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 ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.

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3 posters
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Empty
PostSubject: ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.   ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Icon_minitime1December 4th 2009, 2:12 pm

Khrona would sit in his chair looking a bit concerned, Misery and Despair near him, trying to grasp what he just told them... Which was very hard to grasp, really.
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Great Fae :: Truth of Nytoz
Great Fae :: Truth of Nytoz

Posts : 416
Age : 1016
Village of Residence : Village of Dusk
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Sealing Eye

Character sheet
Character Race: Witch
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... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.   ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Icon_minitime1December 6th 2009, 9:59 am

Zita showed up, appearing out of a black hole looking thing "Heya Khrona. What's... up?" She cocked her head a bit, wondering where Maze was... and why Khrona was calling her here. Khrona and Zita never really spoke.
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God of Death
God of Death

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Village of Residence : Shibusen
Join date : 2009-05-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : .. Death?

... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.   ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Icon_minitime1December 6th 2009, 11:30 am

A mirror would protrude out of the ground, showing Shinigami's image in it "Hii~! What's up, Khrona-san~?"
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... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.   ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Icon_minitime1December 6th 2009, 11:35 am

Maze walked threw the door walking into the room and stood by Zita. "Sorry I'm late everyone."
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
Character Info (Highlight):

... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.   ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Icon_minitime1December 6th 2009, 12:02 pm

Khrona cleared his throat "Yaaay. Everyone's here. Now, for business... If you all haven't noticed, there was a large, wide scale change in the Reality Village in its entirety a little while ago... From what Tigen described, there were 2 large beams of magical light that shot the village and merged it with.... Another dimension." Khrona would wait for the awkward gasps, then continue "Yes yes, gasp. Anywho, the dimension we are merged with currently is a dimension from where Tigen's little... 'Tonberry' friend has come from. The Tonberry informed me about the separate realms of this dimension, or a few of them, rather, that are quite... Unique. Terra, Gaea and Ivalice. Terra and Gaea are twin realms, connected with each other, while this... Ivalice realm is different, yet similar." Khrona would then wait for them all to take this stuff in... THEN CONTINUE "Many new... beings have inhabited the Reality Village. Monsters of these realms. I assume that other things are here as well, some things that are less malicious... I have foresighted the land and seen that there are certain 'classes' that have become of some random civilians. I'm not sure what they do or what they mean, but... They look cool!... Anyway. That is all I really know as of now... I do not know WHO merged our realms together or for what purpose, but I assume it would be one of our current antagonists, since this thing WAS placed on the Reality village... From what the Tonberry said, a Moogle would know all there is to know about this sort of thing... So a Moogle would have to further our--"

Suddenly, through the window bursted a small creature.. Fluffy, cute, holding a book and looking like a mix of a bat and mole... With a little bonbon thing on its head. "Kupo!" It said "Someone call for a Moogle, kupo!?"
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... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.   ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Icon_minitime1December 6th 2009, 12:15 pm

"Ahh~!" Maze ran over to the adorable creature and gave it a tight hug. "Oh may god look at this thing it just adorable."
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
Character Info (Highlight):

... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.   ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Icon_minitime1December 6th 2009, 12:55 pm

