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Posts : 154
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Village of Residence : Village of Dusk
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Kekkei Genkai : Phantasmagoria

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Malfortuna~! Empty
PostSubject: Malfortuna~!   Malfortuna~! Icon_minitime1November 15th 2009, 10:18 am

Bad Luck Magic
The very essence of all Bad Luck itself, contained and controlled by every aspect through magical and natural inclination. As such, Friday can use this 'Bad Luck Magic' to effect the natural universe's law of probability, making the probability of Bad Luck rise when she uses this magic. Thus, once something is hit with this magic, Friday may directly influence Bad Luck within and around it to her will. With this, she may create any symbols associated with Bad Luck itself, such as cracked mirrors, black cats, etc. and inflict the higher influenced Bad Luck probability onto something else.

Bad Luck: The very essence of all Bad Luck itself, contained and controlled by every aspect through magical and natural inclination. As such, Friday can use this 'Bad Luck Magic' to effect the natural universe's law of probability, making the probability of Bad Luck rise when she uses this magic. Thus, once something is hit with this magic, Friday may directly influence Bad Luck within and around it to her will.

Bad Luck Bomb: Creates a condensed ball of bad luck magic in her hand that can be thrown or multiplied to her will and they explode with lots of bad... luck...ness. This can also be released as an explosion of Bad Luck from herself as well instead of a ball.

Bat Attack: Makes a multitude of energy bats attack and explode on a foe.

Chain Letter: Releases cutting waves of paper nonstop that will slice up everything they touch as well as drain energy into their pages before imploding. They may also steal attacks and implode, making the attack temporarily useless to the foe. The Chain Letter can also form into a giant monster.

Impode/Explode: (Only after using Compact) Makes compacted object implode in on itself. Or, for Explode, makes the compacted object explode in a grand way.

Black Cat: A nightmarish cat moves at extreme speeds and slashes with giant, sharp claws.

Cross Knife: Many knives will fly at the foe and try to slash at them.

5 Leaf Clover: Flings tiny or giant 5 leaf clover 'ninja stars' embedded with bad luck. They can cut through steel with ease, being made of magic, and all.

Ace of Spades: Flings numerous cards that can slice up defenses and absorb energy and have the number 13 in the middle of them. The Ace of Spades is used to shoot out horrific spiraling beams of bad luck magic and fuck upness, or energy that they absorb.

8 of Spades: Flings numerous cards that can slice up defenses and slice through energy. The 8 of Spades is used to make horrific tornadoes of pure fuck upness and cut through most things that come their way.

Dead Man's Hand: (Only after using the Aces and Eights at least once.) Simultaneously summons the Aces and Eights, making a maelstrom or just overall fuck upable attack of cards with all of their effects. Their powers are also doubled when using the Dead Man's Hand.

Tombstone: 1) Summons a giant tombstone from the sky and has it crash down like a meteor or 2) Summons a tombstone that can break through steel and uses it as a bludgeoning weapon (or a sword.)

Misfortune Wave: Sends out a wave of Bad Luck magic that is extremely condensed and extremely fast. Not only does it SEVERELY weaken whatever is touched/cut by it, but it also drains what it touches, thus making it larger and can also charge what it touches/cuts with Bad Luck Magic and still not stop its path... and also... if Friday wills it... They can explode on her command. And the explosions do the same thing.

Ladder: Creates a giant ladder and whatever passes under it is clamped and trapped within it.

Salt: Salt rains from the sky on a certain area and disintegrates what gets in its way. Horrible if you have an open wound. These grains may also absorb liquids within them.

Break a Leg: Releases Bad Luck energy that will immobilize the legs in any way possible to the opponent if touched (Such as, paralysis, breaking, or detaching them from your body, etc. etc.)

Evil Eye: 1) Eyes open up in the air that shoot rays of bad luck. They can be used as shields, release forceful blasts and trap people as well as take people to alternate realms by engulfing them and closing them. The Evil Eye can also cause paralysis or any other status ailment it wishes if you look directly into it. Petrification is one of its favorites~! 2) Creates a giant eye that can see all. It absorbs attacks so that it becomes larger and releases bad luck magic just like Friday. It can shoot out rays that disintegrate whatever it touches and also release cutting rings of Bad Luck.

