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 Mary's first time back into the world

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Artery Vessel

Artery Vessel

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Hobbies / Interests : Eating Cookies
Kekkei Genkai : Ketsueki-sutairu

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 15th 2011, 8:46 pm

Vessel and Mary were coming into the Tavern after coming from Khrona office. Mary insisted upon coming here. She wanted to she the world again. And embrassed Vessel.

"I cant belive you left in that damn form for years!!"

Mary then raised her hand and slapped Vessel across the mouth. Vessel moved a little late.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I didn-

"Shut up! I wasn't finished. You had me in that cramped space for years. Now your gonnna pay. Big time!"

They walked into the tavern and went up to the counter. Vessel though about how to turn Mary back into a weapon. [*sigh* Problem is, I don't know how]

"And don't even think about trying to turn me back into that crap-ass katana."

A waiter walked up to the two asking what they wanted. Before Vessel could say anything, Mary spoke up,

"Yes, I like two chesssburgers, fries, a root beer soda, a three apple pies please"

As Mary said her order, she sat back and blinked servaul time, looking innocent. The waiter blushed and walked away fast. Vessel sighed. He knew he was gonna have to pay for all that. Mary on the other hand, wasn't finish.

Omg. i can't wait. I'm going to beat that bitch-like personality out of you. I can't belive the Emoto clan actucally produce you.."

Vessel pullec out a cookie and was about to take a bite out of it. Mary shook her head, and slapped it out his hands. making it land on the floor.

"That's the bitch-like personality I'm talking about....."

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Vergil the 2nd

Vergil the 2nd

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Kekkei Genkai : Blood of the Sparda

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 15th 2011, 9:40 pm

Chaos needed some time to rest as he walked into his favorite tavern.Of course someone taged along with him.His partner Neon was known for alot of things like getting women,conning people, and pissing off alot of people.

"So yeah Neon don't do anything stupid"

"Whatever partner I never do anything bad"

They walked into the tavern as chaos saw Vessal with a beautiful young women.He and neon went to counter as well as they ordered thier usual.

"Hey Vessal long time no see dude"He said as he stepped on a cookie that was on the floor

""Hello beautiful the name is Neon"He said as he forgot about Pegasus warning as he shuffled his deck of cards

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Artery Vessel

Artery Vessel

Posts : 324
Age : 31
Village of Residence : The Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-23
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Hobbies / Interests : Eating Cookies
Kekkei Genkai : Ketsueki-sutairu

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 10:29 am

When the cookie fell on the floor, Vessel clenched his fist, and was about to throw a fit. Forunanlty for Mary, Pagasus and some other dude walked into the Tavern. Vessel was sorta happy to see him. He seen him on multiple occasions. Sparring, giving him unicorn blood, info on Alkel's killer. Vessel didn't know how he felt about Pagasus right now. Neither did Mary, so she decided to see who these guys were. Crossing her legs, she flipped her hair back.

"Why, hello Neon. What's a man like you doing with him". She pointed towards Pagasus.

Vessel wanted to see how C.P was doing.

"Hey. Pagasus. How that career choice going? Still haven't changed your mind?
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Kammy Kaguya

Kammy Kaguya

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Kekkei Genkai : Shikotsumyaku (bone manipulation), earthbending

Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 11:10 am

Kameko came in and sat down. "Id like a vodka and cranberry please" kameko told the bartender. Kameko looked at vessel and noticed he was looking at her.

"hello sweetie!!!"
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Vergil the 2nd

Vergil the 2nd

Posts : 438
Village of Residence : Village hidden in the Dusk
Join date : 2010-10-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Hobbies / Interests : Drinking girl's blood
Kekkei Genkai : Blood of the Sparda

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 1:14 pm

He smiled at the women right in front of him as he moved towards her.Neon soon saw another girl and moved to greet her.His order had came in, and he drank some of his sake.

"I could ask the same question to you,why hang around vessel he is weak after all.After all he did run from me like a girl, and left a cookie behind"He said in a calm and nice tone.

"Hello there miss whats someone as cute like you doing around here"He said in a usual voice as he made the deck of cards fly over his head, and land in his other hand.

He looked back at vessal and smirked at him."Of course I haven't changed my career as the next Devil king but I'm still a mercenary also"
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Kammy Kaguya

Kammy Kaguya

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Kekkei Genkai : Shikotsumyaku (bone manipulation), earthbending

Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 1:21 pm

Kameko couldnt believe he was trying to come on to her.

"well first of all, vessel is a gentleman. And thats what i like in a man, second of all. He, unlike u, introduced himself to me, like a gentleman would... Cant say the same for u. Now take a couple steps off me...now."

Kimeko was getting enraged now...
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Artery Vessel

Artery Vessel

Posts : 324
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Village of Residence : The Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-23
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Hobbies / Interests : Eating Cookies
Kekkei Genkai : Ketsueki-sutairu

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 2:14 pm

Mary couldn't help but laugh at what Pagasus said. Vessel on the other hand, did a facepalm. [Geez, ya, you would now get over it.]

"I know. That's my little bitch right there, trying to make freinds with cookie." *sigh* "Its gonna be hard work...."

Vessel cocked his eyebrow. Ok, he could understand why Mary would be a LITTLE upset. But she didn't have to embrassed him. In fornt of Pagasus, espacailly.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't know about the seal. But you don't have to get a snobby. What's in the past is the past."

Then Vessel spoke to Pagasus.

"And techinally, you didn't win. I can kick your ass anyday..."

Vessel chest was heaving up and down. He was tired of all the crap he had to take. Ice-girl, Cross, Pagasus, Mary herself.

