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 Insangel Magics~.

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Posts : 202
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Insangel Magics~. Empty
PostSubject: Insangel Magics~.   Insangel Magics~. Icon_minitime1January 7th 2011, 6:02 pm

So, let's start with the basics.

Priere's natural abilities:

Absorption, expulsion and generation of coldness.
Freezing stuff~!
Liquefying stuff~!
Changing liquids into solids/vapors and vice versa (to an extent.)
Absorbing water.
Regeneration in coldness.
Can breathe in liquids/ice.
Converting and purifying liquids.
Can freeze other liquids besides water.
Detection of other Insangels/Supernatural Beings/Energy/Entities.
Changing the temperature of anything she touches or focuses magic into.
Changing/Controlling the Density/Pressure/Current of liquids.
Stealing/Removing the heat from things/Converting heat into coldness.
Refraction/Reflection of Light with ice and water.
Control of the temperature in the area.
Thermal Vision.
Ability to change self or parts of self into ice, water or vapor.
When indulging Cactus Water, she may cause other people to hallucinate if touched by her water or ice afterward.

Priere's Magics:

Ice Spikes: By conjuring up icy magic and focusing on the coordinates, Priere is able to generate spikes of ice from a solid surface extremely fast. She may also create and control thin sheets of ice in the air (similar to Haku's Crystal Ice Mirrors) and generate her Ice Spikes from there to get around the flaw of not being able to strike airborne foes with this attack.

Ice Needles: Priere is able to generate very slim, tiny, durable, penetrating, swift needles of ice from herself at will or able to spontaneously generate them in the air to try penetrating her opponents. She can elongate her ice needles at will to allow them better penetration and other things of the like.

Ice Needle Skewer: A derivative of the Ice Needles ability somewhat combined with the Ice Spike ability. Extremely thin, sturdy and swift needles of ice jut out from any icy/liquid surface and try to impale the enemy in a sort of gridlock formation from every angle, slowly freezing what they touch. They have power to penetrate through steel if enough power is applied.

Ice Shield: Priere condenses her ice magic as a very sturdy dome of ice around her to protect her from attacks from all angles. Alternatively, she can create a flat wall of ice in front of her that has more durability and defensive power, though less coverage. She has also learned that she may condense this power into tiny, spherical shields that she can use to block powerful attacks, though they are much, much smaller and are usually worn on the hands.

Ice Slice: Using a small bit of magic, Priere is able to generate long, slender, yet extremely sharp and durable discs of ice that cut through the wind and water they pass through, having no water or wind resistance whatsoever. They are very sharp and durable and are able to slice through some of the toughest things with ease. She may also use them as buzz saws on the ground or on her body as a knew way to use them.

Chill Wave: Releases a swift wave of freezing magical force that will attempt to freeze and shatter what it comes in contact with. She has grown potent with it and has learned to surge it through solid objects to freeze whatever it comes in contact with.

Frost Arrow: Priere crystallizes air, dust and water particles in the air and changes them into extremely tiny clusters of sharpened ice shards too tiny to be seen by eye if separated. She will launch the clusters as a powerful force in the shape of an arrow that moves swiftly trying to hack up the opponent. She may also condense her own magical energy into the form of an arrow and release those as slicing and freezing wind-like arrow blasts, though at the cost of more power.

Frostbite: A derivative of the Ice Spikes technique with partial mixture of temp control. Priere will create any given number of large ice spires/spikes colder than normal around the opponent trying to impale them from all angles, causing instant frostbite to whatever part of the body is touched by the ice. Alternatively, she may create gigantic gnashing sentient teeth of ice with the same effect. Also, if she wishes, she may limit this ability to her increasing the coldness of a certain area to inflict frostbite to whatever living thing is within.

Zero Beam: Priere condenses freezing magic into a single point and shoots a beam of extremely cold energy from herself with the ability to freeze what it touches on contact. It chills the very air around it and causes the overall temperature of the atmosphere near it to drop, it is so cold.

