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 A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.

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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 5th 2010, 7:07 am

-Hakku stood on a blank and barren wasteland, arms crossed and hair blowing in the wind. She hoped someone would come along willing to battle.-
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 5th 2010, 1:44 pm

Maze would appear out of thin air in front of Hakku giving her that warm loving maze smile. "Hello Hakku. How are you today?" Maze spoke with his English accent to his new kage awaiting for her answer.

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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 7th 2010, 2:16 pm

"I am fine... I must grow accustomed to various style of combat so I may aid the village properly."
-She still talked in a controlled tone, like she was machine. She held out her hand and an axe materialized into her hand.-
A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Zdx10
-She held the massive deadly looking axe in one arm and rested it upon her shoulder.-
"Maze Rituke, is not one to be underestimated."
-she readied a stance, locking her eyes on Maze.-
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 11th 2010, 1:31 pm

"You know we're friends right?" Maze said smiling the shoulder pads hovering over Maze's shoulders would merge themselves together forming a pith black katana with the tip of the blade curved like a scythe. "There's no need to be so mechanical." Maze took a stance looking toward Hakku waiting for a move that Maze smile still on his face.
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 11th 2010, 4:20 pm

"Less mechanical.."
-She pondered for a brief second. She then raised Marvelous and gave a powerful swing in Maze's direction. The swing broke the sound barrier twice over, sending a monumental shock wave into maze's general direction, hoping to offset his balance and/or damage him with the sheer force. She followed up by charging in so quick she appeared to lag, appearing about a meter from Maze with her axe already positioned to strike again.-
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 12th 2010, 1:32 pm

Appearing in front of Maze from what seemed to from nowhere were two giant hands warped in black cloth. The arms would act as a shield protecting Maze from from the powerful shock wave drawing it into it's self absorbing the force of the shock wave, Then just as soon as they appeared the arms would vanish as Maze brought up the black katana to block Hakku's swing making a small creator under him due to the force of Hakku's swing. "Ya you know. You got to loosen up a bit." The katana would engulf it's self in a sort of black and energy that is know as Death energy and would release it's power causing a large explosion of death energy that would take up at least 12 city blocks that would blast Hakku away and level the area.
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 12th 2010, 2:21 pm

OMG ll of your characters are women??? well most of them anyways. I think you might have a little Zeik in you. I prefer o be chicks in most video games...dont know why though.
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 13th 2010, 11:59 pm

-Hakku's eyes widened at the massive collection of a dark energy focusing in Maze's katana's. She leaped back, waving one hand in front of her to send out a field of corruption energy to cancel the damage of the death energy explosion that affected her 5 meter radius area.-
"By loosen up, you are considering I show emotion?"
-Hakku wasn't human, and wasn't used to using emotions to express herself. It would take some time to do what Maze requested. For now, Hakku slammed her hand onto the atmosphere in front of her as if it were a solid to create an instantaneous shockwave laced with corruption energy at Maze. The area of the attack was wide enough to cover 10 meters in both directions of the Sannin.-
"That task isn't as easy as it seems."
-Binary coding began to be encrypted onto Marvelous. What would it do was still a mystery.-

(I actually have alot of guy characters, just haven't made them. I know why I use girls in soul cal 4 though. Who doesn't love shattering outfits that you gave them yourelf? xD And sorry Maze, I will try to have Hakku's miniature ability listings before the weekend is over.)
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 14th 2010, 10:53 pm

((It's no problem Hakku. Oh and Maze = Soul Cal 4 King))

"It's funny how much you remind me of Khrona.." Maze started swing his sword around and around leaving a trail of of death energy in the paths of his swings. Before long Maze would be completly cover in a dome of death energy that would sheild Maze from Hakku's shockwaves and keep them at bay. Inside the dome Maze would gather soul energy into to his hands. He would then clap realeasing all that stored energy breaking threw the dome blowing away everything around him most importantly those shockwaves. "But you know even Khrona shows emotions as crazy as they may be. I'm sure you can do it to." Maze looked up at Hakku showing her his smile. He wanted to make sure Hakku knew that he was friend...Maze is so nice XD
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 15th 2010, 3:44 pm