"Oh look its already working. Now, be a good boy and tell them to go fuck themselves.."
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Vergil the 2nd

Vergil the 2nd

Posts : 438
Village of Residence : Village hidden in the Dusk
Join date : 2010-10-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Hobbies / Interests : Drinking girl's blood
Kekkei Genkai : Blood of the Sparda

Character sheet
Character Race: Devil/Pagan
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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 3:47 pm

He smiled that vessal would show some back bone finally but of course it's his job to break it.He looked over at Neon for forgeting the basic rules to hitting on a girl always tell your name first well this is going to be fun.

"Vessal most of your justus don't work on me,two you will go crazy again thanks to that justu of yours,and I'm going to like to beat the crap of you"He said as he drank his whole sake in one go

"Well I'm sorry about that my name is Neon,and vessal was a gentlemen no wonder he can't fight"He said as the deck of cards went ablaze with fire and shot three of them at pegasus

He saw the cards come at him as he caught them.He looked at them and smirked at what Neon was doing.The three cards were the Jack of blood,Queen of blood, and the Joker he looked at the last one.

"Here you go some cards to keep for yourselfs,they are luck cards from hell or death cards I don't remember"He said as he handed vessal the jack and the women the queen

"Here you go one for you I'm sorry about earlier my father rised me like this"He pulled out another card the Queen of wealth

Last edited by Chaos Pegasus on February 16th 2011, 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Artery Vessel

Artery Vessel

Posts : 324
Age : 31
Village of Residence : The Kingdom of Chaos
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Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Hobbies / Interests : Eating Cookies
Kekkei Genkai : Ketsueki-sutairu

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 4:03 pm

Vessel was just about to say he justu would work this time, but Vessel decided to play dumb. Pagasus didn't need to know what his blood could do now. Then Neo, or what his name was, did some magic tricks and sends cards flying towards Pagasus. When Pagasus handed the card to Vessel, he cautuoisly took them Who knew what trick he had up his sleeve. Mary on the other hand was thrilled.

Omg! Thank you so much.

Mary batted her eyes at Neon. While she was busy flirting with him, Vessel was looking from Pagasus, to the Dark Magican(his new nickname. yay! ^.^)

"Thanks for the cards. I never knew you were the type that would give out "luck"
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Kammy Kaguya

Kammy Kaguya

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 4:06 pm

Kameko looked at the card and then back at him...

"in what way it this supposed to benefit me? I missed the part where a lousy card was a token of gratitude..."

The bartender brought her damn drink... Kameko drinks all of it in one gulp.

"just leave me alone if you dont mind."
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Vergil the 2nd

Vergil the 2nd

Posts : 438
Village of Residence : Village hidden in the Dusk
Join date : 2010-10-31
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Hobbies / Interests : Drinking girl's blood
Kekkei Genkai : Blood of the Sparda

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 10:11 pm

He laughed at Neon little tricks that cause problems and impress people.He went to give neon his drink as they switched places.

"Hello miss my name is Pegasus, and I'm a friend of Vessal as for my friend Neon he is stupid sometimes"He said with a smile

"No problem for someone as beautiful as you also vessal luck can change at any minute if your lucky"He said as pulled a black rose out of her card and then gave it to her

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Kammy Kaguya

Kammy Kaguya

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Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Hobbies / Interests : Men...?
Kekkei Genkai : Shikotsumyaku (bone manipulation), earthbending

Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 16th 2011, 10:28 pm

Kameko looked at the rose.

"hmm... Black rose... My favorite color... Unfortunately i think i will have to pass."

Kameko could see the effort he was trying to put forth...
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Artery Vessel

Artery Vessel

Posts : 324
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Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Hobbies / Interests : Eating Cookies
Kekkei Genkai : Ketsueki-sutairu

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 17th 2011, 2:29 pm

Mary liked his little magic tricks, but it wasn't enough to impress her. Vessel on the other hand had to use the bathroom. He went to the back where the men bathroom was. Mary, thinking he was up to his tricks went after him. So that left Kameko and C.P left to talk
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Kammy Kaguya

Kammy Kaguya

Posts : 476
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Join date : 2011-02-13
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Hobbies / Interests : Men...?
Kekkei Genkai : Shikotsumyaku (bone manipulation), earthbending

Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 17th 2011, 2:33 pm

Kameko got up from the bar and left...

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Vergil the 2nd

Vergil the 2nd

Posts : 438
Village of Residence : Village hidden in the Dusk
Join date : 2010-10-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Hobbies / Interests : Drinking girl's blood
Kekkei Genkai : Blood of the Sparda

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 17th 2011, 3:26 pm

They both smiled as everyone left, and Neon soon grabed the black rose.He put his hand over it and turned it into flame birds.He let them fly around the tavern with a smirk on his face.Pegasus knew that its ethier a trick or he was going to set the place on fire.

"Neon why do you like to burn things when it is my job to"He said as he drank his blood sake needed something stronger

"Well I do it in a more fun way thats why,anyway they won't burn just yet"He said as he went to the corner of the tavern to flirt with some other girls.
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Artery Vessel

Artery Vessel

Posts : 324
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Village of Residence : The Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-23
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Hobbies / Interests : Eating Cookies
Kekkei Genkai : Ketsueki-sutairu

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Mary's  first time back into the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary's first time back into the world   Mary's  first time back into the world Icon_minitime1February 18th 2011, 6:21 pm

Vessel was in the bathroom with Mary at the door. She wasn't gonna let him out her sight. So she decided to talk to him by the door.

"You know I'm still gonna whoop ya ass. You got way too much bitchiness in you for me. Cookie loving freak."

Vessel flushed the toilet, washed his hands and came out with Mary back to the counter and found her order of food. Mary immediately began to wolf down the food. She hasn't eaten in years. Vessel pulled out another cookie and ate it before Mary could slap it out his hands. Then both began to watch the drama unfold between Pagasus and Neo
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