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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 7th 2009, 3:10 pm

Tomoyo sat in a field, poking at the oglden orb that hung from the thin golden cahin she was holding. No matter WHAT she did, the damn thing didn't react. AT ALL. She was starting to get ticked. Dr.Zetlin had said this would protect her....how would that happen if she couldn't use it? Irattated, she chucked it into the small pound. She cursed under her breath after it sunk. Now she'd have to go get it.

Last edited by Tomoyo Nakahara on May 10th 2009, 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

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PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 7th 2009, 3:23 pm

Striping down to her undergamrnets, Tomoyo dived into the rather deep pond in search of her orb. As she plunged under the water, she glanced around for her object. Damn it, were is it! She blinked as she noticed something bright in the corner of her eyes. She turned around to see the pendant, only it was not an orb any more. The orb had opend to reveal a burning flicker of white flames. She would've gasped if she wasn't underwater. It was a Holy Flame....!
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 7th 2009, 3:51 pm

Tomoyo quickly grabbed the Flame, and swam up, gasping slightly for air. She pulled herself out and glanced at the flame. It was closed again, but this time Tomoyo knew what to do. She clothed herslef and held the orb infront of it. "....Holy Flames". The orb began to glow. "Voice Activation Confirmed. Protection Skin Commence".
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 1:44 pm

"!" Tomoyo gasped as the charm grew and streched, engulfing her. Her sight went black for a moment, and when she saw again, her skin was engulfed by an over skin, her vision tinted in heat tracking. She blinked, taking it in. "Hello, Tomoyo" a voice echoed within her head. Dr. Zetlin! "If you're using this, then I'm dead. But this will protect you.. For future reference, you can activate this form with the commaned, 'Protection'. It will aid you. Click your left ring finger back to have the commandeds downloaded into yuour memory. Do it now". Tomoyo clicked back her finger, and instructions flashed in her vision. She nodded, slvghtly woozey from the information download. "The voice transmition is almmost over. But in many diffrent places, you will find the otherr charms. Flight, Armor, Offense, and Speed. Good Luck, Tomoyo". Tomoyo nodded, and ran off in thew search for the others.

Protection suit- Mastering The Skins Protection
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 2:12 pm

Enering a mountain range, Tomoyo looked around curiously. "Hmm...there!" she grinned as she noticed another golden charm hanging from the top of the tallest mountain. The charm was in the shape of a small cross. She bounded upwards, landing on the top of one of the peaks. She flipped around as she heard a loud chrasing sound. Behind her, two ogers grinned up at her, there clubs raised to hit her. "Well, shit..." tomoyo muttered.
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 2:23 pm

The ogers jumped at Tomoyo, there clubs came crushing down on the mountain, sneding it crumbling underneath her. She bounded off of it, landing on the first ones head. Her blade materilizing, she stabbed it into the ogers left eye. Screaming in pain, the ogre dropped its club and raised its hands in the air, clamping them down on his head. Tomoyo wailed as she was crushed into his head. "...Flame hail!" she scremaed. Everywhere, pillars of flame rose into the air, surronding the other ogre, and striking the ogre she was on through the center. He scremaed and moved to pick up his club, removing his hands. Tomoyo reacted quickly and picked up her blade. "Fire Stomp!" She jumped into the air, brining the blade crashing down into the ogers skull, her flames surronding her. The oger screamed once more before falling down, dead. She looked up as the next oger came running at her. "...One to go..."
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 2:33 pm

The oger brang his club down on Tomoyo. She held up her amrs, blokcing the blow, holding it up. Her body started to shake as more pressure was put on her. "Solaris!" The ogers vision was blinded for a moment, but a moment was enough. Tomoyo threw off the club and sug her blade into the monsters heart, and he too collpased, blood leaking from his heart. She bounded from mountaintop to mountain top, almost to the charm. She leapt to it, snatching it from the tip, and falling gracefully to the ground. The voice ativated as she landed. "That is Armor. Activate It". Tomoyo first de-activated the protection skin, and attached the new charm. She held the braclet, straing at the golden cross. "Armor". The charm bubbled and liqufieded, engulfing her in another skin. When she saw again, her body felt slightly heavier then before, but she could feel the power of the suit. It calmed her. She sighed and turned around, bounding from mountain to mountain in search of tthe next charm. Visual Aid(Armor)- Mastering The Skins Armor
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 2:43 pm

Tomoyo found heself in a field of Ice, looking around curiously. She saw a golden shine in the Ice, and grinned. A small charm in the shape of a sword was incased in the ice. She walked toawrds the Ice berg, jumping on random pieces of ice over a frozen ocean. She went more cautiously then the last time, carefull of monsters. The piece of Ice she was on shook as a tentacle shot from the water and wrapped around her pvece of ice, submerging it. Flapping wildly with her arms, she gasped at the sight of the monster. It was a giant octopus. She swam to the surface, gasping for air.
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 2:59 pm