Ice Cold Ripper: Priere generates long, large, menacing claws of ice continuously being frozen over on her hands. These claws also increase Priere's speed, reflexes and reaction time greatly in her arms and eyes, and release a freezing mist from themselves. They are sharp enough to easily slice through steel and cold enough to freeze liquids just by touch.

Ice Bomb: Priere concentrates freezing energy into a spherical formation in her hand that constantly sucks in and absorbs energy at the atmosphere it comes in contact with to grow larger , more powerful and more durable the longer it stays out. It explodes on impact. The explosion of the Ice Bomb can drop the temperature potentially to Absolute Zero, depending on how much it has been charged and how long. The larger it is, the more powerful and colder the explosion is, but more energy is used up as it gets larger.

Water Works: Priere causes condensed water spikes to rain down from the skies to impale what they hit. They have enough power to break clean through rocks and trees. She can also cause them to rotate like drills for digging potential or allow them to lock onto a target and follow it.

Dark Flux: Using the water in the atmosphere or within something, or any water anywhere, makes explosions occur. Priere seems to be able to generate these watery explosions purely out of her own magic, as well, however at the cost of more energy.

Compression: Priere compresses and condenses liquid in any way she feels. As a result, Priere extends a watery appendage from herself or creates one in the air to grab and forcefully crush what it is to touch by compressing, condensing and pressurizing the water around what it has encased. These appendages can be large cylinders, spheres, hands, etc. The compression is so intense that it can cause what is caught in it to become liquefied if enough pressure is applied.

Aqua Tower: Priere causes highly pressurized, giant water jets to shoot from the ground in a geyser formation.

Reverse Wave: Priere releases whips of water from her wrist and can either be used as whips, as stretching spikes, extra appendages, or wrap together to be used as a single, long hand drill.

Water Lock: Creates a wall/shield of water in front of or around her which condenses itself with intense pressure and density. She may also use this ability to encapsulate and imprison other things within these shields.

Silent Water: Priere uses very keen magic to coat solid objects with a very thin, virtually invisible layer of water, leaving the object looking normal when in actuality, she may use any one of her abilities and shoot it from said object at her will. She may also use this same technique to make an invisible armor on her body that is not only incredibly durable, but has the same effect. The Silent Water armor also makes all of her movements completely and utterly silent via magical inclination.

Sexy Mist: Using water particles in the air, Priere creates a mist that sucks in heat or coldness and spreads at a rapid rate. Using intense amounts of magic, she can also disrupt any strong signal, wave or perception and become totally undetected whilst within the Sexy Mist. When someone else is within the Sexy Mist, water particles/molecules will slice at their body from all over simultaneously and/or enter their pores and slice them up from the inside. It can also be manipulated for offensive purposes, like to be used as a hand or a sword, only made of mist, or something.

Backwater: Priere engulfs her hand in water or ice and molds it into the shape of a large cannon/bazooka barrel. It fires off rapid, large explosives of water/ice at the opponent and tries to hit them, causing huge explosions of water upon contact with them. Used with her Thermal Vision, they can become heat-seeking and seek out their opponents. She also can cause the shots to implode rather than explode, and upon implosions these shots will suck in all liquid/moisture they can get into one singularity before returning to Priere and restoring her power just a bit.

Breakwater: A large wall of water is created in front of Priere that absorbs all forces into itself through magical means to give itself more power and durability. The more force something has, the more powerful this wall becomes. She may only create one wall at a time and it dissipates when another comes into use, losing all powerups the first one had and it cannot be moved from its position once made.

Death Pool: Using magical power, Priere liquefies the very ground under the foe to suck them under, no matter what the surface may be. Once within the liquefied area, it is revealed that it is an eternal void of water made in an enclosed space and when a foe is inside of it, Priere closes the void of water and leaves them trapped to drown. She may also use this ability to changes the viscosity of whatever Priere physically touches.

