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 A teacher for the student

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Linnea Redhunt

Linnea Redhunt

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 8th 2009, 11:56 pm

*Lin straightened her pink dress once more, her fingers curling around the matching button upon her left breast. The slender digits moved to fix her sleeves, hoping to look presentable. Linnea Redhunt stood short in front of the large door, black tights and white knee high heeled boots complimented her figure in the nurse's outfit back from home. Lin ran a hand through her short blonde hair and closed her eyes, she spoke some encouraging words to herself*

"Come on, Lin, you've got this. You know what you want, so go for it right?"

Then, inhaling, taking in a breath, Linnea opened hazel eyes and rapped knuckles upon the hospital door*
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Posts : 716
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 9th 2009, 12:03 am

*The doors flung open wide, of course inward rather than out to avoid any hurt faces, to reveal myself rubbing my eyes and drool still left on my lower lip. Wiping off the small amount the drool with my sleeve and a giant yawn later I begin my questioning to the woman standing before me.*

"Huh... Who might you b..."

*Yawning quite heavily this time, and after a shaking my head once or twice and blinking rapidly I look at her once again.*

"Sorry, was napping before you came around. So as I was asking, who might you be miss?"
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Linnea Redhunt

Linnea Redhunt

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 9th 2009, 12:16 am

I'm Linnea Redhunt and..

*immediately, sponataneously the girl bowed formally in front of him, wrinkles on her dress and her boots clapped together in a stiff manner*

Please teach me, sempai!

*Lin's voice rang clear and sharp in the courtyard as well as the inside of the hospital, enough to perhaps cause a minor disturbance to any patients. Her hair fell on her furred collar and in front of her face, one which waited for an answer*
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 9th 2009, 12:27 am

*Scratching the top of my head with one eye open as I leaned on the door frame at the question that was presented before me.*

"No need to be formal... come in and take a seat..."

*Walking through the hospital buildings first floor, I open my office door near the back and made sure Linnea was still close behind, just to be sure she wasn't lost in the maze like corridors, and pushed open my office door. An average sized desk was towards the back right wall, east, with a one sided mirror reflected for it's window. Around my office was two couches that faced each other in before a small coffee table. One of the couches already had a blanket and a pillow neatly piled on top of one another for my afternoon naps. However, my office was usually clean due to the lack of work I've been getting and the massive amounts of paperwork already filed. In addition, two chairs faced my desk in case anyone wanted to have a serious discussion.*

"Uh, just take a seat on the couch."

*Walking over to flop onto the couch with the pillow already waiting for me. As I waited for her to take a seat I began to ask my own questions.*

"So what did you want to learn?"
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Linnea Redhunt

Linnea Redhunt

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 9th 2009, 1:02 am


*excited Lin followed the man inside, taking careful note of the halls she took a look around the room first, taking in the desk and couch, and of course the person in front of her*

'He seems like such a sleepy person...and there doesn't seem to be many patients around.'

*as he beckoned to the seat on the other couch next to his, she sat carefully, making sure not to knock anything over. Linnea sat with back straight and hands flat upon her thighs. Her eyes peered up at the man nervously*

Well, sir...you see I've come to learn.....well...everything.
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Posts : 716
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Cool Points (LOL) : 4
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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 9th 2009, 6:28 pm

*Looking up from my face, now buried in the pillow, I perk up at the question that was bluntly asked.*

"What do you mean by everything? Are you interested in my auras or just medical jutsus in general?"

*Shifting my face back into the soft pillow.*
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Linnea Redhunt

Linnea Redhunt

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Kekkei Genkai : Captured Sunlight

A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 9th 2009, 8:28 pm

Well you see...

*Linnea shifted a bit. She expected the encounter to be a bit more serious but she was getting used to the casual demeanor. Leaning back, her back shoulder blades touched the couch softly*

I'm looking for a teacher. I want to be an apprentice of a doctor here.
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 9th 2009, 9:54 pm

*A groan was heard from underneath the pillow, for many reasons. Mainly because there were multiple ways to heal the human body using different techniques and elements. Luckily being an elementalist would essentially remove this as a problem, leaving my laziness to deal with. I scratch the back of my head slightly with it still buried deep in the awesome pillow, before getting up deep sigh. Sitting myself up properly before the potential student I begin to analyze her, mainly her physical attributes while guessing her energy levels through my aura sensing.*

"I have no problem teaching you that is if you don't mind, but I kind of need to see what you can do first that or tell me what you can and can't do."
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Linnea Redhunt

Linnea Redhunt

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Kekkei Genkai : Captured Sunlight

A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 9th 2009, 11:19 pm

I work with....light energy I suppose you could say. Energy from the sun.

