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 Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart.

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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
Character Info (Highlight):

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Empty
PostSubject: Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart.   Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Icon_minitime1May 7th 2009, 7:28 pm

Name: Khrona T.(Last name lost in translation)
Age: 16
Origin: Unknown/Laboratory
Species: Human (Formerly), Mutant (Currently), Hybrid (Dragon/Human/Other)
Weight: 133 lbs
Height: 5'10
Race: Mutated Human/Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
Family: Mother (Deceased), Father (Deceased), Megaera (Sister), Misery (Weapon/Wife), Despair (Weapon/Wife), Chroma (Daughter), Maze (Brother from Another Mother/Childhood friend), Zita (Sister From Another...yeah) Mahk-X (Dubbed as new Father by Khrona)
Soul Attributes: Insanity and Fear soul
Used jutsu: Genjutsu, Kinjutsu, Jikukan Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu (Slightly), Nintaijutsu (Slightly), Bunshinjutsu
Fighting Styles Learned: Black Blood Style, Dragon Wing Style

Likes: His family, Not being alone, Being alone, Having psychic power, Insanity, Instability, his sexy wives, Revenge, Senseless destruction, Souls, Sadism, Exploiting powers, Gaining power, Infecting others with Insanity or Black Blood, ... other.

Dislikes: Laboratories, Experiments, Being Alone, Not being alone, Succumbing to Fear, being overwhelmed by Kishin's insanity, Anything involving a laboratory, Thoughts of his past... Other.


Probably one of the most complex bodies in all of Vescrutia is Khrona's and it is arguably true due to a high number of reasons. But, we'll start off with the physical appearance of Khrona before we get into what his body does. Khrona's hair is silver/white, usually coming down over one of his eyes (more specifically, the left eye). He tends to alternate the appearance of his hair, however that is the standard for it. It droops down without any sort of flamboyant spikes or styles or anything of the sort, making it look rather regular. All of his senses are extremely powered up thanks to his psychic powers and intense training, his most notable and adapted senses being his eyes and ears. Because Khrona lives in a pit, he is able to home in on even the slightest of sound waves on any frequency, allowing him to hear just damn near anything, but his eyes still surpass the power of his ears. His eyes are not only extremely perceptive beyond comparison alone, but when he uses his signature ability, Hyper Perception, Khrona has the ability to see just about anything and everything at damn near any speed, given the intensity of his Hyper Perception. His body is extremely slender, giving him the appearance that he is anorexic when he is truly not. He is tall and lanky, and despite his appearance, he is extremely athletic and agile, not only that, but his reflexes are unsurpassed. Assisted with psychic power, his reflexes are the best of the best. Khrona's skin is also extremely pale, looking almost gray in color because of his paleness. His bones are extremely flexible and strong, and Khrona could sustain great damage to his insides without dying... hell, he could take some of them out and put them back in. His skin itself was also incredible durable and very difficult to cut. Finally, his most notable and obvious physical attribute... His gigantic dragon wings. They reach about 100 feet each, giving him a total of a 200 foot wingspan when he hasn't used any DNA powers to make them smaller or larger. They are the most durable part of his body, able to potentially destroy a planet if they are given all of Khrona's power. They were made to protect Khrona's petite body if his Psychic powers could not. Also, because of his experimentation, he has Black Blood within him of his own (which is different from Medusa's and the Kishin's Black Blood). Khrona's Black Blood shares similar properties, able to become as dense, hard and stiff as Khrona pleases, working in unison with his body. The Black Blood can regenerate the body, be used as a weapon, induce insanity and cause whomever is infected with Khrona's Black Blood to be controlled by Khrona. Khrona's Black Blood, unlike the normal Black Blood, has hidden potential that Khrona has not revealed, yet, however.

Now, time to go in depth on the insides of Khrona as well as his capabilities... First, Khrona's mind is great. He has the ability to access any part of his brain at any given moment, as well as multiple parts at once thanks to heavy experimentation on him. Because of his extremely high brain power, he obtained ungodly psychic powers, as well as complete and utter control of every aspect of his entire body, whether it be the cells, molecules, atoms, functionality, respiration, reproduction... Literally everything. Not only this, but his psychic powers are so strong that he can alter, control or destroy reality to his will. His most potent power is to control his own DNA and cells, however, which allow him to regenerate at insane speeds, locate and control what is inside of his body, allow him to control his cells even when they are not attached to his body, change his proportion, genetic makeup... the possibilities for Khrona are basically endless. His most notable ability when using his DNA powers is the ability to merge, alter, absorb, etc. etc. his DNA and cells and the DNA and cells of other things. However, due to the Black Blood within him and the horrible past he has, Khrona is also insane in almost every sense of the word, thus making his psychic powers a bit unstable and at times, unruly, so sometimes controlling them is difficult, even for him. Though, with Khrona's mind being far superior to super computer or psychic, he may easily learn and know any psychic ability that exists, even if he wouldn't be able to control it without intense training.

Khrona's attire changes more than most, but he does keep a general outfit that he wears most often. This consists of a completely black, tight, long sleeve shirt, a fashionable dark gray belt with a soul as the belt buckle, and pants that are equally as black and as tight as his shirt, seeming to be made of similar material. The material hugs his body snug. Despite the plan black outfit Khrona wears, he had accessories that make it look more... sinister. He wears black boots that come slightly above his ankles, as well as fancy dark gray gloves that seem to flow slightly at their tips like a soul. He also wears a very long, flowing, tattered jacket created out of his own Black Blood or his Wings when they are dormant, and he almost always wears the jacket as a cape rather than an actual coat, though he is known to put it on during special occasions. Also, despite popular belief, Khrona also has a cane and a top hat, he just very seldom wears them or uses them. The reasoning for this is unknown, but Khrona does like hats quite a bit. Khrona's clothing seems to be bonded slightly with his body, allowing him to feel things without actually having to touch them with his bare flesh and also allowing his clothes to morph and mold whenever he does so, too, without losing their own proportions. And that's what makes up Khrona, guys.


In addition to a complex body and mind, Khrona also has a complex personality as well. Originally, Khrona was a secluded boy that didn't talk to anyone or even want to touch anyone. He could barely speak coherently and couldn't even control most of his actions, either. He was a lonely child that always spent his time in solitude.. Though when he met his Soul Weapons, he started to change and open up a little more, considering them his family. This also continued when Khrona met Maze, whom he now considers a brother and therefore, family. As the years went on, Khrona became more approachable (in a sense) and could speak clearer to more people, finally feeling as if he had a family and wasn't... completely alone in the world. However, he still had fear. He fears new people and touching anyone with his bare skin, which is why he is covered in clothing from the neck down. Not only this, but certain trigger words will cause Khrona to lose himself to his insanity and fear, causing him to go berserk. To go further on this, Khrona is insane in every sense of the word, being a sadist to the max and very willing to do the most outrageous things to others just for a good laugh. His weapons and family encourage his twisted and demented personality because they are generally the same. Khrona's emotions are very unstable, making him likely to snap at any given time... Thus, a complete analysis of his personality is unable to be deciphered.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the Depths of the Heart

WARNING: Khrona's story is tragic, morbid and depressing and is not to be read by the faint of heart.

Khrona's story starts when he was a very small child, about the age of a toddler, before he was of the age to play with children or go out of the house alone, back when he knew the meaning of happiness and sanity. Though he was happy during these years, Khrona's parents always left him in the house completely alone to go work or just to go have some fun outside of the house. After a short time of this cycle of being left, Khrona became very lonely and depressed. Khrona had no one in the house to play with and could not go outside to play with the other children, as he was forbidden from leaving without an adult. So, to cope, he sat alone in a dark corner, always waiting for his parents to come home. As the years rolled on, Khrona became less and less interactive with any living being, including his parents, only wanting to be secluded. He locked himself in his dark, pitch black quarters for hours on end, rarely sleeping, eating or doing anything... except for being alone in his room. The darkness of his room combined with general loneliness and depression gradually caused him to become very unstable, but despite this, he seemed quite normal in most ways, so no one ever knew. His parents, however, were falling into poverty without him knowing, but only because of their own unfortunate and greedy luxuries and their horrible decisions in life. Before long, their house was in shambles, barely being able to sustain the 3 of them... So, Khrona's parents decided to do something to get money quick... anything that they could.

The first thing that they did was donate Khrona to a super high tech, state of the art laboratory in the middle of nowhere, being top secret and unknown to generally everyone. How they came across it is still unknown to this day. In that lab was a scientist of the name Dr. Zalost. He would pay Khrona's parents lots of money for him to stay in the lab and be experimented on, and of course they obliged so that they could sustain a roof over their heads and food for their son. Khrona was quite happy to oblige if it was for his family and well being... It wasn't like he was there all the time... The second thing that they did to gain money was to fall into lives of crime. Khrona's mother became a well known prostitute around the city while his father became part of the most notorious and violent mafia in the country. They finally started rolling in loads and loads of money, almost too much of it, one would say. Everything was fine, now... The family could be sustained and everyone had almost everything they wanted. It was paradise... Until one fateful day. Khrona had tagged along with his father one day to meet 'the family,' however this event went very differently than Khrona thought it would. His father, who had somehow become a mortal enemy of the mafia he was in, was killed in a devastating way right on the spot... Bullet wounds that spelled out his name all through his chest, his intestines ground up into a pasty liquid by what seemed to be a common dagger and his heart ripped to shreds from tweezers, all of this happening right before Khrona's eyes...That moment made him snap, but he was still well within his senses of reality... he was just a bit insane, is all... He was spared by the mafia, for they seemed to like him for some reason. They took him to his mother, who was working the corner nearby... Khrona had not known this, but she was pregnant, and had been for quite a while.

