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 Cleff's Digimon

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Posts : 482
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 6
Kekkei Genkai : Transcendent Sound, Techno-Data Prowess

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Cleff's Digimon Empty
PostSubject: Cleff's Digimon   Cleff's Digimon Icon_minitime1May 20th 2009, 8:09 pm

Hagurumon named Datum

Cleff's Digimon 112

Info: A Machine type Digimon whose mutation caused him to bear a gear-shaped body. Countless gears are also stored inside his body, and are constantly rotating. Therefore, even if one gear stops rotating or falls off, his life hangs in the balance. Hagurumon bears the special ability to transmit electronic viruses into the opponent's body and control it. It can control viruses at will.

Hagurumon Attacks:

Darkness Gear: He fires a gear as a projectile. It can take over and control some machines and digimon. (Most effective on Virus and Data digimon, least on Vaccine).

Entangle: He opens up his body and attacks with a mass of wires.

Command Input: He unleashes a malicious line of code and data streams.

Crash Device: He releases a gear that can "crash" an opponent's data temporarily.

Haguru Attack: Spins at a high speed and slams into the foe.

Gear Rollers: Gears on the side of his body grow extremely large and extremely powerful, crushing everything they roll over.

Body Blow: Slams into something with hard, metallic body.

Energy Bolt: Looses a bolt of pure electrical energy from self.

Dark Crusher: Launches the essence of viruses out of self.

Boost Tackle: Accelerates at a very high speed, ramming and taking down whatever is in its path.

Nano Break: Sends out a flurry of nano-machines to destroy and break down any machinery.

Digivolved into Guardromon (From Hagurumon):

Cleff's Digimon Guardromon01

Info: As an android, Guardromon is a protector by nature, a mechanical defense specialist who faithfully fights for justice and protects the computer network. However, he tends to be rather foppish and frequently unlucky in his endeavors. Guardromon's armored body is made of solid iron. He also has rocket jets mounted on his back.

Guardromon Attacks:

Destruction Grenade: He fires literally whistling missiles from the retractable missile launchers in his forearms.

Warning Laser: shoots red lasers from his eyes.

Warning Beam: Shoots a beam from its shoulders more powerful than the Warning Laser.

Red Alert: Self-destructs itself.

Digivolved into Andromon (From Guardromon):

Cleff's Digimon Andromon

Info: A Digimon developed as a prototype of Cyborg type Digimon and a Digimon called Boltmon and made at the same time. Whilst Boltmon is purely flesh, Andromon is purely metal. Andromon is an Android Digimon whose name and design are derived from the Android. It possesses a fighting strength which can fell a Digimon below Ultimate in a single blow. Its technology was also appropriated for MetalGreymon and Megadramon. As a prototype Digimon it possesses neither will nor emotion, so it is faithful to its programmed behavior. It was upgraded with a program based on the data acquired from the Andromon of File Island, and the strength of that program varies. The development technology used to make Andromon is used by other machine-based Digimon such as Megadramon.

Andromon Attacks:

Gatling Missile: Opens his chest plate to reveal two missile launchers, from which he fires two missiles. Somehow, these missiles have machine-guns on them and will follow all of the foe's signatures and guide themselves around things.

Spiral Sword: Rotates his right hand till it glows with electric energy then projects it toward the enemy at a high speed in a blade-like wave.

Shock: Releases powerful surges of electricity from the hand.

Grasp Hang: Launches sharpened hand-blade out to stab into things like a grappling hook/rope/etc.

Missiles: Fires out regular missiles from chest or from arms.

Sword: Hands change into swords for combat.

Twin Missile: Fires off two heat seeking missiles from chest or arms simultaneously.

Laser Blade: Creates a sword from hand made of purely condensed energy, forming a laser blade

Gear of Havoc: Launches large, sharpened gears from self that destroy machines.

Power Laser: Fires lasers from arms and chest which combine into a massive, consumptive, powerful laser beam.

Razor Claws: Slashes with sharp, metallic claws.

