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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 9:46 pm

* On the other side of the portal was the top of mount Burakku Chi. The dark aura was so powerful up here that anything below a sannin would be drained of their chakra almost instantly, Hell, maybe even some sannin. She was used to this aura, but it would still slowly begin to diminish her chakra, very slowly. This place is perfect for pushing yourself beyond your natural limits. She waited for Akarui to come through the portal so it can close.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
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Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 9:53 pm

*Akarui came through the portal as a cold shiver felt through his body it felt as if something was draining him of his chakra but ddue to seemingly endless amount of chakra he would simply ask Rose of the situation* Um why do i feel like im being drained?
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 10:02 pm

"Because you are. Burakku Chi drains all life of its energy, which is why it is so far away from the houses and shit. "Rozalyn's dark aura began to wisp around her and solidify. It gave an appearance of several dozen vines of dark matter sticking out of her. " So, what excately do you need help with? Since I already gave you dark matter and all....is it manipulation?"
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
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Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 10:06 pm

..........Yea...Lets go with that. Tat i need ti know what is it it and what it can and cant do.
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 10:22 pm

"Okay then....first things first, Dark matter can warp time and influence it, and it is one of the few ways I control time. It has a great ability to force things together, and apart, meaning getting hit by a strong force of dark matter could potentially rip someones body to base atoms. It has destructive force similar to that of celestial and cosmic energy, only colored black. Dark matter holds the universe together, so things such as beams of dark matter or waves can't be broken down unless it is something that can destroy a universe, which barely anyone has in Vessy...want me to contiue this little lecture? Are you getting it?"
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 10:28 pm

Please continue i had no idea it could do that
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 10:40 pm

"Alrighty. "She flipped her hair and would sit on a stool that was made almost instantly out of dark matter. " It excells at being in a solid form, for the solid of dark matter is virtually indestructible, which is why Kazz may have always simply made weapons out of dark matter instead of actually investing in some. Oh yeah, with its ability to pull things or repell things, if you were to coat your body with it, you'd be able to repell and attract substances and objects for a certain amount of time in short intervals. Black holes can be made out of dark matter, and depending on the amount of dark matter you use depends on how big the black hole is. It can also infulence and warp space, allowing you to create rifts to different dimensions by coating a sword for example with dark matter, then slashing it at the atmosphere. Although, I have Reikyuu, so I can make rifts lead there, for you, they would probably lead to random dimensions. Since dark matter hold the universe together, it is just about everywhere, making it a very useful, versatile and quick substance for a weapon. Although, if you were to remove too much of the dark matter in the area for attacks, nothing would be holding that portion of the universe together, causing a collapse and removing what is in the area from reality and literally banning it from a dimension. If you were as good as me, you could pull apart dark matter forcfully at the cost of a hefty amount of chakra, and remove things from reality and not allowing it to exist. To avoid this though, I mainly use the dark matter from my body, so nothing has to breakdown, but since you have less than me, your dark matter may not equal in quantity to mine. Controlling it in your body is similar to that or controlling chakra, and on the outside it may be hard to do since you might not be adept with controlling things in the atmosphere such as plasma. I think this covers dark matter..."
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 10:44 pm

Question? Since I'm able to control dark matter cant I absorb some more dark mater at least to the point of lvl where you are? *Akari seeing the chair of darm matter tryys to make a copy of it but instead it turned to be a stoll but no matter akarui sat on it asnyway*
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 10:50 pm

"That can potentially remove yourself from existance, since dark matter is all around your person as well. Absorbing that would make the dark matter around you cease to hold that portion of the universe together, removing you and rejecting you from this current dimension and reality all together. I haven't tried it, yet,I need to find a way to do it. Ah, I'm going to try this later. You can absorb dark matter of other peoples area, removing them from the universe but gaining more dark matter. I am slowly gaining more though, and you will too. It is infused inside of you in me, meaning it will begin to multiply in us like our cells do. Over time, your dark matter level should increase no problem."
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 11:17 pm

Cool. *Akarui now hopped out of the seat excited like* Well then lets get this dark matter training over with it.
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 11:25 pm

"Fine with me." She would stand from the stool and swirl her finger around, having the dark matter that was the stool form a sphere on top of her finger. She pointed at Akarui and fired it at him only for moments later have it expand into a black hole, trying to engulf him.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2009, 11:31 pm

