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 The Rhythmist Jutsu

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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:02 pm

Pick Charge
Puts chakra into the Rhythm Pick. the type of chakra put in determines the form Rhythm takes. as Rhythm's form changes so does the pick.

The special energy that is available only to the Rhythmist. this energy can be manipulated to anyother type of chakra. it's original form is a transparent fire, it is easily molded by me since i am a seasoned Rhythmist, it can be used without the guitar but has more uses when used with a guitar.

The elements that Flow changes to, as well as it's base form ((The clear Flame)) can be manipulated in various waves.

All elements can be manipulated int the following ways:
Energy Weapons ((flame swords, water swords, etc.))

Certain elements cannot be manipulated in these ways and therefore all possible manipulations for the elements will be stated below in the following posts

All Passive abilities activate the second the corresponding form of Rhythm comes into play, and will remain active until the form is changed (even if Rion isn't holding, touching, or even near Rhythm)

Last edited by Rion on June 22nd 2009, 9:19 pm; edited 4 times in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:02 pm

Control over sound, sound waves, and vibration.
Can be manipulated in the form of:

Passive Abilities
Auto-Vibe: Everything in a 10ft radius of Rion is forced to vibrate violently
Good Vibe: A dangerously high pitched sound is endlessly emitted from Rion in a 10 ft radius this sound causes loss of balance through repeated exposure, this is because it causes the ear drums to burst and therefore trows off equilibrium.
Negative Hearing: Rion's hearing ability is exponentially heightened, thus allowing him to hear anything with no negative effects.
Sound Arm: Rion's arms are surrounded with constantly rotating highly compressed sound waves. His arms are also able to amplify sound waves and play them directly into anything he touches.

The Rhythm of Sound
Anything Rion hit's with Rhythm or his hands 3 or more times can be controlled by him via vibration at a molecular level, if it is an opponent then they can be forcefully slowed down or sped up, nothing more.

Last edited by Rion on June 7th 2009, 5:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:03 pm

Blessed Rhythm
Control over Light and Lightning. can be manipulated in the form of:

Energy Weapons

Passive Abilities
Light Therapy - Heals when exposed to light.
Electric Discharge - An electric current is emitted periodically in a 20 ft radius around Rion. (Think Chidori Current except with more range)
God Speed Impulse- Allows for heightened mental and physical fonctionability. Thus resulting in heightened speed, reaction rate (just beyond human capability), and heightened comprehensive skills.
Solar Power - Takes in all forms of Light or Lightning energy, and uses them as a power source
Electric Dampener - Neutralizes charges so that they can be asorbed without danger
LIGHTning Arm- Rion's left arm emits a radiant, undying light that pierces any and all darkness (shadows obviously included) within a 10 foot radius, this arm also has Fusion Lightning flowing through it, even when Rion has not activated the Lightning Load, when Lightning Load IS activated, the arm can force all lightning in the area to lock onto and chase down the opponent, but only AFTER touching them with the arm in any way.


Lightning Load
Lightning is absorbed deep into every molecule of Rions body, the molecule of his body start to vibrate violently, resulting in Fusion Reaction, these reactions produce stronger lightning which in turn produces stronger reactions. Thisnever ending cycles turns Rions Body into pure energy, constantly growing stronger, and lets him move faster than Lightning (Since this is Fusion Lightning that steadily becomes stronger and stronger)

Rhythm of Light

Last edited by Rion on June 22nd 2009, 9:34 pm; edited 4 times in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:03 pm

Cursed Rhythm
Control over Darkness and Shadows, elements can be manipulated in the following ways:

Weapons ((Swords, spears, scythes))
Shadows ((Manipulations, posessions, etc.))
Wires/Cords/Barbed Wire
Dark Holes

Passive Abilities
Shadow Seal: Rion's shadow, being so heavily charged with darkness and even A LITTLE Dark Matter, makes it impossible for someone to overpower his shadow
Shadow absorption: Rion's Shadow absorbs ALL light that touches it, causing the area around him to grow darker.
Infinity Dark: Rion's Shadow slowly extends outward across the field a little more each post
Pitch Black Eye: Rion can see through the darkest of darkness.
Shadow Arm: Rion's left arm becomes heavily coated in darkness.
Calamity Mist: The black fog left behind from Rion's Dark/Shadow elemetal attacks.


Shadow Soul
Rion's shadow can take on a physical form and fight alongside of him, giving all of his shadow abilities increased distance.