Last edited by Priere on March 11th 2011, 9:21 am; edited 14 times in total
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Posts : 202
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village of Dusk
Join date : 2011-01-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 5
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Insangel Magics~. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Insangel Magics~.   Insangel Magics~. Icon_minitime1January 7th 2011, 6:04 pm

Signis' Natural Abilities

Hovering (without the use of wings)
Generation/Absorption of electricity.
The ability to charge something with an electrical current by touch.
Shows psychic abilities.
Electricity has ability to drain/siphon small amounts of energy from other things to gradually weaken other powers it comes in contact with.
Able to knock away some attacks with specially made reflective cloak.
Can embed some Heavenly/Holy energy within her lightning.
Ability to change the charge electricity and stuffff.

Signis' Electrical abilities:

Angel Wave: Expels a large amount of electricity from the body at a high speed making about a 10 foot radius. The electricity will automatically take the same charge of what it hits to forcefully repel it away as well as shock the object at the same time.

Charge Bolt: Accumulates a large amount electricity in one focal point in the atmosphere, creating a small sphere of nothing but purely pressurized and contained electricity. Signis then uses the sphere as she pleases and lets it shoot out numerous bolts of electricity nonstop in various directions, at one direction, throws the entire sphere and allows it to explode, or shoots a massive lightning bolt using all of the accumulated electricity. This specific electricity may home in on electrical signatures within the opponent, such as brain waves and the like.

Terminal Bolt: A huge, swift shot of highly destructive lightning from the hand. Alternatively, Signis may summon a massive bolt of lightning from the sky down upon her opponent by accumulating electricity in the sky.

Generated Product: Generates a high amount of electricity within self, then launches a MASSIVE and highly destructive lightning bolt in a straight line as if it were a cannon. Alternatively, Signis does not need to laugh a bolt but can sustain the charge of her electricity to increase her next electrical attack 100fold, but only the very next electrical attack.

Continuous Lightning: From the sky comes one singular bolt of lightning, however it does not disappear after hitting the ground, and will continue to follow the foe as a line of lightning until the foe is hit with it.

Electric Wall: Signis generates a massive wall of electricity in front of her that both absorbs and reflects attacks that come near it. It may only absorb water and electric attacks and reflects all others after charging them with lightning so Signis may control them. It also releases numerous bolts of lightning as it stays up, making it both offensive and defensive.

Dengeki Seal: A seal appears under Signis about 5 foot radius around her body. It is made of psychic, electrical and holy/angelic concentration. Whatever comes within will be instantly coated in psychic, holy/angelic and electrical energies and constantly have large amounts of their chakra/etc. drained from them, become completely immobilized and bound by these 3 energies and/or be shocked continuously until the seal is gone or until they get out of the seal.

Heavenly Spear: Signis creates and throws gigantic spears made of pure electricity that move at the speed of lightning that are very destructive. Because of their destructive nature, they make grand explosions. They can be created in multitudes constantly and be rained down like... rain, but at the cost of higher amounts of energy.

Judgment Sword: Creates a sword made out of highly condensed electricity and holy energy. At any given time, Signis can extend and expand it, and it gains more power with more electricity it gets. It also has an odd ability to summon lightning straight from heaven to destroy all evil and tainted beings, wipe away darkness, shadows and illusions and free Signis from ailments that she faces.

Genocide Current: Releases a massive current of electricity (sometimes explosive) through the entire ground (or through the entirety of something that Signis touches.) The larger the target, the more power it takes to have this current surge through them. With time, Signis will be able to surge this through multiple targets at once instead of just one.

Hyperstatic Flow: Releases a massive wave of high powered static electricity from self that covers a wide radius. Anything that moves will be shocked terrifically by it, and the electricity will be stored inside of whatever it has shocked.