Crack: Many lines will appear on the ground, and if one is stepped on, it will cause immobilization and paralysis.

3 Butterflies: 3 large, demonic butterflies are manifested into solids by energy, shooting rays of destructive energy from their antennae and releasing gusts of horrendously poisonous wind. Also, looking directly at their wings will paralyze you temporarily via magic.

Umbrella: Friday opens an umbrella which releases a massive barrier of Bad Luck from around her. Anything that enters this bad luck barrier becomes erased from this plane of existence (even people.) However, she cannot use any other ability while using the Umbrella.

Number 4: Sends out beams of the Number 4, which will cause instant death to whatever living thing it touches.

Mirror: One mirror appear, doing one of the two things 1) Take an attack and then shatter, destroying the attack via bad luck of being shattered or seal a weak attack within itself after cracking, making it unable to be used by the opponent or 2) Reflect an attack back at the user, or even show the reflection of the user and have it attack the user through the mirror.

Sweep Wave: Releases a wave of Bad Luck from her hand or from around her body that sweeps away everything it touches with a powerful force, pushing everything it touches back as well as embedding bad luck into it. It can also move to wherever her hand points.

Compact: Condensed an object via Bad Luck. She can also use this to keep her body parts in tact if they come off or to merge with things.

Release: Forces away the Compacted object via Bad Luck. Can also be used to force things binding Friday away.

Ace of Clubs: Flings numerous cards that can be used as a defensive barrier by making a wall and the number 13 in them. The Ace of Clubs is used as a defensive measure, either being one giant card or numerous cards. The card will stay until either hit 13 times or until it is hit by an EXTREMELY powerful attack. The smaller ones take one hit to destroy, however. The giant one will have a countdown on it.

8 of Clubs: Flings numerous cards that can be used for reflective purposes. They are one time use and will reflect what hits them, but are instantly destroyed afterward. The larger the card, the more forceful and powerful the reflection. These cards can also be used as weapons, as they explode (Like Gambit! : D)

Peacock Feathers: Releases thousands of Peacock feathers which can shoot out beams of death and can allow Friday to see anything and everything. They scan, analyze and protect by adapting themselves to what they are fighting.

Black Opal: Opals that lock onto the chakra/energy/etc. source of the foe via physical contact with Friday. Once you have touched Friday, the Black Opals ALWAYS work. They have one of the 3 abilities; 1) Constantly draining the chakra/energy/etc. of a foe just by existing/being present, 2) Being broken so that they literally drain every inch of one's chakra/energy/etc. instantly, or 3) Being broken so that they suck in the foe and seal them within the Black Pearls. Naturally, if they are destroyed by the foe in ANY sort of way, they will drain ALL of their energy, as well. Think of them as a Destiny Bond. XD

Jinx: The last attack that hit Friday or that has been used by the opponent will be Jinxed, making it totally nullified, unable to be used by the foe for the rest of the battle, and... They owe Friday a soda. Naturally, this takes the most energy from her, since it is so epic.

Pandora's Box: 1)Summons a giant spinning box that hovers over the entire area. It will stay there until it is destroyed by a powerful attack. It will use one of Friday's Bad Luck Magic attacks each turn and after using at least 10, it will either suck in the foe with a powerful suction and lock them in the box forever or shoot like... Death energy out of itself for an entire turn, but after this is done, it must use 10 more abilities before it can do this again. It can also suck in attacks up to 6 times (for its 6 faces). 2) Releases ALL FORMS OF EVIL out of itself (Disease, Death, Starvation, etc.) and spreads it around the area. Naturally, it doesn't effect Friday.

Last edited by Friday on December 15th 2009, 7:20 am; edited 6 times in total
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Posts : 154
Age : 27
Village of Residence : Village of Dusk
Join date : 2009-11-15
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Phantasmagoria

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Character Race: Witch/Baku
Character Info (Highlight):

Malfortuna~! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Malfortuna~!   Malfortuna~! Icon_minitime1November 15th 2009, 10:25 am


Sleep: Hand glows and whatever she touches falls asleep. She can also shoot beams of magic that induce sleeping on contact.

