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 Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)

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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 12th 2010, 9:47 pm

{Hebi would be standing within a large open field with a few boulders around the area one in which Hebi was leaning on. Amuria would meanwhile being on top of the boulder sitting on top of Kobura who was curled up at the moment looking off in the distance just like Hebi. After completing his mission of pretending to join with Medusa in order to obtain information on her sisters layer Hebi has one been working on removing the traces of insanity from his soul and body and reconnecting and training along with his soul partner Amuria and animal partner Kobura. After a large amount of training Hebi would finally feel he was ready to go for a ranking exam and move up in the ranks although Amuria would simply yawn as she would have Kobura slide he down toward Hebi.}

Amuria- Man do we really have to do this Hebi-chan?


Hebi- If we don't rank we won't get anywhere in this village say Kobura.

{Amuria would simply sigh and would simply lean back on Kobura and would wait along with Hebi and Kobura for a proctor to appear.}
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Posts : 351
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 1:48 am

Tear had been generally dormant for the majority of this time around here, and wasn't really doing much around Shibusen anymore due to lack of... People coming in. Pitiable, really. Tear sighed, passing through the battlegrounds carelessly, taking in all of the scenery.

After a few moments of walking, Tear noticed Hebi here. He must have wanted a ranking exam.

"... Oh, my... Hebi... It has been a while since I have seen you.."
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 8:56 am

{Before Hebi could speak Amuria would jump down and would land on Hebi's shoulder waving to Tear. While it did not look like it because of her size and age appearance Amuria was very light and could easily stand on Hebi without any problem.}

Amuria- Hay Tear-sensei that's right I don't know why but Hebi-chan wants to rank up so can you rank us.
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Posts : 351
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 9:04 am

Tear closed his eyes, hands in his pockets, and chuckled to himself slightly at seeing those two.

"... Well. I think you do deserve one for your bravery... Truthfully, I think that because of that, you should have already ranked up..."

Tear opened his eyes slightly, and they were gleaming and rippling like water.

".. However, now that you are back, I must inform you... We're buckling down on the exams... They are no longer as easy as they were in the past... I hope you are ready, then..."
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 9:10 am

{Hebi would sit up from his leaning position on the rock and would simply nod like Hebi would always do when he wanted to speak. In on fast motion Kobura would wrap around Hebi's body like normal and would hisss as it would glare at Tear knowing this time around he was an opponent. Hebi would then wait to hear any unique rules or requirements for this exam.}
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 9:22 am

Tear looked up slightly at the snake, then at Hebi, then at Amuria.

"... The requirements of this exam are as follows; Use only your Jutsu to fight me. Also, to end the fight, you must immobilize me. Those are your requirements... I do hope you can meet them, Hebi..."

Tear kept his original position, as if waiting for Hebi to attack...
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 9:53 am


Hebi- Looks like you sit this one out Amuria since you are not a summon says Kobura.

{Amuria would simply shrug and would nod and jump off Hebi's shoulder moving back into the distance to watch the fight from a far. Kobura however would stay wrapped around Hebi as while he was always around Kobura was for a fact an animal summon so was a jutsu and could be used in this fight. Just to get things started Hebi would grip his fist and would punch the ground and a large wave of earth spikes would rocket toward Tear. Although as the spikes moved toward him a wave of snake would erupt from under Tear trying to grab and hold him down so the earth spike could hit.}
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Posts : 351
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 10:09 am

Tear looked at the ground below him, which snakes were erupting from, then at the earth spikes heading toward him. Tear chuckled and closed his eyes, just like before. He stomped the ground, creating a powerful shockwave of energy which would force away the snakes, using that stomp's force to propel himself into the spikes.