Dark Digivolved into Tekkamon (From Guardromon):

Cleff's Digimon Tekkamon

Info: Tekkamon is an Ultimate Level Machine Digimon that looks like Giromon except it has no horns, wields a sword and is purple. His name comes from the Japanese word "tekka"men, which means iron mask. He wields the "Zandenken," the Killing Electric Sword in his right hand. He was created by an evil hacker with the purpose opposite and countering to the "Net Keeper" (Giromon). Tekkamon was meant to destroy all good programs and digital beings instead of destroy all bad ones, and has abilities that rival that of Tekkamon. They are equal in power. He has also been classified in the Mamemon species, just like Giromon, however this is not confirmed.

Tekkamon Attacks:

Zandenken (Killing Electric Sword): Loads electrical power in his sword and then he gathers flames on it for a shocking-exploding single slash. The power is said to be able to delete anything on contact.

Skull Stand: Moves at supersonic speed into the foe and causes a massive explosion equal in power to that of a nuclear bomb.

Fragment Bomb: Instantaneously generates bombs in its hand that make violent, massive, destructive explosions upon detonation, being able to delete anything within the blast radius.

Reverse Engineering: A special, technical ability that is able to disassemble the data of any program or digital substance. It allows Tekkamon to hack into any computer or machine and deteriorate data at a rapid rate, as well as absorb said data into itself.

Digivolved into HiAndromon (From Andromon):

Cleff's Digimon HiAndromon

Info: A Cyborg type Digimon at the Mega level who evolved from the prototype Cyborg, Andromon, and which is now a more improved and complete version. The percentage of Chrome-Digizoid parts used to construct his body has risen quite a lot, and his offensive and defensive abilities can now easily be distinguished from Andromon's own. Originally, Andromon was unable to think for himself, but this has all changed thanks to his biotechnological synapse circuitry being upgraded through various Chrome-Digizoid parts, completing this Digimon's personal goal to think for itself. This Vaccine type Cyborg Digimon remains fearful to all because he shares offensive powers akin to a Virus type as well as the fact that his own intense powers help him out regularly.

HiAndromon Attacks:

Atomic Ray: Releases neutron energy and nuclear energy from the right shoulder's blue neutron regulatory turbine and the left shoulder's red nuclear regulatory turbine, then combining the energies to form a beam from anywhere on his body which deletes enemies. Also allows him to control Neutrons and Nuclear energies and absorb them.

Copy and Paste: He duplicates attributes and/or attacks of other Digimon. (Does not keep them after battle, however.)

And Digivice (which is now embedded into Cleff's body for the moment)
Cleff's Digimon Mydigvice-1-1

Last edited by Cleff on April 24th 2010, 6:58 am; edited 6 times in total
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Posts : 482
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 6
Kekkei Genkai : Transcendent Sound, Techno-Data Prowess

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Character Race: Technology Sprite
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Cleff's Digimon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleff's Digimon   Cleff's Digimon Icon_minitime1June 6th 2009, 12:47 pm

Cleff's Second Digimon, a Keramon named Havoc.

Cleff's Digimon Keramon

Info: He eats data at high speeds. Keramon is an Unknown-type Digimon with a large mouth, he can eat more than 100 million bits of data in one second, and does this by entering a computer and taking up all the space, terminally overloading the data. With a simple-minded, innocent character, even destruction is a game to him. Keramon appears to have a joker's collar around his neck, and underneath it's mouth, it has what resembles a second set of eyes, resembling a face in grief.

Keramon Attacks:

Crazy Giggle: Keramon shoots spheres of explosive glowing virus data from its mouth, causing any digital information it hits to be deleted.

Full Out: He emits energy volts from his chest to destroy the data of enemies.

Crazy Smoke: Releases corrupting virus smoke from its mouth that will corrupt or dissolve a foe.

Crazy Turn: Spins around crazily and swiftly, letting its long arms and tentacles slap and claw at the foe, as well as releases its Crazy Giggle attack.

Digivolved to Chrysalimon (From Keramon):

Cleff's Digimon Chrysalimon

Info: Chrysalimon possesses a hard-armored body in the shape of a cocoon to save energy and data to digivolve into its Ultimate form. The tentacles on its back can destroy another's data. Depending on how much energy and data it has depends on how large and powerful its Connect Destroyer is, ranging from the size of a large ball to the size and power of WarGreymon's Terra Force.

