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 Tears of a thousand, Pain of a million.

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Posts : 351
Age : 37
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-05-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 3
Kekkei Genkai : None

Character sheet
Character Race: Weapon
Character Info (Highlight):

Tears of a thousand, Pain of a million. Empty
PostSubject: Tears of a thousand, Pain of a million.   Tears of a thousand, Pain of a million. Icon_minitime1May 30th 2009, 5:43 pm

Name: Tear Lacrimoso
Age: 23
Origin: Unknown
Species: Human
Weight: 157 lbs
Height 5'11
Race: Weapon (Spiked Mallet, Belt Sander)
Known Family: Mother and Father (Deceased)
Soul Attributes: Crying Soul, Liquid Soul
Used Jutsu: Taijutsu, Bunshinjutsu, Nintaijutsu

Likes: Being alone, Beauty, Fine Art, Refinement, Destruction, Creation, Life, Death, Nature, Bondage, Happiness, Sadness, Tears, Emotion, Killing, Liquid, Shinigami, Teaching, Learning, Respect, Poetry, Soliloquies, Elegies, Requiems, Dirges, Stories, Scenery, Pets, Living beings.

Dislikes: Rudeness, Crowds, Destruction, Creation, Life, Death, Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Other generally negative emotions, Killing, Dryness, People with tainted personalities/souls/etc., Disrespect, Unannounced guests, Living beings.


Tear's anatomy is slightly different than that of normal humans. He does look like a normal person in appearance, however. His hair is short and whitish-silver, very relaxed and flowing downward like a waterfall. His eyes are generally halfway opened most times, but are very keen beyond imagination. Tear is able to notice not only changes in the atmosphere with just his eyes alone, but also able to notice wavelengths, energies and spiritual things with his eyes. Tear's eyes also tend to glow as if they are coated with a film of liquid, as they are constantly gleaming like that of a cat. This film has special properties that make Tear's eyes like mirrors, thus, he can make them act as true mirrors or one way mirrors, also allowing Tear the ability to see in the dark and slow down the frames of speed of what he perceives, making his eyes the most powerful asset on his face. Tear's ears are very sharp, too, but not as much as his eyes. Naturally, he can hear better than most just because of training, but his ears aren't anything to brag about. With his physical appearance being normal, his physical attributes are quite adapted to his former lifestyle.

Tear's skin and bones are incredibly strong and durable. They do not pierce easily and are actually strong, despite the smoothness. This is because his life as a nomad hardened his body intensely, and his incredible physical strength called for him to have to harden his body in any way possible for him to use it. Speaking of which, Tear has incredible physical strength. He tends to hide it by show of his Mallet, however his true strength is actually not induced by the mallet. His strength allows him to destroy a building and crush diamond. His speed is also nothing to play with, either, as he can move at insane speeds that are more than breakneck or blinding, and naturally, with great speed comes great agility. All of these changes in his body happened due to his nomadic ways prior to coming to Shibusen. Finally, the most important aspect of Tear is his weapon blood. His weapon blood allows him to change into a spiked mallet or a beltsander.

Tear's attire may be the most striking thing about him, excluding his gleaming, watery eyes and signature, deadly nonchalant smile. Tear wears things that make him look similar to a bondage slave, but at the same time, like a really cool guy. He wears around his neck a small studded choker, only barely visible above the color of his shirt. He wears a white, casual shirt with an eye with a teardrop on the left side of it. Over his shirt, he wears a navy blue jacket that seems to be tight around the arms and waist, however pops outward and flutters slightly after passing the waist, though it only reaches down to his butt. The cuffs of the jacket are studded, just like his choker. Around his right hand, he wears a single, black, fingerless glove with a sort of buckle on it, for some reason. His pants are made of the same material as his jacket, being the same navy blue in color. They are also slightly tight, yet oddly roomy at the same time. His pants have several straps and buckles on them, about 3 around his they on his left leg and 2 crossing around his calf on his right leg. On the right side of his waist, a few chains dangle down loosely as well. Finally, he wears plain, black boots which come up to about his knees, having the same straps and chains as his pants.

Generally a kind, yet depressing person, Tear is an odd one, indeed. He almost never raises his voice and is always seen as calm and collected, even in the most dire of situations. He gives off a depressing vibe most times and has a strong love for the beauty of nature, but also the destruction of everything else, finding personal beauty in both life, death, creation and destruction. He also has a very keen eye for fine arts and any sort of great art in general, and knows how to appreciate it. Tear tends to cry at times when it doesn't seem necessary, but that is only because that is the only way he shows large emotions outside of his signature, deadly nonchalant smile. He is very respectful to generally everyone, and likes to be by himself most times. He is willing to train with anyone and likes to make sure he gets his point across in any means necessary. In his nomadic times, he was a ruthless, violent, demonic killer of all things that were tainted, and still keeps that same personality to this day, however more hidden now. He does still enjoy killing, but does not do it as often.