Last edited by Priere on February 26th 2011, 3:32 am; edited 4 times in total
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Posts : 202
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village of Dusk
Join date : 2011-01-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 5
Kekkei Genkai : Unknown

Insangel Magics~. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Insangel Magics~.   Insangel Magics~. Icon_minitime1January 7th 2011, 6:07 pm

Blue's Natural Abilities

Convergence into darkness/shadows
High speed movement
Generation of blue energy/condensation and control of said blue energy
Creation of extensible spikes/needles/scythe blades from anywhere on body
Ability to trap things within wings/ Shoot and create spider webs made of her wings at will.
Able to consume souls/spirits/anything associated.
Multi-presence (within Shadows and Darkness, that is.)
Vibration at high speeds.
Ability to faze in and out for periods of time. (Naturally, the length and range of these 'fazing out' will increase with rank.)
Able to merge her shadow with other forms of darkness to take control of them.
Able to move her shadow like a limb or another person.
Can camouflage self by changing her color at will to any color her surroundings are.

Blue's Energy Abilities:

Big Blue: Blue concentrates and condenses energy within her eyes and shoots a large beam of pure blue energy from them. The beam increases in power with stronger emotions felt within the atmosphere be it hers or the opponent's, for the beam feeds on emotions. The stronger the emotions of Blue (or someone else), the more powerful the beam.

Blue Blur: Expels energy in propulsive blasts from herself that leaves blue afterimages that cause damage to the foe by exploding or causing explosions when touched. This ability increases her speed drastically while active, though it is a constant drain on her when it is active for long periods of time.

Blue Whip: Condensed energy beam in the form of an explosive whip.

Blue Blade: Condensed energy beam in the form of an explosive sword. The sword has the ability to cut through most objects, for when it makes contact with something, it may make a big explosion or a series of miniature, concentrated explosions on the object it is cutting, making it seem as if it could cut through things like a light saber.

Code Blue: Blue condenses small, yet intense amounts of blue energy within her hands/arms and legs/feet to grant her an explosive touch with whatever has been coated. In addition, the higher the condensation of the blue energy around her body parts, the more durable and sharp they become, giving them explosive slicing effects like blades. Plus, the blue energy powers Blue's arms/legs up allowing them to move much, much faster than before, give her increased strength and jumping height, reflexes, etc.

Bombardment: Blue condenses blue energy into her hands or in the atmosphere around her to create small spheres of said blue energy. She then launches the barrage of spheres nonstop at her target, causing small implosions on contact with what they touch, and sucks out a portions of the energy of what they have imploded, bringing it back to Blue. Alternatively, she may create explosions with the spheres that are reflective towards energy, but the explosions don't drain energy and cost more to use.

Agent Blue: Contaminates particles and molecules in the air with some of her super condensed blue energy spores, which are exceptionally tiny, giving anything infected a blue hue. Agent Blue not only drains the energy of whatever is within it, but also continuously contaminates all particles and molecules that come in contact with it, giving it the ability to spread and multiply indefinitely, so long as it comes in contact with something. Also, Agent Blue is extremely corrosive, and each and every particle has the potential to... explode at will in a massive way. <3

Blue Ray: Using potent control over darkness, Blue may fire beams of explosive blue energy from any shadow or dark space she wishes Blue wishes.

Blue Screen: Condensing a large amount of Blue energy in a single space, Blue creates a large blue wall of energy that will rush toward the opponent. It scrambles the molecules/atoms of what goes through it, breaking them down into nothingness as they pass through, however Blue cannot move while using the Blue Screen, and it only goes in a straight line. Every time something is scrambled and destroyed, it takes power away from Blue. The larger the screen, the more power it takes to maintain.

Blueprint: Using awesome demonic power, Blue scans the entire area and maps out any area with just a few moments of concentrated thought, the image being left within her head. This means that she can also decipher illusions with ease, scan the opponent, her surroundings, etc. and see everything for what it truly is.

Last edited by Priere on February 2nd 2011, 9:05 am; edited 2 times in total
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