His feet would then become lined with his Belt Sander... part and rev up extremely fast. Tear landed on the tip of one of the spikes, grinding it down to nothing almost the moment he landed on it, then leapt off into another spike and did the same thing until he was right in front of Hebi's face. Tear would send a swift kick right at Hebi's face, his Belt Sander still revved up, and would naturally grind off Hebi's face if he took the kick.
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 2:23 pm

{As the kick moved toward Hebi's face the ground under Hebi would disappear and Hebi along with Kobura would disappear underground avoiding Tear's kick. Hebi would then begin to move around underground before appearing a few feet away from Tear. Hebi would be standing on top of Kobura who had just grown in size allowing Hebi to stand on top of him. Hebi would then take a deep breath and would then release a large torrent of fire which would rocket toward Tear at a fast pace. Although as the ball of fire moved close it would seem to move in a unusual way before two large snake would appear from the fire and at blinding speeds would appear around Tear trying to close in on him crushing him while also trying to hold on to him so the fire could completely engulf him. Although these snakes where in danger of being destroyed by Tear's belt sander legs these snake however would have scales made of steel making them very hard to be shredded even by Tear. Although Hebi was not don as he would create a few hand signs and from under Tear would then erupt a large explosion of earth which was a earth bomb which Hebi place where Tear was the minute Hebi and Kobura dove underground.}
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Posts : 351
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Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 2:31 pm

Tear used the momentum of the kick to continue spinning around, even after Hebi was gone, then popped back up out of the ground. Tear only continued to spin faster and faster. With the fire coming near, Tear would use his Soul Scan ability to analyze the fire... as well as the snakes that would pop out.

"... My. On this gear, I would have never been able to shred through those snakes. I am lucky that I caught that when I did..."

He kept his signature, deadly, nonchalant smile on his face as he kicked up the gear of his Belt Sander feet, which would in turn, be strong enough to easily shred through and rip off the scales of the snakes in a brutal fashion, which would be done once they neared Tear.

As for the fire, Tear would continue to spin, and when the fire was close enough, he forced himself to spin just a little faster, creating a slight vacuum for a brief moment around him. This would make the large fireball swerve around Tear's own position, then right back at Hebi and his snake at double the speed and force it was before.

"... Have you been practicing your Jutsu, Hebi..? Though I have none of my own, I am more of a Taijutsu user, myself..."

This was clear in his movements and his physical abilities. However, after that came an explosion from underground. Tear was definitely not expecting this, and was therefore caught off guard, being sent into the air.

"... Hm.. How deceitful..."

He would gracefully land on his feet a few tens of feet away, seeming to be harmed very little by said explosion.
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 4:02 pm

{As the fire moves back toward Hebi he would quickly sign and touch Kobura as he would open his mouth right when the fire would he causing a large explosion. Although as the smoke from the explosion clears Hebi and Kobura would be fine and standing in front to them would be a huge fire cobra snake that would be surging with fire. Hebi would then bring his hand downward and from above Tear would then rain down a wave of rocks which came from the explosion of earth Hebi used just a moment ago. Although as the rocks moved down closer to Tear the fire cobra in front of Hebi would release waves of fire hotter then that of a volcano that would engulf the rocks moving down toward Tear causing them to become molten meteors crashing down toward Tear. Hebi would also sign and touch the ground causing the earth around Tear's general area to rise creating an open roof around Tear reducing his movements to avoid the molten meteors. However the fire Cobra would hisss and would bite down into the ground send a large amount of its energy though out the ground toward Tear. Suddenly Tear would be able to feel the ground to become hotter before the whole area within the closed off area would erupt with lava, fire, and earth with a large amount of force like a volcano. Although if Tear could jump of the way of the lava he would end up running head first into the molten meteors still moving toward him. Hebi would continue to watch ass he would watch the power of his Fire Cobra Apophis.}
Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Apophi10
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 4:18 pm

It seemed like he was trying to overwhelm Tear. That was always fun stuff. First, the molten rocks would rain down from the sky. Well, those were simple enough to dodge... But then, a wall of earth? Still pretty simple... But then came the lava from the ground. Hm.

