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 Lesson 1, Drast.

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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
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Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2010, 10:45 pm

In the training fields, Khrona's wings expanded, revealing the 4 of them in this wide open space. Khronas wings promptly retracted.

"... Are you alright from the ride, Drast? I know that traversing reality has slight turbulence, and maybe sometimes partly cloudy with a chance of storms..."
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2010, 10:54 pm

_*After being released, Drast would fall onto his knee, throwing up and such. Not being used to traversing realities at all. It was as if they werre moving at speeds that quadroupled that of light, which he thought of impossiblle. But with khrona, the word means less than dirt._*
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

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Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1June 30th 2010, 11:10 pm

"Yep, meaningless to me."

Khrona would say out of the blue. No one knows to this day why he said that statement, though~! *winkwinkhinthint*.

Khrona would wait for Drast to contain himself, then begin with what the plan was for this session. "Alright, so... You know what of your abilities right now, Drast?"
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 2nd 2010, 10:01 pm

_*After getting himself together, drast would wipe his mouth and spit up some remmaining vomit. He then stood up completely, stretching his back and such._*

"Warping huh? I guess i'm going have to get use to it, eh Khrona.?"

_*He said scratching the back of his head at Khrona's question. Drast wasn't reallly that adept with what his kekkei genkai completetly intelled of._*

"Hmm, well? I'm not completely sure."

_*Drast then pounded his fist on his hand,he had come up with an idea._*

"Hey, couldn't you read my mind and findout everything it is that I can do. Then we can go on from there."
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 2nd 2010, 10:27 pm

Khrona laughed "HAHAHA, 'Could I?' Silly boy, I already did that LOOONG ago. I just wanted to see how much you were aware of... Heh. Heh heh. It seems as though it's nothing. I wasn't expecting such a thing."

Khrona shook his head. "Whatever. I'll fix you up good." In a swift motion, Khrona slammed his fist into the back of Drast's head, giving him knowledge of his own abilities... Or at least, a tiny bit of knowledge. "... For this training, I've given you a tiny portion of information as to what you can achieve with your powers. So long as my hand is here, you will be able to use more of your power than you currently know and more than your body should be able to control."

Khrona pointed with his other hand at a moderately sized rock near them. "You see that? Go. Do something to it. Now."
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2010, 9:46 pm

_*Drast's brain was then overloaded with an almost insurmountable amount of knowledge. It overwhleamed him to a point of cripplage, making his legs buckle him under temporarily, but he quickly regained his composure Drast had no idea that he had access to this kind of power, it both startled him and excited him._*

"Re-remarkable..I had no idea I-."

_*Drast was then interrupted by his kage and followed his finger to the rock. He nodded his head and pointed his finger toward the object. It began to shake slightly but then violently. It began to take the shape of a circle slowly but steadily so long as Drast kept his complete focus, which was something he was ususally always capable of._*
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
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Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2010, 9:53 pm

Khrona noticed how he was doing now that he knew a slight bit of his power... But it wasn't satisfactory to Khrona. So, with a powerful mental surge, Khrona's voice shot into Drast's head, the mental noise so great that even if there was silence, Drast would hear nothing but a maelstrom of Khrona's voice saying

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 3rd 2010, 11:14 pm

_*The sudden mental burst of sound would catch Drast by surprise, like it would anyone. It would knock him of his rocker, despite how much he tried to focus it was too late, for he lost control. He would release a small grunt as rock he was morphing would split in two, causing an atomic explosion of natural epic proportions. The ground disenergrating from the sheer force of the explosion, as the energies of it took care of anything that was left. It was intense, as the blast raced across the earth. Drast feared for his life._*
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
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Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
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Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 4th 2010, 7:05 am

Khrona's eyes, still dimmed, would see the explosion coming frame by frame via Hyper Perception. It would seem as if the two were engulfed by the blast and destroyed on contac-- OH WAIT, we're talkin about Khrona. HAHAHAHAHA. Oooh... Khrona getting obliterated by an atomic explosion... Hahaha. Fuuuunny.

With a powerful mental force, the blast was blocked from touching Khrona and Drast, only to go around them. Next, Khrona would take hold of the force of the explosion, reverse it, and cause it to implode just as fast as it exploded, becoming a tiny singularity that once was an explosion. "... Mmm. Delicious..." Khrona grabbed the singularity and ate it, smiling contently afterward.

"... Well, that was fun. You've got some power. But all you have to do... IS LEARN TO CONTROL IT."