Chrysalimon Attacks:

Data Crusher: Destroys the opponent's data with the tentacles on its back or a yellow ball of energy is shot from Chrysalimon's mouth.

Mis-connecting: An attack that causes the victim to de-digivolve.

Internet Surge: A beam of energy is shot from Chrysalimon's bottom.

Connect Destroyer: Charges the light energy which he has concentrated to the utmost limit in his hands which tuns into an electic ball of energy either small or as huge as WarGreymon's Terra Force.

Digivolved to Infermon (From Chrysalimon):

Cleff's Digimon Infermon

Info: A Perfect Digimon which has the appearance of a long-legged spider, derived from the Y2K virus. Its form is usually in an outstretched state, with its head and limbs extended in which he moves incredible fast, but it is also able to assume a cocoon form, with its limbs retracted into its body. When it goes into its cocoon form, its defense is raised such that every attack is deflected, but it can only go forward in a straight line, and the fact that it cannot modify its trajectory is a clear weakness. It is able to penetrate every network, despite the strength of their security. If Infermon is released from the Network, the world will probably then collapse into chaos.

Infermon Attacks:

Hell's Grenade: Shoots explosive energy blasts from the mouth at a high speed that destroys data.

Cocoon Attack: Retracts head and arms into impenetrable cocoon and lunges at enemies, but can only go in a straight line. Becomes vulnerable again once out of cocoon.

Virus Skater: Whatever its feet touch turns into viruses or corrupted data or something of the sort.

Robe of Darkness: Conceals self in pure darkness and viruses, able to hide self from attacks and not be seen and spread darkness and viruses throughout the area rather quickly.

Boost Tackle: Accelerates at an incredibly high speed to ram through anything and everything in the way.

Hell Crusher: Makes numerous cables extend from self that will whip and lash about, destroying what they touch by corrupting it and devouring its data.

Darkness Blast: Focuses darkness and viruses into the shooter in its mouth and fires off rounds of pure blackness, able to corrupt data or destroy it, as well as anything else in the way.

Data Crusher: Creates a large orb of viruses that will be launches out like a bullet. It will obliterate anything in its path.

Dark Digivolved into Algomon (From Chrysalimon):

Cleff's Digimon Argomon

Info: A powerful dark Digimon which developed from a bug in an algorithm in a mathematical software. Due to that ability for high speed processing, it uses its countless ivy tendrils as tentacles evolved from its Chrysalimon state, taking complete control of a vast amount of area in a very short amount of time. Its tentacles are insanely powerful and durable and can be generated in the millions in a short period of time. The eyes on its head are always closed so it uses the eyes on its body to see, and its arms can be transformed to become wings and tentacles for close combat. Also, when it takes control of a vast area with its tentacles, it transforms into a parasite called its "Worm Phase." While in Worm Phase, it can generate smaller parasitic versions of itself to fend off anything while in this state. When it emerges from its Worm Phase and opens its 'real' eyes, it becomes all powerful.

Algomon Attacks:

Imprisonment: Unleashes millions upon millions of tentacles from itself or from wherever its tentacles have taken over and overwhelms the foe with them, condensing the tentacles around them to stop them in their tracks, restrict all use of any of their powers, and crush them into nothing.

Elimination Line: With the horribly disfigured, creepy eyes on its body, it fires off massive, consumptive and destructive beams of energy that literally erase everything that they come into contact with.

Worm Phase: Once it has set its tentacles into an area, it will transform into a parasite. In this form, it cannot attack, itself, but it can generate miniature versions of itself to attack. When it emerges, it becomes Algomon (Perfect). It leeches the energy of whatever it has its tentacles stuck to.

Hypnos Claw: Slashes with claws that will put whatever they touch to sleep. Alternatively, Algomon can release a gigantic thorn into the area that will instantly cause anything within 40 meters to fall asleep. As his power increases, the range of the thorn's sleeping radius as well as the potency increases as well.

Dark Nail: Slashes at a foe with claws embedded with evil and darkness. Upon contact, it will curse the foe and lock up their powers.

Darkness Blast: From its eyes, it fires off a beam of pure darkness that will absorb whatever it hits and lock it inside of the beam.

Crescent Cutter: Slashes and releases energy that slices through anything in the shape of a crescent wave.