Her limbs felt cold. The water was chiling her. She needed out. Pushing herslef up, she jumped onto another piece of ice. A tentacle shot out of the water, tightining around her, crushing her lungs even with the armor skin. She gasped for air. She wiggled her arms and luckily could make a handsign for a moment. "FLAME BODY!" she screeched wth her remaining air. Her entire body was immeaditly covered with flames, the flames traveling up the tentacle, burning it. The tentacle dropped, letting Tomoyo loose of its grip. She landed on the iceburg, panting. "....Light Swords. Flame Swords. Impale!" In the air, 20 swords of fire and 20 of light were created. They flew down at the water, dissapering beneath it. Tomoyo waited for a moment, and then a limp ocyopus body surfaced. It was dead, or unconsious. She'd have to hurry and get that charm.
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 5:30 pm

Tomoyo huffed as she reached the iceburg with the charm. She touched the outside of it, and it melted under her touch. She stuck her hand through to nab the sword charm. De-activating her Armor mode, she added the charm. A voice sounded in her head as added it. "This is Offense. Activate it". Tomoyo hesitated. '"....Offense". The skin process started agin, engulfing Tomoyo within it. She felt the power surge through the new skin, and smiled, hoping from iceblock to icebock towards the next charm. Visual Aid, Offense-Mastering The Skins Offense
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 5:35 pm

Tomoyo entered a barren field, looking around. The grass had been burned and there was but a tree in sight. A giant willow. Embedded in the bark was a golden object. Another charm! It was in the shape of a lightning bolt. Walking carefully towards the tree, the ground began to rumble. The trees roots were pulled from the ground and the tree pulled itself towards her, branches twisting out like arms.
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 5:58 pm

Tomoyo danced gracefully through the tree branches that reached out to ensnare her. She laughed slightly and touched s branch she dodged, the bark burning and falling off instead of the small burn she'd intended. She grinned. Offense gave her power. She could feel it flowing through her veins. Toying with the tree, she made it seem like she'd be snared than dodge, laughing. She jumped on the tree, grabbed the charm, turning her back to the tree and simply walking away. Tomoyo had been to cocky. The tree let out a sound that sounded like bark scraping against metal. Laughter, perhaps? the tree ensnared her with its roots, tripping her. It brought her up with its branches, dangiling her from her ankle.
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 6:34 pm

A hole appeared in the center of the tree, blades sticks out from the inside. The tree moved Tomoyo towards the hole, keeping tight hold of her ankle. "Ove r hea"she cried, her skin glowed red as flames danced off it in all directions, burning the tree. It made a noise that sounded like a scream and dropped her. Tomoyo stood quickly, her blade drawn. Flames surronded the blade, and Tomoyo shoved it into the tree, pushing it in deep. The tree screamed and all its bark became charred and dark, its leaves withering and falling out. Tomoyo took her blade out and the tree collapsed. Panting, she grabbed the new charm. A voice spoke to her again. "This is speedm Activate it" Tomoyo de-activated Iffense and added the lightning boolt to her bracelet. "Speed!" She called.
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 11th 2009, 10:25 am

The Charm reacted to her call, surronding her in another skin. She smiled, this skin felt good as well. She felt agile, lithe. Faster than before. She turend from the dead tree and ran, zipping through the land in seach for the next charm; her next destination.
Visual Aid, Speed-Mastering The Skins Speed
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 11th 2009, 4:29 pm

Tomoyo dashed through areas, searching. The last destination. ....Where? She stopped in the mouth of a cavern, peering into the depths. She saw a golden gleam in the distance. Another charm! This time it was a broken heart with wings. She walked deeper in and froze when she heard a earth-shaking roar. She flipped around to see a black dragon, silver flames licking out of its mouth. It brought a clawed foot onto the ground, shaking it violently. Tomoyo shivered and fell over. "...Light Bending!" she called. It wouldn't work well with so many shadows...but it was worth a try. The light bended around her, even though there was so little, making her appear invisible. The dragon let out a confused roar, silver flames shooting from its mouth. Tomoyo called to the flames, and they surroned her, licking around her invisible self and yet not touching her. She sent them back with a wave of her own flames at the dragon. The dragon howled in pain, backing out of the tunnel slightly.
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Tomoyo Nakahara

Tomoyo Nakahara

Posts : 348
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-05-04
Cool Points (LOL) : 8
Hobbies / Interests : Violin
Kekkei Genkai : Holy Flames

Mastering The Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mastering The Skins   Mastering The Skins Icon_minitime1May 11th 2009, 6:33 pm

Tomoyo unseathed Sommeil. One blow. Down the throat. That might do it. It was fairly small as dragons go. She erased her invisibility and charged at the dragon, her blade being surronded by white-yellow flames as she went on. Screaming a war cry of sorts, Tomoyo threw the blade into the open mouth of the beast. It's eyes went wide and soon a gust of white-yellow flame came from it's mouth. Not its flames. Hers. The flames burend the entire body from the inside. Collapsing, the dragon was dead or unconsious. Maybe dead. She walked into the open mouth and called her blade. It came floating out of the mouth and into her hand. She went back and grabbed the last charm. Dr.Zetlin's voice came on again. "That is Flight. Do not activate it unless in dire situation. That charm went corrupt. It will try to take you over. ...Goodbye, Tomoyo. Transmission end". The voice died away. Sighing, Tomoyo de-activated Speed and added the new charm. She walked out of the cave, headed back to the Choas.
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