Before long, his mother gave birth to a child, his baby sister, Megaera, which he would protect and love forever alongside with his mother. Khrona could only find a sliver of sanity and happiness through his baby sister, and he never left her side... ever. This was good, since his mother couldn't take the baby out on the job. One day, though, on the way back from the laboratory with his sister, Khrona saw his mother on her corner with a rather flamboyant man... and he seemed to be rather violent with her. It was her pimp, and he was in a violent mood that day. Again, right before his eyes, he would see his mother die by the hands of her pimp, who bashed her face in, impaling her skull with his diamond studded cane, just out of anger because she did not have his money. He was never sent to prison. Khrona fell deeper into insanity, but was still happy as long as he had his sister...

Because of prior arrangements, Khrona technically belonged to Dr. Zalost under legal contract, and so the scientist officially became the foster parent of Khrona and his sister. The scientist hated children and only saw them as tools of research... but his sister did not quite live up to the standards that the scientist wanted, and so, again, in front of Khrona's eyes, he crushed his newborn sister's head under his foot and continued the experiments on Khrona. That sent Khrona into a state of fear, utter violence, complete insanity, revenge, and most of all... hate. His entire mind was lost.. his sanity... his love... his family... all lost. He went unconscious for several years due to the shock, allowing Dr. Zalost to experiment on Khrona as he wished.

Dr. Zalost's goal for Khrona was to make him the ultimate being.. A mutant. He altered Khrona's soul to be extremely powerful, allowing him to live well beyond the years of a normal human. He altered his mind, giving Khrona superb intelligence and psychic prowess... altered his body, allowing him to control and alter his cells and DNA and such to his will as well as injecting him with an odd sort of Black Blood, and finally, attached modified black Dragon Wings he had been saving onto the back of Khrona. He had done it... Khrona had become... an ungodly mutant superhuman hybrid. When Khrona awoke, he instantly knew about all of the changes to his body... what he had become. He remembered what happened to his family... but most importantly, his sister. With those thoughts, Khrona went on a rampage, totally destroying the laboratory, though Dr. Zalost escaped unscathed. At that moment, Khrona's main objectives in life are revenge against his father's hitman, his mother's pimp and to kill Dr. Zalost.

Fighting Styles
These fighting styles consist of using no weapons, but actually using a sort of 'Taijutsu' like fighting style. These have usually something to do with the body, especially for Khrona, and he had made his own styles based on his own abilities.

Black Blood Style
Use of solely the Black Blood. Nothing more to be said about it. It is an offensive-defensive fighting style that is very versatile and allows him to do a lot with his Black Blood. It is one of his most powerful fighting styles.

Dragon Wing Style
A fighting style adapted for Khrona only to use his wings as means of fighting and defending. An offensive-defensive sort of style, the Dragon Wing Style has more power and defense than people give credit for. It is one of Khrona's most powerful fighting styles.

Insanity Soul
Khrona's soul is a soul of both insanity and fear. With the Insanity soul, Khrona can do a large number of things via the power of insanity. For example, he can charge his body parts with his wavelength and shatter the mind of people that he touches, cause them to hallucinate, or even cause even worse things. Not only this, but because of the magnitude of Khrona's wavelength, those who are too close to him can experience insanity tendencies in the same way. His Insanity soul is only surpassed by that of the Kishin Asura, who is basically Insanity himself. Insanity has a high degree of power to it, able to cause other souls to slip into insanity and block any powers that they may have.

Fear Soul
Khrona's Fear soul goes hand in hand with his Insanity soul, for the more fear he has, the more insane he gets. This soul can exponentially weaken the attacks that come onto him using a fear type of aura, which gradually decreases the power of attacks and whatnot. The Fear Soul can also cause others to feel fear just the same as Insanity can, thus causing them to fear everything and act impulsively, unable to control themselves. A general example of what Khrona can do with these souls is he can manifest his soul into many many hands that can grab and pull a person in. Sometimes these hands may be long tentacle-like tendril things. His Fear and Insanity souls have the ability to engulf other souls that get too close and devour them without having to kill the person first. Khrona's Fear soul can also project real images of others' worst fears and have them attack, making it also a very unstable soul.

*Note* Because of Khrona's soul's power, other souls, spiritual energy or anything of the sort absolutely CANNOT overpower his unless they are that of a god (such as Shinigami or Asura). Thus, no other wavelength or soul or such has any effect on Khrona's.

Soul Abilities

Soul Perception Abilities:

Soul Perception - The ability to see, analyze and assess anyone's soul. By focusing on an individual soul, a skilled Soul Perception practitioner can actually "read" a soul and make accurate judgments about the person's characteristics, personality and wavelength. Knowing the wavelength of a soul can allow a skilled meister to match or disrupt the opponent's wavelength in or outside of combat. This can be used to hear or see one's soul.

Soul Feedback - An advanced version of the Soul Perception. The ability to feel and pinpoint one's soul from most distances in addition to the normal Soul Perception abilities. Unlike normal Soul Perception, Soul Feedback can see through a witch's Soul Protect ability, which is normally extremely useful. Aside from allowing someone to see through a witch's Soul Protect, Soul Feedback allows one to sense souls accurately over long distances and notice even the slightest changes in one's wavelength. Khrona can pinpoint any soul anywhere.

Hyper Perception: Even though it is more of a psychic ability than a soul ability, sometimes Khrona's soul plays a part in his Hyper Perception. Thus, Hyper Perception would be the most godly form of the Soul Perception, and also Khrona's own specially made Soul Perception. Though, it is Psychic/Mental power created by Khrona which allows him to see at any distance and perceive anything at any speed. It allows him to also see the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. His Hyper Perception gets more powerful as he does, and when he powers up, it gets better, as well. It also adapts to his forms.

Soul Menace Techniques

Soul Menace: The ability to force a soul wavelength through the body at will into something else through a physical strike, which normally results in an explosive impact. A type of Self Resonance. Multiple contact could be internally deadly.

Double Soul Menace - Two Palm: Basically just a Soul Menace used with both hands. Though it is simple, it is extremely difficult to do because of the fact that one must control wavelength equally into both hands for the best effect without messing up. Naturally, it has double the power of a normal Soul Menace.

Successive Soul Menace: An extremely HIGHLY advanced form of the Soul Menace which allows one to strike numerous times in succession extremely swiftly delivering any given amount of Soul Menace strikes as quickly as possible before the opponent is either sent flying or is utterly destroyed by the power. A very deadly technique that only the best can learn and the even better can master.

Soul Menace - Long Distance Destruction Wave: A very adept, highly advanced upgraded Soul Menace technique that launches a Soul Menace out in a straight line, which allows the wavelength to be extended like a projectile, able to hit the foe from a great distance instead of with physical contact.

Planet Destruction Cannon: An upgraded and HIGHLY advanced form of the Soul Menace, which is basically just the Soul Menace with a lot more explosive, destructive power and Soul Wavelength/Energy expended into it, thus certainly making it more powerful and extremely large. Those who are not adept in using the Soul Menace will most likely strain and drain themselves after even trying it once.

Soul Destruction: A greatly powered up version of the Soul Menace, to the extent it can utterly obliterate a soul on contact. This is only attainable if your wavelength is MASSIVE and INSANELY strong, or if you just outclass your opponent. If the wavelength is not stronger than the opponent's, it does not work. By sending a very and destructive amount of wavelength into the body at once through physical means, it overwhelms not only the wavelength of the recipient, but also their very soul, causing it to be destroyed.

Soul Drain: A customized Soul Menace technique that allows Khrona to link his wavelength directly into one's soul through a Soul Menace strike, thus being able to siphon out soul energy or even one's soul as well as nullify their own wavelength abilities while this is in play.

Soul Null - A super powered, customized version of Soul Menace, in a sense, but with new abilities. It is only for use by Khrona. By amplifying his wavelength to a very, very high degree, he sends a wavelength so powerful that it can not only seal Soul Energy, Soul Wavelength and Soul Resonance, but also chakra, magic, and most natural abilities the foe possesses until the effects wear off by literally blocking every point of the flow of energy in the body.

Self Resonance

Soul Body: A type of Self Resonance. It involves Khrona expanding and amplifying his wavelength so much that it takes the shape of an upper torso, or even just large arms, that he can use to take attacks or just quickly surge his wavelength into things. It can easily touch physical beings and be used as a shield as well as an offensive tactic.

Soul Projection: A type of Self Resonance that enables Khrona to enlarge and project his own soul as an embodiment of himself, able to touch non-physical things without harm and suck out souls with his own terrific, EXTREME suction. It is the advanced version of the Soul Body, which only touches physical things.

Soul Regeneration: A Self Resonance technique that will increase the flow of the wavelength within the user to godly proportions, causing it to be able to rebuild the soul of the user. Allows a dying soul to regenerate itself, or parts of the soul that have been lost to reform.

Soul Cords: A Self Resonance technique that concentrates Khrona's wavelength into whip-like cords that can cause severe rupturing of souls upon contact. They do this by touching a foe and surging massive, swift surpluses of wavelength at a very intense and accelerated pace, overwhelming one's soul and causing it to shut off all of its abilities before it overloads. This can instantly seal all Soul Resonance, Soul Energy/Abilities, Magic and Soul Wavelength the foe might have. If they have a weapon, it becomes useless and they cannot use said Soul Partner. Also, they have the ability to suck out Soul Energy and Wavelength into Khrona for more power.

Soul Delta: A very unique type of Self Resonance with Khrona's own soul and mind. This causes a mental wave fused with Soul Wavelength that surges through the air in a very consumptive wave, that will instantly detach the link between the Mind, Body and Soul of anyone within the radius of the wave, thus making all 3 of them disconnected from each other and able to be abused at Khrona's will. He does this by overriding their soul, mind and body connection with his own mind, then secluding them using his soul so that they cannot connect until he wants them to.


Soul Resonance: The ability to link and match soul wavelength with a weapon partner (or in Khrona's case, anyone) to amplify power and gain abilities that normally cannot be attained.

