I received this blade from ZK after being pronounced a Preventer.
I have named it Lunaria, after the effects the moon has on it. The blade is unbreakable, made from the blood of 1000 dead. I can channel my ice powers through it to focus them better and make them more precise. One the night of a new moon, the blade turns red and my ice jutsu are magnified to an impossible level.It drains me tough so I wouldn't use it too often.
I also received The Lunar Locket
With it, I can control the placement of the moon, although it always moves back into its natural arrangement afterward. I can use this to create a makeshift New Moon and increase my strength with Lunaria quite easily.
An Ark of the Cosmos
With this, I can control the gravity in the immediate area around me. I can create a field where my movement is unhindered by gravity and move at speeds unimaginable before... Just an example.