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 Maruze; the Dividing Enigma.

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The Dividing Enigma :: Anbu of the Dusk
The Dividing Enigma :: Anbu of the Dusk

Posts : 189
Age : 50
Village of Residence : Village of Dusk
Join date : 2009-05-07
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Kekkei Genkai : Division

Maruze; the Dividing Enigma. Empty
PostSubject: Maruze; the Dividing Enigma.   Maruze; the Dividing Enigma. Icon_minitime1May 8th 2009, 1:05 am

Name: Maruze Meikyuu
Age: 37
Origin: Japan
Species: Human
Weight: 172 lbs
Height: 6'0
Race: Japanese
Family: Meo Meikyuu (Daughter), Melody Meikyuu (Wife; Location Unknown)
Soul Attribute: Division
Used Jutsu: Kenjutsu, Bunshinjutsu (Slight), Chakra Flow/Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Jikukan Ninjutsu (Slight), Nintaijutsu, Genjutsu (Slight).

Likes: The Way of the Sword/Swordsmanship, Family, Honor, Truth, Nobility, Swordplay, Samurai, Traditional Japanese Foods, Tea, Serenity, Peace, Quiet, Division, Things that divide perfectly and symmetrically, Calm, Righteousness, Sparring.

Dislikes: Waru, Swordsmen who do not go by the way of the sword, Dishonor, Lies, Axes, New-Age Technology, Evil, Things that do not divide perfectly, Injustice, Clamor, Unneeded violence or bloodshed, Those tainted with evil.


Maruze has the build of a typical man with the physical ability of a very skilled warrior. In appearance, he is a pretty tall man standing at 6'0, having long, straight off-gray hair that slightly covers his eyes and reaches down to the very end of his neck. There is nothing special about his physical appearance at all.

His physical capabilities, however, are much better than the average man, despite his average appearance. His eyes are slender and keen, being trained intensely to see even the slightest movements in the air and in a person's body, as well as be perceptive to all of his surroundings. His ears have been honed to tune in on certain sounds he wishes to hear, especially things that come from behind him, making him able to hear a sword slash behind him in a very loud environment. His reflexes are great, as he seems to be able to stop bullets fired at him with only his sword with only his instincts and reflexes. Though he has only decent speed (compared to most people on Vescrutia), he is incredibly nimble and agile, being able to jump very high and dodge attacks very easily thanks to his sharp eyes and ears. Other than these attributes, he is just another normal guy.

Maruze's attire is just about as plain as his appearance. He wears a plain, white, long-sleeved shirt and long, black cotton pants. He wears typical Ronin shoes, making him fully look like an average person. The probably only distinct part of him is his sword sheath, which is where he keeps his Soul Partner, which is a sword.

Maruze has a serene and tranquil, yet powerful vibe to him by just his looks. He is not one to back down from a fight, but isn't one to go looking for one, either. He enjoys to be alone with his family and tends to be rather closed-minded towards new-aged technology and weapons other than the sword. As a swordsman, he is extremely adept in the ways of the sword, and as such, follows the Way of the Sword as his code of conduct and morality. Being trained since he was very young, he is very disciplined and respectful to generally everyone, and also likes to be respected in return. He has high moral values, but will do anything for his daughter, Meo, or anyone in his family above those values. He loves traditional Japanese foods, since he grew up in a place that served that constantly, and is very strict with nobility and justice, which is how be became a sort of anonymous guardian to anyone in need, as such becoming known as the 'Dividing Enigma.' Though he has retired his original position as the Dividing Enigma, he still cannot sit back and watch if someone else is in danger.

Maruze's Story
"To mold the mind and body.
To cultivate a vigorous spirit,
And through correct and rigid training,
To strive for improvement in the art of Kendo.
To hold in esteem human courtesy and honor.
To associate with others with sincerity.
And to forever pursue the cultivation of oneself.

Thus will one be able:
To love one's country and society;
To contribute to the development of culture;
And to promote peace and prosperity among all people.

This is the way of Kenjustu; the Way of the Sword. Maruze had been taught this from a very young age... To become a master swordsman. His familial line, the Meikyuu Family, were master swordsmen in every aspect. Some had become Samurai, some had become Ronin. Regardless of who it was in the family, they were all just as skilled with the sword.

Maruze's parents specifically, however, were a little different than the rest of the Meikyuu Familial Line. His father was a Samurai, like most Meikyuus, however is mother was a practitioner of magical arts. Though she was not a witch, her magic was still extremely powerful, and as such, her magical attributes were passed down into her son. He was gifted with the powerful ability 'Sword Magic' as well as 'Division,' but was not aware of these powers until late in his years.

At the age of only 7, Maruze was trained intensely in the art of swordplay, stealth, perception, instinct, reflexiveness and speed. This was something that was required for his family line, as all members went through this same training at that age, if not younger. With this intense training, by the age of only 14, he had basically mastered all kinds of arts of the sword and used them to his advantage whenever necessary.

At the age of 18, Maruze had set out on a journey of his own, leaving his family, however still keeping the heavy tradition that they practiced in his mind and in his very essence. He needed to travel the world and see it for himself, and they respected that, so long as he remembered his family. Maruze became a bit of a nomad for a while, using his mastery of the sword to help anyone and everyone in need that he came across, and then leaving without a trace. Eventually, people revered him for his greatness with the sword. He was a defender of justice and a defender of good and protected all who asked him to with his great power. His strikes would be swift and killing to all that opposed him... This got him the alias, 'The Dividing Enigma.' Once he was twenty, however, he started to realize his true potential with his sword. The Sword Magic and Division that lied dormant within him for so long was making itself known. The Sword Magic had become known, and extremely powerful for him. It seemed to be associated with nature, he noticed. His mother left him with great power, which only assisted him in his mercenary ways. Maruze continued to travel around, until meeting a very special, beautiful woman... The woman whom he would marry. Melody.