Dream Eater: Devours the dream of the foe, hurting them physically and mentally, but restoring her power.

Dark Mind: Induces a nightmare for the foe. Can also take a nightmare and have it attack a foe, or just have some sort of nightmarish creature of a random sort attack the foe.

Black Void: Creates a large ball of blackness that sucks in things with an incredible gravitational pull, putting them in an eternal state of sleep so long as they are within the orb.

Dark Orbs: Creates numerous black orbs throughout the area that can move to her will. They are made of dreams and nightmares, able to drain energy/chakra/etc. from the foe AND put them to sleep at the same time.

Double Friday: 1) Friday goes into a gaseous dream/nightmare state that is unnoticed until the foe runs into her and makes contact, in which there will be 2 Friday's, one dream Friday and one solid Friday. Once touched, the gaseous Dream Friday will instantaneously flow into the mind, dreams and nightmares of the foe. 2) Goes into a magical Bad Luck state that is unnoticed until the foe makes contact with her, in which the Bad Luck Friday will be directly transferred into every aspect of the foe, making her like a second body inside of them made of magic. Then, when Solid Friday wills it, she can make the Bad Luck Friday do what she will inside of the foe to their body, since she will take up every part as if she were the body (ex. Bad Luck Friday's arm will be in the place of the foe's arm, the head will be in the place of the foe's head, etc.) And then, Friday will induce Bad Luck Magic where it is needed.

Dream Talk: An ability that is an extension of Dream Flow. When Friday is unconscious for ANY reason, she may still talk and use magic, sort of like sleep talking.

Dream Walk: An ability that is an extension of Dream Flow. When Friday is unconscious for ANY reason, she may still walk, sort of like sleep walking.

Dream Killer: 1) Steals the dreams (as in ambitions as well as mind dreams) of someone through physical touch of herself or a line of magic. This magic will steal your hopes and dreams, thus making you lose your will to fight and do anything, or ultimately shatter your thoughts of hope and accomplishment. 2) Wraps something in Dream Magic, then converts it into dream magic and finally... eliminates it.

Nightmare Pit: Uses any sort of shadow in the area (normally her own) and makes it elongate, making it a nightmare or dream and making it able to move by Friday's will. This dream shadow will then try to suck in the foe by becoming a giant pit or just moving under the foe to put them to sleep and/or trap them in the Dream World...

Dark Delusion: Distorts the space around her to instead of make herself move faster, to make the foe move slower while around her.

Dream Strike: Fazes in and out, when she reappears she releases waves of energy that put people to sleep. Or alternatively, she strikes with one of her other abilities.

Nightmare Slash: Fazes out and then reappears behind the foe to strike them with an attack. Only works when she is attacked.

Dream Delusion: Distorts her own movement to make herself move extremely fast for a short period of time. It's good for evading fast attacks.

Narcoleptic Touch/Needle: If any type of physical contact between Friday and Opponent is made with this, the foe will be forced to sleep every other turn (Foe does 1 post, on post 2 sleeps, then on post 3 wakes, and on post 4 goes back to sleep, etc. etc. etc.) It can also take the form of thin, swift, piercing needles that do the same thing.

Insomnia: Covers the foe in darkness, blinding them and forcing them to see horrible nightmares that attack their body while they are awake.

Dream Illusion: Makes an illusion of herself that can only be recognized when attacked, but the illusion cannot attack the foe directly itself, it can only avoid attacks. Once it is destroyed, the real Friday appears from behind the foe.

Disruption Wave: Sends a wave of nightmarish and dream magic that can distort space and whatnot so that it grows large and more powerful the longer it stays out.

Sleep Paralysis: Anytime the foe goes unconscious and has been hit by this attack, their body will instantaneously become paralyzed in all ways possible.

Binding Pulse: Releases a wave of dream magic from the hand that will wrap around the foe on contact and drain their energy as well as immobilize them, distorting their vision and making them a bit dreary.

