--the story of salem--
there once lived four angels who lived high above the royal village of sacred chakra for many peaceful years the earth was under the protection of the four angels until a demon dragon named hurio came from space to destroy the village when this time came the angels were no where to be seen on the brink of destruction one warrior named toriochi came to face the wrath of the dragon after a devastating fight toriochi released a fierce attack killing the because this attack took so much of a toll on toriochi he nearly died a year later the angels returned and began an attack on the royal village again without completly healing from his previous fight with hurio, toriochi was only able to kill the weakest of the angels unis the two winged angel and then was killed by rousis the four winged angel while the six and eight winged angels jousis and runis decimated the village after which the angels were never seen again but only he that possesses the spirit of the fallen angel can locate the others
hurio the demon dragon who terrorizes the village of sacred chakra
unis the two winged angel
rousis the four winged angel
jousis six winged the blade is curiotousis
runis eight winged