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 ... Is you smashin, though?

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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 17th 2010, 8:44 pm

Misery made her way to the Sparring range... As she stated, it was rather bland and open... Really boring, for her taste. "Tch. Guess we'd better get this show on the road... Wonder if that guy could keep up...?"
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 17th 2010, 8:48 pm

{Hebi would appear a few feet away from Misery although Amuria would not be with him but a few feet away since Hebi as planing to use his Anti-Akuma Weapon Zugaikotsu which he would already have drawn.}


"Ready when ever you are. Say Ace."
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 17th 2010, 8:56 pm

Misery shook her head, smirking "Right. Whatever then, short-life..." From her right palm, a long, large, black blade with a white stripe extended slowly outward, and from the back of her left hand down to the bottom of her forearm extended a large scythe blade of a similar look.

"Don't hold back... Or else, you're done for."

She leapt high into the air, waving her right hand as exceptional speeds, releasing numerous waves of Zero Sanity waves at Hebi, the large waves distorting and shattering the reality that they touched with their hefty sum of contagious insanity that they were made of. After releasing the last wave, she began to spin with her left hand outstretched, letting her Condemnation wavelength surge through the scythe to deteriorate the air as well as infect it with her wavelength. This would also allow her to hover extremely slowly toward the ground so that she wouldn't fall fast.
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 17th 2010, 9:16 pm

{Hebi would use his Inner Calm ability to focuses his center allowing him to evade attacks a lot better. Hebi would then begin to doge the numerous waves of Zero Sanity. After avoiding the last few waves Hebi's body would flow with soul energy as he would then disappear in a blur of soul energy. Hebi would then appear a few feet away and under Misery and would sign causing from the mouths of the overall 16 snakes on his body to shoot a wave of venom covered arrows that would actually cause double the normal damage to Misery because of his Hone Senses ability which would allow him to critical points on Misery's body.}
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 17th 2010, 9:24 pm

Because of Misery's Condemnation Soul Wavelength that was surging through the area because of the fact that she was deteriorating the air and replacing it with the wavelength, the venom would become subject to the effects of the Condemnation Soul and thus, deteriorate before it even got the chance to reach Misery. She stopped spinning on the dime, now facing Hebi, and released numerous arms of Insanity from herself that were made of her soul and wavelength, thus able to bring Hebi in and make him succumb to the effects of insanity directly.

Misery would point her sword to the snakes and Hebi and use Sanity Demise, which would make the air around them extremely pressurized... So much, that it would be able to crush their bones if she truly wished. Not only that, but it would be extremely hard to move. As she now fell toward the ground, she held up her scythe bladed hand, letting more blades jut out of the back of her hand to create a shield of sorts made of the scythe blades, able to cut through Hebi in an instant as well as deflect any oncoming attack he may have in store.
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 10:18 am

{While the air pressure was strong Hebi and his snakes would not have their bones crushed because the snakes had no bones to break and Hebi's body modifications his bones could disconnect so the would not be broken. Although this would only be need for a second as the snakes around Hebi would then release large burst of wind mixed with Hebi's soul energy from their mouths keeping the area around normal from the air pressure and the wavelength. Hebi would then grip the two gauntlets of Zugaikotsu and would go head to head with the arms of Insanity. With his Inner Calm ability still active Hebi would begin to move around the arms but because of the Sanity Demise which would still slightly affecting Hebi he would not be moving as fast as before. Although the ability of his Anti-Akuma Weapon Zugaikotsu would more then make up for it. The twin skull gauntlets would begin to glow which would cause both of Hebi's arm to glow the same white greenish light. This would cause his arms as well as the twin skull gauntlets to become intangible. Hebi would then continue to doge the numerous arms of Insanity slashing a few with the blades on his twin skull gauntlets and every time his intangible arms would pass though the arms causing them to rot away into dust. Hebi would then disappear and reappear behind Misery and would send the blade of one his gauntlets thrusting toward Misery. Not only could the blade pass though Misery's shield of swords and cause them and her body to begin to rot, since Zugaikotsu is a Anti-Akuma Weapon if Misery was touched by it being a soul weapon there was a good chance that it could potentially exorcise her.}
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 10:50 am

Misery smirked, fazing out before Hebi's gauntlets touched her. Using her ability to create illusions via her Insanity Soul, she made herself an illusion, and thus being touched, she would faze out. She would reappear behind Hebi, using the Grim Influence to increase the gravity of the immediate area, trying to totally restrict Hebi's movement. Afterward, she would stab her sword into the ground, and the ground began to become more viscous... Because of the gravity being intense as of now, Hebi should be literally forced down into the very viscous ground and be drowned by it (yes, drowned). Misery, however, could walk perfectly on this liquid-like ground. She would slide back, then do a backflip, and on the ground appeared numerous blades of soul energy that looked like shadows... The Insanity Impact blades. Normally, these blades appeared from the sky and rained down, but this time, they appeared on the surface of the ground in 2 dimension, ready to still use their same ability of exploding depleting all of the energy of whatever they touched or whatever their explosions touched.
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 3:09 pm

