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Tymonland, The Veritas (Dusk)
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 What the hell am I doing here...?

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What the hell am I doing here...? Empty
PostSubject: What the hell am I doing here...?   What the hell am I doing here...? Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 4:17 pm

I stood, my chain-saw hybrid weapon sheathed, and looked about my surroundings. It was a barren place, the desert quite... Well, deserted. I wondered for the millionth time... What the hell am I doing here? Okay, so I watched one fight from a distance, and those spell-type-things they were using looked pretty damn cool... It would help me get stronger right?
Memories flashed by my eyes, and I shook my head to clear them... This was NOT the time to let my 'monster' out.
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