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 Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell

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Posts : 399
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Hidden Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-05-25
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Kekkei Genkai : Universal Energies/Space-Time Continuum Dominance

Character sheet
Character Race: Pure Psion
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Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell Empty
PostSubject: Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell   Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell Icon_minitime1June 5th 2009, 11:57 pm

*Xzystins stood in a barren field, wearing light armor and training clothes. The shirt he wore had one sleeve missing. His exposed right arm shown the tribal like dragon paxia tatooed on his arm. He'd need time to practice his dragonic abilities. He'd only use them a couple times, but now it was time to gain more experience. He'd start with basic stuff.*

"Light Dragon! Wind Dragon! Darkness Dragon!"

*Three large dragons manifested from rifts that appeared in the air. The three dragons were huge, and varied in appearance as well as attitude.*

Darkness Dragon: Gaah! What do you want?!

"Nothing, just getting some warm practice before I summon the Big 5."

Darkness Dragon: Well then, if you are done with me, I'll head back. That okay with you?

"Heh, yeah fine fine. The Light and Wind Dragons are allowed to leave as well."

*Xzystins nodded and clutched his right arm, the tatoo began glow brightly.*

"Alright! First one up...Bahamut!"
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Posts : 399
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Hidden Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-05-25
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Kekkei Genkai : Universal Energies/Space-Time Continuum Dominance

Character sheet
Character Race: Pure Psion
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Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell   Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell Icon_minitime1June 6th 2009, 1:09 am

*Xzystins raised his arm into the air as the winds picked up. Way up in the atmosphere, the clouds parted as a giant multicolored dragon came soaring downward, landing on the ground. A gold circular object hovered a foot off of his back. Xzystins leapt high into the air landing the dragon's shoulder.*

"Well, that takes care of Bahamut."

Bahamut: Well, you've gotten stronger. Glad to see you're are capable of summoning at least one of us.

"No offence, but you were quite easy. It's the last two I'm worried about."

*Xzystins tapped Bahamut's shoulder with his foot and Bahamut nodded. With one powerful flap he was airborne, several miles high and climbing. Xzystins stood on his should as he flew, keeping himself firmly planted by coursing chakra through his feet (similar to how they are able to walk up trees).
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Posts : 399
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Hidden Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-05-25
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Kekkei Genkai : Universal Energies/Space-Time Continuum Dominance

Character sheet
Character Race: Pure Psion
Character Info (Highlight):

Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell   Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell Icon_minitime1June 7th 2009, 5:25 pm

*As Xzystins and Bahamut flew through the air, Xzystins raised his arm once more. The air distorted and "broke" and a massive clawed hand reached out from within but immediately closed.*

"Tch, playing tough to summon are we?"

*Bahamut turned upward picking up speed as the air was getting thinner and thinner. Bahamut was preparing to exit into outerspace. Bahamut needed to exceed speeds of 11.2 km/s, or Mach 34, to escape earth's gravitational pull.*

Bahamut: You'd better be quick kid! You know you can't breathe in space without some type of aid. And we're about to break through the atmosphere soon!

*Xzystins gritted his teeth and jumped off of Bahamut's shoulder, his body spiraling towards the ground at insane speeds. Due to the air friction, Xzystins's body ignited, catching on fire. But due to his immunity to fire and heat of every kind, he remained unharmed. But slamming into the ground with this much momentum might hurt a bit. Xzystins stuck his arm out once more and the air distorted again and "broke".*

"Neo Bahamut! Go!"

*The air rippled and a massive dragon, even more so than Bahamut, erupted from the distorted and broke air, which turned out to be a rift. Neo Bahamut appeared a few meters below Xzystins a flew upwards. Xzystins reached out and grabbed his tail. Pulling himself up, Xzystins Time Lagged (which is similar to flash stepping only it leaves multiple after images) and quickly made it to Neo Bahamut's shoulder.*

Neo Bahamut: "Nice to see you again. You alright kid?"

Xzystins: "Yeah, but you nearly gave me a heartattack."

Neo Bahamut: "Heh, sorry bout that..."

*Xzystins and Neo Bahamut flew onward before taking off towards a mountainous area. Xzystins dragon paxia glew its orangish-red color as Bahamut, who was now in space, was dismissed.*

"Alright, next up...Bahamut ZERO..."
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Posts : 399
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Hidden Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-05-25
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Kekkei Genkai : Universal Energies/Space-Time Continuum Dominance

Character sheet
Character Race: Pure Psion
Character Info (Highlight):

Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell   Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell Icon_minitime1June 8th 2009, 2:01 am

*Xzystins and Neo Bahamut flew horizontally through the air, Xzystins pushing chakra throughout his body. Xzystins reached out and willed Bahamut ZERO to come, but to no avail.*

"Geez he's stubborn."

*Xzystins pushed more chakra into his body. Concentrating, he slammed his hands together.*

"Bahamut ZERO get your ass out here!"

*The air rippled and Bahamut ZERO appeared miles in front of Xzystins and Neo Bahamut, heading straight towards them. It looked as if Neo and ZERO might collide. Xzystins merely dismissed Neo, causing the massive dragon to disappear right from under him. Xzystins fell downward since he wasn't standing on anything, and ZERO just reached down and caught the falling shinobi out of thin air as he flew overhead. ZERO tossed Xzystins into the air, causing him to land on ZERO's shoulder. ZERO was the third strongest dragon in terms of overall power, but he was the second fastest due to the fact he has four wings powering him through the air. Only Bahamut FURY surpassed him in speed.*

ZERO: "Sorry bout the delay kid...I was enjoying a nice little nap."

Xzystins: "Yea, its getting quite annoying. You guys have got to pay attention. I could be in trouble and you're just sleeping away."

ZERO: "Ah, well, be that as it may, we'd know if you were in trouble. That dragon paxia does alot more than look pretty. But, you'll find that out soon enough. But, if you think I was a pain, just wait until you try to summon TREMOR. He's not the nicest dragon. Nor is he very modest."

Xzystins: "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but for now, just pick up speed!"

*Bahamut ZERO accelerated and his speed increase was ridiculous. Moving close to the speed of light without putting forth much effort, the four massive wings flapping in a rhythmic fashion. Xzystins and ZERO flew past the mountains once more. As they did, Xzystins unsheathed Realm Breaker and sliced the air, sending a crescent blade of Arcane chakra through the air. The blade easily cut the mountains in half. ZERO and Xzystins flew off, going higher.*
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PostSubject: Re: Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell   Tatoo on My Arm Hurts Like Hell Icon_minitime1

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