Judging from the space opened up as a ceiling over this 'prison' of sorts, Tear would assume that the molten rocks would only be hitting within that radius of space, since it would not make sense for them to be raining down and not be able to enter the prison. So, with quick wits, Tear dashed upward diagonally at one of the walls, bursting through it with sheer force, allowing the calamity of the rocks and lava as well as the prison to... do what they had to in that specific area.

"... Oh, Hebi... You shan't get anywhere with me using those tactics..."
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 6:36 pm

{As Tear made his statement Hebi would sign causing a large amount of smoke would begin to surge around his arms before a large amount of energy would be release from Hebi's body. Around Hebi's arms scales would grow from them and claws would grow from his fingers. This was Hebi's new upgraded version of his snake hybrid transformation leaving more human then snake. Hebi wold then sign causing Apophis to shrink to a small size and would actual slither into Hebi's mouth going all the way down his throat. Hebi would then jump off Kobura landing on the ground and would look toward Tear while his eye would begin to turn red and his body would seem to bulk up just a little. Hebi would then dig his feet into the ground which would cause the ground to crack and would launch toward Tear causing the ground behind him to completely level to the point where Kobura's had to expand its wings and move high into the air to avoid the explosion of speed. Hebi would move toward Tear being seen in blurs every now and again while his claws would grow and become coated in fire. Hebi however would rocket past Tear with out even touching him stopping feet away turning back toward Tear and would create a large fire ball in his hand and would launch it toward Tear and the fire ball would explode into a wave of mini fire balls. Although something surprising would happen because as the fire balls moved toward Tear from where Hebi came from would appear five fire lines which was the shock wave slash Hebi made as he bolted past Tear. Also from under Tear once more would erupt a wave of mini Apophis although these guys would instantly explode the second they appear under Tear half being fire explosion and half would explode into nothing but smoke to reduce what Tear could see and avoid. Those this smoke would also have a little nerve venom powder in it which will affect Tear on skin contact causing light numbing in the body. Hebi would meanwhile stand with his claws forward as smoke would surge from his scales as he would wait to see what Tear would do. Hebi was not trying to over power Tear but that is exactly what Hebi wanted Tear to think while Hebi used his really plan which was catching Tear of guard. As he waited Hebi would actually crack a like insanity like smile which was very fake but Hebi had just grown use to making them.}

Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Poison10
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Posts : 351
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Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 8:51 pm

Tear could see now that his words had inspired Hebi to step up his game. Now it was going to get fun. When Hebi took off, Tear only opened his eyes the moment Hebi crossed his path, letting the wind from him passing flutter through his jacket. Tear didn't turn around to face Hebi, but instead, stared at the oncoming attacks. Tear could hear the attacks that were coming from behind.

"... Sounds like... Flames. Condensed. Into the form of a large sphere... Most likely, attacking from the ground, as well... Hm..."

Tear chuckled again, keeping his signature, deadly, nonchalant smile. First and foremost, the attacks that were obviously going to come from the ground. Hebi had already attacked from the ground every time he attacked before... Tear was not stupid.

"... Successive Soul Menace... Soul Menace."

Surging from Tear's body and through his feet, into the ground was a powerful Soul Menace. This Soul Menace was so incredibly powerful that it would either obliterate the snakes before they came from the ground, or force them all away and keep their explosions from hitting Tear. Next, he would combat the lines of fire, only because of their speed coming at Tear.

"... Double Soul Menace... Two Palm."

The second part of the Successive Soul Menace, outstretching his two hands to totally destroy the oncoming attack with a forceful, double-powered Soul Menace. Its power was so great that it not only took out all of the lines of fire in front of him, but spread the ground where it was. Tear then immediately turned around.

"... Planet Destruction... Cannon."

Tear would take a grand step forward, pull an arm back, then thrust it forward just as the fireball came near, the insane force causing it to totally be destroyed, just like the others. Though, this form of the Soul Menace's destructive, sheer explosive power reached out all the way to where Hebi was and beyond, totally destroying whatever was in the way of the attack. Tear would take a deep breath, and then sigh.

