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 Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal

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Posts : 42
Village of Residence : Medusa's Lair
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : None

Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 12:40 pm

There was a crowd of men around a specific area, seeming to be blocking whatever was in the middle of them without anyone in Shibusen seeing. They had been doing this since even outside of the Shibusen gates, looking like this as they walked in. They made their way to the office of Shinigami, walking grimly through the ever so long hallway... until finally, they were before the presence of Shinigami, himself.

Officer: Shinigami-sama, we have a special delivery for you... The Snake Witch, Medusa has willingly given herself up to Shibusen so that she may talk to you. We have her restrained and under heavy security... Here she is...

The crowd of men would open up to what they were surrounding, it being Medusa, whose arms and entire upper torso except for her face being locked up and strapped up completely. She had a smile on her face and a very nonchalant look in her eyes... She was up to something.


She greeted him politely.
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God of Death
God of Death

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Village of Residence : Shibusen
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Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 12:47 pm

Shinigami stared at Medusa, his eyes narrowing. At first he did not recognize her appearance, but then realized that it was definitely her by the shape of her soul and the power of her magic.

"... Medusa..."

Shinigami eyed her up and down, his eyes returning to normal, but he kept a serious tone.

"... My, you look different. What happened to you? What is your reason for wanting to see me?"

He was already very suspicious, but didn't particularly show it or sound as if he was. Instead, he tried to stay as calm, cool and collected as he possibly could with Medusa in his presence.
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Posts : 42
Village of Residence : Medusa's Lair
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : None

Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 1:48 pm

Medusa's face didn't change... It was a sort of an arrogant look hidden within her gentle smile as she began to speak again...

"... Oh, yes, I just inspected my sister's little abode... You remember her, don't you? The heretic that got away 800 years ago? Arachne~?"

She sounded almost condescending, patronizing Shinigami about how he let Arachne escape and stay alive for 800 years...

"... But enough about that. I willingly give myself up to you for one simple reason... I wish to join forces with Shibusen to take down my sister. I know her location, and if you agree to my terms, then I will gladly share them with you..."

Her eyes narrowed like that of a snake's. She could sense Shinigami's suspicion but did not pay any attention to it whatsoever. She knew what she was doing.
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God of Death
God of Death

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Village of Residence : Shibusen
Join date : 2009-05-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : .. Death?

Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 3:04 pm

Shinigami was silent for a few moments, trying to think this entire situation through very thoroughly. Though, he was extremely shocked to hear about Arachne and Medusa knowing where she lived.

"... Arachne?... Hmmm... So you know where she lives? That is apparent, since you have her body... I can sense remnants of her soul on it... But if her soul is not within her body, then where is it?"

Shinigami was still hesitant to join forces with Medusa... She might have just killed Arachne herself and stole her body as a part of some cunning plan to infiltrate Shibusen... It was definitely not unlike her to do something so sly and sneaky... Though, Shinigami was very interested in her terms, even though he hadn't made up his mind yet.

"... Well, Medusa, what are your terms for this alliance?"
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Posts : 42
Village of Residence : Medusa's Lair
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : None

Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 3:14 pm

Medusa giggled lightly as if she didn't mind the bindings on her, her voice becoming slightly higher and cuter than it was... She always used that voice when she was being cunning and sly.

"... Well, mighty Lord Death, I only ask for a few tiny things... The first is to be let out of these uncomfortable bindings.. I know my place in here and in a conversation such as this, and I shall not do anything to jeopardize myself in this situation, you know... Hmhmhm.."

She was feeling a bit... restricted. And didn't like it.

"Oh, and by the by, I have her body because I found it lying around her castle.. I could feel her soul... It has grown very large and has taken in a lot of insanity... I am currently unsure as to where she is or what she is up to, however, because I hadn't seen her during infiltration..."

That one was the whole truth. Medusa truly didn't know about what happened to Arachne and was concerned, herself... But perhaps she could find out if she were to join up with Shibusen and infiltrate in larger numbers..
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God of Death
God of Death

Posts : 272
Village of Residence : Shibusen
Join date : 2009-05-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : .. Death?

Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 3:38 pm

Shinigami didn't know whether to trust her story or not... But in actuality, he did remember that a meister of his, Hebi, had gone with Medusa to Arachne's lair undercover... But he hadn't been inside. Medusa had him there... They may have been able to locate Baba Yaga's Castle, but without the correct details of the inside of it, there was no way to know what to do or where Arachne was... It was foolish to go anywhere blindly.. And reconnaissance would only get them caught at this point, Shinigami knew... He was silent for a good 5 minutes.

"... Let her loose."

The officers were shocked, but quickly responded to Shinigami's order, unfastening Medusa's straps and buckles and letting her out of her binding restrictions.

"... What are your other requests, Medusa...?"
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Posts : 42
Village of Residence : Medusa's Lair
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : None

Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 4:04 pm

Once free, Medusa stretched out comfortably and sighed contentedly.

"Ooooh, how it feels good to be out of those cruel bindings~. You really are too much, Shinigami-sama~."

She was toying with him. Regardless of that, she was going to tell him the rest of her demands, since he seemed to be on board with her proposal... She was very happy.

".. Well. The first is to be granted immunity to attack from any Meister or Weapon, or anyone else associated with Shibusen... and this goes for my own little 'friends' as well..."

She absolutely needed that one... If she didn't bother them, she did not want them to bother her... especially if she were to be doing some 'experiments' soon...

"... Also, I would like to lead a squad in the mission to infiltrate the base, since I know it the best. And can you make sure that they listen to me completely? I cannot have any rebellious units..."