Long Distance Soul Resonance: A highly advanced ability that allows Soul Resonance from long distances by focusing a wavelength into them.

Scream Resonance: A unique type of Soul Resonance that creates destructive screams that increase in power the stronger the resonance is. These screams create not only powerful vibrations and sound waves, but also can cause the weapon to be able to vibrate to gain insane strength. This sound wave and the vibrations can cause internal damage to an opponent and even other weapons while in weapon form. Otherwise, same as a normal Soul Resonance.

Insanity Resonance: One of Khrona's most powerful Soul Resonances, which allows him to resonate with insanity itself. This gives him a great deal of power, as he now is able to control all insanity within the minds and souls of others and freely intensify it to any length in the atmosphere at any given range. Not only this, but the power of his wavelength gradually increases and increases more and more... However, the longer he is in this resonance, the harder it is to get out. Khrona becomes susceptible to becoming a Kishin in this resonance.

Corruption Resonance: A type of Soul Resonance that is only for Khrona. Because of the power of his soul and wavelength, he becomes any wavelength that he wishes instantly, thus making them able to overpower, corrupt and control any wavelengths he may want without hesitation and, for the most part, instantaneously. This is due to the flexibility of the soul and the fact that his soul cannot be overpowered.

True Soul Resonance: A very powerful Soul Resonance that allows one to resonate with any and all souls within the area, both boosting the power of everyone of whom one chooses and allowing them to use all of the user's own Soul Wavelength abilities temporarily and vice versa. Normally, it would only work with Weapons, however since Khrona has such a powerful soul, it works with those who aren't weapons as well.

Mind-Soul Resonance: A resonance only used for Khrona and Chroma. Using his extreme psychic powers and immense Soul Wavelength, he causes them to work on the same wavelength, thus allowing him to achieve his Psycho Wavelength form.

Instant Resonance: A very adept type of Soul Resonance only accessible to Khrona and Chroma. Allows one to instantly resonate with anyone containing a trace of their Soul or DNA within their body instantly, gaining their power and increasing the power of the soul exponentially with the number of people being resonated with at once. It also allows them to resonate with any other living being, and even metaphysical things.

Soul Voodoo: An odd, dangerous and adept Soul Resonance. Allows 2 souls to be joined by Khrona (the means don't matter), and once joined, Khrona makes his own soul that of Voodoo, meaning that whatever is done to his body or soul that is harmful in any way is automatically done to the foe. So if Khrona rips out his heart, it happens to the foe... And if Khrona puts his heart back in, that DOESN'T happen to the foe. Hahaha. It works with anyone, and if they don't have a soul, it merges with their heart or brain for voodoo effects.

Soul Dragon: A very powerful, highly advanced and exclusive Soul Resonance of the almighty Soul Dragon only available to Khrona. Khrona resonates so very intensely that his soul wavelength becomes part of his physical body. His dragon wings on his back grow at least 4 times their original size glowing with Khrona's Soul energy and wavelength from both his and his weapons' souls. This all powerful dragon can devour chakra, energy of all kinds and even amplify Khrona's own abilities (Being Psychic, DNA, ability to alter reality, etc.) through means of very intense and powerful resonance of the souls. Khrona's wings also become powerful enough to destroy a star with one good strike. Lastly, the natural ability of the dragon allows anyone that is touched by it in any sort of way to get their chakra, energy of all kinds, magic, or soul energy, wavelength, etc. sealed and depleted because of the immense pressure and output of destructive wavelength being put out by them.

Witch Hunt - Insanity Slayer: The first form of the high-class scythe resonance. Misery changes into a large, glowing scythe with a rigid, saw-like blade that is able to rend through energy and consume them.

Demon Hunt - Pusillanimous Deathblade- The second form of the high-class scythe resonance. Misery explodes into a giant scythe shaped like a skull. Same abilities as Witch Hunt. (More to come... Lots of writer's block during this editing session...)

Kishin Hunt - Blade of Damnation: This is the highest form of the high-class scythe resonance can be attained. Misery will change into a gigantic, glowing scythe with multiple scythe blades jutting out of it. This sole attack is powerful enough to rip through reality, destroy space and time, and definitely kill a kishin. It brings upon whomever is hit with nothing but death. It has the same power as the Witch Hunt and the Demon Hunt, too, though very much amplified.


Soul Infect - Infects someone else's soul with own soul/wavelength to take control of it or seep properties of own soul into it (Example, Insanity, which would then turn the foe insane as well.) Eventually, the soul of the infected will be consumed by the one who infected them. Though, those who have a weaker wavelength than the one they are trying to infect will prove that the infection does not work, nor does the consumption.

Soul Merge - Merges 2 or more souls together in any fashion necessary (wavelength, mind, etc.) and causes the dominant soul to have the authoritative power over the other's soul. It also allows things such as Soul Menace, Soul Resonance, etc. to be able to be used without any physical contact at all. A deadly or helpful ability, indeed.

Soul Alter - By sending Khrona's own wavelength as well as his Alteration abilities through a person via physical contact, he may alter a soul and the wavelength of a soul in any way to hinder Soul Resonance, Soul Wavelengh and Soul Energy, sometimes making all 3 unable to be used altogether. Intensity creates more effects. If soul gets too warped, then the personality of the foe may even change as well, and their soul may lose or gain some abilities.

Cell Blade - An ability only accessible to Khrona and Chroma. Focuses wavelength and DNA abilities into an invisible blade that can cut/split/erase cells and DNA. Whatever cell/DNA is cut with this will be absorbed into the blade and make it more powerful, as well as immune to the powers/properties of whatever the DNA/cell it has absorbed.

Soul Reap/Steal - Soul Reap: Uses own wavelength and forms it into claws that will grasp the foe's soul and rip it out of them. This ability can be transmuted through a weapon to have the slightest touch of said weapon have the ability to rip the soul out. Soul Steal: Uses own wavelength and forms it into hands that will grasp onto the foe's soul and consume it upon contact. This ability can be transmuted through a weapon to have the slightest touch of said weapon have the ability to instantly absorb and consume the soul on contact without having to rip it out of the body.

Wavelength Shatter: A special ability that Khrona can use through sending his wavelength into someone for a short period of time. He intensifies his wavelength to overpower the foe's so much that it actually causes their wavelength to be shattered temporarily (or permanently.) The ability to shatter one's Soul Wavelength ensures that the foe cannot use Soul Resonance or use their Weapon or Soul Energy if they have it as well as the affects of one's soul and soul wavelength. If Khrona uses it too intensely, they will never have a Soul Wavelength again.

Long Distance Soul/Wavelength Merge/Infect - Allows Soul Merging or Soul Infecting from a long distance instead of having to be within the user's own soul.


Insanity Fusion: Ability to fuse oneself with insanity, or with the Soul Wavelengths/Bodies/Minds of other insane people instantly and increase your own or their own abilities greatly. It stimulates an 'evolution' in which the dominant person will have their powers exceed that of normal, as well as change their appearance.

Soul Disperse: Disperses own soul into oblivion and has it reform into a new body to avoid death when a body is too messed up or too old. Not only does it allow the same abilities as the original person had, but allows new ones that the new body has, as well. Typically used by adept witches, it has been 'picked up' by Khrona because of his interaction with the witch, Zita.

Soul Swap - Someone who is within the vicinity of wavelength or even has been Soul Merged gets their souls switched so that the souls switch bodies. It works for people that aren't the user, as well. (Example, two people in Khrona's wavelength can be switched instead of Khrona and someone else.) It can be a helpful or hindering ability, for it gives the souls switched all of their original abilities merged with the abilities of the ones body they have, but also, if that body is a weak and useless body, it's not a good thing.

That is all for the moment. If anyone is in the vicinity of his soul (which at normal without expansion goes up to a 50 foot radius) he can instantly do any of the long range ones, which the other abilities usually cause physical contact to be initiated (except for a select few which are just support for Khrona.)

Psychic Power

Khrona has the ability to use ALL forms of Kinesis and psychic power. Here's just a list of them:

Psychokinesis/Telekinesis - Manipulation of Matter, space, time or energy.
Microkinesis - small objects
Macrokinesis - large objects
Chromokinesis - This is the term used to categorize further all kinds of weather related kinesis.
Hydrokinesis - Water (also known as aquakinesis)
Aerokinesis - Wind
Biokinesis - Life, manipulating DNA (Full Sanity.)
Vitakinesis- the ability to heal or harm the body/mind (Full Sanity.)
Botanokinesis - plants
Geokinesis - Ground/Earth (also called Terrakinesis)
Fulgurkinesis - electricity/magnetism/fields
Technokinesis - manipulation of electrical/mechanical devices via the mind
Thermokinesis - This is the term used to categorize temperature kinesis. Able to control temps.
Pyrokinesis - Heat/Fire
Cryokinesis - Cold/Ice
Chronokinesis - Time
Audiokinesis - Sound (also known as echokinesis)
Photokinesis- light
Umbrakinesis- darkness/shadows
Retrokinesis - manipulating the outcome of future events (Full Sanity.)
Gravitokinesis- manipulation of Gravity and force.
Necrokinesis - manipulation of the dead, Death. (Full Sanity.)

Astral Projection: The ability to project one's self out as a spirit, soul, or just intangible being separate from the physical body.

Polylocation: Being in numerous places at once (without being a clone.) (Only for Fully Sane.)

Clairvoyance: ... Obviously. The ability to see what cannot be seen, everything and into the future.

Clairaudience: The ability to hear what cannot be heard... Thus, hearing anything and everything... And even to hear into the future. It is a very odd ability to describe, but it is like hearing a sound before it is made, just like seeing a sight before it is done.

Clairsentience: The ability to feel into the future. For example, one says "I have a bad feeling," they are receiving the feelings of something malicious up ahead. Khrona has mastered said ability and can, as such, feel anything in the future.