Steel Shadow
Rion's Shadow can be torn off by him and used as an armor coating, the shadow can still use all of his passive abilities, and any of his Jutsu can be emitted through the armor

Dark holes are opened (like a black whole, but it doesn't suck things in) whatever goes into one will come out of another almost instantly.

Happy Tether
Large strands of barbed wire imbued with dark energy extend from my shadow, and damage anything they touch (except me of course) they can also extend infinitely and they travel at a fairly high speed. (what a name huh)

The Rhythm of Darkness
an enormous orb of darkness is created in the air, the orb explodes sending thousands of needles of darkness in all directions, the needles drain the life force of anything they hit, thus slowing leaving everything in the area (other than the opponent) dead.
more to come..the needles will fuck up the chakra flow of the opponent rending attempts at jutsu useless for a few minutes (about 5) unless you can logically purge the darkness from yourself

Last edited by Rion on May 13th 2009, 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:06 pm

Earth Rhythm
Control over Earth and mild gravitational control


[b]Passive Abilities

Quake- A constant earthquake that covers the area for the time that Earth Rhythm is in play. this earthquake is strong enough to cause of balance and cordination for anything that stands/moves on the earth in that area.
Giga Lock- An ability to sense enemies locations through the earth, so long as they're touching the ground.
Gigas Arm- Rion's left arm is encased inhighly compacted stone that can be remolded from any distance. This arm grants Rion superhuman strength and endurance, allowing him to take hits that he as a human would normally be unable to withstand. he moves slower, but also gains heightened earthbending abilities, to the point of even being able to bend metals and other earthly elements


Rhythm of Earth

Last edited by Rion on June 10th 2009, 11:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:06 pm

Flame Rhythm
Control over Flames and temp/heat

Energy Weapons ((flame swords, water swords, etc.))

Passive Abilities
Meltdown- Rion's body temperature steadily doubles every post, thanks to the infinite capacity for his temperature immunity to fire is obvious
Burst- Repeated explosion's within Rion's body fuel him with more and more energy therefore slowly making the Nova Load possible
Nova Arm- Rion's Left arm is coated in flames that grow hotter and hotter, as his temperature does, but there is a scale to it. 1 degree farenheit for HIS temperature = 10 degree farenheit increase for the FLAMES' temperature.


Nova Load
When theere is an abundance of energy in Rions body, the energy can be combined with his own, and exponentially increased, this results in an over abundance of energy that must go somewhwere. The result? A single explosion strong enough, large enough, and hot enoug to reduce entire planets to ash, afterwards Rion's body will be covered in these intense falmes. The flames produced in the Nova Load can ignore all laws that normally restrict flames.
They are unable to be doused
They can burn anything, including energy
They can take on the density of a solid
They can be hardened to points that rival tadamantium
They can also become cold enough to freeze anything on contact
And Lastly they can burn off of more elements than just oxygen

Rhythm of Flame

Last edited by Rion on June 7th 2009, 6:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:07 pm

Liquid Rhythm
Control over Liquids, or materials in a liquified state.

Energy Weapons ((flame swords, water swords, etc.))

Passive Abilities
Liquid Soul- The ability to manipulate any and all liquids, including solids that have been melted into liquids
Heaven's Tears- Rain begins to fall heavily and endlessly the second Liquid Rhythm is formed.
Aquarium- The area around Rion becomes a dome of water, dense enough to crush metal from the force, there is also enough water to dilute other Liquids
Aqua Lung- Able to breathe in any liquid, as well as survive any force/density/pressure whether it's from a liquid or not.
Liquid Arm- Rion's arm becomes a nameless, scentless, colorless, tasteless liquid
capable of extinding infinitely, hardening and freezing in an instant, heating to thousands of degrees instantly, and freezing anything it touches. In addition to all of this Rion's arm can also take on the form of any other Liquid, or liquified element.

Bubbles are released from the strings of Rhythm, when they pop whatever the liquid this bubble is made of will harden instantly on whatever causes it to pop.

Deep Freeze
All liquids in the area freezes, becoming several hundreds of degrees below 0 and it is all able to be used by Rion for Ice based jutsu (obviously).

Hydro Pump
Intense torrent of water from the strings of Rhythm.

A vast water Dragon is formed and manipulated at will. ((Can make more than one))

Rhythm of Water

Last edited by Rion on June 7th 2009, 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:07 pm

Wind Rhythm
Control over wind and air currents

Energy Weapons ((flame swords, water swords, etc.))