The moogle would flail a bit "Kup-Kupo! I know that we're cute, but I must explain this to you kupo!" The moogle would wriggle his way out of Maze's grip, then hold his book under his arm, clearing his throat "Kup-kukukupo. Well. You see... To explain further on the situation... Our dimension is linked through various realms that all of us Moogles know about. Whether it be Gaea, Terra, Ivalice or any of the other realms or continents in our universe, Moogles inhabit every place. We help out humans, monsters, chocobos or any other thing in our dimension. We're the guides kupo!" The Moogle would flap his little bat wings, floating up onto the desk and open his book "Alrighty then, kupo. In this book is knowledge of our world. We call this book the Final Fantasy. You all are... Shinobi, correct kupo? Well, instead of shinobi, we have classes. Black Mages, White Mages, Paladins, Warriors, Theives... You name it, we probably have it kupo. This is our way of life. We slay monsters and such to keep our universe safe from obliteration, which it has come to a numerous amount of times... Realm by realm, there is always a different threat. Now, in all of these realms, we have summon creatures that are extremely powerful... In Gaea and Terra, we call them Eidolons. In Ivalice, they call them .. Kupo. There are 2 names... Espers and... Kupo, I don't remember." He turned some pages in the book, trying to look for the name, but he ended up getting side tracked by the Eidolons "KUPO! Eidolons! Here we go! They are powerful and omnipotent beings that are called upon by special means, such as with magical stones or something of the sort. If you are a summoner, you may embed their power within you so that you do not need the stones. Whoever summons these Eidolons will have complete and utter control over what they do until their time is complete or until you run out of energy. Naturally, they cost a LOOOT of energy to conjure up, and eveen more to stay out, kupo. Normally, they can only stay out for one attack and then they return to whence they came until summoned again." The Moogle put a hand to his face "Kupo.. I assume that whoever merged our dimensions plans on using the Eidolons to commit mass destruction, for their power is unmatched by most and is usually very widescale... Kupopo. But that's only a Moogle's theory kupo."

Khrona sat there, taking this all in, wondering how to get an Eidolon... What magical gems hold their power... And how to change into such a class of 'summoner' or whatever else there was. Heh heh heh...
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

Character sheet
Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
Character Info (Highlight):

... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.   ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Icon_minitime1December 7th 2009, 3:28 am

Khrona coughed "So, Moogle, tell us more about these... classes. And the gemstones, if you please..."

The Moogle nodded, turning some pages in the book "Kup-kupo. Well, you see, the Classes are quite various with numerous abilities, powers and magics and such. The magics are very powerful and can be cast from a very long range, and most magics involve being a Black Mage, White Mage, Blue Mage, Red Mage, Summoner or others of the sort. The Black Mages consist of the dangerous, destructive magics such as Fire, Blizzard and Thunder and their entire bodies are always covered, and their faces are always blackened with darkness. The White Mages consist of healing and support magic like Cure, Protect and Reflect kupo. Blue Mages consist of Monster Magic in which they must learn by sight, absorption, devouring, or however you plan on taking a monster's abilities. And lastly, Red Mages, which can learn both Black and White magic, however their magic is not as powerful, so they can only learn first class spells, such as Fire, Cure and so forth. No Cura or Fira or any second or third or fourth class spells for them kupo. I have informed you about the Summoners and such... Kuuupo... There are too many classes to just LIST and rally off like this... Kupo..." The Moogle thought for a moment "KUPO! I have an idea kupo! How about I just leave the book and let you all post it up for everyone to see! The monsters, the maps, the classes, the abilities, the gemstones, the weapons... Everything that you can use and see within this book is yours! And a better idea... I will stay here for your assistance kupo! It's ingenious kupo!"

Khrona wholeheartedly agreed with this "Of course! It's perfect! And now each aspect of the Reality will know about it because all of the leaders are here! Wait, Moogle... Each of them will need their own Moogles, don't you think?"

The moogle pondered "Kupo... That's right kupo... Hm! I know! Moogles always respond and appear when you blow the Moogle Flute! Here, each of you get one!" The Moogle threw a Moogle Glute at each of the people there, then blew his own. Just then, 3 more Moogles appeared. "Alright, Kupo. These are my friends! Firstly, I never formally introduced myself kupo.. My name is Kupo!"

The next Moogle introduced herself "I am Mocha!"
The next introduced himself "I'm Mopopo."
The last introduced herself "I'm Moni!"

Each of the Moogles bowed "Happy to be of service KUPO!!"

Khrona smiled "Awwww, how cute~! KUPO STAYS WITH ME." He grabbed Kupo and patted him. "Oh, Maze, before I forget... I went to the remains of the Depths Village. I wanted to 'merge' with them so that we could have access to their village and their resources as well as their shinobi and they ours... And also, while we fix up their village. Do you think this is a good idea? They like this idea, I like this idea... It's up to you, now."
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... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Empty
PostSubject: Re: ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report.   ... Reality village meeting. Maze, Shinigami and Zita.. Report. Icon_minitime1

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