Clairscentient: The ability to smell anything and everything, even things that are odorless or where odor does not exist. Khrona can also smell into the future, as one would say, to smell something coming before it happens.

Clairtangency: Probably one of the most useful, the ability to touch anything and everything, whether it be physical, non-physical, metaphysical, spiritual, etc. or even if it doesn't exist.. It is allowed to be touched by Khrona as if it were a physical thing.

Clairgustance: The ability to... taste anything and everything and somehow... Taste into the future. I guess. It might come in handy... maybe..

Direct Voice: The ability to 'give his voice' to literally anything. It can be very useful. It also allows him to talk through the voices of others without having to use their minds.

Deja Vu: Allows one to relive one moment over and over and over again. Can be used any time anyone is within Khrona's mental range.

Divine Intervention: Merges all of the 'Clair' powers at once and allows Khrona to be guided to the right path of anything and everything.

Exorcism: Oddly enough, Exorcism is a psychic ability... And thus, mastered by Khrona. Therefore, he may exorcise the supernatural beings with his own mind and rid them of this world... Though naturally, he doesn't use this often.

Dowsing: Ability to locate hidden things.

Faith Healing: Diagnosis and healing of any disease (though, it's not really necessary, due to his DNA. Even so, only when Fully Sane.)

Hyper Perception: Psychic/Mental power created by Khrona which allows him to see at any distance and perceive anything at any speed. It allows him to also see the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. His Hyper Perception gets more powerful as he does, and when he powers up, it gets better, as well. It also adapts to his forms.

Mediumship: Connection with the dead or anything through means of another thing.

Precognition: ... Obviously.

Hypnosis: Releases psychic waves that not only put those within to sleep, but can sometimes be used to put them under Khrona's mind control. If they are asleep because of Hypnosis, they are automatically eligible to be controlled.

Metagnomy: The ability to use any psychic power while in a meditative state (but only psychic power.)

Psychic Morphing: The ability to travel through dimensions with the mind (hence why Khrona's mind... and physical self and traverse the omniverse.)

Psychometry: The ability to scan and obtain information about someone or something instantly.

Remote Viewing: The ability to gain information or see something from extreme distances.

Retrocognition: Viewing of past events. (Only when Fully Sane)

Scrying: Ability to find out the future and past of something that the user is touching.

Materialization: Ability to materialize self instantaneously anywhere at will using any sort of matter (or through unknown means of matter).(But only when fully Sane.)

Manifestation: The ability to manifest self from any sort of matter at will.

Thoughtform Projection: The ability to manifest mental energy into 3 dimensional forms, or rather 'real' forms outside of the mind.

Theta Waves: Releases a special brain wave flow throughout the area that makes whatever is within it instantly subject to Khrona's own reality and imagination and thought instantaneously. Also, while within the Theta Waves, all brain flow decreases to almost nothing, thus leaving those who are within it in a trance-like state, unable to do anything because their brain flow has slowed so much. (Think of Luigi's Negative Zone, however like... a thousand times worse. <3)

Radiesthesia: The ability to see all forms of radiation, or 'aura.'

Answer-Talker: (A cool ass ability from Zatch Bell Manga) Allows the user to know any answer to all questions instantaneously, regardless of what it may be or what the question is, no matter how hard it is. The answer always instantly flows into the user's mind. Think of it as the flow of knowledge into the head of the user at any given time. Though it is a powerful ability, Khrona has trouble using it clearly whilst insane, thus he cannot use it to its full potential while insane. When Sane, it cannot go wrong, however.

Alpha State of Mind: The highest form of psychic power that Khrona can only attain by being in a full, meditative state for an extended period of time. While in this Alpha State of Mind, his thoughts may traverse and transcend the omniverse in a split second. The use of this is to cause anything and everything he WANTS that comes within mental contact with him to be nullified or erased. Such as, a powerful attack that is launched that cannot be stopped on this plane of existence... Khrona will traverse the omniverse to find a force and power that can stop it, instantaneously bring it to this plane and use it to cancel out said attack in a heartbeat, without anything being seen. It also has other perks...

Numerology: The ability to alter or make any value or number. This was attained from merging with Hakku. Khrona can change any value of anything or any number to whatever he wishes, including Binary (via help from Reality Warping, that is.) He may change the values of Binary, and also the values of someone's power. Let's say someone powers up x2. Khrona can change such a value to x0 and make them powerless and weak, therefore, it is not something to be trifled with.

Shock Absorber: A very unique ability that Khrona has very great power with, yet rarely uses it because he doesn't think of it. It gives Khrona the ability to diffuse forces and spread the force throughout an entire area lessened rather than a single point with great power. Also, it allows Khrona's body to absorb forces and convert them into psychic power or use his own body as a medium to instantaneously expel them out through the sheer force of psychic power. If, however, a force is too great for Khrona's mind to handle if he tries to take in the force as psychic power, he will instantaneously and continuously release psychic power out of his mind until it is at a level he can sustain it at.

Last edited by Khrona on January 17th 2011, 5:48 am; edited 37 times in total
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
Character Info (Highlight):

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart.   Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Icon_minitime1May 16th 2009, 7:04 am

Forms of Khrona

Khrona: Yin Yang (Sane Insane.) (Normal Khrona)

This is his normal mode. When he is Yin Yang, he has access to SOME OF his Sane abilities AND ALL OF his Insane abilities, meaning he can once again wield his weapons and do various things that he could not while he was Fully Sane or Fully Insane. Khrona keeps all of his smarts, however loses control of his emotions and sometimes, even his thoughts. His psychic abilities all rely on forces now instead of being able to be altered due to his emotions. He also loses his Instant Transmission, but for some reason, his speed stays the same, even able to increase. Khrona can stay in Yin Yang for an eternity, just like with Calm Insanity. Khrona's Soul Wavelength also becomes a bit less stable, so his abilities become a bit unorthodox, but work well all the same. Khrona can use his Insanity Static, however the Insanity Static does not omit from his body and just stays in his head, though he can focus this Insanity Static through his wavelength, making it extremely lethal. He can also somewhat give some of his abilities to Misery and Despair, if channeled right or if done through Soul Resonance.

Khrona; Zen

Not so much a form as it is a state of mind. Khrona goes into his all-out meditation mode, where his mental powers exceed that of what they were by a godly level. Khrona cannot use his Soul powers, however, or use his weapons, either. He may only use psychic power (all of them) and his own DNA powers to fight... But he is not conscious, for he fights solely using his psychic ability. The longer he is in the Zen state, the stronger his psychic abilities get... Until he can achieve the Alpha State of Mind.

Khrona; Full Sanity (Sane).

Having a run in with the Kishin Asura, the essence of insanity, and Asura's insanity made Khrona go completely and utterly insane, making everything to him seem like an enemy or something that needed to be destroyed, except for his weapons and Asura. Khrona's Fear Soul as well as his Insanity Soul ran out of control. He collected 1,000 souls for Asura, powering him up a GREAT amount, however once Khrona did this, Asura became fearful of Khrona and attacked him, which sent Khrona spiraling into an insane confusion. Eventually, Khrona realized something, having a revelation about the entire matter, causing his entire mind to become completely... Sane. His soul then became Anti-Insanity, which made him sane, though it was only temporary and would not last long. It has been a year and Khrona is still sane, though it might be time for him to change back soon... Which is why he taught his Anti-Insanity wavelength to Sadako, so when the Kishin Asura made his return and Khrona became insane once again, Sadako would have to be the one to kill Asura. For good. Though, Sadako died, and the Anti-Insanity wavelength was passed down to her kids, as well as through Khrona's child, Chroma.

In Khrona's Sane state, he cannot use his two Soul Weapons; Misery and Despair. Instead, Khrona has gained some really cool abilities that are useful and only obtainable because his mind is focused and sane. Due to the acuteness of his brainpower now, Khrona can exhibit powerful psychic abilities, from mind control, mind reading to applying pressure on places and things with his mind, and even unlocking some psychic powers that are only accessible to his Full Sanity mode. Also, Khrona's speed becomes fast enough for him to go any of the machs, and his wings literally makes cuts through the wind, so when they flap, they make sharp cuts that can flow through the powerful wind that he sends from them. Quite the useful ability. When Khrona becomes insane, there is only one way for him to tap into his Anti-Insanity Wavelength, and that is through a small candy that only Despair has access to or if he has a revelation that blocks out his insane thoughts. It happens on occasions, such as when he was fighting Maze and Zeik, and when he had such a revelation, he gained access to all forms of himself. Also, for the record, his wings are not angelic, they are still dragon-like. List of his Full Sanity powers below.

Psychic Emotion Adaption: Able to control his emotions and letting his psychic attacks change via emotions (For Example, Anger would be a red hot psychic energy, but it's not fire... Relaxed would be a psychic energy that distorts the area around it...)

Instant Transmission (different from DBZ): He can manifest his bodyparts off of himself and into a different place, but it moves as if it were still connected to his body. He can instantly transmit himself or his body parts anywhere at any given time.

Anti-Insanity Wavelength: Wavelength that destroys anything that involves mental corruption, deception or delusion. It eliminates all forms of insanity and those things and has the power to kill the supernatural (or harm them severely.) It also has purifying properties, able to purify ANYTHING mental that is unsound and make any mind healthy, as well as other souls.

Hyper Perception: Psychic/Mental power created by Khrona which is basically him being able to see extremely well and perceive anything at any speed. Basically meaning he can see both the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. His Hyper Perception also gets more powerful as he does, and when he powers up, it gets better, as well. In Full Sanity mode, Khrona's Hyper Perception becomes more focused, being able to dictate, differentiate and process literally any and all movements of anything, no matter how small, how fast, or how wild and erratic they are.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. 225284

Khrona; Full Insanity.

