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 An after effect. -Road-

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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 7:04 pm

*Once the cataclysmic explosion took place, a manifestation of something began, and for some reason at Rion's house. It was pulsating greatly, and forming into a humanoid.*
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Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin
Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin

Posts : 14
Village of Residence : Rion's Castle
Join date : 2009-09-21
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 8:07 pm

*The 3 Valkyries, Lenneth Silmeria, and Hrist would appear around the mass of WTF that was quickly taking on a humanoid form, the 3 sisters drew their blades and entered a fighting stance as they prepared for a potential fight.*

Lenneth: What manner of being is this?

Hrist: I do not know, but we best be prepared to strike down whatever it is.

Silmeria: ...
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 8:15 pm

*It continued to form, and then it fully came to be once Rozalyn was completely gone from this world. It was human, and it was, a man, a young adult that had no clothes. He had medium long black hair, and looked at the surrounding guards. "This place, I remember it. Rion's castle, Rose was here before..."
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Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin
Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin

Posts : 14
Village of Residence : Rion's Castle
Join date : 2009-09-21
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 8:28 pm

*The 3 were stunned at the mans words and stepped back, tightening the grip on their swords*

Lenneth: He doth know of Milord's Castle, Niflheim. Who art thou?

Hrist: Surely he be a foe, no friend of Milord's would'st appear in such a manner, and unclothed no less.

Silmeria: Perhaps he's just lost...?

Hrist: Surely you jest sister, this man is the strangest I've seen of this world...Speak knave, be thee friend or foe?
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 8:46 pm

*He looked at the 3 valkyries, " Rion was Rozalyn's friend, so he must be...my friend as well? Is Rio-- "Milord", aware of the black hole that appeared? What happened?"
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Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin
Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin

Posts : 14
Village of Residence : Rion's Castle
Join date : 2009-09-21
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 8:57 pm

Silmeria: He knows of Milord and lady Roza--

Hrist: Very well knave, we shall play along with your feigning ignorance.

Lenneth: Milord departed some time ago to deal with the aformentioned black hole, after handling it he returned and is now in great need of rest, he's not been well as of late.

*The three sisters stared unflinchingly at the young man, not removing their eyes even for a second, his appearance at Castle Niflheim was an unexpected one and as such the stranger would be treated with the utmost caution.*
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 9:06 pm

"So he took care of it, good. Rozalyn would have wanted that to happen. She hated people, but at the same time didn't want them to be cheated out of living their life, like she was." He seemed to either not notice, or ignore the comments about him being ignorant. His mind was jumbled at the moment, as he began to think deeply, trying to collect his thoughts. The only thing that came out now was. "Clothes, are there any extra here?"
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Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin
Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin

Posts : 14
Village of Residence : Rion's Castle
Join date : 2009-09-21
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 9:28 pm

*Hrist began laughing at the mans question*

Hrist: This is not thine personal wardrobe, if thou desire'est garments then find them elsewhere

*Lenneth faded from existence, returning almost immediately with some tattered garments in hand*

Lenneth: These were f in the castle Dungeon, they should be fine for one such as yourself who has nothing. Now, how dou you know of lady Rozalyn and Milord, depening on you answer my blade may seperate your head from your body.

*Lenneth tossed the tattered brown pants and tan shirt onto the strange person, and stared at him with a look of distrust and a hint of ill intent, it seems that her threat of killing this person was truth.*
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 9:34 pm

*He took the clothes and put them on, sighing in relief. He looked at Lenneth and smiled. " I know of them because I am Road, the negative and "opposite" of Rozalyn. When the black hole was created, because of her dark matter she had exposed, it must have connected with the black hole, so while she went into a parallel place, with her dark matter still connecting to this dimension, another being was made to mirror the other, and you could say that I am that mirror. I am what Rozalyn isn't in most ways, and she is what I am not, where ever she is..."
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Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin
Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin

Posts : 14
Village of Residence : Rion's Castle
Join date : 2009-09-21
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Kekkei Genkai : N/A

An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 9:55 pm

SIlmeria: What are your intentions, uhh Road was it?

Lenneth: Yes I too would like to kow that, in addition to why you have appeared here in Castle Niflheim.

Hrist: Speak quickly lest we eradicate your manufactured existence.
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 10:00 pm

"I am pretty much existing now because of Rozalyn's mishap, and Skye's foolishness. In that sense, I have no purpose, but-" He would stretch a bit, looking at the three. " Seeing that I am connected with this mess in the Depths, I would like to pay my debt for this place by helping it out and fixing it up, to atone for my sins."
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Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin
Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin

Posts : 14
Village of Residence : Rion's Castle
Join date : 2009-09-21
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Kekkei Genkai : N/A

An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 8:26 pm

Hrist: I've got a quicker way to atone for your sins.

Silmeria: That's uncalled for hrist, this one is a good person, I say we leave him be.

Lenneth: Besides, if he does anything we can strike him down at a moments notice.