Khrona intensified the strain on Drast's mind, which was now so crippling that access to his legs was totally impossible. "Now. AGAIN. On that tree."
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 4th 2010, 11:10 am

_*Before Drast could address the awesome power that is Khrona, he buckled to his knees at an intense tae and speed, so fast actually that it made a crack in the ground and possibly in his bones. It was as if the strain Khrona was putting on him was similar to the gravity on vescrutia increasing. Drast could barely lift up his head, let alone his hands. It was a task no doubt, but he needed to get it done.*_


_*Drast struggled to put himself on a kneeas he forced his head up and his hand toward the tree. He immeidiately began to morph and shift it. It wasn't known if Drast' super powered brain picked up on how to do this from one try, or if Drast just got lucky. Anyhow, the tree began to morph to the size of a cube, slowly but surely. The strain on Drast could be seen via the blood rolling down from his nose, but the look of absolute focus on his face._*

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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 4th 2010, 11:22 am

Khrona smirked, glancing at Drast from the corner of his eye "Oh, wait.. Hold on... You've got a little shmutz right there..." Khrona quickly touched it, sending the blood straight back into Drast.

"Oh, joy. You're getting better already. Now lets see if you can change the atomic structure of it some more~! The cube tree. Make it into water. Quickly, quickly! We don't have all day!!" The longer Drast would wait, the more strain Khrona would put on him. Of course, Khrona wouldn't let him dieee... But if he didn't react quickly, then he would surely not make it through the rest of this training.

Khrona could tell that his mind was getting a grasp of the powers... And that was good. Once Khrona took off the strain, he would quickly and easily have no problem using his abilities... Granted, he wouldn't know everything anymore, for Khrona was the one feeding him information, but he would still be quite good quite soon. That was the main point, riiiight~?
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 4th 2010, 12:26 pm

_*Drast's mind would begin to feel as if it was crumbling under the extreme pressure. His bones were beginning to feel the mental stress he was enduring. Drast forced his other hand up toward the tree as he gritted his teeth. The cube tree began to melt, droopify, and get all liquidly. The struggle was evident as he attempted to turn the melted tree into H2O._*
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
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Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
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Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 4th 2010, 12:45 pm

Khrona glanced over at Drast once more, feeling his pain. Though, Khrona rather enjoyed Drast's pain... So it took a LOT for Khrona to do what he was about to...

"Alright, this portion of your training is over, Drast..." Khrona released his hand from Drast's mind, again taking away all extraneous information with him as his hand exited. Khrona didn't like to touch people, anyway.

"So. It seems like your body is rather weak... Want me to fix that up for ya~? Or can you do it on your own~? If you can't, the second part of your training will be... Mur~der~!"

Khrona snickered a bit, awaiting Drast's response...
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Posts : 101
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Kekkei Genkai : Atomic Influx

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 5th 2010, 1:03 pm

_*Drast would down on all fours, causing the Water tree to splash down on the ground. He would pant heavily, sweat dripping from his face. He had no clue how to -do anything anymore, and he knew it was because Khrona stopped supplying him with knowledge._*

"You..can fix up..my body?"
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 5th 2010, 8:03 pm

Khrona's face changed immediately from carefree to stern and serious. "My bloodline power relies on the ability to alter DNA, cells, etc. as I see fit. A body like yours... Nothing. I can change the cellular structure of the planet, if I felt like it..."

Khrona paused for a moment...

"... I sure hope Kham didn't hear me..."

And then he continued. "Your natural ability; the Atomic Influx, works will with my abilities. Now, it seems as though you don't know what you did..." Khrona would glare at Drast, repairing his cells in a flash, thus making his body fully recovered. "Think about your abilities. I gave you knowledge of your power... But at the same time, I didn't. I only gave you knowledge of its potential. You know the way to use it... Just think. Concentrate. Look deep into the locked parts of your mind... And your power will flow into your body and soul."
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 6th 2010, 10:16 am

*_Feeling his muscles and such repair themselves at an unordinary speed would startle Drast, causing him to jump to his feet. However, after doing so, he felt as if he slept for years. He stretched and such as he pondered the words of Khrona.*_

"If you were the reason I knew how to use my kekkei genkai, then how am I supposed to use it without your help? "

_*He was mearly thinking aloud, since it didn't matter around Khron anyway. He was puzzled for a second, but only for second as he made a hunch about his predicament. He closed his eyes as he mins began to accelerate at awesome speeds, digging for any information that he should know about his kg. What he would soon find out is that his ability to accelerate his mind like that was also a blood line trait.*_


_*He found things buried in his mind that he never knew. Such as his birthday, his worst fear, different jutsus past down in his clan,
Various clan secrets, and finally his kekkei genkai. His eyes flared open with his new found knowledge, along with a smirk of confidence. He knelt down and grabbed a near by rock. He clenched his fist, turning it into Cole, diamond, steel, copper, kryptonite, and then into water, and Finally into gas. He looked toward Khrona, awaiting his acknowledgement of his new achievement.*_
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
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Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 6th 2010, 6:46 pm

With that, Khrona had a genuine smile of happiness roll upon his face, feeling very proud for his student.

Khrona never felt proud for anyone.