Drain Whip: An ability that allows its tentacles to drain the energy of anything that they touch.

Digivolved into Diaboromon (From Infermon):

Cleff's Digimon Diaboromon

Info: It repeatedly absorbs all the data on the network in order to evolve and grow to exceptional sized, and is depleting the Digital World to the brink of destruction. A Diaboromon that has absorbed a lot of data becomes convinced that it is an all-knowing and all-powerful being, and it takes pleasure in destruction and slaughter. However, when this Digimon congregates in great numbers, its raison d'être is made clear, and as that ultimate goal is to hijack a military computer and try to destroy the Real World as well with a nuclear strike. It can corrupt everything with its viruses and abilities.

Diaboromon Attacks:

Catastrophe Cannon: Fires a massively destructive cannon shot from the cannon on its chest.

Cable Crusher: Extends its arms to any length with extreme force to crush whatever foe it can and wrap them up and such.

Paradise Lost: Multiplies himself to any given number by splitting himself and doubling each time.

Dark Power: Sucks in data with its green orb on its chest that will also try to corrupt all Vaccine type digimon and give them viruses.

Claw Attack: Uses claws to slash through and try to drain data he has broken through.

Tentacle Bug: Releases numerous cables from self that will corrupt and control any machine that they touch.

Digivolved into Algomon (Perfect) (From Algomon):

Cleff's Digimon Argomon2

Info: Algomon after he emerges from Worm Phase. His eyes have now opened, unleashing his accursed power. He now has 1,000 eyes and an innumerable amount of tentacles he can summon on his body, and his power is phenomenal. His Elimination Line has become the Distortion Line, which not only erases what has direct contact with the beam, but also distorts everything else near to epic proportions, causing other digimon to de-digivolve.

Algomon (Perfect) Attacks:

Distortion Line: Releases powerful energy from all of its eyes which will erase whatever it comes in contact instantly. Also, whatever was near this attack becomes distorted extremely. Whatever digimon was near this attack will be de-digivolved instantly.

Brute Force: Surges all of its power into its arm and will punch with insanely destructive power.

Judecca Cannon: Algomon's most powerful attack. Utilizing all of the energy in its body that it has drained, it will fire a beam from all of its eyes and from its chest that has the power to destroy an entire continent with one strike. It takes time to charge, however.

Heavy Tackle: Launches its gigantic body at high speeds into whatever it can, plowing through literally everything.

Mental Essence: Its eyes begin to glow and it releases an incredible force from itself, destroying everything in the radius and rupturing the minds of whatever is within.

Demon Slash: Focuses energy into its fingers and rends everything with destructive, cursed claws.

Chaos Blast: Fires off a massive beam of energy which makes horrific explosions. Whatever is caught within the explosions will de-digivolve.

Digivolved into Armageddemon (If Diaboromon collects a LOT of data/viruses):

Cleff's Digimon Armageddemon

Info: Armageddemon was created when an enormous number of Kuramon fused into a giant Digi-Egg. It is a brutal Digimon whose power far surpasses Diaboromon's and even Omnimon's. So terrible is it's strength, that nearly all attacks can not even phase its nigh invulnerable armored flesh. The exact number of Kuramon that fused to become Armageddemon is 1,023,754. Diaboromon can assume this form if he has collected a shitload of data or viruses and has grown exceptionally large.

Armageddemon Attacks:

Destiny Destroyer: Fires a massively powerful, extremely super heated energy blast from its mouth in a cannon-like form.

Black Rain: Fires missiles from its back into the air and lets them rain down endlessly on the area.

Last edited by Cleff on April 24th 2010, 7:11 am; edited 3 times in total
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Posts : 482
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
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Cool Points (LOL) : 6
Kekkei Genkai : Transcendent Sound, Techno-Data Prowess

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Cleff's Digimon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleff's Digimon   Cleff's Digimon Icon_minitime1April 24th 2010, 6:44 am

Mechanorimon named Mechus:

Cleff's Digimon Mekanorimon_b

Info: Smaller Digimon use this 'Power Suit Digimon' for hazardous jobs, but he's also the first vehicular Digimon made in the Digital World. He's unable to express himself fully, and remains immobile when not in use most times, hence why this peculiar Digimon is unique when compared to other Digimon. He also changes his attribute depending on who is controlling him: therefore, he is usually classified as a Virus type Digimon mainly because a majority of users are Virus type Digimon. His Digi-Core is still in the middle of being refined, so if Mekanorimon works too hard, it overheats. Sometimes, it does not need a pilot to move by itself, however.