Tear's Tragic Tale
So it begins, the story of a lonely weapon. As a child, I was found to have the blood of a weapon running through me. It is unknown how or why, since my parents were both normal humans, but I did not complain. I was an odd combination of 2 weapons; A Belt Sander and a Sledgehammer. Once it was found out that I was a weapon, I became an outcast... My parents did not seem to care, which left me with happiness. One fateful day, I tried to show off my weapon abilities.. But it seemed that I was not able to use them correctly and while showing them to 2 other children who were interested in me... I ended up grinding one of their faces off and smashing the other's skull in. I cried, but only one tear out of one eye. When I got home, I was struck by my parents with both a belt sander and a sledgehammer. They meant to kill the monstrosity that they harbored as a son by the same means that it killed those other children. I could not allow myself such an ironic and cruel death. I retaliated with a swift blow to their heads with my sledgehammer arm. I could move it much faster than they could swing their sledgehammer, though mine was quite a bit larger and heavier. So ended the lives of my parents. I shed one tear, though I could not stop there, for I loved them. I opened them up by grinding off their skin, muscle and tissues and placed them in a box, then proceeded in shattering every bone in their body with my sledgehammer until it was nothing but a fine dust. I compacted their organs into a flat and solid disc, placing those in separate boxes. Their bones resided in a jar. All that was left were their souls... Their souls that had been tainted by their thoughts of me as a weapon. I devoured them, earning myself two souls. I felt stronger, and it gave me the ability to carry on, to feast on the souls of the tainted and those who cannot weep for my anguish... and so I weep for their destruction and their pain. Rampage. I had to rampage. I saw the ways of the light and they saw only what was darkness... It was then that I could 'perceive' their souls... Soul Perception, was it? I could see how tainted they were becoming just by whatever thoughts they had of me. Bloodshed. Death. Departure. Feast. I devoured 50 souls that day... And trekked off alone. After many years passed, I devoured many more souls who thought of me in this way, some who meant to destroy me though I was kindly minding my own business... Monsters. Evil creatures. Demons. All of the like, I harvested their souls, gaining 99. Then I came here. It seemed to be a nice and friendly establishment in which I was accepted. For once in my life, I wept tears from both eyes, and they rolled down nonstop... For once, I actually cried tears of happiness. My soul... My Crying Soul... When I cried tears from both eyes, I could feel it grow larger exponentially... Shinigami inquired if I would take the road of a Deathscythe and slay a witch, in which case I did, devouring her soul and becoming a Deathscythe. My purpose now is to rid the world of the tainted, weeping for the pain of my suffering and encourage those like me to press forward... By any means necessary.

Crying Soul
Tear's Crying Soul has the ability to manifest itself infinitely as a sea of liquid soul energy. He may transfer it through solid object instantaneously as well as shape it into most anything. This soul is a powerful and flexible one, making him able to be wielded by most anyone, though he chooses not to. He can also spontaneously transmute his soul energy anywhere around him within a 30 foot radius of him.

Liquid Soul
Tear's Crying Soul after being upgraded by Liquid Energy. Allows Tear's wavelength to flow out VERY quickly like a liquid, able to convert and consume a very large distance in a very short time. This is also what Tear calls the Liquid Energy that he can generate infinitely from his soul. Tigen embedded Liquid Energy within Tear's soul, giving him the power to control it and use it as if it were another limb, as well as use some Liquid Energy jutsu. Tear, however, cannot use Liquid Energy in the sense of changing its properties, however Tear's Liquid Energy merely changes any other liquid it touches into Liquid Energy, making it an extension of his Liquid Soul. Like Tigen's Liquid Energy, it does not conduct electricity, does not freeze or evaporate, and can become almost any pressure or density. UNLIKE Tigen's Liquid Energy, it cannot change properties to other liquids, and its temperature cannot be changed. It has a set temperature at all times, which is 0 degrees Celsius. In addition, the Liquid Soul can literally extend and manifest itself as extra limbs or whips or swords or something of that sort from Tear's body. They can just serve as extensions from Tear's body.

Soul Abilities

Soul Perception Abilities

Soul Perception: The ability to see, assess and analyze one's soul. By focusing on an individual soul, a skilled Soul Perception practitioner can actually "read" a soul and make accurate judgments about the person's characteristics, personality and wavelength. Knowing the wavelength of a soul can allow a skilled meister to match or disrupt the opponent's wavelength in or outside of combat. This can be used to hear or see one's soul.

Soul Feedback: An advanced version of the Soul Perception. The ability to feel and pinpoint one's soul from most distances in addition to the normal Soul Perception abilities. Unlike normal Soul Perception, Soul Feedback can see through a witch's Soul Protect ability, which is normally extremely useful. Aside from allowing someone to see through a witch's Soul Protect, Soul Feedback allows one to sense souls accurately over long distances and notice even the slightest changes in one's wavelength.

Soul Scan: A very high and potently advanced form of Soul Perception and Soul Feedback. Because Tear's wavelength is so potent and controlled so well, in addition to his very sensitive Soul Perception/Feedback abilities, he has created a highly sensitive and advanced version of the two abilities combined. This allows him to literally scan anything that comes within radius of his wavelength or whatever he can see and learn of their properties and everything else about them, instead of being limited to the power of Soul Perception and Soul Feedback's scanning abilities.


