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 Lucine Goes For An Exam!

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Lucine Mandala

Lucine Mandala

Posts : 63
Age : 29
Village of Residence : Village of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Brute Virility(Strength/Heal), Cephalopoda Manipulation, Mollusca Manipulation, Trochophore Stage Summon

Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 17th 2011, 6:13 pm

That's right, Lucine felt that after understanding some background of her strange yet unique ability to control mollusk's. As she returned to the village after what seemed like a lot of sight seeing from her known presence around here.

"Ok Lefty, you screw this up, I will be heartbroken, and righty, please pay attention and don't stare at birds and the clouds, I do not need any distractions, as this is important to my reputation!"

Lucine held the two glassy eyes in her left palm as she looked down pointing at them with her right index finger. She wanted to teach them a lesson that they could not goof-off this time, however she felt she left them un-moved as they would continue to do their own thing. It was worth a tried she openly thought as she had other ways around her blindness.

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Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 18th 2011, 12:52 pm

-Zeik would wonder into the building, his hair wet from his morning shower and his blindfold tightly affixed on his face- "Hmmm a newcomer, verywell."
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Lucine Mandala

Lucine Mandala

Posts : 63
Age : 29
Village of Residence : Village of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Brute Virility(Strength/Heal), Cephalopoda Manipulation, Mollusca Manipulation, Trochophore Stage Summon

Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 18th 2011, 6:57 pm

Lucine's glassy eyes quivered in her hand and jolted towards the strange presence that was made as they appeared to be glaring at a man with a similar covering like Lucine's on her face. This strangeness of similarities made her inch her right index finger from it's lecturing of her eyes towards the bandage on her face, slowly she scrapped the surface slightly, itching the strange uncomfortable feeling away. However, it wouldn't leave.

"Um-yeah hello? Are you my exam proctor? You see I'm waiting here for one of these exams to test my power and my ability to use them properly. I haven't been waiting long but-"

Lucine instantly dropped her eyes which were attached to her long green braided ponytails, and began to circulate both index fingers around each other as she lowered her head. But she suddenly remember, this was a ranking exam, an important test that she must prove herself and shan't be pouring the appearance of a nervous little girl.

Quickly flicking her head upward she kept her face into a undisturbed and emotionless facial expression that laid upon her face and slightly stepped on the ground to fix her posture. She wasn't quite sure if this person was her proctor when he said "Hmmm a newcomer, very well", however, she didn't want to give off the wrong appearance to just anyone in this village.
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Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 20th 2011, 12:32 pm

"I am Zeik Hellgate and I will be your proctor." -Zeik rubbed his hair and waited for the young child to make her move- "So, are you going to show me what you got or are we going to exchange contact info?" -Zeik said mockingly-
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Lucine Mandala

Lucine Mandala

Posts : 63
Age : 29
Village of Residence : Village of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Brute Virility(Strength/Heal), Cephalopoda Manipulation, Mollusca Manipulation, Trochophore Stage Summon

Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 20th 2011, 4:26 pm

"Zeik, Zeik......."

Lucine kept telling herself in her head to somewhat remember the name some point down the road if they ever met again somewhere. Dully, her eyes continued to look at the man named Zeik appearing like wonderful goth hair clips, little did he know that they were actually eyes.

"I am now ready Mr. Zeik!"

Lucine said with full confidence in herself that she held her hands in fist form on the sides of her fist. But she suddenly fixed her posture and pulled out a long thick bone from her skirt's pocket, how was this possible? No one knew, not even Lucine herself knew, as she felt that the pocket is a large ass saggy pocket of amusingness. Yet, the bone she held with bone hands nicely spread apart equally as a sharp blade erupted from the nothingness of the surface of the bone. Her trusted Thespian Ax.

Taking the blade she would swing it, but simply underestimated the amount of her 'Brute Virility' energy entering the blade and it dragged her in a circle that the blade dug onto the surface.

"Oh dear....this isn't suppose to happen, one sec..."

