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 Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))

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Posts : 65
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Oragami manipulation, and Wind manipulation

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Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Empty
PostSubject: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1June 28th 2009, 9:20 pm

*Delilah would await a procter in a open field with various sized boulders scattered around randomly, as pits seemlying endless where also scattered around the field, Delilah looking forward breathing in the battlefield air.*
"I have a good feeling..."
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PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1June 28th 2009, 9:30 pm

~@Tera and Miya roll into the field on Tera's Kuro-Ita, hover board. As it came to a stop, Miya hopped off, and Tera would stay on it, looking at Delilah.@~

"Ready for a ranking Delilah? I know you've been waiting a long time for this."

Miya: I guess I'll sit and watch?

"If you want you can. But I'd be more interesting with you on the battle field with me, since we will in the future."

Miya: Okay okay, thats true. I will join in.

~@ Miya happily came next to Tera as he stood in front of Delilah. This was the first time Tera let her fight along side him, despite their souls not being completely compatable.@~
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Posts : 65
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Oragami manipulation, and Wind manipulation

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Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1June 28th 2009, 9:38 pm

"Ahem......yes I was....I guess this is a part where I give the starting move?"
*Delilah whipped her fan slashing the air in various directions, this would cluster and make the surrounding air into a rampage as it would be thrown at Tera. From the wind would be large amounts of dragon shaped oragami, little did he know that once they came in close contact they would merely explode releasing a jet of flame. Yet from the high amount of oxygen in the area of the oragami via the air waves the fire would attempt to engulf Tera in a sphere of firey wind if he didn't escape within seconds.*
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PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1June 28th 2009, 9:51 pm

~@ As the wind slashes would surround Tera and Miya in an attempt to slice them up, his hands would begin to charge with his rupturing chakra and wind. He held his hands in front of him, and then would lash his hands forwards, sending two lightning quick waves of rupturing chakra, traveling on the created wind on his hands for more force and speed. Once the lung these attacks forward, He grabbed Miya's hand. The waves would rip right through the wind and oragami dragons, and due to the effect of the rupturing chakra the wind hit by the waves would deconstruct, as well as the explosions created by the exploding origami which was a surprise. Tera and Miya dashed out the wind vortex and leap to the sky, and as they did the waves would continue forward towards Delilah, slicing her in half if not dodged. Blocking is possible, but not recommended. Dark energy would begin to swirl around the air-borne tera and Miya.@~

Miya: Wow, shes ruthless.

"I'll say, not even an introduction..."

Miya: Darkness?

"Its one of my elements, and I managed to master it to boot."

Miya: So I guess I'm in for a treat this match huh?

"You'll see, heheh."
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Posts : 65
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Oragami manipulation, and Wind manipulation

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Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1June 29th 2009, 11:50 am

*Delilah swung her fan infront this created a spinning tornado which lifted Delilah rather quickly into teh air, as she would then leap out of the tornado landing on her fan. She stood up staggering trying to not fall off, and raised her sleeves which dragon oragami flew out rampaging into the tornado which was set on fire a firey torndao appeared larger from the great amount of oxygen the tornado was giving. Delilah would then lift the side of the fan for it to fly to the side and behind the raging firey tornado, quickly she jumped off the fan and swung the large fan which moved the tornado from a air wave pushing against it. Yet from the pressure of the wave Delilah gave it might make the otnrado disrupt and send jets of fire and wind at Fuuma in various directions.*
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Posts : 65
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Oragami manipulation, and Wind manipulation

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Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 9:29 pm

((Reminder? I'm kinda impatient at teh moment xD sorry...))
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PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 9:41 pm

~@Tera would rotate his hands, causing a sphere of wind to form around him and Miya. The wind coming from the tornado would mix into the sphere, making it bigger and the flames would be added to the sphere, making it a fiery sphere. Due to the dark energy around him though, the fire would turn black, making a black flame fiery sphere...few.@~

Miya: Nice combo.

"I still have more to try out."

~@ Tera would faze out the back of the sphere with Miya still inside.@~

"Now Miya!"

