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 Realm of Light's Powers

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PostSubject: Realm of Light's Powers   Realm of Light's Powers Icon_minitime1April 30th 2009, 3:55 pm

Kekei Genkai
Tenjin: Celestial Being chakra. This is the final step of seinaru, the chakra of the ancients. It still gathers it power from the "heavens". However, this chakra is 100x as strong as seinaru and 50x as fast. It can enter a person's body on command and begin to destroy their systems(circulatory, muscular, even their chakra network). It can also purify any impurities and break damn near all darkness(there are exceptions seeing as how i know there's somebody with darkness as strong as my tenjin). Also, when the ryuugan is activated with this chakra, reaction speed is amplified and genjutsu are more powerful. It has extensive healing capabilities as well. It also comes with the Symbol of Courage. The symbol of courage activates in tough battles or when fear shows it's presence in Kai's body. It would react with these emotions and push me to a point of great power that rivaled the ancients. However, all this comes with a price. Should the chakra be pushed to a point the body couldn't handle, an old wound would conitnue to open up. In this case, it was Kai's shoulder.
Realm of Light's Powers Courag11

Ryuugan: The Ishidate clan bloodline. It activates under certain circumstances, which are different for each member of the clan. Kai's activates when massive amounts of seinaru or midnight chakra are poured directly into his eyes. They take on the form of cat eyes, red or black. When seinaru is used, they turn red and allow him to see the future, also allowing him to read his opponents attacks. When midnight is used, they turn black and allow him to see the past.
Realm of Light's Powers Ryuuga10

Level 1 Jutsu
Chaos Whirlwind: A front flip kick followed by a somersault kick. while still in the air from the somersault, a spinning roundhouse is thrown, followed by a spinning roundhouse feint into a spinning back hook kick. (all infused with chakra of choice)

Reality Whirlwind: a spinning back hook kick, spinning roundhouse, spinning sweep, and axe kick...all performed in succession and charged with chakra

Disaresta: A giant pillar of holy falls on my opponent and explodes

Crimson Cureges: Holy gathers around me and bursts away, Explosive Wave style

Lost Seraph: A crack above and below my opponent as seinaru holy pours out, engulfing my opponent

Seinaru Lash: the seinaru is concentrated to my hand and used as a whip

Holy Petal Blitz: any plant infused with seinaru's leaves are shot unbelievable speed, ravaging the opponent

Soaring Phoenix: Fire is charged to my fist. i throw an uppercut the spreads fire

Level 2 Jutsu
Nibelung Velesti: Four spears of light pierce my opponent as I shoot massive amounts of holy at them

Shenko Jin: seiken, ryu, or hayate is used to throw a barrage of slices that speed up and become barely visible. it is finished with a rising slash infused with seinaru

Cadenza: thousands of seinaru bullets surround my opponent, making a dome around them. they then begin to shoot at my opponent at extreme speeds

Neo Serpent Tongue: fire is charged through my whole body and released in a massive attack

Dragon's Flight: i jump into the air, rotate at high speeds and shoot fire missiles

Soul of the Beast: i can fuse with Byakko, Genbu, Suzaku, or Banko

Eclipse Slash: seinaru forms around the opponent and slashes at them unmercifully

Last edited by Kai Ishidate on July 31st 2009, 8:46 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Realm of Light's Powers   Realm of Light's Powers Icon_minitime1April 30th 2009, 3:56 pm

Level 3 Jutsu
Divine Symphony - i gather massive amounts of seinaru into my hands. a massive ball of seinaru gathers into my hands with stars orbiting around it. the ball stops and it appears the whole battlefield has become frozen. the ball then bursts into five different directions, all flying past my opponent. when they can no longer be seen, the clouds, ground, and water are parted, bent around the shape of the balls. there is total silence as nothing happens for a few seconds. suddenly, explosions are sent towards my opponent from the parts where the balls traveled

Ballad of the Realm: i charge seinaru into the ground. the seinaru in the ground opens up a portal and stars pour out of it. a solitary light shoots at one star and richochets into the other. as this process happens, it plays Night of Fate. the stars then begin to shine blindingly and shoot at the opponent. a pair of gold eyes and silver wings emerge from the portal and fly into the air. massive amounts of midnight and seinaru are charged and shot at the opponent. the stars then form many seinaru swords