Dream Bomb: Flings a bomb that will wrap the foe in delusion and make them disoriented, making them see what is not really there as well as hurting them. The effects wear off after 3 turns, making Friday basically untouchable until then (unless you have some way to dispel it, see through it or just not be effected by it.)

Dream Wall: Makes a wall of Dream Energy that whatever passes through will instantly come back out the way it entered (so if someone jumps through it, they will come back through on the side they jumped through, not behind it where Friday is.) It is translucent, so it is hard to see.

Centrifugal Dream: Releases Dream or Nightmare magic that will swirl around Friday, gradually moving further and further away from her and slicing up and disrupting whatever gets in its way. The further it gets from Friday, the more powerful it becomes. Powered up version of Binding Pulse (without the binding).

Nightmare Sword: Has a giant sword blade of nightmare or dream magic shoot straight up from the ground, absorbing and sucking in whatever is near it for energy before going back under.

Nightmare Storm: Creates a large concentration of Dream/Nightmares, usually in the form of a large cloud, though not limited to that form. This cloud will make anything in its shadow or in its presence instantaneously fall asleep by any number of meanings; It will put an insane pressure on your body that will adapt itself to whomever it is putting pressure on, thus making the pressure make force them into sleep, it will put such a strain on the brain of the foe that it will force them into sleep (or alternatively, just force the brain to go into sleeping mode), or it will suck out the power of the foe and make them have to go to sleep to drain their power. Devastating ability. Please note that the cloud itself is made of magic, not the force that comes from it that puts strain on your body. That is a FORCE, not an ENERGY/MAGIC.

Daydream: Friday becomes completely and utterly motionless, seeming to be unconscious, but conscious at the same time. From that, she begins to distort the world around her into her own dream, or rather, she will drain the mental energy of those she looks at. Once she has completed the distortion and complete change of reality to make it her dream, anything she wishes may occur. Literally, anything.

Stream of Consciousness: Allows Friday to create a Stream of Consciousness in the literal atmosphere around her. It has numerous functions, able to put those who are within it asleep, Allows her to read each and every thought of anyone within the Stream of Consciousness, allows Friday to control their conscious mind and send thoughts into their heads and such, allows Friday to control the senses of anyone in it, make anything she thinks up appear, or alternatively, steal consciousness from someone forever. You get the point, right?

Stolen Mind: Steals the consciousness of the foe... Or, alternatively, she can steal their awareness or their senses. She can also steal their responsive time and make it as slow as she wishes. She can make them oblivious to everything if she wishes. She can also set the mind waves of the foe to whatever she wishes, making the foe disoriented, delirious or insane or something of the sort. It's a really wide-ranging attack, having so many effects... She may also give a conscious to things that have no consciousness (even though the move is called Stolen Mind, but... SHUT UP.)

Dreamcatcher: Creates a gigantic dreamcatcher that will suck in and store any form of energy within itself, instantaneously locking it and whatever else touches it into the dream world. It has a powerful suction and literally attracts things toward it, making it hard to avoid. It can also be a physical or non-physical thing, meaning it can be placed on physical things if it is non-physical, making it that much more useful.

Positive Dream: Anytime the foe is feeling good in any sort of way, Friday's Dream and Arrow Powers get stronger and stronger and she gains a SHITload of energy continuously for however long they're feeling that way. It's an automatic reaction, so it's constantly happening... However, if she gains too much good feelings within her, she becomes weaker after a while, and only her Dream and Arrow powers are useful to her.

Negative Nightmare: Anytime the foe is feeling bad or negative in any sort of way, Friday's Nightmare and Bad Luck powers get stronger and stronger and she gains a SHITLOAD of energy continuously for however long they're feeling that way. It's an automatic reaction, so it's constantly happening. She may absorb the negative energy in anything in the area, as well.

Nightmare Syndrome: Creates a gigantic black ball that has the properties of the Dream Catcher, except that it feeds on all mental energies and becomes stronger and larger. Looking directly into it can cause any number of Friday's Dream/Nightmare abilities to happen to the foe, so it's best not to look at it. It can pass through all solids and can be controlled by Friday at will. It has so much power that it can change the space around it into a dream, as well as change anything it touches into a dream or nightmare, as well.