Upon the return of the Kishin Asura, his Insanity Wavelength overpowered Khrona's weakened Anti-Insanity wavelength, and therefore Khrona had become insane once again... However this is not the normal insanity that he knew before... This insanity is... Full Insanity. Khrona can only achieve Full Insanity by having a traumatic flashback, usually involving someone beating him severely, if he is being drowned or if someone says any word related to a laboratory, most commonly Test or Experiment. Or if he is inside of laboratories of any kinds... This includes the doctors offices and hospitals. The only way to bring him out of it is to either make him come to his senses... or a slight bit of them, or knock him unconscious somehow. His Full Insanity can be triggered by other things as well, but it can be triggered by himself, as well. While Full Insanity is active, Khrona releases Insanity Static from his body and general area at all times. He generates it. He also has NO access to his Psychic powers, but his physical strength and other aspects of his body become incredibly powerful, and his soul, though unstable, becomes insanely powerful as well. Khrona can also destroy the rationality of those near him or that he chooses, and spread and infect them with insanity if they stay too close to him. He also absorbs the souls of everything near him, thus he cannot be combated from close range. If they aren't sucked out, they are unwillingly crushed and destroyed. Also, literally everything that comes near Khrona becomes unstable and insanely weak and decrepit. Khrona may also spread sickness and plague and destroy minds of those near him as well as souls. He gains no REAL new power, however. Though, Insanity Static will be defined below.

In the Full Insanity mode, Khrona's DNA Absorption and Adapting abilities become finely tuned, allowing him to absorb and adapt to 3 energies rather than just 1, making him all the more lethal, as well as an infinite amount of physical things. Khrona can use the Insanity Static while normal, however it does not flow around his body, only his mind, so instead of blocking all psychic attacks from his body, as well, it only protects his mind completely.) Finally, Khrona's 2 soul weapons become a part of him for this period of time, however he cannot use any of their soul energy or their Soul Resonance, however their soul wavelengths will surround their weapons (Misery: Insanity = Sword, Condemnation = Scythe. Despair can alternate her explosives and razors between Despair and Rejection) . He may only use his own Soul Energy. He lacks control while like this, so he is prone to attack anyone and everyone near him unless brought back down to his senses or knocked out or something.

Insanity Static: Khrona omits his own insanity from his head as the Insanity Static, which always surrounds his body in an aura-like fashion, though it looks like red and black electricity just crackling around him randomly. It is always covering at least a 10 foot radius of his body, and anyone who comes that close will instantly be locked within their own minds, an instant surge of insanity shooting through them and locking their minds, movement, chakra, magic, etc until they get out of Khrona's radius. It may or may not shatter each and every one of these things as well. This insanity can also shoot straight into someone's soul or body instantly and paralyze them as well as seal chakra and magic. Another great ability of the Insanity Static is to nullify all sort of psychic forces/energies that may try to get near Khrona or penetrate Khrona's mind. They are instantly destroyed once they reach Khrona (this goes for genjutsus, any sort of telepathic or telekinetic things, or ANYTHING that involves messing with the mind.)

Hyper Perception: Psychic/Mental power created by Khrona which is basically him being able to see extremely well and perceive anything at any speed. Basically meaning he can see both the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. His Hyper Perception also gets more powerful as he does, and when he powers up, it gets better, as well. In Full Insanity mode, Khrona's Hyper Perception allows him to see all around his body at all times in 360 degrees.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. 360350

Khrona ; Dark Insanity

Dark Insanity mode, only attainable through corruption of Khrona's soul and mind, basically when he is on the verge of becoming a Kishin, but not quite there yet, so not all hope is lost. He has all of the powers of his Sanity, Full Sanity, and Yin Yang mode, also being able to use his weapons flawlessly. A few gains are his hyper perception, reactionary time and reflexes have become more than perfect, and he has gained a few new abilities. Also, since Khrona resembles a mummy, he can make an infinite amount of bandages (which just so happen to be his skin) surge out in any density, shape, size, etc. They can literally slice through any solid substance. Also, Dark Sanity allows Khrona to become Insanity itself, as well as move himself in and out of reality and existence at any given time. Lastly, Khrona's chains around his body can seal the fate/destiny of whomever they touch, and Khrona's two scythes on his waist can cut through any energy or force, or even metaphysical beings. Khrona always releases an aura of Death from around him, killing anything that lives with this aura. It spreads from at least a 10 foot radius from him. Even if you aren't technically alive, it also kills will. Also, Looking into Dark Sanity Khrona's eyes will cause instant death.

Sanity Apocalypse: All the psychic energies Khrona possesses, as well as some of his soul energy/wavelength merged into one fatal beam from the sky that darkens the land, sets clouds ablaze and erases everything in its path from reality and from existence, only to grow larger and larger until Khrona sees fit.

Doom Revelation: Khrona releases all stored Soul Energy/Wavelength, resonates with his two weapons and fires a blast from above that takes on properties of all of the souls that can adapt and absorb anything and everything as well as convert them. Alternatively Khrona's soul itself devours someone whole, eating chakra and magic as well as altering, fixing, regenerating or destroying reality/space around it until either Khrona is taken down or until it has eaten the soul of its target. It continuously expands, for it can absorb anything and everything as well as convert anything and everything.

Destiny Bond: Whomever is to be touched by Khrona's chains will have their minds, souls, bodies, existence, etc. etc. ALL forms of them in all ways in all realities and such attached to this chain. This chain also nullifies all power that they have once they are attached... If they even think about using their power, it is taken into the infinite depths of the chain. If Khrona does not want them to exist, Khrona will cut the chain and seal their Destiny, making all forms of them in all ways destroyed and unable to return.

Devil Scythe: Khrona's two scythes, able to cut through metaphysical and spiritual things, will pinpoint your life thread. Once it is pinpointed, Khrona will slice it, sucking out your soul, your power and your life essence.

Hyper Perception: Psychic/Mental power created by Khrona which is basically him being able to see extremely well and perceive anything at any speed. Basically meaning he can see both the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. His Hyper Perception also gets more powerful as he does, and when he powers up, it gets better, as well. In Dark Insanity mode, Khrona's Hyper Perception allows him to constantly perceive you're lifespan, and also allows him to actually touch and harm your lifespan.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. N503939795_1373020_7729574

Khrona; Insanity Fusion Mode
Insanity Fusion is a technique that can only be acquired by merging oneself with pure insanity itself. Since that is very hard to do, one must use a Clown of any kind (Original, Black, Purple, etc.) since the Clowns are the physical form of insanity, itself. The Clown will deconstruct its body and merge itself with the one whom has initiated the Insanity Fusion, thus causing literally ALL abilities they have to skyrocket beyond belief. When using this, the insanity produced by them becomes ungodly, able to match that of the Kishin for some time (though, in Khrona's case, it will surpass that of the Kishin and last for quite a while), thus always causing anyone within it to think they are either fighting or that they are dying. Because of the merge, there is a drastic change in appearance to the user that usually depicts what they can do.

In Khrona's case, when he initiates Insanity Fusion with the Clowns that he has, his entire body will surge with his insanity and fear wavelengths as well as his mental power, allowing him to become a sort of twisted reality being. As such, his arms disconnect from his body at the joints and his wings become an entirely different reality within themselves, this reality made completely and only of pain, sadness, insanity and fear, causing all who are touched or consumed by it to fall completely to these 4 things simultaneously, for the intensity and severity of these things are beyond survival. As an added bonus, Khrona's reality warping/bending powers become extremely great and his wavelength becomes so intense that it is almost unbearable to get too close to him. It becomes so strong that it affects will, the mind and the body in addition to one's soul. Another thing, Khrona's DNA abilities become insanely great as well, for that is one of the perks of the entire ability boost of the Insanity Fusion. All of Khrona's attacks with or without his weapons increase in all ways as well, even their effects.

Hyper Perception: With Insanity Fusion, Khrona's Hyper Perception allows him to force insanity, fear and pain into those he concentrates on, causing it to seep into their very beings and minds. Not only this, but any original abilities of Hyper Perception increase beyond comparison as well. Finally, it increases his Insanity Static, causing his mind complete invulnerability to anything that affects his mind.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Dark_zero_display

Khrona; Trance

As of recently, Khrona has unlocked his power of Trance during a full fledged battle with Zeik.
(Everyone ELSE has a super-cheap-godly form, so here's Khrona's. ;; )

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. 16-1

In the Trance Mode, Khrona has numerous abilities that are quite powerful and odd (as some would say, hacky). His main ability is to combine himself or other things with the reality of this plane of existence, as well as erase the reality of this existence and create a new reality. He uses most of his abilities through his Reality Hands, which can be manifested into damn near any size. He can make an indefinite amount of these Reality Hands.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. 13-1-1

In this form, he has the ability to fully negate reality and anything that happens in this reality, as well, but to reject this entire reality uses a great deal of his power... About half of it, in fact. He can create spheres of pure annihilation, able to weaken and/or erase things completely that ever are within them, and even surround himself in such a sphere to keep attacks from coming in. The higher the power of the attack, the more it takes to use this, and the more power he must exert to annihilate it.

Trance Khrona can not only do these things, but his other abilities increase by an uncalled for amount. His strength, speed and durability increase by such great amounts that he, himself can almost not control them. His very fist is strong enough to break through a planet with the lightest tap, he can circle the galaxy in a matter of minutes, FAR surpassing the speed of light, and his body can take even the most punishing hits... Though, with all of this, his Trance is much too powerful to sustain for long periods of time at full power... In fact, going into it even ONCE causes all of his power to drain once he reverts back, even if he doesn't do anything in his Trance Mode... Thus, this can be considered the last resort. He would be able to stay in Trance Mode for an indefinite period of time if he lowered his power severely, however.. Or, unless he were to consume copious amounts of souls/energy/brain waves to sustain himself. He can traverse any reality, dimension or plane of existence in this form, or exist in all forms of these. He can also take himself out of reality and existence at any given time and put himself back in. Here is the list of his Trance abilities, now.