"... With Successive Soul Menace... The power of each Soul Menace ability I use doubles in power each time it is used... And with the stances I took when unleashing them... The power of my wavelength was maximized..."

Tear would allow his jacket to flutter once more, then return to a state of what seemed to be utter calm, his hands going into his pocket.

".. Better, but, how can you truly hit me when you do not understand beauty...?"
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 14th 2010, 9:37 pm

{As Tear finished his attack and the smoke died down from Tear powerful attack Hebi would no longer be seen where he was standing and all that was left was a snake skin in Hebi's appearance. Hebi would then erupt from the ground a few feet away from Tear and while his jacket would be a little torn from the explosion Hebi himself was okay. Hebi would then charge toward Tear as his claws would glow becoming coated in poison which Hebi was hopping to slash Tear with trying to reduce his movements. Although as Hebi moved closer the ground under him and Tear would rumble and from around the whole battle area in different locations would erupt five large heads which where Hebi's giant Snake Hydra which would release a large roar that would shake the area. These heads where located around the whole area and the main body was very deep under ground making very hard for Tear to completely destroy the Hydra completely. One of the heads which was behind Hebi would then release a large burst of fire which would hit Hebi head on. The fire would cause Hebi not only to be given a fire like armor over his body but also a burst of speed making him seem like a blur as he would disappear from sight. Hebi would then appear behind Tear and would try to elbow Tear with his fire covered elbow. However from Hebi's shoulder would then grow a large claw which would try to stab him and poison him with the nerve destroying neurotoxin. Also taking note of how Tear would open his eyes during Hebi's bursts of speed another Snake Hydra head would open its mouth and would release a blinding blast of energy which would shot right past the two in hopes of blinding Tear for a moment while another head would release a large roar which while not bothering Hebi could cause a large amount of pain to Tear if he would pick up the sound which was pretty hard to avoid. Hebi had not used his Snake Hydra since his training with Hakku so it was very full of energy and fighting spirit.}

Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Hydra_10
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 15th 2010, 4:31 am

Tear slowly shook his head as Hebi came in for the attack, bending backward just a bit in such a way as to avoid the claws, since he had a feeling that Hebi wouldn't continue with that attack after one slash. As Tear's prediction was correct, Hebi was then coated in fire. Tear was going to see how that went. Naturally, Tear had also predicted that Hebi would attack him from behind, already having his Mallet hand ready and spun around swiftly, slamming the mallet arm into Hebi's body and said...

"... Soul Purge..."

There would be a large explosion which would force Hebi a hell of a long ways away, most likely hurting him internally quite a bit, as well. This is when the blinding light would shoot past him, though he seemed to be unaffected by it. In fact, Tear's eyes actually reflected the blinding light off of them, making them act as if they were mirrors rather than eyes. The special film that coated them prevented intense lights from hurting his eyes, but acted as a sort of one-way mirror. Tear could still see through the brightest of lights, however his eyes would reflect the light as if he couldn't.

Next was the sound. That was a bit difficult for Tear, at first. Once he heard it, he winced in pain just a bit, but a few moments later, seemed to be completely fine.

"... Sound is nothing but a wavelength, Hebi... My wavelength is so incredibly flexible that it can even match the wavelengths of sounds themselves... That is what a very, very highly flexible soul can do... There are probably very few who can do as I can... It allows me to hear the beauty in everything.."

