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 Domo's Auras -Revamped-

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4 posters


Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1May 9th 2009, 9:20 pm

All Auras have the same abilities to create the following if it pertains to that element:

All -|Passive Abilities|- have barely or no chakra drain.

All Auras have the same passive ability

Tracking Program
-By simply placing a small trace of my own chakra that has a mutated signature a simple program activates.
-Any and every attack I use have the ability to home in onto the mutated signature on my command.
-Command does not have to be vocal, only the thought of tracking is needed.
-Attacks can be deflected but they have the ability to track in onto the signature again.
-Best way of surviving the attacks are to destroy/cancel it completely.
-Attacks are not restricted to the tracking program, meaning free movement if wanted.
-The amount of chakra to use this program is the amount placed on the person.
-Direct contact is not necessarily needed, but preferred to maximize results.
-Can be placed anywhere and is not restricted to the person.
-Multiple Mutant Chakra Signatures (MCS) can be placed.
-MCS latches onto cells where it is placed and becomes stationary.
-Invisible to the naked/untrained eye.
-Spotting the mutant chakra signature is extremely difficult because of the specific frequency it sends.
-Only people adept in sensing chakra signatures are able to sense the specific frequency.
-Even then it is only possible if they are completely concentrating on locating the signature. Which can prove difficult with attacks nearing.
-MCS can cover a person's entire body if wanted.-Direct Contact is Necessary-

Possibilities of Removing the Tracking Program
-Concealing the signature with their own chakra, their chakra has to be constant. Especially if location is not known covering the entire body in their own chakra is a possibility but hazardous for chakra drain.
-Have a specialist in chakra signatures to remove the MCS (Mutant Chakra Signature).
-Removing of the MCS forcefully could result in massive shock or potential temporal disablement.
-Dismemberment is can be a plausible if location is known.

Activation word - Flamma - Fire, Ventus - Wind, Aqua - Water, Terra - Earth, Umbra - Dark/Shadow, Lux - Light

Negations word - Quietus

Fire Aura
-|Passive Abilities|-
-Able to increase the temperature of flames to
-Unable to freeze
-Continuously Burns

Water Aura
-|Passive Abilities|-
-Transform an element from it's gas state to it's liquid state or it's solid -interchangeable sequence-
-Power increases if the Moon is seen -multiplies from the amount of moons-

Earth Aura
-|Passive Abilities|-
-Earth Manipulation
-Increased Physique
-Increased Stamina

Wind Aura
-|Passive Abilities|-
-Atmospheric Control
-Temperature Regulation
-Wind Speeds
-Create Electric Currents

Dark Aura
-|Passive Abilities|-
-Drain objects or people for energy
-Decays a person or object if required amount of energy to sustain life is no more
-Stealth+Speed increases in darkness/shadows
-Solidify Shadows

Light Aura
-|Passive Abilities|-
-Slight Healing Abilites
-Have any light as a source of energy
-Complete Light Spectrum Manipulation

-Additional Note-
When I say manipulate a certain element, it does not mean I have total dominance over that element. But if the attack is weak I am able to redirect or control that jutsu myself; however, if that certain jutsu or attack is to great for my chakra to handle, I am unable to manipulate that attack.
Weak Attack (-You shoot fireballs-
-I redirect the projectiles back at you-)
Strong Attack (-You send several waves of super charged lightning-
-I try to manipulate but get shocked since my chakra is not able to handle such a force-

Aura Splitting allows myself to form duplicates of my body containing every physical attributes accordingly. But because of this ungodly skill, whatever a damage I receive to one of the bodies and return to my original body I take the percentage of the damage.

Inadvertently, Aura Merging allows myself to combine all the different auras I've mastered into a single entity. Allowing multiple elemental control at once without the need of changing auras every so often.

I split into four bodies Fire, Wind, Dark, and Light. If the Dark body is nearly dead, and I return to original body but suffer 1/4 of damage.

Last edited by Domo on June 6th 2009, 1:27 am; edited 4 times in total
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1May 9th 2009, 9:21 pm

-|Ethereal State|-
Ether: The regions of space beyond the earth's atmosphere; the heavens./The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.
Domo's Auras -Revamped- Crab-s11
-My entire being manifests in this ancient element and gain complete and total control of ether itself
-Immune to Physical Attacks


Elemental Power is greatly increased when the particular summon of that element is summoned.

-Element of Summon - Personality
-Additional Descriptions

Fire Elemental - Wrathful
Domo's Auras -Revamped- Fire_e10
Name: Hyperion
Height: 50 feet
Domain of Fire
-Flames can and will burn/consume/evaporate through any substance completely
-Temperatures rival multiple supernovae
-Flames cannot be smothered through ordinary means

Water Elemental - Intelligent
Domo's Auras -Revamped- Water_11
Name: Oceanus
Height: 40 feet
Domain of Water
-Every liquid is manipulable
-Reverts gas/solid states into liquid state if willed

Earth Elemental - Determined
Domo's Auras -Revamped- Earth_11
Name: Khaos
Height: 50 feet
Domain of Earth
-Any mineral found in the ground is easily manipulated
-Manipulated earth resembles the strength and durability of lonsdaleite

Wind Elemental - Harmonious
Domo's Auras -Revamped- Wind_e10
Name: Aether
Domain of Wind
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
-The very winds and atmosphere fall under complete control
-Any foreign entity in the atmosphere can be removed easily
-Speeds of wind are able rival the speed of light

Dark Elemental - Elegant
Domo's Auras -Revamped- Shadow10
Name: Tartarus
Height: 6 feet
Domain of Darkness/Shadows
-Distort the core of darkness, freeing control or wiping out a shadow
-Extends any shadow without a source of light
-Manipulated shadows give a slightly darker hue no matter what the lighting conditions are

Light Elemental - Pure
Domo's Auras -Revamped- Light_12
Name: Theia
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Domain of Light
-All of allies wounds are healed instantaneously
-Waves or frequencies of light manipulation becomes feasible
-Increase or lower the speed of light

Last edited by Domo on August 27th 2009, 10:07 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1May 9th 2009, 10:30 pm

I'm mad your using some of our bankai pics
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Spectre of the Depths
Spectre of the Depths

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 2:41 am

Yea Domo, you can't use pics already used by someone else. Akarui will call dat ass out on it....

Oh and that Earth Elemental and the Dark Elemental looks freakin sextacular.
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 9:28 am

xD but the thing is I don't know which pictures are the bankai ones O.o I'll change them if necessary
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
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Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 10:54 am

just look under the ewapons or jutsu list of people but mainly look under mine and zeiks
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1May 12th 2009, 7:37 pm

I changed your bankai pic to that Angel instead :]
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Spectre of the Depths
Spectre of the Depths

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1May 12th 2009, 7:56 pm

Dood nice choice
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 1:10 pm

Update Summon info
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

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Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 1:19 pm

Hey Domo everything looks fine but all that needed to be changed is the dark pic thank ya very much
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 3:14 pm

BOO AKARUI D: fine I'll find a better one I think I might have one too O.o
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 3:15 pm

O.o really I wanna see!!!
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1August 27th 2009, 10:04 pm

Added Ethereal State guys :]
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Domo's Auras -Revamped- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Domo's Auras -Revamped-   Domo's Auras -Revamped- Icon_minitime1

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