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 Akira & Haru :A new tale

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Akira & Haru

Akira & Haru

Posts : 51
Village of Residence : Drifter
Join date : 2010-12-12
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Playing with yarn
Kekkei Genkai : Akira(Neko prince) and Haru(Neko Sorcerer)

Akira & Haru :A new tale Empty
PostSubject: Akira & Haru :A new tale   Akira & Haru :A new tale Icon_minitime1December 12th 2010, 9:15 pm

Akira & Haru:
Age:16 (both of them)
Height: 5,5 (Both of them)
Weight: 130
Eye color: Green(akira) and Blue(Haru)
Hair: Black(Akira) and white with black strips(haru)
Akira Personality: Playful one of the two,He is stronger and faster then haru also uses weapons to fight,Playboy,and loves heavy metal music and usausally talks out of the two
Haru Personality: The smart one of the two,He is a great tatics master,always has a plan,but people consider him a girl becuase of his looks,and uses magic to fight along with tomes and loves peaceful music and the quiet one

Bio:They were born in a time of war where they had to fight to survive they were both gifted with great powers one with fighting strength the other wth magic.They fought for 6 years of thier lifes ranning to get away they finally made it to a ship and blasted off thier way to here and now are trying to live on this planet but decided to put thier talents to use by joining the high up soldiers to earn a living in this world.
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