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 Jutsu's of Chaos

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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1April 30th 2009, 12:02 pm

Black rain- turn Zangetsu into a bow and arrow and shoot an arrow high into the sky as a lightning bolt strikes down on the arrow and million of lightning arrows rain down at my opponent.

Void shock- I channel dark energy around my fist as lightning starts to crackle, as I send a blast of pure, darkness and lightning, at my enemy at extreme speed.

Dark guard *I channel a dark aura around my fist as lightning starts to crackle around, my fist; this allows me to use other moves as well.

Obliteration- I turn Sadoichi into a war hammer and Zangetsu into a javelin I then create a stand of ice with room to set my javelin into the hole ((think a t-ball stand)) as a circle of ice shards surrounds the stand as well as dark lightning covering the javelin, I cock back as far as I can and hit the javelin going at speeds even zero would have trouble dodging following the ices shards along with it.

Freezing Requiem *I turn both Zangetsu, and Sadoichi into 2 battle fans as I begin to use flash bang and go around the area with the fans moving at the speed I’m moving the areas I go through freeze everything in my wake, as I go into the air I lift my two fans up into the sky as all the frozen material forms together into a giant ball of ice* ((like a spirit bomb)) I then add light to the ice to make it angelic ice as it floats I turn my fans into swords, as I begin to chop all the ice into chunks* OBLITERATE!!!! * I then flash warp the pieces at you from all different angles, that form a perfect sphere that comes at my opponent from all sides*

Chaos guard- I cahrge all my elements into my arm to create a devastating punch ((can also form into other moves))

Chaotic Strike- with my chaos guard active I stick both my hands out as the chaos guard surrounds my whole body as I head towards my opponent gong mach 3

House of Oblivion- I begin to flash warp around you cutting you from all sides as the slashes each glow black and white as I kick you towards the sky, and fling you to the ground traveling mach 5 as I combine my two blades together like a bow and use chakra as a string as I take all my elements together and shape it like an arrow and cock back as far as I can while your still heading to the ground I flash warp to the ground and shoot my arrow with tremendous force

La Muerte-I combine both Zangetsu and Sadoichi into my arms to form my new transformation as it pulses with energy. As I cock back with Zangetsu, Sadoichi begins to shoot black flames from its shield like a rocket boost that sends me flying going at overwhelming speeds. I send the punch through ((inset wave or sort of blast here)) as I connect with the ((insert attack here)) smoke comes from the fist that goes through your back huge skull and crossbones ((may change due to the scenario))

Dark Lightning-Self exclamatory, but it just uses a higher voltage then normal and uses Sadoichi darkness power along with mine

Angelic ice- Combines light and ice, don’t think because it's ice you can just simply melt it, it has the density, and is harder then diamond. The light I use with this comes from me and Zangetsu

Usually you would see me with some type of cloak or jacket on me, but whatever the case it weighs about 5 tons, which I use as a training weight when I take it off my speed is increased dramatically

Also-My time manipulation is finally mastered with my new Kekkei Genkai as well
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1April 30th 2009, 12:03 pm

Sadoichi’s rage *as I combine both my weapons to form my three section staff ,I push a button on my staff and a chain rod appears and wraps around the opponent, with that I throw him/her high into the sky and from the force of it, I jump into the sky as well sending u a combo of my own pushing them higher and higher into the sky, I then yank u closer to me as if I was doing the primary lotus, we both start to descend to the ground as my body glows a bright gold* There’s no escaping this I put al I have in this one move!!, SADOICHI RAGE!! * a gold version of my super explosive wave appears, but instead of expanding it starts to shrink and surrounds your body with the staff in hand I let out one more strike sending u plummeting to the ground creating a large crater, I getup from the large crater With Zangetsu Sadoichi in my hand* Goodbye.

La Muerte Exhale(part 2) - after la muerte the skull and crossbones reenter your body as all of your internal organs begin to freeze solid to that of liquid nitrogen as well as your body becomes a pale white if I choose I could either save or end your life with just a snap of my fingers (note I wont use it so often but if you get hit with la muerte you no matter what part of the battle might happen I can still use this finishing move*

Moves From my Past Life, converted into what I use now

Divine Flash- I begin to drown my body in light energy, so much that it distorts your vision of me. *I take out my blade and take the some of the light around me into it and I then burst into flash bang so fast that all is heard are slashes I make at you with the increase speed increase the slashes power by ten fold I finish the combo with my back turned against you as I snap my finger's the slashes I made on you begin to light up and then explodes leaving a smokescreen from the blast. I then walk away sheathing my blade