Last edited by Friday on April 25th 2010, 9:07 pm; edited 12 times in total
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Posts : 154
Age : 27
Village of Residence : Village of Dusk
Join date : 2009-11-15
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Phantasmagoria

Character sheet
Character Race: Witch/Baku
Character Info (Highlight):

Malfortuna~! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Malfortuna~!   Malfortuna~! Icon_minitime1November 15th 2009, 10:27 am

Arrow Magic:

Dark Arrow: ... Shoots arrows of magic.

Arrow Storm: Makes a multitude of magical arrows rain from the sky.

Shark Arrow: Arrow magic moves through the ground and will shoot up at the foe trying to strike like a shark.

Arrow Machinegun: Shoots arrows nonstop at a rapid rate.

Dream Arrow: Shoots an arrow that can hurt you mentally by piercing your dreams, nightmares and mind. It can travel like a dream as well.

Nightmare Arrow: Shoots an arrow that can hurt your mind and induce nightmares as well as destroy dreams. It can ttravel like a dream.

Sniper Arrow: Pinpoints the weak spot of an attack or a person and embeds bad luck into the arrow, then fires. She cannot move while doing this however, so she is left wide open for attack.

Shade Arrow: An arrow of Nightmare Magic that can go through solid objects and travel through Shadows and Darkness.

Pulse Arrow: Shoots a swift arrow of Dream Magic that releases pulses of energy that tamper with the mind, cause disorientation and overall confusion so long as it is still on the field. Friday can use this to her advantage to ya know... escape when the disoriented foe attempts to attack.

Vanishing Arrow: Fires an arrow that will disappear once and then reappear in a different direction, flying at the foe.

Arrow Mine: One or more giant arrowheads will sprout up from the ground like spikes wherever Friday wants.
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Posts : 154
Age : 27
Village of Residence : Village of Dusk
Join date : 2009-11-15
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Phantasmagoria

Character sheet
Character Race: Witch/Baku
Character Info (Highlight):

Malfortuna~! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Malfortuna~!   Malfortuna~! Icon_minitime1April 26th 2010, 6:54 am

Nightmare Energy Abilities:

Nightmare energy is basically the essence of nightmares and negative energies/emotions and grows stronger from negativity, darkness, shadows, evil... well, I'll just say negative atmosphere. It was given to Friday by Tigen and Pumpkinhead, the major difference between Friday and their Nightmares is that theirs is the essence of Nightmares and Negativity and Friday's actually ARE Nightmares. Thus, they have different abilities. It is severely weakened by light, but it cannot be destroyed by light. Nightmarish Energy is usually parasitic and drains energy from what it touches, usually being negative, but it absorbs all other energies to fuel itself. If the Nightmare Energy overpowers the positive energy in an area or in an attack or ability or whatever, the positive energy will be converted or consumed by it.

Dream Eater: Small orbs of blackness with pointed mouths that voraciously chomp trying to devour any energy they can in the area. They grow larger and more
powerful with each energy or negative energy they eat. They can be infused
with other Nightmare Energy abilities and be used to paralyze opponents
if bitten by one. Singularly made ones are always larger than ones made
in clusters.

Nightmare Web: Multipurpose almost invisible thread
shoots from the bodyparts at will. They can
entangle a foe and slit them with their sharpness, they may penetrate
solid objects and take control of them as if they were Friday's puppets,
they may create a large and sticky web that also cuts, or they may be
used as whips or tentacles. They can also be used to paralyze the foe completely.

Nightmare Shield: A dome of
Nightmare Energy surrounds Friday, becoming ever larger once it is come
in contact with by solids. Whatever comes in contact with it is
converted into Nightmare Energy and absorbed into either it or Friday.
Nonsolids easily pass through it, however.

Bloody Nightmare: Every time Friday is injured,
Nightmarish energy shoots out of her body with double the force and
power of the attack that fly with double the speed. While this is being
used, no nightmarish energy of any kind can be in affect.

