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 Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves

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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 12th 2009, 8:46 pm

Yuuri stood in a quite grass field, staring out with a blank expression. The wind stirred and Yuuri flipped around, blade drawn. She nearly dropped it at what she saw. "B-boss?" she stammered. Infront of her stood the Boss of The Grey Wolves, grinning like a moron. "Good to see you again, Fox".
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 7:46 am

Yuuri gasped as Rock, Beauty, Fang, Nudge, Blurr, Burn, and Sickle, appeared behind Boss. "G-guys!?" she exclaimed, stunned. Boss grinned. "We heard how you've been doin' over 'ere. We thought we'd give you are special training session. One last time. 'Member those, Fox?" Yuuri nodded. Those training sessions were brutal...."Well, this ones extra-special. 3 weeks. Us, You. You get 24 hours of sleep in total, if you earn it. Food and drink are earned in fighting. Got it? Get it? Good. We begin tommorrow. Meet us here" he said, tossing Yuuri a map. And as sudden as they were there, the were gone. Yuuri blinked. "....I better get prepared..." she said, walking off.
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 8:05 am

-The Next Day. Day Count; 1-
Yuuri arrived at the spot designated. It was a desert. No suprise there. Thats were the Grey Wolves liked to do training....She unseathed her sword an flipped around just in time to block the blow from a sickle. She flipped around to face the attacker. "...Sickle?" Infront of her stood a tall lanky man with stringy black hair. He wore a trench coat and shades, flipping his sickle around in circles. " Long time no see, Yuuri. It's day one. My turn...we have an objective" he held up a small peg before attachining it to a strap on his neck. "You just got to knock that out. Doing so will earn you an hour of sleep tonight" he said, a wry smile on his face. "Now come get me".
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 8:27 am

"...Ragnarok". The black whip immeaditly formed in her hand. She cracked it onto the ground, the place where it hit exploding in a burst of dark energy. Sickle looked slightly amused. "Ragnarok, hmm? Very well". He swiped his sickle through the air. A pulse of dark energy traveled threough the air quickly, reshaping into the form of a sickle. Yuuri cracked her whip, and aimed it at the dark energy coming her way. The whip hit it, crackling with darkness. But all it did was make the dark-scythe bigger. Sickle chuckled. "I've grown stronger since you've left. No not only does the chakra repell, it absorbs..." he said, grinning. Yuuri gave him a wry smile. "Oh?" Her molucuels instantly re-formed themselves, becomvng the same as the dark-sycthe that was advancing fast. She grabbed it, being of the same build now. She reared back and threw the dark-sickle back at Sickle. He raised his weapon and the attack was absorbed back into it. "Hmmm..."
"Never show your back to your opponent..." a voice whispered in Sickles ear. He flinched and began tp turn around, but it was too late. He had been so busy evaluating Yuuri he didn't notice her clone sneak up behind him. Well, it was understanable. The clone had become mad from the same composants as the sand, making it easy to go un-noticed. Sickle fell forwards, knocked out after a well-aimed blow to the neck. The Yuuri-clone picked up the peg from his neck and smiled. "An hour's sleep" Yuuri sighed. "I have a feeling I'll need it sometime during these weeks..." she said, taking the peg from the clone and walking further into the desert in search for a house of some sort. The map said there would be one....
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 8:45 am

-Many Hours Later-
After travelvng through the harsh winds and blistering sun of the desert, Yuuri finally saw a lone stone building in the middle of the desert. The sun had gone down now, and the winds were much cooler. Chilly, actually. She begun to walk forward. The pack would be there....She stopped dead as 3 arrows landed in the sand one after another infront of her. She glanced at them. Paper bombs! She flipped backwards a few times to avoid the explosion. "...Beauty" she murmured, looking around. It was pitch black, and she could she nothing, but she heard an approving harumph. "And?" she asked, looking around. "...Agility.." a voice exhoed. It had been pitched, so she had no idea where it came from...Yuuri nodded. "And?" "Try not to get hit. Every hit knocks off a piece of food". She nodded. "Then we'll begin".
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 9:06 am

fwip. fwip. fwip. Yuuri heared the arrows flying through the air. She ducked, and they skimmed the top of her head, standing up, she was grazed by another arrow on the arm. What? She hadn't heard any arrows go....

In the shadows, Beauty smirked. "Like it? My new Phantom Arrows. They make no sound, and i developed a rather nice acid to go with them..."

Yuuri flinched at the words. She could already feel her arm going numb. She ripped some fabric of her shirt, tying one very tightly around her wrist and one on her elbow. Cut of the cvrculation, and thats all that would stay paralyzed. Or whatever this acid did..... Yuuri flinched as her back started to burn. She yanked out three arrows from her back. They were lit on fire, and Yuuri immeaditly threw it to the ground, stunned. She hadm't heard those either....