Tear closed his eyes again. The Hydra was probably going to give him trouble, but... It didn't really matter to Tear at this point. He only looked at Hebi wherever he was and shook his head.
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 15th 2010, 7:49 pm

{After being hit by the soul purge Hebi would be knocked back a far ways back, However before he would be pushed to far back Hebi would regain his balance and would dig his claws into the ground slowing Hebi down until he completely stopped. Hebi would remained on his knees from a moment with his arms deep in the ground while he listened to Tear speak before he would begin to stand up. Altghough as Hebi moved his arms from the ground it Tear's eye where open he would notice the large spike on Hebi's shoulder was gone not broken but just completely gone as if it was never there. Hebi would then sign and from right under Tear the spike would explode not just with fire but with poison. The spike was right under Tear because when Hebi clashed with Tear the spike would fall of in a way which made it look as of the spike was broken by Tear's mallet hand when in reality Hebi just removed it. Although as the spike exploded with fire and body numbing poison the six heads of the Hydra Snake would open there mouths release large powerful just of wind which would simple create large twister around Tear so if he tried to soul purge the poison filled explosion then the wind from the twisters would send them right back,}
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Posts : 351
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Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 16th 2010, 6:09 am

With such an unexpected explosion, surely Tear could not avoid it, nor did he know that it was going to happen. Once the explosion occurred, Tear was singed by the fire and caught by the poison... He knew the effects of the poison and knew what Hebi was trying to do. Tear reverted his mallet into a hand again and placed it in his pockets.

"... Simple tricks won't work, either, Hebi... Though that was a good tactic..."

Tear's Soul Scan was one of his best attributes. There wasn't anything that Tear wouldn't be able to scan, so poisoning Tear without him knowing was out of the question. This is when the twister started to kick up, and it was filled with the poison, as well. Hm.

"... Soul Purge... Impenetrable Bubble..."

Though Hebi did not know that Tear had the Impenetrable Bubble, it was very clear what it did. The Soul Purge would rid him of the poison while the Impenetrable Bubble kept it from getting back in. Tear started to easily slip out of the twister, as the Impenetrable Bubble would not only force away all poison, but also all of the wind would pass right over the bubble. Once out of it, Tear would locate Hebi and retract his bubble, dashing right at Hebi at insane speeds.

"Heavy Downpour; Silent Rain..."

Tear would only look at Hebi as his Soul Wavelength started to fluctuate. He started shooting out thousands of rounds of Soul Wavelength bullets at Hebi at insane speeds, all of which had explosive effects. Tear was getting a bit more offensive now.
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 16th 2010, 5:29 pm

{As the rounds of Soul Wavelength bullets would rocket toward Hebi at fast speeds Hebi would begin to doge all over them with speed and acrobatic snake like movements. While moving around Hebi would also be sending claw bullets toward Tear trying to his him. After a moment of dodging since Tear was moving toward Hebi when this attack started it was only a mater of seconds until Tear was almost right on top of Hebi. When this happened Hebi would jump back and would pull out a scroll opening it causing a large snake to rocket from it which woudl fall toward Tear, While the snake was being constantly hit it would not be very damaged as it would have a very thick armored body which would reduce to amount of damage. Although while it was trying to slam into Tear the snake would open its mouth and would revel a large summoning symbol on its mouth and just as fast as it opened it mouth a wave of snake would be summoned and would rain down toward Tear at rates and numbers that would surpass the amount of time he could fire his Heavy Downpour; Silent Rain in round. Hebi would meanwhile land a few feet away and would punch the ground causing a large wave of earth to move toward Tear. However one getting close to his location it would disappear and the ground under Tear would suddenly cave in trying to leave Tear in a pit for all the snakes and the giant snake to land in biting Tear and holding him down.}
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Posts : 351
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Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-05-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 16th 2010, 5:49 pm

With the large output of snakes, that only meant Tear needed to increase his output of bullets. Not only this, but eventually, the summoned snake would deteriorate, as the bullets did not only cause explosive, powerful physical damage... But they also took away large chunks of chakra, soul energy, and energy from what they hit, sending it to Tear. This would easily give Tear a crapload of energy extremely swiftly.

Once Tear was more than fully charged up, he realized that Hebi had created a pitfall. Now, because Tear could potentially fire these thousand upon thousands of rounds of Soul Wavelength bullets from himself in ANY direction, it was only a matter of thought. So now, he was not only firing at Hebi and his snakes, but down at the pit, keeping him afloat over the pit and safely toward the other side, only giving Tear more energy from probably violently obliterating many more snakes underground.