Mechanorimon Attacks:

Twinkle Beam: A large beam is fired from the linear lens embedded in his body.

Gyro Break: A powerful spiraling corkscrew punching/clawing attack equivalent to a mechanical explosion at full power. Subdued by the 'Gyro Break', enemy bodies literally disappear.

Digivolved into Megadramon:

Cleff's Digimon Megadramon

Info: Megadramon is a Dark/Cyborg Dragon Type Digimon. With his brother, Gigadramon, they are an unbreakable team, though Gigadramon is also his rival. He is one of the first Machine Digimon to be made with the technology that made Cyborg Digimon such MetalGreymon and MetalMamemon. He is used for anti-aircraft interception. He is remodeled artificially, he invades networks that are heavily guarded, he is programmed to destroy all enemies. He has sharp claws on his hand that cut any substance they tear at.

Megadramon Attacks:

Genocide Attack: Shoots an endless barrage of missiles from arms.

Ultimate Slicer: Claws through anything with its claws.

Mega Death Scythe: Extends a scythe from the claws that can slice through anything.

Parry Attack: Releases a force that will equal the same force as an oncoming attack to cancel it out.

Energy Shot: Condenses high amounts of energy into cannon arms and fires them off.

Double Edge: Releases dual swords from its two arms to use as weapons.

Nanomachine Heal: Automatic nanomachines inside of body heal its wounds gradually.

Mega Flame: From mouth, fires a massive fireball with great explosive power.

Digivolved into Chaosdramon:

Cleff's Digimon Chaosdramon

Info: It is a stronger and improved version of Machinedramon whose mere existence distorts all order in the Digital World. Its body is made of Red-Digizoid (the strongest alloy of Chrome Digizoid), which grants it great defense, and amplifies the evil and thirst for destruction programmed into its Digi-Core. Chaosdramon is sometimes refered as Machinedramon Chaos Mode.

Chaosdramon Attacks:

Hyper Mugen/Infinity Cannon: Shoots insanely large and powerful energy blasts from cannons on back that draws power directly from the Dark Area itself.

Chaos Crusher: Uses its right claw and extends it and drills to destroy everything in its path with is Red Chrome Digi-Zoid metal, the strongest there is in the Digital World.

Destroyed Hook: Shoots out a missile filled with so many viruses that it has the potential to corrupt and delete a foe on contact.

Last edited by Cleff on April 24th 2010, 7:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 482
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 6
Kekkei Genkai : Transcendent Sound, Techno-Data Prowess

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Cleff's Digimon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleff's Digimon   Cleff's Digimon Icon_minitime1April 24th 2010, 6:45 am

Tankmon named Destroya:

Cleff's Digimon Tankmon

Info: Tankmon is an Android Digimon in the form of a tank. Since it can ally with Vaccine-types and Virus-types if it is within its own interest, it has been called the "Mercenary Digimon". It likes quarrels, it turns enemies into small pieces by coming after them facing with its heavyweight-gradepower and heavy weapons on its entire body. They can also rotate their torsos to reverse directions. He loves to fight, and participates in battle using weapons with outrageous power, he is a powerful Digimon that never questions the enemy he fights. He has limitless ammo.

Tankmon Attacks:

Hyper Cannon: Shoots a massive, smiling missile warhead from nose that can have enough power to destroy half of a city at full power.

Machine Gun Assault: Shoots out rounds from its machine gun arms nonstop at the foe, needing not to reload.

Twin Missile: Shoots out 2 extremely large missiles from its 2 arms.

Hell Drive: Sucks in and destroys and grinds up whatever it can with its mouth on its lower torso. It can destroy and absorb data and such by grinding it up.

Sub Vulcan: Shoots out missiles nonstop from its 2 cannon arms.