Flash (Nightmare Replay): Friday makes a large blinding flash,
which signals that the move is activated. If Friday makes contact using
ANY attack she knows, it will be done the EXACT same way 100 times
without the foe being able to do anything about it because they are
forced out of their defenses in the same way it hit the first time.
(Ex. Friday stabs you, she will continue to stab you in the same fashion
repeatedly and it will ALWAYS make contact in the exact same way it did
the first time.) This move can be used consecutively if it misses, but
if it makes contact, it will require a few turns of resting to be used

Nightmare Darts: Shoots out various slits of nightmare energy at a high speed that consume energies of all kinds, growing larger when contact is made.

Nightmarish Fist: Friday's hands are surrounded in a great deal of nightmare energy that implodes explodes and/or absorbs what it touches on contact.

Nightmare Heartbreak: Locates the weaknesses of the foe, physical or mental, and concentrates Nightmares to home in on it and attack that weakness.

Nightmare Shadow: 1) Friday changes herself into a Nightmare Energy shadow and attaches herself to the shadows, allowing her to use the shadow however she sees fit as either a portal into the body of the foe or as a puppet. 2) Uses nightmare energy to attack/grab at a foes shadow, having whatever done to the shadow being done to them.

Nightmare Storm: Nightmare energy lightning rains down nonstop, creating crackling explosions of nightmarish energy that leaves a static Nightmare energy wherever the explosions have happened.

Nightmare Chaos: A powerful nightmare appears that is able to change its state of matter from a Solid to a Liquid to a Gas to a Plasma at any given time it deems fit to attack a foe with its large, sharp, condemning scythe.

Nightmare Pandemonium: A loud, extremely high frequency screech or shriek is omitted from Friday, too loud and high for it to be audible to the normal ear, though extremely powerful, able to cause permanent deafness and brain damage with just 3 seconds of being within it. That's not all, however. A large circle prevents the escape of anything from the area and thousands upon thousands of nightmares feast upon the energy/flesh of the foe until their are either drained of all energy and cannot move or stripped of their flesh.

Styx: A nightmare energy river flows about from Friday, grasping and taking in any object that comes near, energy or solid, and devours it so that it can flow more. If it has nothing to devour, it will eventually shrivel up, though it will literally devour ANYTHING near it.

Nightmare Arm: Arm becomes nightmare energy and grows to great proportions or grabs the foe and drains them of their energy.

Nightmare Slash: Slashes at great speeds, releasing huge shockwaves of Nightmare Energy that cut and corrode substances.

Nightmare Noise: Releases a high pitch, high frequency screech that rumbles the area. Numerous nightmare energy bats consume the area and makes the entire area surrounding in Nightmare Energy as well as slice up enemies with their wings. They also drain chakra/energy upon being touched.

Nightmarish Infection: Lets Nightmare Energy infect inanimate objects and make them come to life, leaving them under Friday's control as well as giving them several Nightmare Energy abilities.

Nightmare Shadow: Nightmare Energy hides in the shadows, devouring shadows completely and replacing them with nightmare energy. It will slice across the surfaces of things and attack people directly by moving across the surface of their body and... well... attacking.

Nightmare Pulse: A huge wave of Nightmare Energy that will devour and absorb most energies that it comes in contact with to grow larger and stronger, making it more devastating.

Infinite Nightmares: Makes 1,000 or more nightmares spurt from herself of huge proportions to attack and devour whatever she wants them to. If they are to touch the enemy, the enemy will instantly go to sleep and they will have their energy/chakra/dreams/nightmares all eaten.

Nightmare Claw: Thin, sharp, fingers of nightmare grow and slash at enemies with great force. If they are broken in the process, they instantly grow back.

Reaper's Revenge: Friday either summons the Nightmare Scythe or transforms one of her arms into a giant scythe and slashes at the soul of a person or the chakra of an attack, which instantly dies (soul) or disintegrates (chakra).

Light Eater: Devours the light in the area via darkness and Nightmare Energy.
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PostSubject: Re: Malfortuna~!   Malfortuna~! Icon_minitime1

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