Lucine tried to cover up this instant flaw in her exam, being horrible that she herself failed, and not her eyes. This was just a terrible moment for her and she quickly brought the long ax back and swung it straight ahead of Zeik. From her threads on her skirt they WOULD only flare outwards if something happened that affected her safety if the ax made contact with Zeik and if he shot a counterattack. They would protect her at any and every cost
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Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 20th 2011, 5:24 pm

-Zeik head tilts as he watches this child take her exam. she hardly seemed like she belonged in the world of shinobi. she was clumsy,talkative and possible even forgetfully.-

"You're kidding right?"

-Zeik said as he deflected the axe by simply flicking his finger.-

"Why dont you and I talk before we get down to this...fight"

-Zeik stomps the ground gently and a crimson chair of Hellgate like proportions would rise from the ground, not soon after another much more girly chair would rise behind the girl.-

"now, tell me why you are trying to be a shinobi?"
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Lucine Mandala

Lucine Mandala

Posts : 63
Age : 29
Village of Residence : Village of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Brute Virility(Strength/Heal), Cephalopoda Manipulation, Mollusca Manipulation, Trochophore Stage Summon

Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 20th 2011, 5:44 pm

Lucine more disappointed by the fact that this person felt she was a joke, he didn't say it but she could tell that talking wasn't apart of the ranking exam. She felt like sinking into a hole from this embarrassing thing that she did. She knew why she over looked the amount of energy she was using because she was merely excited, but this guy wouldn't buy that ticket.

"I-I want to be one because I know I have the worth to be one..."

Lucine was a bit angered now, she dealt with people making fun of her ever since childhood, but now she just wanted to release this irritation from her. She gripped the bone ax with great pressure that you could hear her skin tightly suffocate against the surface. Without much effort this time her held the ax and slashed the ground but only to recover picking it up and swinging it out of her hand tossing it. However, the strength that held in the ax's force was greatly powerful than before when he deflected it with ease. Only Lucine would jump back a few feet, only for her threads to unravel and create the appearance of many octopi tentacles. She was now ready, even if this person wasn't. She had no time to talk.

Maybe it was her rage that made her throw this type of fit, but she needed to release it somehow.
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Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 21st 2011, 7:43 pm

-Zeik still sitting on the ground heaved a heavy sigh. He honestly had no intention on fighting this girl and was about to fail her but he knew what she was trying to do, so he decided against it-

"Lucine, do not be silly. Your ranking exam is to talk"

-The spirit of fire appeared out of nowhere and dealt with the attack coming his way, it was well within his power to do so-

"I'm not here to degraded you. Im simply wondering why a someone like yourself would want to be a ninja, what is your drive...what is the reason you fight. Thats what I want to ask you, im simply acting as a kage should. Getting to know his shinobi."
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Lucine Mandala

Lucine Mandala

Posts : 63
Age : 29
Village of Residence : Village of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Brute Virility(Strength/Heal), Cephalopoda Manipulation, Mollusca Manipulation, Trochophore Stage Summon

Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 21st 2011, 8:25 pm

"Wh-what drives me?"

Lucine's tentacles that were rattling like a rattlesnake's tail suddenly whimpered aways in a low hiss as they reverted back into simple threads of her dashing skirt. She paused, and blankly held her head towards the direction of the person as her two eyes were blankly staring at the man. She kept repeating the word 'Kage' in her thoughts, this was the village leader that she was in front of and she completely went out of control by losing it like a wacko maniac.

"I-I'm so sorry for my reaction..."

Lucine's body felt limply so as it became less tense from the amount of anger that was building up with her. She began to walk back to were she was to begin with, she noticed her foot impression in the ground to retaken her spot. She looked down at the ground to ponder on what drives her, what's her motive. Lucine slightly lifted her bangs to reveal a bloodied bandage around over where any normal human's eye would be, but no they were cut out.

"You see, I suffer from being stabbed with scissors...."

She completely left-out the part of her also suffering from memory loss, in which she uses fictional events as recreational of what happened in reality, which explained her over imagination on several issues.

