Genkai : Poison Conversion

Character sheet
Character Race: Posion Humanoid
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Takai's Puppets Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai's Puppets   Takai's Puppets Icon_minitime1January 17th 2011, 3:32 pm

I mean the only thing I did was get rid of their red clouds so they don't look Akatsuki affiliated.

So will I have change the images.
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Damian Sai
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Wraith Level Member
Damian Sai

Posts : 150
Village of Residence : Drifter
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Glacial Bronze Flare, Earth Manipulation, Fire/Magma Manipulation, Metal Recreation

Takai's Puppets Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takai's Puppets   Takai's Puppets Icon_minitime1January 17th 2011, 3:41 pm

I could really careless, don't worry about it, I'm just gonna inform you that I'm gonna reference that one with the snake for a short description on something. (: happy RP'in
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PostSubject: Re: Takai's Puppets   Takai's Puppets Icon_minitime1

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