~@She turned into a gun and shortly after Tera would condense the black flaming sphere on Miya, charging her with the various energies. Once it was charged, Tera dashed forward, grabbing the gun, and fired a shot of fire/dark energy/ and wind at Delilah. It was big enough to cover a 100 foot radius, making dodging tougher than expected.@~
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Posts : 65
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Oragami manipulation, and Wind manipulation

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PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2009, 9:33 pm

*Delilah still on her fan I think, would leap off, still holding the side from the fan flying away from her. Thrusting the fan to the side, quite hard from swinging the fan suddenly when it was moving in a straight line. When it was swung to the right side, Delilah would fling the fan to hte other side, creating a cylinder like beam to appear, abosrbing all surrounding wind in teh section and condensing the wind into a spirally cylinder. Yet rocks and other debris would also be consumed and whirling about within the beam of wind which would collide with the bullet like energies, which would be aimed into the center of the clustered energy, which owuld disrupt teh flow of the energies within the bullet like attack. The wind would separate seeing the flame travelling along would also separate and disolve into the air, it was unknown of what the dark energy would do, if it would follow the windfire or it would completely stop. Delilah's arm hurt a bit, she hoped she didn't pull a muscle or something from this attack. Maybe it was a ache? Nonetheless Delilah twinced the pain away, biting her lip when it would somewhat hurt her, yet it wasn't a big problem. Delilah was minroly breathing heavily since the attack she preformed was one of her biggest chakra consumers. See looked forward at Fuuma Tera, as she would rise both her hands after stomping her fan into the ground. Various oragami shapes would fly at air cutting speed towards Fuuma. Little did he know that each shape of oragami held different abilites, only swan, and fish shaped oragami.*
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Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1July 5th 2009, 5:25 pm

"Ah, nice ones."

~@Fuuma would begin shooting at the oragami figures coming his way with sound shots. He was pulling the second trigger, releasing not a soul energy shot, but a condensed sound shot. As he was shooting them out of the sky, he would pull the first trigger, firing a soul energy shot x23 in power and speed at Delilah, watching it shred through some of the oragami figures as it headed towards her. He would start dashing in the air to dodge the ones remaining.@~
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Posts : 65
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Oragami manipulation, and Wind manipulation

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Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1July 9th 2009, 6:51 pm

((I totally forgotten about this >>))

*As soon as the condensed sound bullets ripped through the oragami completely stopped in midair, this was something Delilah needed a bit more training on. Yet as the bullets shreaded into the oragami, the explosive's would automatically go off. Since there was no set time when the soul energy shot was fired, and how quick Fuuma's reaction was the bullet was probably shot within a second to fire the first trigger than the second trigger. The jets of water and wind erupted quite fast even though some were ineffect, as the wind would slice a part of the other oragami, they would also go off like a chain reaction. A giant wind sphere with water splashing from in and outside the orb was quite fast, this was instantly made if not within two seconds the orb would have been created which would be in the path of the soul shot, since the time reaction helped the giant sphere of wind and water form better. Since the orb was within the path of the sphere that was created by the oragami, it would destroy if not lower the strength of the soul shot scaresly, or half strength. Delilah would then lash her fan infront of her as a wind shield erupted around her body, as this would reflect and rebound oragami that would fly from a small opening behind the wind sphere Delilah created around her body. These oragami that would rebound off the wind would fly and instantly be activated firing hydro pumps of water as of an electrical current, to attempt to destroy the soul shot.*
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PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1July 12th 2009, 3:02 pm

~@These attempts were good, but Miya never had ordinary shots. Her shots were already about 4 times faster than any regular bullet, and time 23, this was quicker than even Mach 5. Its power and speed made it seemingly unstoppable for now, easily tearing through the wind and water orb in the air. The bullet continued to Delilah at incredible speeds, and Miya's soul energy could weaken other energy and whatnot near it, so things like the wind barrier, and the water and wind orb would be weakened before they were punctured.@~
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PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1July 12th 2009, 3:02 pm

The member 'Fuuma Tera' has done the following action : Chances

'Jutsu Dodge' : 1, 3, 2
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Posts : 65
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Oragami manipulation, and Wind manipulation

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Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1July 19th 2009, 6:42 pm

*Delilah would fling her fan through the air to the side hoping that to use the wind barrier around Delilah it could powerfully force the bullets to the side, if not then well Delilah was doomed to get hit and badly from the speed and presure the soul like bullets was place upon her.*
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PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1July 19th 2009, 6:42 pm

The member 'Delilah' has done the following action : Chances

'Jutsu Clash' : 1, 5, 4
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PostSubject: Re: Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally))   Delilah's Ranking Exam ((finally)) Icon_minitime1

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