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 Sadira of the Sky, Your Delivery Has Arrived

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Sadira Dakini
Phantom Level Member
Phantom Level Member
Sadira Dakini

Posts : 445
Age : 33
Village of Residence : N/A
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 9
Hobbies / Interests : Delivering things, bombs, baking
Kekkei Genkai : Hangetsu no Goudou

Sadira of the Sky, Your Delivery Has Arrived Empty
PostSubject: Sadira of the Sky, Your Delivery Has Arrived   Sadira of the Sky, Your Delivery Has Arrived Icon_minitime1May 11th 2009, 8:47 am

Name: Sadira Dakini (also goes by Darude)
Age: It depends on how old she feels. Usually 13. She's actually 18 though.
Occupation: Delivery ninja~. She makes sweets as a side gig.
Specialties: Fire and wind elements, savate, wish granting, explosives, spear fighting, and culinary combat.

Sadira is a delivery-nin from Heliopolis. She grew up on that floating island learning the ways of the Dakini and the beast within. Because of this, she's close to animals and also has gained the ability to copy their abilities such as flying or extreme speed or what have you. She generally stays in a constant state of wolf fusion though. Her mother was a noble and the next in line as head of the Dakini clan while her father owned a small, and constantly busy, post office where Sadira spent most of her time. Unlike other females from the Dakini clan, Sadira took more after her father and grew up wild instead of the delicate flower she was expected to be. Because of this, she was considered a disgrace to the bloodline but as she was the only daughter, her mother kept her hidden so no one would see her. She was tutored in the ways of a proper lady and draped in lace, but to no avail. She always snuck out to go to her father's post office to help out or play with her older brother. Realizing her daughter wouldn't change, her mother allowed her to go to an academy so she could become a delivery ninja. She was trained to perfect her ability as a wind element, but growing up on a desert island had its perks and she mastered a few sand techniques as well. All her life, she's taken it easy. Running through the desert, playing pranks on the villagers, loafing around with her team, and traveling the world as she delivered packages. This easy lifestyle was cut short as she was unfortunate enough to fuse with the Bennu, a mythical bird under the Waizukage's protection. Now she's gained a half immortality, dimension/time warp abilities, the element of fire, and a place on Heliopolis's wanted list. Heliopolis wasn't the only thing she had to worry about though. The god-like beings that created the Bennu weren't too happy with her taking their pet and have made it their goal to capture Sadira. After being caught by them once and escaping, she decided to stay on the low and blend into the background. With all this, she left, hoping to be able to enjoy a slow life once more.

After wandering around for 4 years, she stumbled upon the Nightmare. Compared to the tropical paradises and urban heavens that she'd lived in before, Nightmare wasn't that impressive, but because of its distance from her old home, she stayed and grew to love the place as her second home. Within a week of living there, she 'adopted' ZK as her older brother and moved in with him to get out of the ghetto. While she only intended to start up a delivery service and eat cakes all day long, she was somehow brought back into the ninja game and ranked up to the level of Anbu after joining ZK's Preventers. Sometime during that she got more in touch with Bennu's powers and set up an area deep within the Dragons Den to grant the wishes of whoever she deemed worthy. Unfortunately, doing so attracted the attention of the beings that were hunting her and as they draw nearer, the shackles they once had on her steadily return.

Now, with the Nightmare pretty much gone, she's returned to her life of hopping from city to city with no alliances to any specific village as it should have been before. She still plans on keeping a delivery service between the villages though (from bombs to birthday gifts, she'll deliver em all) and wouldn't mind granting wishes again. Also, with the added connection to Bennu, she's been able to transfer the life renewing properties of the Bennu into her own chakra and wants to undergo training for a medical ninja. All she's done so far is roam around, strumming her guitar and playing her Ichigo while waiting for something to happen. And though she's pretty much against fighting (a fight isn't enough to hold her attention) it'd be a waste for her to have learned so much and not put it to use sometimes.
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