Flash step- I take one step as I am able to move at high speed and travel a great distance

Flash Bang-* I burst into a higher speed of flash step going in an a unique pattern to confuse my enemy each step I take gets faster

Flash warp- Nuff said

Catastrophic Furry - I begin by charging angelic ice and dark lightning in my hands as they form two orbs and he combines them together to form an huge orb the size of an small moon, and kick's the orb in the air. I then rush at the opponent at full speed hitting u with various punches and kicks, (the fist he used are charged with chakra) then I end's the combo sending u upward. As I flash warp above you and I come down with a huge kick full of (Angelic ice or Dark lightning) chakra and sends u back down. And I then flash warp to the orb and kick's the toward your body.*

Chidori blemish- I make a chidori that temporarily blinds and paralyzes the enemy

Static Force: I pour electric chakra out of my pours and by flexing all my muscles at once I emit a small barrier. Also statically charges kunai, and shuriken so i can repel them back at you, also can be used as an attack by creating the dome into a ball of pure electricity and firing it like it was the kamhama kamhama
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1April 30th 2009, 4:09 pm

After the mission I have recently been on have unlocked new abilities about my clan as well as furthered my Kekkei Genkai

My Chaotaeyes is more like the hyuga clans eyes it allows me to see the chakra network inside of the body as well as there chakra signature, I can spot chakra signatures from thousands of miles away as well as if I have seen there energy before I can track it down to there position.

Jutsu's of Chaos Byakugan-1

My spirits Zangetsu and Sadoichi have also evolved and can now freely use the elements I know as well as combined them for me to use.

New combinations

Hikari Chakra- Angelic energy

Yami Chakra- Demonic energy

White Lightning- This variation of lightning is more superior to that of dark lightning it combines angelic energy and lightning together to form this, it has an incredibly high voltage

Black Ice- This variation of ice is superior to angelic ice it freezes 50x lower than that of liquid nitrogen as well as if you get touched by this it instantly freezes what it hits. It also is 50x more dense then that of angelic ice as well (note if hit by this you must be an ice user that can use extreme cold like this t not affect them or have a huge flame capabilities and im not talking about regular fire or nothing like that as for the dense part you would have to be ubber strong to break penetrate it)

New Jutsu

Chidori Nitomi- I combine both white and dark lightning in my hand the combine power of these two are of epic proportions

Hikari Rasengan I add hikari chakra into my palm as it rotates at blazing speed, does the same for the Yamei rasengan

Yamei Chidori- I add the energy from my black ice and add its power to my black lightning to form an incredibly powerful chidori of dark energy

Hikai Chidori- I add the energy from my angelic ice and add its power to my white lightning to form an incredibly powerful chidori of light energy

Hikai Rasengan- My left hand is engulfed with energy of white lightning, Chaos energy and angelic ice as I form it into a rasengan.

Yamei Rasengan- My right Hand is engulfed with the energy of my black ice and dark lightning and azure flame energy to form a rasengan

Hanzie rasengan- I form both my Hikai and Yamei rasengan into my hands as I combine them into one rasengan. The destructive powers of the two combined energies are of catastrophic proportions

More later
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1April 30th 2009, 4:10 pm

Jutsu's of Chaos Pentagram16

The Chaotagram dispels the energy trapped inside of it and converts it to chaos energy, not only that while inside it can freely attack and defend for me as well when this is active it allows me to perform my deadliest of moves from my clan that I have absorbed from Hanzi

Forbidden Jutsu # 1 The Beginning of Chaos: The Chaotagram rises up into the air while my opponent is still trapped inside as it glows a bright color as a dome of the energy inside is formed and is shrinks around my opponents body causing severe damage*

Forbidden Jutsu # 2: The Souls of Chaos: Inside of the Chaotagram Zangetsu, and Sadoichi is at the top and the bottom of the chaotagram as they stretch there hands outward as strands of there energy goes around the pentagram until they reach the middle of the chaotagram as the rings all combine into one ring around my opponent They then lift them up into the air as the strings of energy around the pentagram rise up and skewer my opponent*

Forbidden Jutsu # 3: Burdens of Chaos: The five point star begins to glow white as a copy of the pentagram form above the head of my opponent as the strands of energy surrounded by the star point straight up connecting the two pentagrams together as the energy then expands inside of the chaotagram as the destructive energy insides increases depending on the power level of the person*