*she nodded, crossing her legs and folding her hands over one knee, her fingers fiddled with the top of her white boot. Then Lin peered at him a bit shy*

But sempai, before you consider me..

*she paused and laughed nervously, a hand tossed her blonde hair*

I've no way to pay you or the hospital back..
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 12:05 am

*Closing my eyes and leaning against the couch relaxed some of my more tenser muscles from the load of stress of several different events.*

"I mainly did this for charity anyway, it's not like helping you directly changes my lifestyle completely. Light energy huh, I don't suppose you've dabbled in holy energy as well?"
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Linnea Redhunt

Linnea Redhunt

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Kekkei Genkai : Captured Sunlight

A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 12:22 am

Not particularly, but I could try. My power...I suppose a demonstration is at hand.

*uncrossing her legs, she leaned toward him, a hand outstretched. Her palm faced upwards, her fingers began to glow a dull golden white at the tips. Small swirls of lights hovered over her palms. Hazel eyes warmly watched the energy dance on her hands and her lips spoke*

I use this to heal. Placing the the tips of the fingers barely on the wound, it seems like the aura just does the work on it's own. Healing cuts, bruises, gashes, you name it.

*she frowned suddenly, an annoyed expression on her face*

The thing I can't seem to do is heal delicate parts of the body...like the eye or the heart. Also large wounds, punctures to the organs are a bit of a problem. Like my energy is used to healing standard muscle and skin, that of the arm or leg.

*letting her hand fall back into her lap again, the glow lingered on the tips of her fingers before dying out slowly like a light. The girl chuckled a little, smiling and scratching her head hesitantly*

Also...it seems like my energy doesn't like to harm others. I can't ever put it in an offense form however much I try, sempai.
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Posts : 716
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 12:42 am

*Scratching my chin as Linnea's energy signature slightly resembled my light aura, everything was nearly identical except for the intention to harm and the color, whereas her energy emitted a dull golden white while mine was a pale or bright yellow.*

"Hm... so then you're not only looking for medical uses with your ability then? Well I have no problem showing you my light aura if it helps. But healing those parts take time and dedication as well as knowledge. I don't suppose you know much about the anatomy of the human body do you, much less demons."
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Linnea Redhunt

Linnea Redhunt

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 12:55 am

I know lots about the anatomy of humans...I studied them back at home in my spare time, yet.......I'm not particularly looking for anyone to teach me offense energy. Afterall, I'm here at the hospital to become an apprentice.

*her fingers played with a loose thread upon the couch. Lin watched the thread wind around her finger. Looking up, she smiled carefree*

Ya know. Follow you around and help and little? Maybe learn a thing or two while I do that. I don't mind helping out other doctors here as well....well...if there are any.

*pausing to quiet her senses, she heard only a hum of a machine in the background and she laughed slightly*

It seems very quiet around here is all.
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Posts : 716
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Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 9:09 am

"Apparently people don't want to come to the hospital anymore when they're hurt. I have no idea why since the damn village is covering their hospital fees but it's their choice to die I suppose. Anyway I don't really mind that idea at all, but it does seem the type of energy you use has similar traits to mine. So that being said, this could work out in your favor I suppose."
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Linnea Redhunt

Linnea Redhunt

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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 5:56 pm


*she squirmed happily in her seat. Lin nodded quickly and her lips curved to a be a lovely smile*

Thank you so much! I can't wait to learn all I can, sempai.
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Posts : 716
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Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 10:06 pm

"Well you can start whenever, just tell me when a patient comes in and I'll just overlook your progress and how you asses the situation. And before you ask any questions, I'm not showing you anything until I actually see you heal in action and how far you can actually heal instead of hearing it. With that said, you're free to leave whenever you want."

*Resting my head once again on the soft pillow I begin to doze off from my former nap before awoken by Linnea.*
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Linnea Redhunt

Linnea Redhunt

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Kekkei Genkai : Captured Sunlight

A teacher for the student Empty
PostSubject: Re: A teacher for the student   A teacher for the student Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 11:49 pm

Then please excuse me.

*standing from her position, Lin stepped over back to the office door to exit. She held the door, opening it a crack but, took a glance back at the man on the couch, already hearing the rumbling in the pillow, the sounds of sleep. Linnea chuckled*

Night, sempai.

*she flipped the light switch by the door then closed it behind her*
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