O.o Already?!?!?! *Akarui Opened a rift intothe time stream going through it avioiding the black hole as another one apears above rose sending out a uge blat of dark matter at her *
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 12:01 am

*She looked up as a the dark matter beam rushed at her, and would quickly dash out the way. Flames of dark matter began to form out of the dark aura on her body, and would lash at Akarui.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 12:07 am

She was able to make flames of the dark matter so mayby I could.... *Akarui still propeling down towards rose shot a huge gust of dark mater mixxing it with his ice to make dark ice....or something, anyway that gust of the darkice combated the flame makeing them both seem to be about equel* Wth I just thought about it and it happened
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 12:09 am

"Yup, being a master fire user I can mix dark matter with my flames...seems you being a master ice user can make dark ice. How fun." The flames would condense down around Rozalyn before being released in an explosion of dark matter and fire.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 1st 2009, 12:16 am

Seems like it huh. *the remander of the dark ice would flow around my body creating a prism of the dark ice as a protectove barroer that is sure enough to be able to block the explosion. after it stops akari breaks down the prism into energy as it forms into his hand* I wonder.......*Akarui extened his hand and mixed his spirtal pressure along with orb* Ba-la Matta! *Akarui then shot several thousands bullets of the newly mixed attack at rose going at an nbelievible speed as well as them each being around 3 meters wide would surely give rose a hard time to dodge this attack*
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 7th 2009, 9:27 pm

*She would have the dark matter and flames released from the explosion spiral in front of her in a galaxy looking fashion, creating a moving shield. The attacks would crash into the shield of the two energies, pushing the shield back some With the shield slowing them, Rozalyn's arm would turn a crimson red and tenrai chakra would pulsate through it. "Looks like I get to try this new arm out..." She pointed forward, and a distorted beam of energy flew forward through the shield, unstabling its energy, as well as the attacks stopped at the shield. It continued forward at Akarui and would make his body become unstable if it hit. Pillars of dark matter began to form around her just incase.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

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Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 13th 2009, 12:58 am

What the? *Akarui flashed steped to the side of the beam and slid towards rose in the process spikes of dark matter launhed from the ground like projectiles at rose as well as he did a caperara like spin to send a huge burst of his spirtual prusere as well to spped up the projectiles but to send something to combat those pillars as well*
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 15th 2009, 11:08 pm

*Rozalyn smirked as several onyx arms came out the pillars and would stop the boulders, and even smashing some with sheer force. She then began to give a black glow as she dashed towards Akarui with the pillar's onyx arms thrashing about, trying to pummel Akarui into the ground. The pillars would be in the way of the spiritual energy attack.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 15th 2009, 11:12 pm

*Akarui jumped high into the air sending a gust of frozen matter. ((the ice mixed with the dark matter)) towards the onyx arms freezing them completly in the proccess* Hey Rose would i be able to miz my chaos energy with the dark matter?
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 26th 2009, 12:03 am

*The frozen arms would then convert to a black mist, rising up to Akarui's level. "It could, but not garanteed. Wanna try it?" The mist now around Akarui would merge back into solid onyx arms, threating to bash him with even greater speed and force than before. The pillars around Rozalyn would begin to speed up, making it look like a circular wall of dark matter was around her.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 26th 2009, 12:08 am

*Akarui then mixed his chaos energy in with the dark matter as an explosive force of raw energy emerge blowing akarui back from the sdden recoil as wweil as desentergrating the onyx arms surprisingly from the strength of the blast* God Damn that was cool.
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 26th 2009, 12:25 am

"Hmp, someones getting better." From the spinning pillars around Rozalyn flew thousands of Tenrai Matter spikes at Akarui. He had just come to from his recoil, so this would somewhat be unexpected.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
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Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 26th 2009, 10:41 pm

*akarui made a veil of frozen matter as he slid bak although this was done quicly it wasent as strong as it would usually be but it served its purpose of blocking* How the hell can you control yours so simple like?
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1July 26th 2009, 11:16 pm

*The Tenrai Matter would begin to repell the frozen matter apart as it flew at Akarui at a moderate speed, separating the substance that made it freeze from the dark matter. "I've been using dark matter for going on 2 years now, after a while, you end up getting it under your skin pretty well." The Tenrai Matter spikes continued to repell through the frozen matter as Rozalyn grew closer.*
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Dark Matter Training. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Matter Training.   Dark Matter Training. Icon_minitime1

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