With Melody, he lived a happy life settled in her hometown for quite a while. Eventually, the two of them got married and had a child when Maruze was only the age of 21. The child that the two of them had together was named Meo Meikyuu. They continued to have happy years with their daughter until she was 7 years of age. This is when Maruze wished to train his daughter in the Way of the Sword, just like his Family Tradition wishes. All went well for quite a while, and Melody had no objections since it was part of Maruze's heritage, until that fateful day... When Maruze was practicing his Sword Magic by himself one day, his daughter, Meo, sneaked into his training room to observe him. Maruze did not notice her, and before he had time to notice she was in there... A stray blade of his had struck her dead.

Terrible grief overcame Maruze, and his wife, Melody, was even worse off. She became so distraught and filled with grief and sadness that she became a mute. A few days later, she disappeared altogether. Now, Maruze was alone again, returning to his loner ways. He was a very, very unhappy man, and even thought of giving up his ways as a swordsman...However some time before he did, he met a strange person. It was no ordinary person, but a demon in disguise. This person offered Maruze a sword that would have him known throughout the universe as the greatest hero... Maruze was a loner and a person who got right to the point, and his ego was also not that large. He did not need to be known throughout the entire universe. He only answered when his power was called upon. The demon, who could sense Maruze's power, and was very fond of it, would not admit defeat and promised Maruze that he would grant Maruze his one true wish if he were to take this sword. Maruze's one true wish was to bring his daughter back to life, and journey with her to find his missing wife. The demon promised that she would be returned to him, so long as he took this demonic blade, Waru... Maruze agreed and took the blade.

When Maruze sealed the deal by accepting the sword, the demon first took the shape of Maruze's daughter, then the shape of the blade. The demon was Waru, who was the sword, as well. He was then forced to stay with Waru until his death, having Maruze use only Waru as a weapon, in which Waru would consume Maruze's soul after bringing his daughter back and letting him see her that one, final time. From that point forward, on Maruze's 28th birthday, he traveled with Waru, giving up his former title as the Dividing Enigma.

Maruze's Updated Story
After 9 years of traveling with Waru, Maruze was becoming less and less of a man. He still held his morals high, which sickened Waru, however Waru was slowly changing Maruze's mind, little by little... Though Maruze continued to resist, making Waru's advances ineffective. This was, until, the two of them came across a very powerful adversary by the name of Fenri Lunaedge. Though they fought their hardest, they became trapped within his Azure Flame for quite a while, with no means of escape. To ensure Maruze did not meet his doom there, he forced himself into Waru's soul, which was within the blade.

Once inside of Waru's Soul, Maruze started to feel a little more demonic than usual, but payed no attention to it at all. Waru then informed Maruze that he knew the way out of the Azure Flame, but could not do it without Maruze's Sword Magic and his own Demonic abilities. This is what gave birth to Dark Sword Magic, a very powerful step up from normal Sword Magic that worked on a much larger, more epic scale, giving Maruze the ability to alter space, time, reality and the like whilst in use... Though at the cost of his righteousness. Because Maruze had no choice, he used the Dark Sword Magic and escaped the Azure Flame's prison, but when he emerged, his skin was becoming blackened and his eyes were becoming slits. He was becoming a demon. He was assimilating with Waru.

A few days after, Maruze's personality began to change to the complete opposite of what it once was, as well. He was becoming more like Waru, wanting to only eat souls and cause bloodshed. This was when Maruze changed his name to Waruze. As Waruze, he came across another powerful man who seemed to be able to 1-up Waruze somehow... This was Ken Minamino. His Death Seeds were the end of Waruze's life. Thus, this meant that Waru's contract was fulfilled, and Waruze was allowed to see his only daughter, whom Waru brought back to life, and then consumed Maruze's Dividing Soul. For quite a while, it would seem that this was the end of Maruze. This is when Meo, his daughter, tried to pass on Maruze's Sword Magic to another Sword Wielding person, as to let his legend live on, but alas, it was a total and complete failure. Maruze was dead for good... Or so it seemed. Because of Maruze's total opposition to Waru, as well as the incredible wavelength of Division that was omitted from him, he literally divided his own soul out of Waru and let it roam around until he found both his daughter and a body, leaving Waru forever.

Afterward, Maruze would bring the soul of his daughter back to life as an actual physical body by turning her into a Soul Weapon with the help of Shinigami. After that, Maruze and Meo became a duo once again, and Maruze was finally happy to see his 16 year old daughter after those 9 years. Now, Maruze and Meo are not only training to fight with each other, but are also questing to look for Maruze's lost wife and Meo's mother, Melody Meikyuu.

Division Soul
Maruze's soul is a very powerful, yet very general soul that grants him great power. The Division Soul allows him to physically touch things with his wavelength and cause them to be divided in any way possible, or, in contrast, to put divided things back together as a whole again. As such, this also allows him to separate fatal plagues, like curses or horrible sicknesses and illnesses, or hell, even evil spirits or unwanted impurities from his body and the bodies of others using Division. He is also allowed to divide the inseparable from his own body, such as things that stick to his blood or skin, leeches, etc. etc. His Division Soul, being very general, has the ability to touch things that a physical thing cannot, like metaphysical things and the like, making it more potent than it seems to be.
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