Digivolved to Tankdramon

Cleff's Digimon 275px-Tankdramon

Info: An expert in insurgent suppression and destructive assault, he specializes in the extermination of countless targets and boasts overwhelming firepower. He is equipped with a radar system that can lock on to 30 targets at a time and, for enemies that are supplemented, one Tankdramon can even be data-linked to another Tankdramon so getting away is said to be impossible. Its entire body is a weapon and its ammo is limitless.

Tankdramon Attacks:

Striper Cannon: Fires mini-nuke from its back cannon that split into thousands of missiles that reduce everything within 30 kilometers into nothingness.

Blast Gatling: Uses all of the guns on his body to shoot out 3600 bullets each second from each gun all over the body.

Digivolved into Machinedramon:

Cleff's Digimon Machinedramon

Info: With its whole body in 100% full metal, it is the Digital World's strongest Digimon. It was built by synthesizing the parts of many Cyborg Digimon, and it is thought that all of the Cyborg Digimon produced so far were merely prototypes for the completion of Mugendramon. It was built by synthesizing their parts — Megadramon's helmet and right claw, MetalTyrannomon's jaw and chest armor, two of MetalMamemon's Psycho Blasters, MetalGreymon's left claw, and Andromon's shoulder pads. Its power is at a level that would overwhelm other Digimon, and it possesses an intellect which boasts incomparable throughput, but it is a purely mechanical digimon which does not share their self-will. Instead, someone planted a program containing evil intentions within the DigiCore at the center of its body, and Mugendramon is supplied with infinite power from that malice-filled DigiCore.

Machinedramon Attacks:

Mugen/Infinity Cannon: Fires insanely powerful, superdreadnought-class energy blasts from the 2 cannons on his back.

Booster Claw: Extends his right claw and drills it through everything.

Catastrophe D: Destroys everything by firing all cannons on his body repeatedly.

Mugen/Infinity Hand: Slams both claws down with massive power to try to crush anything under them. It can also fire energy blasts and numerous missiles from its right hand with this.

Last edited by Cleff on November 20th 2010, 12:26 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Posts : 482
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 6
Kekkei Genkai : Transcendent Sound, Techno-Data Prowess

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Cleff's Digimon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleff's Digimon   Cleff's Digimon Icon_minitime1April 24th 2010, 6:46 am

Bakemon named Reaper:

Cleff's Digimon Bakemon

Info: Bakemon is a Ghost Digimon that is said to be a product of "Death Evolution", when a Digimon's data is incompletely deleted that results in an undead-type Digimon. Bakemon are known as the "Dancing Spirits". He resembles a cloth, but he's really a Ghost type Digimon with striking intellect. The contents of his cloth are enshrouded in mystery. He is able to destroy the computer's system by clinging onto it momentarily and releasing a cursed virus program. Moreover, the fact that he has no shadow leads to a theory that he is connected to a black hole. It has potent ghost abilities like disappearing and fazing through stuff.

Bakemon Attacks:

Hell's Hand: Releases a corrupting, purple claw that can extend a great length to corrupt and destroy what it touches.

Nightmare Wave: Releases dark wave of evil that will destroy the mentality of the foe by hypnotizing them, amplifying their doubts and driving them to insanity, lost forever in darkness.

Dark Hand: Creates hands made of evil energy/shadows/darkness/whatever Bakemon feels like and uses them to claw at the foe and absorb their energies.

Death Charm: Releases a large amount of explosive evil energy in the shape of a burning skull or a ball of souls that will curse the foe's life and drain their energy as well as corrupt them and turn them evil or even kill them, over time.

Poison Breath: Spews out toxic fumes from its mouth that will make those who breath it poisoned and go unconscious.

Ghost Chop: Disappears and reappears behind the foe to karate chop them from behind before disappearing again.

Digivolved into Phantomon (From Bakemon):

Cleff's Digimon PhantomonPurple
(This is not the original color of Phantomon, but I figured that the purple one looked WAY more badass than the red one.)

Info: An upper-leveled Digimon formed from when Bakemon improved his powers. It is a Grim-Reaper-like Digimon holding a giant sickle and chain. The huge scythe in his hands can tear through souls. It is said that he came from a Digital World in another dimension, although his true colors underneath his cloth are unknown, but it is said that the interior of the cloth which conceals its body leads to a separate dimension from the Digital World. Those who will die in the future are reflected in his eyeball-shaped crystal around his neck, which it can see anything with through the power of clairvoyance. Those who Phantomon clings onto are unable to survive, meaning if it were to ever possess someone, it would cause them to die almost instantly. Like Bakemon, it shares all ghost-like powers.