"I may not have a driving edge to be a ninja because of a killing for revenge, or being the greatest one there ever was. I want to be that other someone whom isn't like others, I'm proving to myself that someone with a disability brought to me can set her mind to do anything like being a ninja..."

Lucine paused, and took a slight sigh of relief she was happy that she was talking about this now than later.

"My drive is my self-confidence, and self-sufficiency to exceed what I can possibly do, I'm not here to impress others by what I can do, if that happens then so be it.."

Lucine felt like drifting from the serious tone and spoke outwards by continuing.

"...and I just simply like the feeling when I fight, the experience is a rushing one...an addictive one at that..."
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Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 22nd 2011, 1:16 pm

"I see, however shinobi who fight for those reason dont make it in this world."

-Zeik stood from his chair of epicness and walked behind it.-

"However that is non of my concern, there for I shall give you the rank of chuunin...if you can answer one question for me. If I told you trying to kill this man, will surely yield your demise...will you continue on that path?"

-Zeik leans on his chair and awaits the girls answer-
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Lucine Mandala

Lucine Mandala

Posts : 63
Age : 29
Village of Residence : Village of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Brute Virility(Strength/Heal), Cephalopoda Manipulation, Mollusca Manipulation, Trochophore Stage Summon

Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 22nd 2011, 4:16 pm

I'm alive still am I not?

Lucine spoken in her thoughts as the man was simply telling her the reasons she fought for wouldn't keep her around for long. However, Lucine knew she had what it takes to be what she wanted despite the odds against her. She looked at the man as he traveled behind his large chair on epic proportions she was caught off-guard by his next question.

"I would do whatever is necessary for my survival and if the option is their, I would help my allies. If killing a man halts my undoing...then so be it, I shall continue to slaughter the person until their heartbeat, beats no more. I would not hesitate or second guess my actions of that choice..."

Lucine knew what she was capable of doing and she knew she wouldn't stop for anyone who is in the way of that goal. Her head was facing the direction of the man as her eyes slightly moved upwards looking at Lucine. They agreed with this like they have in the past.
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Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 22nd 2011, 5:37 pm

-Zeik's chair disappears and he turns his back to the person-

"hmm, a persons life is more important then any grudge. If you wish to persist in this lifestyle...then you will do it without my approval or my title."

-Zeik begins to walk away from the area, leaving behind a girl to think on her lifestyle choices.-

"Come to me, when you grow up"
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Lucine Mandala

Lucine Mandala

Posts : 63
Age : 29
Village of Residence : Village of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Brute Virility(Strength/Heal), Cephalopoda Manipulation, Mollusca Manipulation, Trochophore Stage Summon

Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 22nd 2011, 6:11 pm

"Even though my view's and ideals are different, doesn't mean they have to change, no one needs to have the same..."

Lucine muttered to herself as she held her hands in front of her face. She knew she couldn't see them but she was beginning to feel if she could do such a deed. All she saw was darkness, however her eye's saw normal hands outstretched towards her face. She gave a smirk and thought about her ideals and views on how precious someone else's life was even good and evil. She thought it was mere nonsense, maybe she needed to grow-up or maybe not. However his words would haunt her as she began to walk out of the exam.
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Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 22nd 2011, 7:02 pm

(Cool points to you for going on with that. Most people would have been a baby.)
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Lucine Mandala

Lucine Mandala

Posts : 63
Age : 29
Village of Residence : Village of Chaos
Join date : 2010-12-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Brute Virility(Strength/Heal), Cephalopoda Manipulation, Mollusca Manipulation, Trochophore Stage Summon

Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 22nd 2011, 7:08 pm

((I'm actually gonna take this and incorporate into my character, I thought about it and I was like you know what I can use this... thanks (: ))
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Lucine Goes For An Exam! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1March 22nd 2011, 7:13 pm

(Good characters!!!!1 I'll keep you in my mind!)))
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PostSubject: Re: Lucine Goes For An Exam!   Lucine Goes For An Exam! Icon_minitime1

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