Again, Tear was more charged up than normal, meaning his next attack was going to be devastating as a whole.

"... Ah, I hope you are ready, Hebi... You have given me a lot of spare energy.."

Tear would stop moving once he was within about 20 feet of Sheng, and said again...

"... Heavy Downpour; Silent Rain.."

This time was different. Tear stopped firing off bullets, and from the sky came many large droplets made purely of Tear's wavelength. Because of all of the energy absorbed, they were the size of meteors at the very, very minimum, and they were falling just as fast as Tear had fired out the bullets... Therefore, in restrospect, thousands upon thousands of rounds of meteor-like tear-shaped droplets would fall and totally decimate the land for miles upon miles, making explosions so very consumptive and powerful, that they would then merge into only one gargantuan explosion that spread for several tens of miles in radius.

Once the explosion cleared, Tear was seen on the desolate land, standing coolly. His eyes were closed, but he opened them to view the remains of the land.

"... Beauty at its finest.."

He closed his eyes again, letting the now wispy and ominous dead air blow through his ears, still sporting his signature, deadly, nonchalant smile.
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 16th 2010, 6:24 pm

{As the huge droplets made purely of Tear's wavelength moved down toward the ground from high in the sky in shock Hebi would try to rocket back, However before Hebi could get even a mile away the droplets would hit the ground creating the giant explosion that would seem to completely blow away both Hebi and his Snake Hydra. As the explosion dyed down the large Snake Hydra would be laying on the ground some distance away. The power of the explosion would have completely pushed up from underground and badly damaged it. The Snake Hydra would disappear in a burst of smoke and from the smoke would be standing Hebi who was badly damaged but alive because when the explosion happened and Hebi was first blown away one of his Snake Hydra heads would grab Hebi and swallow him keeping him safe both inside the Snake Hydra and underground even though the power of the explosion still damaged him. Hebi would slowly stand and would take a guard stance as he waited to for Tear to attack his claws would lightly glow with energy.}
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Posts : 351
Age : 37
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-05-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Kekkei Genkai : None

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Character Race: Weapon
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 16th 2010, 6:51 pm

Tear opened his eyes again, just to observe Hebi's position, looking Hebi up and down. Clearly, he was damaged severely by Tear's last attack. And yet, he still struck a guarding stance.

".. Oh? You still wish to continue? Well, Hebi, I am using very big attacks from here on out... This is the reason why I said for you to restrain me. Your enemies may not use all of their powerful moves right off the bat... And as such, if given the opportunity, you have to restrain them before they get a chance. Now, I must act as if I am the enemy, using my larger attacks... Do not fret, though. Your life is secure."

Tear looked up to the sky. From the explosion that happened, the skies had become as grim as the land, the clouds becoming dark and contaminated with excess smoke and dust. Tear had decided to use that...

"... Soul Cloud."

Something he had not used for quite a while, actually. It was a very fun and useful ability. Tear would suddenly be surrounded in a sort of vapor. It resembled both his wavelength and his soul energy at the same time, and the vapor would condense around his lower torso, lifting him into the sky. The moment the cloud reached the others, it would become one with every other cloud in the sky, thus making them all linked as one with Tear's wavelength.

"... The beauty of nature..."