Khrona closed his eyes, walked close to Drast and gave him a quick hug "... You are wonderful, my son..." and then quickly released him, stepping at least 10 feet back in one bound because... Khrona still did NOT like to touch people.

Gaining his composure back, Khrona cleared his throat and snapped his fingers "... Now, for the second part of your training... Since you now know HOW to use your Atomic Influx... It is now time to see how fast and how well you can use it." after that being said, a large black cat with fur standing on end, a mouse tied to its tail, menacing eyes and bat wings on its back and ears appeared before them.

Lesson 1, Drast. Gimme_Cat_FFIX_Artwork

"This is the Gimme Cat. The Gimme Cat is a selfish ass pussy--" The Gimme Cat would give a menacing glare at Khrona for a moment, the flash of a Meteor gleaming in its eyes, but then from nowhere, a stick smacked the hell out of the cat and Khrona screeched at it "NO, KITTY! THAT'S A BAD KITTY!" And the Gimme Cat obeyed. It looked back at Drast as Khrona continued "... As I was saying. It will ask for an item... ANY item it wants. And you will provide it. If you don't, it will get pissed off at you and attack you violently. If you try to attack it or change it, these things will not work on the Gimme Cat, for it is immune to all forms of alteration or harm to its body that isn't a standard attack. All elements heal it. So. Attacking it is out of the question. Tell me when you're ready~!"

The Gimme Cat hissed at Drast ".... Man. I'mma run yo shit dry."
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 7th 2010, 3:11 pm

_*Drast was caught off guard by the random burst of affection from Khrona, who he had precieved tp be this empty hearted shinobi of astronomical proportions, yet he show affection toward him, something he didn't even remember. He however, didn't respond to the hug from shock, and the fact that it was a quicky.

He was then informed on the gimme cat, and its respective power. He looked at the cat with confusion. He looked toward`khrona and nodded._*

"What could this cat possibly do?"
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
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Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 7th 2010, 7:10 pm

The Gimme Cat smirked, quickly asking for a series of things without hesitation

"Gimme a Diamond. A teddy bear. Some milk. And a pillow. And make it snappy."
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 8th 2010, 12:18 am


_*Drast said looking at his hand. He then materialized a diamond in flash of green light, a pillow next, a teddy bear, and a bottle of milk._*

"Done and done. What's next?"
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
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Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 8th 2010, 12:24 am

The Gimme Cat swiped those items, lying down on the pillow, lapping up the milk and cuddling the diamond vigorously as well as the teddy bear, whom he viciously named Mr. Bearbear.

Gimme Cat: Mrroww... Now I want a pie, a chicken, acid, and uranium.

Gimme Cat then placed an ear next to Mr. Bearbear. "Mrow? What's that, Mr. Bearbear? You say you want him to make some poop?! MROW!" Gimme Cat looked back at Drast "MR. BEARBEAR WANTS POOP. NOW."
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 9th 2010, 6:44 pm

_*Drast counted the things the creature asked for in his mind. Pie, a chicken, acid, uranium and........poo? Drast was thrown off accordingly. He had no problem generating the other materials, but the creature asked for poo. He looked toward Khrona._*

"Really, Khrona?:"
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

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Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 9th 2010, 7:52 pm

Khrona stepped back "I didn't say it... Gimme Cat did--"


Gimme Cat was angry as fuck now. It would not use its signature ability, called "MEOW!! I'M ANGRY!!" and make several Meteors appear directly in Drast's face and have them all crash down with massive force and destructive power.

Khrona sighed, shaking his head "... You should have given him what he wanted..."
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 9th 2010, 8:51 pm


_*Words weren't able to escape his mouth fast enough, as his body was pummled by sky scraper sized rocks. Drast had no idea, nor was he expecting something like that to happen. He waas crushed accordingly under the intense pwnage, the crater being ridiculously huge among other things. Drast slowly climbed out, his body torn, bruised and beaten. However, he brought up his hand and created the items wanted by thecat...including the shit it asked for. Drast was pissed, bleeding, and smelly with poo in his hands.=/ *_
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
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Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1July 10th 2010, 3:56 am

Khrona couldn't help but snicker a bit "Ewwww! You made poo poo!" Drast probably should have died several times over from that, but Khrona made it so that he couldn't die from these attacks... Plus, this was a comedy sketch. No one dies in those.

The Gimme Cat smiled and grabbed all of the stuff, then turned around. In a moment's notice, it would seem that the Gimme Cat had another list of stuff. "... Mrow. Now combine all of this crap together to make an Acidic Mud Pie and a Radioactive Chicken. If you know what's good for ya... You'll make it happen."

Khrona walked over to Drast and, once again, mended his wounds. "You'd best do what he says..."
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Lesson 1, Drast. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1, Drast.   Lesson 1, Drast. Icon_minitime1

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