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 Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.

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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 17th 2010, 1:21 pm

Soooo... Khrona's here. He's a physical, yet mental projection of himself. Why is he here? For... Access to a wonderful training facility, of course. Not like Khrona had that in the Dusk village.

"Yo!" 'Khrona' would shout, trying to see if this person called Jace was here.
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 17th 2010, 1:43 pm

"Aye, Aye, Aye!!!"

_*He said as he would already be infront of the house, laid out on his lawn chair, He had his hood off and he would have his Master Roshi Shades on his face. He then shushed Khrona accordingly, placing the finger over his own lips._*

"You sir, are throwing off the chill.."

*_He said. In the brief silence, you could hear the ocean brush against the shore of jace's island. You could hear the various birds flap across and above Twilight Ocean, which strangly enough, had a tent of purple rather than blue like other oceans. This sense of peace is what Jace strived off of as he lowered his finger releasing a sigh of relaxtion._*

"Now..how may I be of service Mr. Ghost man?"
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 17th 2010, 2:01 pm

Khrona scoffed. Such a peace wasn't his forte... It didn't sit right with him... Bleeeeh. But whatever. He came here for a reason...

"... Yeah, uh. Jace, right? I am Khrona, Kage of the Dusk... And I've come for access to this... Danger Room? Don't ask how I know about it."
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 17th 2010, 3:23 pm

"The Fuck You Know About The Danger Room?"

*Jace would say as he raised his head slightly. Jace never tells people of whom he doesn't know about his secrets. And he knew all of his friends didn't tell his secrets. This made jace a tad upset. He was beginning to already nt like this guy.*
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 17th 2010, 4:06 pm

Khrona squinted his eyes, gritting his teeth a bit.

"Well, SIR, I have psychic powers... The absolute best with them, I must say. Not only can I read the minds of people who have been, I can read their pasts and view events of the past of the Twilight. Plus, my mind can locate shit, too. There isn't much that my mind can't get a grasp on. How do you think I found my way here after never being in the Twilight Village before...?"

Khrona tapped his holographic foot, like Sonic the Hedgehog.
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 2:31 pm

*Jace lied back down i his chair, arms reclining behind his head.*

"Whatever, just what do you want on my island.?"
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 2:36 pm

Khrona sighed, shaking his head.

"... I just want access to that 'Danger Room.' So... Uh... Can you help me out with that?"
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 3:24 pm

"Well, for one.. I don't even know you. Two, how can I give access to one of my most prized possessions to someone who won't even grace me with their presence.?"

*He said getting out of his chair. and start walking into his house.*

"Sounds pretty stupid to me.."
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 3:38 pm

Khrona's soul bursted with some sort of angry insanity as Jace addressed him in such a manner, and with that done, the area darkened. The air was filled with a sort of dark aura... It made the atmosphere glow a dim crimson. Right before Jace would get to his door, Khrona was already there, as if he had been standing there the whole time. This time, he was a full bodied being... It was unknown how he actually did this. Whatever. He glared at Jace with insane eyes, finally saying

"Sir, would you like to KNOW who I AM, then~? I will GLADLY let you KNOW who the FUCK Khrona is..."

Khrona would grab his head, transmitting basic information and knowledge about himself into the mind of Jace, as well as reciting Khrona's entire, sad, gloomy, horrible, painful life-story to him in a matter of 3 seconds, though it would still be really clearly heard and perceived to Jace. Once that was done, Khrona abruptly let his head go and the area returned to normal, the body then becoming a nonphysical being once again.

"It is very nice to meet you, Jace. The pleasure is all mine. Now.."

Khrona smiled, perking up a bit.

"... Would you kindly grant me access, please~?"
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 4:54 pm

*After said objects went down, Jace officially didn't like Khrona. He had no people skills apparently and no type of manners. He was to banished from his island, despite his fucked up past, present, and future. Jace gave no fuck. Jace has issues too. However, as he was in the process of doing so, he recieved a mental message from Mahk-x. Which gave him the ok. Jace continued to walk through Khrona, leaving the door open. He knew that Khrona always mind raped people of their information despite how they felt, another disrespectful aspect. He walked into the darkness of his house, Khrona was supposed to follow, if not whatever.*

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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 5:01 pm

Khrona jumped up like a little school girl "Squee~! Something's gonna happen~! I'm gonna get a Danger Room day~! Yay Danger~!" Khrona quickly followed, knowing for sure that Jace didn't like him now. What the hell did you expect? Khrona's a fucking insane recluse of the highest type. He rarely leaves his village or touches people in non-malicious fashions. Whatever, Khrona followed~!
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 5:49 pm

*Upon entering the darkness of his confusing home, they would be walking down a hall way for about 5 minutes. He reached a wall that jace applied genesis to. After which, it opened up revealing a teleporter pad. Jace walked unto it, as he was materialized elsewhere. Khrona was advised to enter before the pad locked up.*
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 5:56 pm

Khrona eyed this technology, for a moment, then stepped on it. "Damn the Twilight, being so technologically advanced... Technology is stuuupiiiid. I can warp all by my--" suddenly, Khrona was teleported elsewhere.
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Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khrona at Jace's house... But not really.   Khrona at Jace's house... But not really. Icon_minitime1

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