*The 3 sisters all sheathed their swords, though Hrist did so reluctantly. Hrist faded from existence, to go and get Rion, while Silmeria sat went returned to the her and her sisters rooms. As for Lenneth, she merely stayed and talked with Road, not because she was interested, but because she refused to leave him alone in Castle Niflheim.*

Lenneth: Milord will be here shortly I presume. After he speakes with you I request that you leave, he requires rest from saving as much of the village as he could, and I believe you would only make that harder.
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 11:05 pm

*As he was still collecting Rozalyn's old memories, he would remember alot of things about Rion. Fighting, his age, how he fucked up time, all of it. "I'm sure someone like Rion would be okay from stopping a simple black hole. If he was able to stand up to Kazz's dark matter, the black hole shouldn't be anything horrid. Rion must be weakening, hmm, another kage is in order, at least until he gets better."
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 11:10 pm

+~Rion appeared suddenly, fading into existence~+ "No Rose...or uh, Road I'm not weakening so to speak, I'm just...feeling...odd as of late, Lenneth tends to worry a bit." +~With a snap of his fingers A table with two chairs would appear, snatched through time, Rion would sint in one chair and gesture toward the other chair, signalling for Road to sit.~+ "So it's my understanding that you're some form of the now deceased Rozalyn, mind explaining that one once more?" +~As he spoke Rion gestured for Lenneth to leave him and start planning for the village repairs.~+
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 23rd 2009, 11:22 pm

*He continued to stand, not feeling like sitting at the moment. "Rozalyn using Dark matter against a black hole created me in the after effect due to her dark matter connecting to this universe through the black hole, making me manifest in the opposite world from where she is in."
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 24th 2009, 8:58 am

the General suddenly appeared in the room surrounded by a red flaming column.

"God dam fire statue" he yelled out looking around for a door.

Rion was here as with some other people he didn't know. the General put his hand on the back of his head and looked at Rion.

"I don't mean to intrude, I was merely warped here by some fire statue." the General said.
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Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin
Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin

Posts : 14
Village of Residence : Rion's Castle
Join date : 2009-09-21
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Kekkei Genkai : N/A

An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 24th 2009, 1:10 pm

*The instant the General entered the room Hrist would appear behind him, with her sword pressed to his throat* "Everyone thinks they can show up in here today, I don't care what caused you to arrive, but I don't believe Milord was expecting you" *Hrist looked to Rion to see whether or not she should behead the intruder, she was a little irritated by the appearance of the two intruders and was hoping to cut loose, so to speak.*
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 25th 2009, 12:39 am

the General pushed the sword away.

"I don't think killing the Supreme Representative of the E.A.S.T. Empire would be a good idea" he Said.
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Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin
Castle Guards :: Daughters of Odin

Posts : 14
Village of Residence : Rion's Castle
Join date : 2009-09-21
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 25th 2009, 8:39 am

*Hirst was a prideful Goddess, and for a mortal such the General to push away her blade and label one of her decisions as not smart was an insult, and one that angered her.* "You knave, you dare insult Hrist, the first Daughter of Odin!?" *Hrist would instantly kick the General to the ground and prepare to impale him through the heart as he fell, but fortunately for the General Lenneth would appear with her sword drawn and deflect Hrist's blade.*

Lenneth: Calm yourself sister, we do not make the rules here.

Hrist: This fool has insulted a daughter of Odin, he deserves nothing short of death.

Lenneth: Then do not do it within the Castle, go and calm yourself, I'll take care of things here.

*Hrist would fade away to some unknown location to blow off steam. Lenneth on the other hand would stare down at the pitiful looking general on the ground then turn and walk away, she sheathed her sword and stood over by the door of the room as she surveyed the situation, waiting for any reason to kill the General.*
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 25th 2009, 8:46 am

+~Rion would stare at the General, after a moment he recognized his face and walked towards him.~+ "Umm you're the General right, what brings you to my house. You'll need a good answer or you might die...no offense." *Rion gestured to Lenneth who was very obviously pissed.*
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 25th 2009, 11:37 pm

"I was going to the cave of fire to make my leg and blade alloy stronger. Then this here statue tol me I was not anbu rank and poofed me here" he said getting to his feet.
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 28th 2009, 5:00 pm

"Hm, General you say? I guess that means your pretty powerful... Rion, I'll talk to you later. I should tend to this mess of a village for now..." As he spoke, he walked towareds the door before vanishing in a shade of darkness. Walking towards the door was pointless if he intended on doing this.*
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 28th 2009, 6:09 pm

"Rion may we discuss matters" the General said.
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 30th 2009, 7:08 pm

+~Rion ignored Road as he left, if his story were true, which it seemed to be, then there would be no need to watch him, however Rion locked onto his chakra signature to monitor him just in case., he then returned his attention to the General.~+ "What matters do you speak of?"
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1September 30th 2009, 7:09 pm

"I have a proposition to construct a space Colony above the Depth Village over the ruins of old Zedan House" the General said.
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An after effect. -Road- Empty
PostSubject: Re: An after effect. -Road-   An after effect. -Road- Icon_minitime1

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