That was all Tear would say as his wavelength would be shot from every cloud, condensed into the form of lightning from each one, all of them aimed at Hebi. Naturally, this Soul Wavelength lightning was homing in on Hebi's own soul, as if attracted to it, and would thus use that as a homing device if Hebi tried to run from the lightning. The resulting impact and shocking force of it would be monstrous.
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 16th 2010, 7:48 pm

{As the lighting would move down toward Hebi from out of nowhere would appear Kobura who Hebi would hop on as he moved around the area a lighting fast speeds. Kobura had been staying hidden waiting for the right moment to appear to lean some help to Hebi and his timing could not be any better. Kobura would move around the area constantly until a large wave of lighting was right behind them. While Hebi was trying to figure out what to do Kobura would release a large hiss which would last a moment which Hebi would completely listen to being able to understand exactly what Kobura was saying. Hebi would give a lightly dull smile as he would sign and would touch Kobura's head with his claws as Kobura would open up a pair of wings and being to fly high in the air while continuing to doge lighting causing more to fallow. Although suddenly Hebi and Kobura would begin to glow with energy before becoming completely becoming engulfed within a ball of energy which would cause then to stop causing the lighting to hit creating a large explosion. Although when the smoke cleared all that would be in the smoke would be a large sphere like object which would not have a mark on it meaning it was able to take the lighting with not damage. While this looked like some type of defense ability with his sensory abilities Tear should notice that the sphere would start to move and would have a heart beat coming from it. Suddenly the sphere would open up and would revel to be a large feathered winged serpent which was not a summon but a fusion of Hebi, Kobura, and a few giant snake being combined with Hebi's Sune-Ku Kirikae pushed to the max forming him and his snakes into a large quetzalcoatl. The quetzalcoatl would release a large powerful roar which would cause the ground below to begin to crack from the sonic vibrations. The quetzalcoatl would then look up at the clouds and would release a large wave of green flames which where hot as 30 volcano's which would rocket toward the clouds where Tear's wavelength was coming from. However this stream of fire would expand into 10 large streams which would reach to the fare ends of the clouds before reconnecting at the top creating a large box around Tear and his clouds. Although these flames would not try to close in but would burn up all the water vapor in the air causing the clouds to be reduced to nothing but dust. Also the power of these flame would take a lot to break them away even if Tear could connect with the wavelength of energy. Meanwhile the quetzalcoatl would release another large roar while staying high in the air waiting hopping to be able to capture tear in this box of fire.}

(Visual on Hebi's quetzalcoatl form)
Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Quetza10
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Posts : 351
Age : 37
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-05-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Kekkei Genkai : None

Character sheet
Character Race: Weapon
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 17th 2010, 5:48 am

As the flames came Tear's way, Tear thought of another move that he had not done in quite a while. It was just as powerful as the rest of Tear's later moves, and was fast enough to easily avoid the fire. Though, it was a bit taxing on Tear's part, thus making it harder to use at such short notice.

"... Soul Transmission..."

One of Tear's most signature Soul Wavelength abilities, where he actually changed himself into his own Soul Wavelength as to move around any location at speeds faster than light. This allowed him to travel great distances at nearly no time at all, and it was what he used to do such things. This would cause him and all of the clouds he was connected to shoot down at Hebi and reform themselves around him in his Quetzalcoatl form. This now meant that Hebi's entire body was surrounded by Tear's clouds and wavelength.. Which meant that trouble was about to ensue.

".. Soul... Purge."

The clouds would condense around Hebi's area, shooting lightning from every imaginable angle as well as shooting his wavelength through the very clouds, themselves. This causes an explosion almost as epic as the one before, forcing Tear to not only exit his Soul Cloud, but also forcing him a great distance away. Tear stumbled and skidded for a while before retaining himself, panting a little bit. He stopped, then stood straight with his hands in his pockets to see what was the result of that attack.
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Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1November 17th 2010, 7:59 pm

{Hebi in his quetzalcoatl would quickly roll up back into is sphere form as the clouds would form around it. The quetzalcoatl sphere would then begin to spin at super fast speeds and would quickly drop to the ground as it would be hit with a few lighting bolts which would do little damage to the density the quetzalcoatl had in sphere form and the spinning simply increased the density. The sphere would then land on the ground and would rocket toward Tear like the strongest roll out ever seen as the spike on the sphere would grow into a large blade ball trying to crush and slash Tear.}
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PostSubject: Re: Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam)   Finally Going For It (Hebi's Ranking Exam) Icon_minitime1

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