Beuaty sighed. "Don't hear the arrows, Foxy....Feel them.."

Yuuri gritted her teeth. Feel them how? When they implaed her? She sighed but was jostled into action as soon as a dozen arrows flew over her, laning vn a circle around her. The began to let out a poisonous gas.....Yuuri tied her scarf around her mouth, not wanting to inhale it.

Beauty laughed from the darkness. "Lil'Fox.....that's not an inhaling gas..." she said, chuckling.

Yuuri flinched with realization. The gas was going through her pores! Coughing, her skin bubbled and changed and she forced the poison out of her system. She then shifted her molecule ssystem to that of a rock. She now looked like a living stone, her features carved from stone.

"Feel the arrows..." Beauty whispered, hitching another five arrows onto her bow.
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 9:43 am

Beauty released the arrows, and they began to fly towards Yuuri, an unseeable chakra swarming around them. They'd be able to go through the stone, easy peasy.

Yuuri closed her eyes, focusing. Feel the arrows, feel the arrows....Aha! There! Yuuri dropped to the ground to avoid the three arrows that past over head of her. Standing up, she jumped to the left, avoiding another arrow. She was feeling confident now, and forgot to keep her gaurd up. An arrow coated with the unseen chakra cut through her stone arm, leaving a perfect circle in her arm. Yuuri cursed. There was no blood, but when she shifted her moluceuls back...that hole would stir up some shit. Most definately. Normally she'd re-arrange her moloceuls to see how bad it was.....but she couldn't at the moment. She grabbed several arrows out of the air as they neared, flipping backwards to avoid another several aimed at her feet. She dropped the arrows in her hand in alarm as spikes jutted out of them, leaving scratches in the stone.

Beauty watched carefully from the shadows. She came into view, leaning on her bow. "That's good for now. Boss said to only go for so long. For now. Go into the house. Maybe you should use that hour of sleep. Here" she said, tossing Yuuri several green pegs. "Leave those at your door. They'll be three pieces of fruit by morning".

Yuuri nodded, taking in the sight of Beauty. It'd been awhile since she'd seen her friend. Her black hair was braided, and yet it still hung just under her thighs. Her purple eyes were as sharp as ever- and it looked as if she'd grown a couple feet, even though she was a fairly tall girl. "Alright. Later, Beauty" Yuuri said, walking towards the small stone building.

Beauty hesitated, then ran at Yuuri and wrapped her in a hug. "I really missed you, Fox. Good Luck" she said. And with that, she dissapeared.

Yuuri smiled. "..So did I...." but she continued on her way, arriving in the small building. She walked inside, and glanced around. There were stone bunks everywhere, but a cot had been hung across two of them. Yuuri smiled and hopped into the cot, dozing off almost imeaditly. She'd be rudely awoke in an hour's time.
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:52 am

Yuuri was roughly shoved out of her cot a few hours before midnight. "Get up! Your hours over!" a voice grumbled. Yuuri recognized it. She stood up, rubbing her back. It had hurt when she'd hit the floor. "...Rock..." she grumbled, looking up at the menacing figure infront of her. He was about 6"10, and all muscle. He had tattos everywhere in sight, and his purely white eyes contrasted with his dark skin.

"Get outside" Rock said, shoving Yuuri outside roughly. "Taijutsu. Now".

Yuuri managed to grab three pieces of fruit from the ground before she stepped on them. Beauty was right. Huh. She munched on one, and through the others through the window. They landed in the cot. She might need them later.

Rock stared Yuuri down, cracking the knuckles on his massive hands. "We train. Taijutsu. You earn 10ml of water for each blow you block. 50ml for each blow you give".

Yuuri sighed. Rock was a tank. This would be harder than it sounded...She jumped backwards as a giant fist slammed were she had just been. Rock stood were she used to be, dusting his fist off. There was a rather large hole left in the sand were he pulled his fist from.

Rock ran towards Yuuri. He grabbed her waist and reared back, throwing Yuuri into the air. He then jumped up and heel-kicked her to the ground.

Yuuri huffed slightly, wiping the sweat of her brow. Rock was much quicker than before.
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 11:26 am

Rock charged at Yuuri, looking like a bull charging a red flag.

Yuuri gasped as she was winded. Rock drove his head into her stomach. She grabbed her hands onto the shirt on his back, and flipped herself over him. She high-kicked the back of his head, sending him flying forward. When Rock stood and faced her, his face was steamed with rage. It was even darker now, and Rock was almost concealed in the shadows.