That was two of her demands, but she still had two more.

"The third is to be able to come in and out of Shibusen while Baba Yaga's Castle is still inhabited by Arachne... And finally..."

This one was the one she needed most... She wanted to see if Shinigami would allow her this one or if she would have to sneak in, herself...

"... To have access to Shibusen's Secret Room... The storage room..."

She knew what lay dormant in Shinigami's collection below the school... or rather, she knew of just a smidge of what was down there. She wanted everything else... Whatever was down there, she wanted to know it. She awaited Shinigami's response, being very nervous despite her confidence... She knew that Shinigami was unpredictable, even in such a situation as this... He could actually kill her dead right now if he wished it...
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God of Death
God of Death

Posts : 272
Village of Residence : Shibusen
Join date : 2009-05-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : .. Death?

Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 4:14 pm

Shinigami pondered each and every request thoroughly, coming up with a counter argument to some of them. He would look Medusa directly in the eye with the utmost seriousness and malice.

".. I can only grant you full immunity until you actually pose a threat to Shibusen or do something to betray our trust... If you do something that is even slightly suspicious, we will have the right to kill you on the spot. Do not think you are safe just because you are allowed to move around a little. You're still a snake in a cage."

Shinigami turned his head to the side reluctantly, not even wanted to look at her anymore.

"... Since you do know Arachne's base better than any of us, I will allow you to command the squads, however you will be under the supervision of a high ranking Meister, as well. Also, I will only allow you to lead if you promise to find our missing... Student. Fuuma Tera."

It had been a long time since Shinigami had even heard from Fuuma, but he knew that Fuuma must have been in Baba Yaga's Castle.. It was the only explanation. Besides, Miya would be going on this mission as well, so she would be needing to get her partner back.

"... Your third request... can be done as long as you are constantly monitored by at least one of the high-ranking people here at Shibusen... Always monitored. I will not allow them to let you out of my sights, or your friends..."

Shinigami knew that if she was roaming around Shibusen, she'd be poking her nose where it didn't belong... and she would have to be executed then and there.

"... And as for the last request... I cannot allow you down there. That is for personnel only. Not for the eyes of anyone but myself and my personal Death Scythes and teachers. I cannot agree to that one. Do not ask me further on the matter."

Shinigami's tone suggested that he was not asking her... but telling her in a way that he knew she would have no choice but to obey, lest she suffer the consequences.

"... Otherwise, we will agree to your terms if you agree with mine, Medusa..."

He didn't feel right, but it was for the good of Shibusen... This alliance would do more good than bad in the long run, Shinigami thought, so there was no true harm as long as Medusa and her friends were monitored...
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Posts : 42
Village of Residence : Medusa's Lair
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : None

Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 5:12 pm

Medus smiled... those were good terms, considering the conditions of the situation. She liked them all, even if she couldn't get down into the basement...

"... Alright then, Shinigami... Those are the terms and I accept them... So that means, you do, too? Hm. Great..."

Medusa continued to smile, trying to contain her happiness.

"... I ask that you put up a mission in the mission boards.. I will assess any of your students interested in joining me along with my allies... And maybe even some witches from the Witch province, too. Once I am sure that they are ready, we will depart. Is that okay with you, Shinigami-sama~?"

Medusa needed to know what the students could do. Most likely, the strongest would accompany her in the mission, and if they did, Medusa needed to know what they could do and how to effectively counter their attacks and abilities... And so she would 'train' them.. Hmhm.
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God of Death
God of Death

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Village of Residence : Shibusen
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Kekkei Genkai : .. Death?

Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 5:17 pm

Shinigami nodded.

"We accept..."

That was when Medusa started talking about training his students... She did have intel on what they were up against, so it wasn't like there was no room for her to train them... But he still couldn't trust her at all.

"... Fine, Medusa. You may teach them... But if you are to harm any of them in any way I feel is threatening to their lives.. Then I will end your days. During this time period, your soul belongs to me. Do not forget that."

There was malice in his voice, and it got incredibly deep. Shinigami was serious. He started back into the mirror.

"... The meeting is over."
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Posts : 42
Village of Residence : Medusa's Lair
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
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Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 5:21 pm

Medusa's smile grew wider. Everything was going just as planned...

"... Is that a threat? I believe that verbal abuse would violate our contract, oh great Lord Death~."

She was mocking him, apparently.

".. Though, you are guaranteed that they shall not be harmed in any severe or life threatening way during my training... It is only so that they will be fully prepared for what is in store for them..."

Medusa turned as Shinigami did, knowing that he was going to report to the Mission List to put up the mission. She started to walk, the officers moving out of her way... And that was when she knew that all of this was real. She really did have immunity to being attacked and all access to Shibusen... She started to laugh. She laughed loud, proud and arrogantly as she walked out of the office. This was only the beginning...
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God of Death
God of Death

Posts : 272
Village of Residence : Shibusen
Join date : 2009-05-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : .. Death?

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PostSubject: Re: Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal   Private Meeting with Shinigami... Medusa's Proposal Icon_minitime1November 28th 2010, 5:31 pm

Once Medusa left, Shinigami made an announcement throughout toe school and to anybody with a Soul Weapon.

"... Attention. Attention. The Rogue Witch Medusa and any of her allies are in a very temporary alliance with Shibusen. Do not attack her or threaten her in any way, I repeat, do not attack or threaten her in any way, or you will be severely punished. That is all."

Shinigami walked into his mirror... he was about to put the Mission up.
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