Hyper Perception: Psychic/Mental power created by Khrona which is basically him being able to see extremely well and perceive anything at any speed. Basically meaning he can see both the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. His Hyper Perception also gets more powerful as he does, and when he powers up, it gets better, as well. In Trance Mode, Khrona's Hyper Perception is at it's best, attaining the power of Hyper Perceptions from all other forms of Khrona (Except Ultimate Khrona, which actually shares the same ability of Hyper Perception.)

Reality Hands - Creates hands of any size and any number to destroy, create, control or negate reality. They are his primary means of attack.

Negation Field - Omits an aura from himself that constantly negates the effects of any and all realities (but he never rejects or negates existence itself) at the cost of half of his own power.

Zero World - Supposedly, the place where nothing is allowed to exist and everything is always reset and preset to 0, thus, not even Khrona can exist there. He will create a continually expanding hole that will pull everything in unless Khrona, himself, is stopped. Otherwise, everything, including Khrona's self, is doomed. After even opening the Zero World, Khrona's power is completely drained.

Annihilation Sphere - Creates a sphere of any size and any power that has the ability of total annihilation by weakening, breaking down and/or just plain out destroying everything within the field. The stronger the thing is that is within the field, the more power it takes to erase.

Null Transfer - Creates an aura that destroys the transfer of energy, thus making it the ultimate shield. It negates the flow of time and space, as well... However, even if Khrona is in it, he cannot attack, for the transfer of energy thing applies to himself, as well. It is basically used as a shield, but it drains a shitload of power from him.

Soul Void - Omits a massive wave that will either erase or absorb all souls within a 1,000 mile radius to greatly restore Khrona's power.

Mind Null - Omits a massive wave that will either erase or absorb all mentality within a 1,000 mile radius to greatly restore Khrona's power.

Assault Beam - Releases a beam that ranges from about as large as a galaxy to as small as a light pole that's sole purpose is to erase everything in its way.

Lock Down - The enhanced version of the Annihilation Sphere that eliminates the effects of everything that is within it instantly and locks it in Khrona's own reality of nothingness.

Reset - Creates an aura around himself that resets the laws of nature within that aura; such as the Laws of Physics, Laws of Energy, etc. etc. Only within this aura, however.

Clear - Releases an energy from his Reality Hands that will wipe the very existence of everything that this energy touches, reverting it into nothingness.

Annihilation Cannon - With his right hand, he creates an astronomical assortment of weapons and cannons from a base about the size of a few planets. These massive cannons and weapons will fire off rounds of pure annihilation, capable of destroying galaxies and able to revert reality and existence into nothingness. The ultimate destruction. If its cannons somehow fail, it has a final attack which causes it to self destruct, taking all of reality and existence. Using this takes up a GREAT sum of his power.

Recreation - With his left hand, he uses his power to create an entity that creates things that do not, have not, and cannot not exist without his own help; able to recreate reality and existence as he sees fit. With this ability, Khrona can revert anything and everything to its former glory at the cost of hefty sums of his power with every thing he recreates/restores. At the very most, he can create his own galaxy before his power would run out for a LOOOONG time... (Unless somehow he gets more power. Coughcough.) If anything were to actually touch this entity, however, it would be absorbed into the entity and then reverted into nothingness.

Absolute Law- Changes the laws of Nature to Khrona's whim, however it requires a lot of power to maintain the changed laws, and can be changed back whenever Khrona feels like it, or whenever he runs out of power or uses too much to sustain the laws.

Absolute Alpha - The largest version of Alpha that is as large as a few galaxies combined. It will slash through anything and revert all values of it to 0, making it nothingness.

Absolute Ultima - The largest version of Ultima that is either a concussive and massive explosion/beam the size of a planet that breaks down everything it can into nothingness.

Circle of Life - A very powerful attack that can cause the entire beginning and end of space/time/reality/creation to circle and then renew in one definite area, thus making a new mini universe, in a sense. Once it ends, another, reset cycle begins, and when that one ends, the process repeats infinitely in that one area until Khrona wishes it to stop. Note that if the space/time/reality/creation ends, then that means very bad things happen to those caught in it.

Life Break - Brings in all of the power of living beings and focuses them into one tiny ball in the left hand. Using the borrowed energy of all life, it is thrown and then explodes, sucking in all forms of life that are caught in it, then imploding and erasing whatever has been caught. (Mind you, this does not kill the ones' power that has been borrowed.)

Deadliest Cannon - Brings together all forms of death and the power of all those who have been deceased, accumulating their power into the hand that has been changed into a massive cannon the size of a small planet in the right hand. At any given time, it can be fired, erasing all forms of life that are in its way; the blast being able to go across the universe.

Omnipotent Impact - Releases a massive beam of epic proportions that traverses all forms of existence and all forms of reality at once, searching for the foe to obliterate them in the unholiest way.

Grand Cross - Sucks in all forms of reality into one massive singularity and throws it at the foe, making a cross-like explosion in being hit with every single form of reality there is.

Oblivion Lethal - Locks onto the opponent and forces all forms of reality and existence to reject them in all of their forms. The more powerful they are, the more energy it requires for Khrona to use this.

Zeo Grande (the E is silent) - Unleashes a powerful and massive wave of nothingness that will not only inflict every single status ailment there is upon the foe instantaneously, but also it will adapt to and absorb all forms of energy/chakra/magic/etc., it will break down everything that it may come in contact with instantaneously, and it negates the first law of nature; It has no energy, yet it can exist in all forms and expand infinitely. This move drains a large portion of Khrona's power every time it is used.

Final Extinction - Summons the Reality Hands of a massive size and accumulates power DIRECTLY from the Zero World. Once enough has been accumulated, a blast is fired with the same power as the Zero World, causing everything caught in it to be permanently set to 0, reverting it to nothingness permanently. It is a one shot attack that will drain most of, if not all of Khrona's power.

Last edited by Khrona on December 29th 2010, 8:35 am; edited 10 times in total
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
Character Info (Highlight):

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart.   Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Icon_minitime1July 13th 2010, 8:34 pm

Because of the epic battle with Zeik and Maze, Khrona had a revelation that allowed him to go into Full Sanity mode. Because of this AND being in Trance Mode at the same time, Khrona forcefully learned every single aspect about himself and his power, having knowledge of his untapped power that manifested itself into new forms of Khrona. These forms will be listed below with powers.

After going through an incredible time of deep thought, Khrona decided to give some of his power to his family. This being done, some of his Forms were lost and transferred to Misery, Despair, Chroma and Megaera. These forms were Happiness, Master of Fear, Innocent, Paradox, Condemned and Harvester.

Khrona Forms, Continued

Khrona; Pure Insanity

Khrona's Pure Insanity form is unlocked when Insanity overpowers his body completely and Khrona loses his physical body. He becomes nothing but a mind and a soul made of nothing but Insanity in its purest form and in all forms, able to absorb any unhealthy part of anyone's mind just by existing. Khrona is constantly absorbing souls and minds into himself as well, becoming stronger by the second. Khrona has power from both his Dark Insanity and Full Insanity forms, but also new powers, as well. Khrona can instantaneously make a 'genjutsu' of ANY power and ANY severity, only it becomes real once it happens. Khrona can also devour other genjutsus of any power as well. Any mental ability, Pure Insanity Khrona can devour it and use it for power. Even if it involves taking someone into his mind, Pure Insanity Khrona devours it. Khrona's insanity also has the power to corrupt things of any power, making it his own once it is corrupted. Khrona's Soul Abilities and Soul Energy/Wavelength powers are at INSANE powers once he is in Pure Insanity mode.

Hyper Perception: Psychic/Mental power created by Khrona which is basically him being able to see extremely well and perceive anything at any speed. Basically meaning he can see both the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. His Hyper Perception also gets more powerful as he does, and when he powers up, it gets better, as well. In Pure Insanity mode, Khrona can see, touch and destroy Metaphysical beings without having any repercussions.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. PureInsanity

Khrona; Arbiter of Souls

A mode triggered only once Khrona obtains 1,000 souls. He can switch this mode on and off at will. Khrona becomes the master of any and all souls without any questions asked. He may control, absorb, create, destroy, etc. any and all souls and spirits, as he becomes the master of them... The Judge of them. Khrona decides what happens to any and all souls in this mode... Khrona also has a Soul Blade, which basically constantly increases his soul's power infinitely. His own soul also becomes invulnerable to literally everything. He creates laws for souls and such and decides what they can or cannot do. While in this mode, Khrona is basically a physical soul, but has none of his psychic or DNA powers. His soul powers are unmatched and unsurpassable, however. Khrona can also open, close and alter the flow of souls, the flow of power TO souls, the path souls take when they die and... Literally anything that has to do with a soul. Not only this, but anything that physically touches his scythe that contains a soul will have its soul consumed. Naturally, all of Khrona's physical capabilities, such as speed, strength, etc. become insanely heightened. The final ability of this form is manifestation anywhere he wishes and production of a constantly negative force that brings negativity to everything it comes in contact with, thus the negativity will weaken, influence and contaminate everything he wishes in any negative effects he wishes. This form can only be attained when achieving a high soul resonance with Misery's Condemnation wavelength, thus disallowing him to use Despair but increasing all of Misery's power as well, but only allowing her to be in Scythe form (but can still use her insanity powers.)

Hyper Perception: Psychic/Mental power created by Khrona which is basically him being able to see extremely well and perceive anything at any speed. Basically meaning he can see both the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. His Hyper Perception also gets more powerful as he does, and when he powers up, it gets better, as well. In Arbiter of Souls mode, Khrona constantly sees any and all souls, spirits, supernatural beings, etc. in the area at all times, and by looking at them, he gains total control over them or absorbs them. Not only that, he can see the power of a soul, and through Arbiter of Souls mode, he can change, alter, transfer, etc. the power of the soul by looking at it. Not only this, but Khrona can see death and negativity in any form.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Anime148492maleshiroganeusagi Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. ZerochanShiroganeUsagi165671

Khrona; Misery and Despair

Khrona forcefully merges himself with Misery and Despair, thus gaining all of their powers as well as combining all of their powers within EVERYTHING Khrona does. He even releases a constant aura of power that has the effects of all 3 of them at once. The power of Condemnation, Insanity, Fear, Despair, Rejection, DNA, Psychic power, and Souls all at the same time. That's all for the moment.