Rock ran at her, then dropped into a crouch, sweeping a foot to knock her feet from under her.

Yuuri placed her hands on his head, jumping up and dodging his legs. but he grabbed her and chucked her into the sand, jumping at her wrestler-style, his elbow poised to hit her chest. She rolled over as he hit the sand instead of her, and then jumped to her feet, heel-kicking Rock in the back.

Rock growled and grabbed Yuuri's foot, and then started spinning in circles, her foot firmly held in one hand.

Yuuri struggled, trying to get out of Rock's grip. She was getting dizzy. She must of gone around in circles fifty times before Rock let her go...and she was sent flying into the small rock building, hitting the rock HARD.
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 11:56 am

Yuuri dropped to the ground on all fours, glaring up at Rock...but he was gone. In his place were ten purple pegs, equivalent to 500ml of water. Yuuri smiled and took the pegs, and looked over her shoulder as she heard movement. She turned around, a small smile on her face. "Blurr!" A girl of about 4"11 with her blonde hair tied in pigtails. The little girl managed a smile. "So...Speed?"

Blurr nodded, walking over to Yuuri. She put a hand on her shoulder and they were teleported farther out in the desert. Blurr glanced to the sky. "This is your first lesson of Day Two. Speed. You will be in an agility course...Diffrent forms in diffrent parts. If you do not finish a segment in time, you will have time to sleep subtracted. 20 minutess per segments, starting sleep time three hours".

Yuuri nodded. "Wait...Day Two?" Blurr nodded. Yuuri cracked her neck, smiling. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

*~.:Day Two:.~*

"You" Blurr said Bluntly. "You won't need to change form for the first leg of the race. You have 30 minutes to complete it. It starts over there" she said, pointing to a large 'Start' sign that went on to other obstacles and things.

Yuuri's eye twitched. When did that stuff get there? Sighing, she nodded. "Kay".

Blurr stared at her blankly. "When your ready, then".
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 12:25 pm

Yuuri ran past the start line, running quickly across the desert sand. She kept going straight, and she started to get confused. This couldn't just be a race. It was too...easy. Just then a helluva lot of obstacles appeared infront of Yuuri. She sighed. Maybe she should stop thinking and start looking sometimes. She jumped over a few hurdles, starting small, then going to about twenty feet. She weaved through some poles and was suprised to see more bare desert. ...what the hell? Sighing, she ran across it, to jump back, scared out of her skin, as the piece of desert she'd step on exploded. Her eyes opened with realization. Mine Field!

Yuuri darted across the minefeild, scared out of her skin. One wrong step, and she could be blown into oblivion. "!" she grinned. She had an idea. "Shadow Fang!" Random Shadow spikes burst from the ground, only a few setting off explosions. Yuuri made her way across the field by jumping from fang to fang, untill she was safely on the other side. She raised her eyes to the last obstacle of this segment. She had ten mnuted left. She gasped at what she saw. A-a bull pen!? What!?
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Yuuri Andou
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Yuuri Andou

Posts : 94
Age : 28
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Theifing
Kekkei Genkai : Shapeshifter/Molecule Regeneration/Molecule Restruction

Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves   Re-united One Last Time; Yuuri and The Grey Wolves Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 3:10 pm

She looked down at herself, and some how, all her clothes had turend bright red. Yuuri sighed. "Greeeeeeeeeeeeeat". She valuted over the fence, immeadlitly catching the attention of the bulls. The caught one glimpse of her red, and soon they were wall charging. She jumped over the bulls, jumping from back to back. One of them bucked, throwing Yuuri to the ground. She swore as one of the bulls charged at her, lifted her up by the horns, and threw her outta the pen. She flew through the 'Segment One End' sign 40 seconds before time was up. Rubbing her back, Yuuri stood up, giving the bulls the finger. "Damn bulls..." she glanced down to see her clothes were normal again. It had probably been a genjutsu.

Blurr appeared beside Yuuri, and clapped once. "Congratulations. You've Past Segment One in time. Your sleep time is still three hours. For the next segment, I'll need you to be a kangaroo" Blurr informed her, face totally serious.

Yuuri nearly fell over. "A Kangaroo?" Blurr nodded. She sighed. "Okay, whatever. If its a kangaroo you want, it's a kangaroo you'll get". In a poof of smoke, Yuuri no longer stood beside Blurr. A black kangaroo with electric blue eyes did, though. Yuuri-roo regarded Blurr with bored eyes.

Blurr pointed infront of them. Another obstacle course seemed to magically appear in the desert. A sign that said 'Segment Two Start' hung in plain sight. "You have 35 minutes for Segment Two. Good Luck" and with that, Blurr dissapeared.
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