Passive Abilities
Tornado- A tornado that kicks up around the field the second Wind Rhythm comes into play
Aero- A dome of wind encases Rion with a 3ft radius, the winds of this dome are affected by different conditions (As stated with the passive traits below)
Violent Gale- The Winds of the Aero dome become strong enough to lift/blow away thousands of tons in an instant. This happens only if there is a foreign attack, weapon, or energy within the dome
Zephyr Breeze- The winds are calm and peaceful, but their are sharp enough to cut stone.
Storm Arm- Rion's arm is encased in the winds of a miniature raging tornado. This arm allows Rion to control the force, flow, and path of all winds in the area.


Rhythm of Wind

Last edited by Rion on June 7th 2009, 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:07 pm

Galaxy Rhythm
Grants Rion cosmic understanding and control over things at a molecular, atomic, and chemical level

Passive Abilities
Wave of Learning- This is stated below as a jutsu, but it is a passive ability as well, it happens the seond that Galaxy Rhythm comes into play
Wave of Comprehending- Same as the Wave of Learning
Cosmic Force- The energy produced by and controlled by Rion from the second Galaxy Rhythm comes into play, this energy has no origin and no end, it can not be broken down, for it is already and energy at it's base level, it's a pure energy that can take on the form of any other that it has been exposed to at any time.
Planar Entity- Rion can exist on any plane without any negative effects, so long as Galaxy Rhythm is present on the field.
Galaxy Arm- Rion's arms becomes a vision of the stars and galaxy, this Arm is capable of breaking down anything it touches, be it an energy or a solid, furthermore anything broken down can be added to Rion's diferent energy types for the Cosmic Force. Black wholes and Dimensions can also created and controlled with this arm

Wave of Comprehending
The sound wave that is always used when Galaxy Rhythm comes into play, this Wave provides understanding of anything it crosses over (goes across the whole field)

Wave of Learning
This wave provides understanding of the molecular structure and chemical makeup of the things that Wave of Comprehending touched

Rhythm of the Galaxy
The last and most deadly wave. this wave can cause the molecules to break down, cease to exist, be rearranged, be charged with energy, or be drained.

Last edited by Rion on June 7th 2009, 7:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:08 pm

Time Rhythm
Control over Time


Passive Abilities
Chrono Immunity- Immune to any foreign time altering/controling powers.
Arm of the Zeitgeist- Gives Rion's arm the ability to travers any point in time, without his body, therefore his arm can avoid touching anything Rion wants. Anything touched by the arm will be forcefully aged at an alarming rate, but only the area/limb/object touched (Kinda like the old guy from bleach mixed with a bit of Tykki Mikk).

Rhythm of Time

Last edited by Rion on June 7th 2009, 7:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:08 pm

Damned Rhythm

Energy Weapons ((flame swords, water swords, etc.))

Passive Abilities
Stigmata- Blood drips endlessly from Cloak Rhythm (AKA Rion's Wings in the Divine Rhythmist form)
Blood Plasma- Rion's blood is unable to be diluted or broked down by any other liquid
Blood Arm- Rion's left arm becomes nothing but blood, it can extend infinitely, harden and allows control over any blood in the area


Blood Clot
Harden's blood to a point higher than adamantium

Ancient Dead
Calls upon ancient warriors that have passed away already. ((Minion summon))

Rhythm of the Damned

Last edited by Rion on June 7th 2009, 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:12 pm

Cloak Rhythm

Manipulates what every element Rhythm can control at the time, in the same way

Energy Weapons ((flame swords, water swords, etc.))
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:13 pm

Divine Rhythm
The utilization of all different forms of Rhythm is the essence of the Divine Rhythm.

Divine Rhythmist
The transformation that is only available by absorbing the different Forms of Flow straight into the Body, This form promotes heightened control of ALL my elements, as well as heightened speed, strength, senses, endurance, and even luck (you'd be surprised).

The form looks like this.
The Rhythmist Jutsu New_demon_-1

Passive Traits

Coexistence- All of Rion's Passive traits become active at once, however, to avoid nullifying one another certain ones tune themselves down while others increase in power (I'll elaborate on this further, for don't think TOO much of it.)

One of the horns is currently broken, this is the horn that gave Rion his minions, until it heals he cannot summon his minions.

Last edited by Rion on June 22nd 2009, 9:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:13 pm

Access denied all of em' XD j/k
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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 10:15 pm

Pssssshhhh you must be crazy

The Rhythmist Jutsu Chucknorris

The Rhythmist Jutsu Pedobear-seal-approval

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The Rhythmist Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1June 14th 2009, 6:28 pm

Updated and still with the

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PostSubject: Re: The Rhythmist Jutsu   The Rhythmist Jutsu Icon_minitime1

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