Hyper Perception: Psychic/Mental power created by Khrona which is basically him being able to see extremely well and perceive anything at any speed. Basically meaning he can see both the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. His Hyper Perception also gets more powerful as he does, and when he powers up, it gets better, as well. In this form, Hyper Perception can create any of Misery and Despair's powers wherever Khrona looks instantaneously.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Animeboy-1

Khrona; Boundary (Squiggly)

This is a form gained from Khrona absorbing too much power from the Boundary. Though he can control himself when out of this form, when he starts to become more insane, his body starts to lose shape because he loses control over the suppression of the Boundary within him. Thus, he becomes his Boundary Mode (Arakune Mode). This allows him to turn invisible, to warp instantaneously via power of the boundary, sense any other energies, transmogrify in the most horrific way, send out terrible and horrific insects with an myriad of different effects, and curse people with insects, the power of the boundary itself, or gases. He can liquefy and solidify any and all bones or liquid portions of his body at any given time to use as weapons and such, or just to alter his own body. Because his own body has become so very distorted, his physical body is never the same and is always altering. So, he may look like his first picture or his second picture from time to time. He can literally warp through space and time as well as through surfaces to anywhere he wishes at any given time, and seems to be able to increase his size, density, mass and weight to anything he wishes. His powers are not fully figured out, but once you are cursed, the curse cannot be broken unless he is physically hit.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Arakune1--article_image

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Arakune

Khrona; Psycho Wavelength Form

This is a form Khrona came to realization of when he was in Zen mode, merging his mentality with his soul and soul wavelength by putting them on the same frequency via Mind-Soul Resonance, thus temporarily causing his body to become unstable and to dissipate because of such power, his body not being able to sustain itself. Thus, he becomes constantly intangible, becoming something in between a mental thought and a spirit of sorts, being forever intangible. Thus, he would have general abilities of a spirit, but also have power extremely, extremely increased by his mind and soul wavelength merging. In this form, he loses his ability to use his natural DNA abilities, however because of it his mind and soul are beyond their capabilities of what they used to be. Khrona is able to use his psychic powers mixed with Soul Wavelength and vice versa. He can only attain this form via Mind-Soul Resonance and its full power is unrealized.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. 600px-HazamaGhost

Khrona; Ultimate

Ultimate Khrona is literally the best Khrona. It has ALL of Khrona's powers from ALL of his modes. NOT ONLY do all of Khrona's abilities basically increase to heights that FAR exceed that of ALL of Khrona's original powers combines, but he also can use them to any intensity from 0 to infinity. Even though he can use the powers of all forms, he cannot use Trance Mode's form. THOUGH, Ultimate Khrona CAN go into Trance Mode, and once that happens, he will have all of the powers of every Khrona Form AS WELL AS Trance Mode... Which makes this Khrona literally the most powerful Khrona there is no matter what... However, it comes with EXTREME repercussions...

Omni Perception: In Ultimate Mode, much like Trance Mode, Khrona's Hyper Perception has all of the powers of all of the other Khronas. However, there is one thing that makes Ultimate Khrona's Hyper Perception the absolute best... The power to combine all of the other Hyper Perceptions into what is going to be called Omni Perception. Its power is basically limitless and it can do almost anything.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Natanael_SeraphSoul144

Last edited by Khrona on December 29th 2010, 7:07 am; edited 7 times in total
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
Character Info (Highlight):

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart.   Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Icon_minitime1July 18th 2010, 9:57 am


Through an epic throwback battle with Mahk-X, the Kage of the Twilight Village, his words reached Khrona's insanity in a way that no other words have reached him before... Khrona needed to learn to control his insanity. He wasn't sure how, but once those words resonated through Khrona's soul and mind, something began to sprout. Because the Khrona we know and love is locked in his own ways forever, he wouldn't be able to control his insanity on his own... Instead, his mind had to create another part of him... A new Khrona. A Khrona that was the total inverse of the original, yet at the same time, exactly the same... Because of Kham, this gave birth to... Khrina.

Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Konachancom-74965fujiwara_no_mok-1

Khrina, as it can be seen, is a girl. This is only possible through Khrona's DNA. He literally switches his mind to that of a girl, and thus his entire body, DNA and all, adapt as well, forcing him to become a girl once Khrona becomes Khrina. Khrona can change to Khrina if he truly concentrates, and vice versa. Khrina has all of the powers and abilities of Khrona, since they are the same person... However some specific ones are different. The psychic power stays the same, but some aspects of jutsu and Soul abilities change, as well as personality, demeanor, and shit like that. Also, naturally, Khrina cannot change into the different forms of Khrona... She has her own forms, though she would have to unlock them.. However, some of Khrina's abilities are similar to Full Sanity and Full Insanity Khrona... For example, she has Insanity Static, access to ALL of her psychic abilities, going to any mach speed, able to create slicing wind blade things with wings and the amped up Absorption and Adaption.

Anyway. Khrina has a similar personality to our beloved Khrona, though instead of being as lackadaisical as Khrona is and joking about everything, she's rather strict and mean. Her sadism knows no bounds. Her insanity is so concentrated that she comes off as malicious and destructive a majority of the time. Even the Fear part of her soul has changed (but the insanity stays the same.) Instead of Fear, her soul is that of Insanity and Equanimity, thus making her very calm and composed, even if she is destructive... This is something Khrona could never obtain. She never overreacts, like Khrona does.

Her appearance is... Clad in all black, skin tight clothes with the signature belt of Khrona with a soul as the buckle, long, tight. thigh high boots, black gloves like Khrona, a long, black coat like Khrona, and black ribbons in her long, white-ish silver hair. She can still wield Misery and Despair, but she uses them a lot differently. Her wings are also folded most times and unable to be seen, like Khrona's, but they are exactly the same... Black, tattered and with astronomical power.

Khrina's Soul: Khrona's soul, being different from Khrona's slightly, is that of Insanity and Equanimity. With this soul, she can cause other people to go insane and shatter their minds if he makes contact with a soul charged body part or with her wavelength, just like Khrona. This soul gradually increases Khrina's power as time goes on, doubling all of her powers and abilities (after each post) the longer she is fighting, and this is a trait of the Equanimity soul. Her soul is also quite powerful because of the Equanimity's part to actually eliminate secondary abilities of things that she hits with it (For example... Lightning that drains chakra, or something. After being hit with a wavelength shot of the Equanimity Wavelength, the power of draining chakra would be eliminated from the lightning every time it is used on Khrina.) Also, instead of using large blasts or waves of wavelength, Khrina uses concentrated shots. Also, her soul doesn't expand past 100 feet... Though it is so highly concentrated that the power is astronomical, so those who get too close will feel the full effects of the ungodly power of this wavelength. Since Khrina's soul is slightly altered from Khrona's, even some of her Soul Abilities have changed, as well, as listed below:

Soul Perception Abilities:

Soul Perception - The ability to see, analyze and assess anyone's soul. By focusing on an individual soul, a skilled Soul Perception practitioner can actually "read" a soul and make accurate judgments about the person's characteristics, personality and wavelength. Knowing the wavelength of a soul can allow a skilled meister to match or disrupt the opponent's wavelength in or outside of combat. This can be used to hear or see one's soul.

Soul Feedback - An advanced version of the Soul Perception. The ability to feel and pinpoint one's soul from most distances in addition to the normal Soul Perception abilities. Unlike normal Soul Perception, Soul Feedback can see through a witch's Soul Protect ability, which is normally extremely useful. Aside from allowing someone to see through a witch's Soul Protect, Soul Feedback allows one to sense souls accurately over long distances and notice even the slightest changes in one's wavelength. Khrona can pinpoint any soul anywhere.

Hyper Perception: Even though it is more of a psychic ability than a soul ability, sometimes Khrina's soul plays a part in her Hyper Perception. Thus, Hyper Perception would be the most godly form of the Soul Perception, and also Khrina's own specially made Soul Perception. Though, it is Psychic/Mental power created by Khrina which allows her to see at any distance and perceive anything at any speed. It allows her to also see the invisible, through illusions, and past the speed of light, etc. Her Hyper Perception gets more powerful as she does, and when she powers up, it gets better, as well. It also adapts to her forms.

Soul Menace Techniques

Soul Menace: The ability to force a soul wavelength through the body at will into something else through a physical strike, which normally results in an explosive impact. A type of Self Resonance. Multiple contact could be internally deadly.

Double Soul Menace - Two Palm: Basically just a Soul Menace used with both hands. Though it is simple, it is extremely difficult to do because of the fact that one must control wavelength equally into both hands for the best effect without messing up. Naturally, it has double the power of a normal Soul Menace.

Successive Soul Menace: An extremely HIGHLY advanced form of the Soul Menace which allows one to strike numerous times in succession extremely swiftly delivering any given amount of Soul Menace strikes as quickly as possible before the opponent is either sent flying or is utterly destroyed by the power. A very deadly technique that only the best can learn and the even better can master.

Soul Menace - Long Distance Destruction Wave: A very adept, highly advanced upgraded Soul Menace technique that launches a Soul Menace out in a straight line, which allows the wavelength to be extended like a projectile, able to hit the foe from a great distance instead of with physical contact.

Planet Destruction Cannon: An upgraded and HIGHLY advanced form of the Soul Menace, which is basically just the Soul Menace with a lot more explosive, destructive power and Soul Wavelength/Energy expended into it, thus certainly making it more powerful and extremely large. Those who are not adept in using the Soul Menace will most likely strain and drain themselves after even trying it once.