"What emotion is appropriate for combat?"
-Hakku said nonchalantly. She slammed her axe into the ground, releasing ripples of the binary coding throughout the entire field, followed by a slight tremor.-
"Commencing terrain alteration."
-Spires covered in binary coding would jut out of the ground, mincing all they come in contact with. The area in which they came from the ground included Maze's area. The binary coding was a coating of zeros and ones which were purple to signify that they were laced with corruption energy. -
"Binary coding is usually green, but when it is purple that means corruption energy is mixed into the code. Whatever is touched by corruption energy will become utterly broken, breaking down beyond the point of reconstruction."
-as she stood still watching all that transpired on the field, wind began to swirl and condense around her, creating a plasma veil around Hakku.-
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 15th 2010, 4:42 pm

Maze would float but iches off the ground as the hord of spires started shotting up from the ground. Maze float around doing his beast to dodge the spires s they jetted up from the ground. "Oh man...haven't had this much fun in awhile." When he was able Maze would fly higher into the sky out of the spires's range. Maze's katana would start flashing with a dim red color as it morphed it's self into a long scythe with a black handle and a red blade. "In battle you should feel your happiest. I find battle....very excellerating."
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 15th 2010, 4:57 pm

-Hakku watched as Maze dodged her spires. The spires would recede back into the earth, and the alteration of the area would continue.-
-she saw Maze readying his black and red scythe. She sensed an negative vibe from it. She head up Marvelous with one hand and readied it for an attack. her gripped tightened on her axe.-
"That scythe...is that a demon?"
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 11:19 am

"This scythe is a part of me. If anything I'm the demon. The power your feeling isn't that of the scythe's it's my own amplifying threw it." Maze looked up toward Hakku smiling. "Crazy right? A nice guy like me could be so evil right?" The blade of the scythe glowed a sinister red color giving off a humming sound. "I guess it just can't be helped.." Maze would started swing the scythe around and from it's blade a horde of death energy type beams would shoot off like rapid fire out toward the entire area.
(Visual aid)
A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Sparkles_by_MattTheSamurai
Maze would keep this up keeping the storm of energy going.
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 11:50 am

-Purple spires would protrude from the ground to as high as 7 feet around Hakku. They were laced with corruption energy, so it would effectively cancel out with the death energy. A trail more spires would jut out the ground at the same height right for Maze as Hakku stood calmly watching with Marvelous.-
"A combination of both light and dark.."
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 17th 2010, 12:22 am

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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 17th 2010, 12:44 am

(Sorry Hakku I got a a lot going on right now)

To Hakku it would as if Maze had been impaled by her spires. But as that image of Maze faded showing that it was only an afterimage, Maze would appear in front of Hakku's peep hole in one of the spires around her. "That's a brilliant deduction. You've only known me for so long and yet you've come up with that. But sadly your wrong..." Maze's scythe would change back into there shoulder pad like for and floated around Maze. "Hey let's not talk here. We should go somewhere more proper for our chitchat. I now a great tavern we can go to what do ya say?" Maze smiled warmly when from nowhere his stomach growled. "Hehe we can get something to eat to haha.."
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 17th 2010, 3:25 pm

-Noticing Maze's glare through the slits of the spires, they would receed into the ground and Marvelous would fade away in a digital-like fashion.-
"I shall accompany you."
-She said blandly.-
"Lead the way."
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 19th 2010, 1:27 pm

Maze smiled as he reach out his hand toward Hakku. "Just take my hand."
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 20th 2010, 12:30 am

-Hakku looked at Maze's empty hand. She would grab his hand, waiting to see what would happen.-
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1January 20th 2010, 10:14 am

A small amount of energy was released when the two touched. Maze would smile as his transported the two to the tavern.
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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.   A sparring match to get back the feel of battle. Icon_minitime1

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A sparring match to get back the feel of battle.
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