{Being pushed toward the ground Hebi would fall with his gauntlets pointing toward the liquid-like ground. His intangible arms would go though the liquid-like ground and would disrupt the liquid-like ground were Hebi would be landing causing him to be on the ground dealing with the high gravity. Hebi would be in a ball of soul energy that would keep the liquid-like ground from engulfing Hebi. He would then look up and from the ball of soul energy would erupt 10 large snakes made of soul energy that would rocket toward Misery trying to hit and hold her in place. Although Hebi would also use his Ague ability which was an attack that would slow down the movement of Misery severely.}
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 3:35 pm

Misery shook her head as she said "Soul Merge." Her wavelength and Hebi's would then become one as the snakes barreled toward her, but being one with Misery's soul would make Hebi's soul energy deteriorate quite swiftly. Also, because Misery's soul was WAY more powerful than Hebi's, it easily overpowered his own with no effort. Next she said "Soul Purge." and the soul energy snakes, which were now severely weakened, anyway, would be blasted away by Insanity and Condemnation wavelengths simultaneously. Also, now Hebi would have no way to exorcise Misery's wavelength because it was merged with his and slowly taking it over, therefore the Soul Energy ball that Hebi was in would give out soon. Misery snickered, once more "Your soul and my soul are one. Guess who wins in the battle of who has the stronger soul?" Misery stored up great power within her own soul, getting ready to finish Hebi off...
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 3:43 pm

{Hebi would be unable to move and would feel his soul begin to merge with Misery's he would touch the ground. Energy would flow into the ground and from a few feet away would erupt a large snake that would move high into the air and would rocket toward Misery releasing a large breath of poison gas that would try to engulf and poison Misery. While the snake would continue toward Misery trying to swallow her whole while she would be dealing with the gas.}
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 3:50 pm

Misery laughed, and while not taking her eyes off of Hebi, she held her hand back and extended her sword blade, which would be spinning like a drill to blow away the gas, straight down the snake's throat. A few moments later, the sword would swell to epic proportions and explode out of the snake with no problem, retracting and contracting back to its normal size. "My soul is one with yours... And you are one with the snakes. I know where they are, guy."

Misery then stood straight, releasing the power she had stored in the form of a "Soul Purge." But this was no ordinary Soul Purge... This was an epic Continuous Soul Purge (think of Abyss from Soul Calibur when he does that gay ass suction thing... Only like... Infinitely.) The continuous Soul Purge would ultimately massacre Hebi's soul, body and mind all at the same time, continually and forcefully sending Misery's wavelength through him about 1,000 times every few seconds. Thus, this should leave him with no power whatsoever, and leave him to drown in the liquid-like ground.
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 3:54 pm

{Hebi would cough up a large amount of blood being hit by the Continuous Soul Purge and Hebi would then pass out being consumed by liquid-like ground.}
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 4:01 pm

Misery cackled condescendingly "Not even close..." Using an arm extended from her soul, she would pull Hebi out of the ground and return it to normal, unbinding their souls and dropping him rather harshly. "I'd suggest going to train some more... That exorcising ability there would do you well. Hopefully, you can hear me, you twit... Otherwise, I wouldn't suggest setting out just yet..."
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 4:09 pm

{Hebi would open his eyes after being thrown down to the ground and would look up at Misery after hearing what she said about training some more.]


"How should I train myself? Ask Ace."
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 4:14 pm

Misery placed a hand on her hip, giving Hebi an 'Are you for real?' look.

"Seriously? You still want to train with the condition you're in? Huh. Well. What do you have that can deal with Magic or Souls, huh? Just those gauntlets, or what?"
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 4:17 pm

"Just the Anti-Akuma Weapon Zugaikotsu can deal with souls and magic. Say Rick."
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 4:25 pm

Misery sighed "Well, if I can get around it without Khrona, I would suggest finding some other means.. Or strengthening it or some shit like that. Hell if I know."
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 4:29 pm

"Are their any abilities you could teach or are you just hear to tell me what I have to do? Ask Tim."
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 4:36 pm

Misery cleaned off her shoulder as if she weren't listening "... I mean, I COULD teach you some things... But most of my abilities wouldn't suite the situation. Not to mention, they'd be a bit too advanced for where you are now... Now if you want to find someone nearer to your standards with sufficient abilities... You should go find... Er... Shit... What's her name...? Taomin. She's a priestess, or something. Great with exorcisms and shit like that, I'm assuming. We haven't seen much of her, but I'm sure she's... Around." Misery started to walk away.
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1April 18th 2010, 4:39 pm

{Hebi would take not of the name and would sink into the earth and disappear.}
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... Is you smashin, though? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Is you smashin, though?   ... Is you smashin, though? Icon_minitime1

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