Soul Destruction: A greatly powered up version of the Soul Menace, to the extent it can utterly obliterate a soul on contact. This is only attainable if your wavelength is MASSIVE and INSANELY strong, or if you just outclass your opponent. If the wavelength is not stronger than the opponent's, it does not work. By sending a very and destructive amount of wavelength into the body at once through physical means, it overwhelms not only the wavelength of the recipient, but also their very soul, causing it to be destroyed.

Soul Drain: A customized Soul Menace technique that allows Khrina to link her wavelength directly into one's soul through a Soul Menace strike, thus being able to siphon out soul energy or even one's soul as well as nullify their own wavelength abilities while this is in play.

Soul Null: A super powered, customized version of Soul Menace, in a sense, but with new abilities. It is only for use by Khrina. By amplifying her wavelength to a very, very high degree, she sends a wavelength so powerful that it can not only seal Soul Energy, Soul Wavelength and Soul Resonance, but also chakra, magic, and most natural abilities the foe possesses until the effects wear off by literally blocking every point of the flow of energy in the body.

Self Resonance

Soul Body: A type of Self Resonance. It involves Khrina expanding and amplifying her wavelength so much that it takes the shape of an upper torso, or even just large arms, that she can use to take attacks or just quickly surge her wavelength into things. It can easily touch physical beings and be used as a shield as well as an offensive tactic.

Soul Injection: A type of Self Resonance that enables Khrina to physically inject a piece of her own soul into those of others, allowing it to destroy them from the inside out with its massive power and destructiveness.

Soul Regeneration: A Self Resonance technique that will increase the flow of the wavelength within the user to godly proportions, causing it to be able to rebuild the soul of the user. Allows a dying soul to regenerate itself, or parts of the soul that have been lost to reform.

Soul Cords: A Self Resonance technique that concentrates Khrina's wavelength into whip-like cords that can cause severe rupturing of souls upon contact. They do this by touching a foe and surging massive, swift surpluses of wavelength at a very intense and accelerated pace, overwhelming one's soul and causing it to shut off all of its abilities before it overloads. This can instantly seal all Soul Resonance, Soul Energy/Abilities, Magic and Soul Wavelength the foe might have. If they have a weapon, it becomes useless and they cannot use said Soul Partner. Also, they have the ability to suck out Soul Energy and Wavelength into Khrina for more power. Because of the intense concentration it has, it also has the ability to seal the Chakra Network, as well, but only when Khrina uses it.

Soul Delta: A very unique type of Self Resonance with Khrina's own soul and mind. This causes a mental wave fused with Soul Wavelength that surges through the air in a very consumptive wave, that will instantly detach the link between the Mind, Body and Soul of anyone within the radius of the wave, thus making all 3 of them disconnected from each other and able to be abused at Khrina's will. She does this by overriding their soul, mind and body connection with her own mind, then secluding them using her soul wavlength so that they cannot connect until he wants them to.


Soul Resonance: The ability to link and match soul wavelength with a weapon partner (or in Khrina's case, anyone) to amplify power and gain abilities that normally cannot be attained.

Long Distance Soul Resonance: A highly advanced ability that allows Soul Resonance from long distances by focusing a wavelength into them.

True Soul Resonance: A very powerful Soul Resonance that allows one to resonate with any and all souls within the area, both boosting the power of everyone of whom one chooses and allowing them to use all of the user's own Soul Wavelength abilities temporarily and vice versa. Normally, it would only work with Weapons, however since Khrina has such a powerful soul, it works with those who aren't weapons as well.

Instant Resonance: A very adept type of Soul Resonance. Allows one to instantly resonate with anyone containing a trace of their Soul or DNA within their body instantly, gaining their power and increasing the power of the soul exponentially with the number of people being resonated with at once. It also allows them to resonate with any other living being, and even metaphysical things.

Soul Voodoo: An odd, dangerous and adept Soul Resonance. Allows 2 souls to be joined by Khrina (the means don't matter), and once joined, Khrina makes her own soul that of Voodoo, meaning that whatever is done to her body or soul that is harmful in any way is automatically done to the foe. So if Khrina rips out her heart, it happens to the foe... And if Khrina puts her heart back in, that DOESN'T happen to the foe. Hahaha. It works with anyone, and if they don't have a soul, it merges with their heart or brain for voodoo effects.

Soul Cherub: A very powerful, highly advanced and exclusive Soul Resonance of the almighty Soul Cherub only available to Khrina. Khrina resonates so very intensely that her soul wavelength becomes part of her physical body. Her dragon wings on her back grow any given size with Khrina's Soul Energy and wavelength from all of her or even her weapons' souls. She sprouts 6, 8, 10, etc. (Until she gets to 16) wings, the more wings meaning more power, and a giant god-like entity sprouts from the back. This all powerful Cherub can absorb/devour chakra and exponentially weaken chakra and block Chakra Networks and Soul Wavelengths with just its presence alone, as well as convert and drain energy of all kinds and even amplify Khrina's own abilities (Being Psychic, DNA, ability to alter reality, etc.) through means of very intense and powerful resonance of the souls. Khrina's wings also become powerful enough to destroy a star with one good strike. Lastly, the natural ability of the Cherub allows anyone that is touched by it in any sort of way to get their chakra,
energy of all kinds, magic, or soul energy, wavelength, etc. sealed, depleted and anything of the like due to the immense output of destructive pressure and wavelength being put on them. Also, anything drained or sealed/depleted gives Khrina more power, thus allowing her to sprout more wings.

Witch Hunt - Insanity Slayer: The first form of the high-class scythe resonance. Misery changes into a large, glowing scythe with a rigid, saw-like blade that is able to rend through energy and consume them.

Demon Hunt - Pusillanimous Deathblade- The second form of the high-class scythe resonance. Misery explodes into a giant scythe shaped like a skull. Same abilities as Witch Hunt. (More to come... Lots of writer's block during this editing session...)

Kishin Hunt - Blade of Damnation: This is the highest form of the high-class scythe resonance can be attained. Misery will change into a gigantic, glowing scythe with multiple scythe blades jutting out of it. This sole attack is powerful enough to rip through reality, destroy space and time, and definitely kill a kishin. It brings upon whomever is hit with nothing but death. It has the same power as the Witch Hunt and the Demon Hunt, too, though very much amplified.


Soul Infect - Infects someone else's soul with own soul/wavelength to take control of it or seep properties of own soul into it (Example, Insanity, which would then turn the foe insane as well.) Eventually, the soul of the infected will be consumed by the one who infected them. Though, those who have a weaker wavelength than the one they are trying to infect will prove that the infection does not work, nor does the consumption.

Soul Cleanse - Cleanses someone else's soul with own soul to destroy their soul abilities and properties of their souls. Also works to cleanse own soul of any leeches, impurities, corruption, etc.

Soul Separation - Separates any two things involving the soul, the wavelength, spirits, etc. Thus, they would have no connection to one another (for example, someone merges themselves with a spirit, they would be instantly separated. Or, they try to use Soul Resonance... Instant separation.)

Cell Blade - Focuses wavelength and DNA abilities into an invisible blade that can cut/split/erase cells and DNA. Whatever cell/DNA is cut with this will be absorbed into the blade and make it more powerful, as well as immune to the powers/properties of whatever the DNA/cell it has absorbed.

Soul Sow/Return - Soul Sow: Literally implants artificially made souls in the area that increases the power of wavelength and soul abilities times the number of artificial souls made. They double the longer they're out. Soul Return: Any soul that has been lost by anything, it will be returned to them. It will also give souls to the soulless, thus making them sentient beings under Khrina's control.

Wavelength Shatter: A special ability that Khrina can use through sending her wavelength into someone for a short period of time. She intensifies her wavelength to overpower the foe's so much that it actually causes their wavelength to be shattered temporarily (or permanently.) The ability to shatter one's Soul Wavelength ensures that the foe cannot use Soul Resonance or use their Weapon or Soul Energy if they have it as well as the affects of one's soul and soul wavelength. If Khrina uses it too intensely, they will never have a Soul Wavelength again.

Soul Asphyxiation - If one has a powerful soul or a very expansive soul, this will cause it to not only decrease exponentially and continuously in power and size, but it will also restrict the movement of the soul, meaning the body won't be able to move as well.. And if used too long, it will totally suffocate the soul. It makes Soul Resonance, wavelength transfer, etc. also nullified.

Soul Maintenance - The ability to always keep the soul in perfect condition no matter the circumstances. It will cause the soul to adapt to anything it must at any time in any way, causing the soul to maintain its normality all of the time.

Soul Replenish - Can replenish any soul with contact, and exponentially restore power to her own soul. It will also give her back any abilities or powers involving her own Soul.


Insanity Fusion: Ability to fuse oneself with insanity, or with the Soul Wavelengths/Bodies/Minds of other insane people instantly and increase your own or their own abilities greatly. It stimulates an 'evolution' in which the dominant person will have their powers exceed that of normal, as well as change their appearance.

Soul Disperse: Disperses own soul into oblivion and has it reform into a new body to avoid death when a body is too messed up or too old. Not only does it allow the same abilities as the original person had, but allows new ones that the new body has, as well. Typically used by adept witches, it has been 'picked up' by Khrina because of her interaction with the witch, Zita.

Soul Swap - Someone who is within the vicinity of wavelength or even has been Soul Merged gets their souls switched so that the souls switch bodies. It works for people that aren't the user, as well. (Example, two people in Khrina's wavelength can be switched instead of Khrina and someone else.) It can be a helpful or hindering ability, for it gives the souls switched all of their original abilities merged with the abilities of the ones body they have, but also, if that body is a weak and useless body, it's not a good thing.
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PostSubject: Re: Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart.   Plague of Insanity; Cries from the depths of the heart. Icon_minitime1

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