Phantomon Attacks:

Shadow Scythe: Uses his scythe, which is able to transmute itself through darkness at will, to slice apart the opponent's soul, and once the soul is touched by the scythe, it is instantly annihilated.

Death Sentence/Father Time: Sucks out the time of the foe to the point where they die with his scythe.

Evil Eye: Using the eye around his neck, he can prophesize who will die next. Also, anyone who looks directly into the eye will die instantly, having their soul sucked out, erased, or just killing them if they have no soul.

Diabolic Star: Charges lots of deathly energy into the little ball thing hanging off the chain from his scythe and flings it. It will explode and then implode, sucking out the life forcefully of anything within the implosion and killing them.

Robe of Darkness: Covers self in darkness and viruses, being able to conceal self as well as spread darkness and viruses through the area.

Chaos Slash: Energy draining scythe slicing attack.

Dark Whispers: Dark voices are heard throughout the field which will not only impair the foe's hearing, but also control their mind and give them delusions.

Dark Digivolved into MetalPhantomon (From Bakemon):

Cleff's Digimon MetalPhantomon

Info: MetalPhantomon is a Cyborg Digimon, and a natural carrier of the X-Antibody, who was a Phantomon that completely mechanized its body. MetalPhantomon has the ability to induce nightmares and manipulate any objects (Even if not metal) with the electric field connecting his limbs. He remains active with an energy supply installed in a Digital World of another dimension, and it's said that very few people can tame this monstrosity. His scythe, the Soul Predator, is able to tear through literally any substance, and sucks out the life essence and souls of whatever it touches while disintegrating the physical remains.

MetalPhantomon Attacks:

Grave Scream: Releases a sound wave from itself that can be heard for miles. Whatever hears this sound will instantly be forced to sleep and forcefully trapped in their nightmares. The sound will also constantly drain massive amounts of energy from anything affected by its sound, even able to drain life force.

Soul Predator: Enlarges his scythe and releases an enormous amount of energy, able to tear through any substance, which completely deprives the enemy of its soul and life essence, disintegrating the physical remains. Also, as an alternative, he can shoot out a barrage of energy waves that have the same properties from his scythe.

Scythe of Cyborgs: A special ability of his scythe that will either give life to machines, making them under his control, remove any and all functionality from any machines, or change organic objects into cybernetic things.

Metallic Hunter: In any given radius of MetalPhantomon, he can beckon any and all metallic objects he wishes at any time, able to gain complete and utter control of them. Not only this, but he can also magnetize them to anything he wishes, or harvest their material (whatever they may be) and incorporate it as part of himself for more power.

Digivolved into Ghoulmon (From Phantomon):

Cleff's Digimon Ghoulmon1

Info: Ghoulmon was once a high ranking angel Digimon, Seraphimon, until he became one of the minor rulers of the Dark Area alongside Daemon. Ghoulmon does not always move to further evil purposes, but rather moves only to keep his own high-rank position. It is said that in the final battle, he will envelope himself in darkness and become the "God of Destruction". He is at a protected neutral standpoint in the conflict between Angel type Digimon and Demon type Digimon, and calmly watches the world. He can shoot energy from his eyes that is evil and inflicts death upon others.

Ghoulmon Attacks:

Death Arrow: Fires evil death energy from the eyes on its hands in the shape of swift arrows.

Explosion Eye: Stores a massive amount of energy in head, which swells up, then releases all of the energy in a massive, powerful explosion of energy in the form of a gigantic, explosive death beam from the eye on the head.

Black Claw: Slashes with black claws that will inflict viruses in the foe to corrupt them.

Death Wave: Releases evil death energy from 3 eyes in the form of waves from all around the body.

Chaos Blast: Fires off chaotic, explosive energy from hand-eyes.

Demon Slash: A data destroying claw attacks.

Destruction Cannon: Fires a massive, chaotic blast from the large eye which explodes and obliterates whatever is in the way.
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