Lost Concerto: the darkness wraps around the opponent, constricts, then explodes. it regathers with dark stars. the dark stars orbit and shoot countless missisles of darkness at the opponent. it constricts one last time and vanishes as it wipes the opponent off the earth(if i want it to)

Hyperion's Melody: i grow seinaru and midnight wings. my wings glow with the chakra stored in them. my wings extend out and shoot countless seinaru and midnight daggers, shuriken, and bullet. they then shoot seinaru and midnight into the air, making the clouds swirl and disappear as the chakras collide and overwhelm the sky. it rains down seinaru and midnight down on the battlefield. when it is done, it explodes and forms a ball resembling an atom that shoots at the opponent

Realm of Light's Powers Appasi10
In North Star Armor, the seinaru begins to wrap around me. the feathers on my right wing shed off and float around, leaving the wing bone. the seinaru around me then pours into the feathers and they float behind me. the seinaru is then shot through me from each feather, amplifying it as it goes through, hitting my opponent and seeping into their circulatory system. with that, the seinaru lifts them into the air as i fly through my opponent, slicing them as the seinaru pours out along with their blood. as my opponent falls too the ground, the seinaru and blood form to the tip of my sword and shine brightly. i point it to the ground and shoot it. it makes this symbol as the seinaru and blood engulf my opponent
Realm of Light's Powers Star10

Last edited by Kai Ishidate on May 18th 2009, 4:20 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Realm of Light's Powers   Realm of Light's Powers Icon_minitime1April 30th 2009, 4:00 pm

Realm of Light's Powers Junior10
My Outbreak Form 1st state. It amplifies my basic stats(speed, strength, etc). This happens with an overoncentration of Seinaru(so picture this more light based).

Realm of Light's Powers With_g10
Outbreak Form 2nd state. A much more powerful version of the 1st state. Happens when I'm on my last legs. And yes, I do get the scythe. This also allows me to summon Rashiga the Terrible.

North Star Armor:
Realm of Light's Powers Seinar10
i fuse with spark, thus creating this armor and sword. contrary to popular belief, i can move rather swiftly in this armor. physical strength amplified and seinaru more powerful

Realm of Light's Powers Banko10

Realm of Light's Powers Byakko10

Realm of Light's Powers Genbu10

Realm of Light's Powers Suzaku10
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PostSubject: Re: Realm of Light's Powers   Realm of Light's Powers Icon_minitime1April 30th 2009, 4:02 pm

Reverse Rebirth Stance, an all prupose stance(believe it or not)
Realm of Light's Powers Revers10

My Interceptor Stance, used for defensive purposes
Realm of Light's Powers Shinob10

My Forte Stance, used for relentless attacks
Realm of Light's Powers Riku_s10
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PostSubject: Re: Realm of Light's Powers   Realm of Light's Powers Icon_minitime1April 30th 2009, 4:04 pm

"Signature" Jutsu
Divine Rasengan: i charge seinaru to my hand and swirl it. it makes a ball no bigger than a marble. as it grinds into the opponent, more seinaru is charged into it, making it grow larger and more destructive
Realm of Light's Powers Divine10

Midnight Rasengan: i charge midnight chakra to my hand and swirl it. it engulfs my palm and i push it to the tip of my finger.
Realm of Light's Powers Midnig10

Rasengan of Dawn: i combine both the divine and midnight rasengan, creating a midnight ball with a layer of swirling seinaru. after the seinaru is gone, the midnight ball erupts into an explosion of darkness
Realm of Light's Powers Dusk_r10

Celestial Finale: Kai's most devastating attack. The sky lights up as seiun spirals around him. He focuses a massive amount of seiun to his hands. They glow with seiun as the clouds above part The light shines down on his hands and forms a giant blade handle. The light then stretches to form a blade as high as the sky and pretty wide as well. As it's swung downwards, the energies from the sword begin to wrap around Kia. When the sword connects with an opponent, it not only does physical damage but also drains their chakra. It takes a lot out of Kai to use this, so it's only been used once in the Hidden Star Village.
Realm of Light's Powers Holy_b10

Last edited by Kai Ishidate on July 24th 2009, 6:52 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Realm of Light's Powers   Realm of Light's Powers Icon_minitime1July 14th 2009, 11:21 pm

Updated: explained new chakra, seiun
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