Forbidden Jutsu # 4: The Finale: the chaotagram pulses as a void like structure is seen from all around you as my chaotablades is floating above you as my voice echoes through the realm* Your Finished now there is no escaping this attack. *my blade then multiplies as they circle around the chaotagram standing stories high as each blade glows a different color of my elements as there blade then dissolves leaving noting but the hilt of the blade as petals flows inside of the chaotagram all around my opponent slashing at them from all sides as the hilts lock on to there chakra signature and fires blast from all around the area*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1May 12th 2009, 4:51 pm


Jutsu's of Chaos Seiryuu
Konpeki- the spirit of the azure flame lies within his body. His power is strong but what he lacks from it he has in speed. Dont take him to lightly his skin is Harder then diamon an cant be peirced by human metal.

Jutsu's of Chaos Fire_Dragon_by_pamansazz
Anaroth- He is like me in every way he uses his own form of chaoitic energy that conplements my own. He also uses my other elements as well but he mainly uses chotic enrgy. Since I fused my energys with him we are aple to fuse to form this.

Jutsu's of Chaos Angra_mainyu_by_GENZOMAN
Fusion Form- This is me and Anarothjs fusion. Together our combined energy is lethal all of of our elements are inceased by at least a 50 fold. My strenght and other natural abilities gets charged as well.

Jutsu's of Chaos FEVictoriousAnneStokes311
Critias- He is my oldest dragon that I have. He has been with me since I was back on the abyss. Infact he is really the only dragon that I have to use handsigns for. He is different than my other dragon. He is an expert swords master as well as a skilled hand to hand fighter he still he uses lightning and ice techniques. His razor sharp fangs are more durable then anyother metal

Jutsu's of Chaos Dragon_claw
Fangs of critias- made from the fangs from the actual dragon it is used for basic hand to hand fighing but act as a cannon fireing a rasengan or chidori
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1June 16th 2009, 6:52 pm

Kekkei Genkai UpDate

Chaos Energy- This is the conbination of both my Hikari and Yami chakr, this is exclusive to my clan as well by conbining the two together i form chaos energy. Chaos energy can feed off of any light or dark source within the immedite area as well as feed on peoples emotions.

Hikari Chakra- Is the liht source and one half of the energy to make chaos energy, with this energy I can add it to any element source i know and add light propertires to it such as White Lightning, or Angelic Ice.

Yami Chakra- Is the dark source and one half of the energy to make chaos energy, with this energy I can add it to any element source i know and add dark propertires to it such as Dark Lightning, or Black Ice.

Heat Manipulation- It allows me to controll all hat things and heat substaces as well if

Azure Matter- ((Picture it like a dark red color like so)) The azure matter allows me to do two things as of yet such as complete fire control, which means I can manipulate fire at any givin time my mixing the flame with with either Hikarichakra I can overide a persons falme and use it for my own personal use. ((note I cannot do it if its part of your K.G. The second ablity is to control the heat index of the flame temperature I can control the temperture of the flame from 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 degrees ((Which is WAYYYYY BELOW THE FREEZING PINT OF THE HUMAN BODY)) to about the highest scale of the formation of the big bang. With that being said this falem can go through virtualy anything immaginable

((when I find out what that is I will tell you and also when i found out whjat dark matter is as well I will post that as well so bare with me people.

Last edited by Akarui Yami on June 25th 2009, 11:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Wraith of the Depths
Wraith of the Depths

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1June 16th 2009, 7:42 pm

The highest amount of heat possible for anything, including all the power cosmic, is the heat produced by the big bang that started life. You honestly can't go higher than that since all the energy in the universe is made by the big bang.
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1June 16th 2009, 7:49 pm

Well there you go people all the way to the effect of the big bang
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Wraith of the Depths
Wraith of the Depths

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1June 16th 2009, 7:51 pm

Which means teh Queen Rozalyn can too....Now I'm scared to see what Tenrai Matter does, since she could already do what your azure matter does.O.o
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Kekkei Genkai : Psychic control/Distortion, Materialization , and 'Eye'

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1June 16th 2009, 7:51 pm

that's like past Rose's heat amount sounds pretty deadly..... =/
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
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Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Jutsu's of Chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1June 16th 2009, 7:56 pm

yea i asked if I could do the heat thing. I wont spam it or nothing
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PostSubject: Re: Jutsu's of Chaos   Jutsu's of Chaos Icon_minitime1

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