Soul Merge: Merges 2 or more souls together in any fashion necessary (wavelength, mind, etc.) and causes the dominant soul to have the authoritative power over the other's soul. It also allows things such as Soul Menace, Soul Resonance, etc. to be able to be used without any physical contact at all. A deadly or helpful ability, indeed.

Soul Transmission: An extremely potent ability that only Tear knows how to use. It allows him to convert himself into his wavelength and shoot across distances at speeds faster than light. It takes quite bit of energy for it to be used, so he tries not to use it often, though he is capable of using it multiple times and sustaining it for long period of time, if he truly has to. He may also change himself into Soul Energy instantaneously, which cannot move as fast as the wavelength, but is swifter to use and allows him to convert and absorb other Soul Energy.

Flexibility: Allows Tear to very quickly match the wavelength of others, allowing him not to get hurt by the Soul Wavelengths of others if he uses it. Thus, he can match any and all wavelengths to make them ineffective or make him able to be used by anyone, if he chooses.

Heavy Downpour; Silent Rain: An ability made by Tear, having two functions to it. The first involves Tear's soul absorbing Soul Energy within itself as well as liquids of any kind for power, then shoot out huge, destructive droplets of his soul wavelength that will fall at the enemy and create massive, consumptive explosions. The more energy absorbed, the larger and more powerful the attack and the resulting explosions. The alternative function is to shoot out his wavelength from all around in the form of tear-shaped bullets fired in rapid succession, like that of a machine-gun from any direction he chooses. Each hit will slowly deplete chakra, magic, soul energy and start to rupture the use of Soul Wavelength, for being hit with any of the tear-bullets causes explosive effects.

Self Resonance

Hypertonic Pulse: An odd Self Resonance ability that causes him to pulsate his wavelength in a liquid-like fashion to cause major damage to and push away whatever is near within a short distance, about 10 feet. It has the same explosive effect as a Soul Menace attack, though is different because it makes itself the complete opposite of the wavelengths he is forcing away, thus making it have maximum power to their souls and wavelengths. As an added effect, it can exponentially shrink the cells of whatever it hits physically, and also exponentially decrease wavelengths and the power of Soul Energy or spiritual things that are hit by it.

Impenetrable Bubble: A Self Resonance technique used for defensive purposes. By resonating his wavelength outside of his body, this allows him to create and encase himself in a nearly impenetrable shield of his own Soul Wavelength, which will deflect other things from coming it by matching their wavelength and/or power and forcing them back with double the power.

Soul Cloud: A special and unique as well as advanced Self Resonance made by Tear. Part of his very soul manifests itself into a sort of rain cloud of variant size and shape, which has the ability to rain down Tear's Crying Soul in the form of massive, waterfall-like, drenching currents that can be manipulated at Tear's will. In addition, the cloud may also shoot out discharges of powerfully concentrated Soul Wavelength that strikes as fast as lightning, thus taking the form of lightning as well, and has the same explosive capabilities as a Soul Menace when hit with it.

Soul Menace Techniques

Soul Menace: An adept Self Resonance ability that causes the user to amplify the wavelength enough to be forced through any part of the body via a physical strike. It normally makes powerful and rather explosive strikes, and can be damaging to the soul, the physical body and the mind all at once. Numerous hits to a non-trained body can be fatal. There are also different types of Soul Menace, just as there are different types of Soul Resonance.

Double Soul Menace - Two Palm: Basically just a Soul Menace used with both hands. Though it is simple, it is extremely difficult to do because of the fact that one must control wavelength equally into both hands for the best effect without messing up. Naturally, it has double the power of a normal Soul Menace.

Successive Soul Menace: An extremely HIGHLY advanced form of the Soul Menace which allows one to strike numerous times in succession extremely swiftly delivering any given amount of Soul Menace strikes as quickly as possible before the opponent is either sent flying or is utterly destroyed by the power. A very deadly technique that only the best can learn and the even better can master.

Planet Destruction Cannon: An upgraded and HIGHLY advanced form of the Soul Menace, which is basically just the Soul Menace with a lot more explosive, destructive power and Soul Wavelength/Energy expended into it, thus certainly making it more powerful and extremely large. Those who are not adept in using the Soul Menace will most likely strain and drain themselves after even trying it once.

Soul Purge: An advanced and upgraded version of the Soul Menace technique, and edited a bit by Tear a bot. Tear goes about using the Soul Menace technique in the same way, however he will flood his own wavelength into the soul and wavelength of others, sending a purging and purifying wavelength that will destroy the tainted and those who are evil have their souls washed away instantly by the purifying waters of his own wavelength. It is an instant kill to those who are evil, to demons, and anything associated with a demonic soul. However, he can also choose to cleanse your soul if he can, and revert you back to purity, such as if someone is on the road to becoming a Kishin and still has hope to be purified.
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