A white, endless room. Ever 2 miles you walk, you reach a door, and your energy depletes in this room, meaning you have to beat the clock and get to a door before you run out. It goes something like this:
2 miles- 1st floor door
4 miles- 2nd floor door
6 miles- 3rd floor door
8 miles- 7th floor door
10 miles- 10th floor door
12 miles- 4th floor door
14 miles- A door leading to the beginning of the 8th floor.
16 miles- 7th floor door
18 miles- 12th floor door
20 miles- 11th floor door
22 miles- 5th floor door
25 miles- 13th floor door
No matter how strong you are, or what your chakra capacity is, all energy will be drained in the length of 30 minutes.