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 Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!

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Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk
Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk

Posts : 304
Age : 14
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-08-29
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Kekkei Genkai : Reverse Rejection, Anatomia, Reality Release

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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 3:14 am

Chroma would go down to The Pit, searching for her father and mothers "Chichiue! Moms! I have some great news to tell you!" Unfortunately, her eyes hadn't adjusted to the darker than black darkness here yet, so she had a bit of trouble seeing...
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 3:32 am

Soon Khrona's eyes gleamed through the darkness, guiding his child to him "You won? With no training? And no experience?" He rushed over to her, Misery and Despair appearing as well. "This is certainly wonderful! But you cannot expect to do it again with no power! We will have to train.... You, being my child, have a myriad of natural abilities... Your Black Blood... Your DNA abilities... Your Reverse Rejection... Your 4 weapons pulsing through your blood... If you were to learn how to fight and how to use Soul Wavelength as well as Soul Energy, and even Soul Resonance... You would grow to be quite powerful... Especially with the weapons you possess!"

Misery: Heh heh heh... Our Daughter will whoop ALL of those Genin asses... Hell, even more than Genin. She will just go around spewing ass whoopins... just like her mother. Heh.

Despair: I hope she can use her Reverse Rejection as well as I can use my own Rejection... and I hope that she can use her Souls effectively as well, since unlike us 2, her weapons have no special particular soul attributes...

Khrona nodded "Chroma. You will be learning the art of Soul Wavelength, Soul Energy and Soul Resonance from me. Right here, right now. You are my daughter, and as such, your wavelength is extremely powerful with the potential to overpower all others... And be on par with my own. You can also learn any and all Soul Wavelength abilities. And with your soul combination, that could be deadly. So. I will teach you the basics and you will grow from there. Are you ready?"
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Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk
Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk

Posts : 304
Age : 14
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-08-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Reverse Rejection, Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman Beastkin/Weapon/Black Blood Hybrid
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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 6:25 am

Chroma nodded, pulling out Fienne "Yes, chichiue. Teach me wavelength. Teach me soul energy. Teach me... Soul Resonance..." She may not be able to learn much now, but in time, she would have great power...
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 6:29 am

Khrona nodded "Alright then. Let us begin, then..." Khrona knew that being his daughter, Chroma would progress quite quickly. All he needed to do was give the instruction and she would be able to do it. He had this much faith in his daughter "Now, Chroma... To access your Wavelength, you must first look deep within yourself... You must concentrate on your soul... Your being... Your identity... Your existence... Concentrate on the power within that gives you life... And control the force that comes from it. Make it bend to your will. Shoot it through your body. Shoot it through your weapon. Allow it to flow in accord with your body..." Khrona smiled, wondering how this would work out.
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Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk
Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk

Posts : 304
Age : 14
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-08-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Reverse Rejection, Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman Beastkin/Weapon/Black Blood Hybrid
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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 6:34 am

Chroma nodded "Yes, chichiue..." She concentrated. She closed her eyes... She focused on her soul deep within... She felt the power... It was pulsating... Its force was felt surging throughout her body. She was standing perfectly still... Not even breathing. Not like she needed to... She was Khrona's daughter, breathing wasn't necessary. Organs were barely necessary. However, that was getting a bit off topic... She continued to feel the power of her soul, and with that, she tried to control it. To concentrate it. To guide it into parts of her body... Into her weapon... And suddenly, without warning she lunged at Khrona, shooting her wavelength straight through his chest, then began to beat him severely with her blade, her wavelength shooting through that as well.
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 6:40 am

Khrona laughed as he parried her wavelength with his own, being barely effecting by the hits with Fienne, still parrying wavelength "Good! Good! You have learned the Soul Force and The... Well... Soul Force With Weapon! Goood for you. That's all I am gonna teach you about Wavelength. That's all you need to know. You will have to grow by yourself now." Khrona, still sustaining hits started to think about the next subject... "AH! Soul Energy! Also, Chroma... I'm gonna need you to listen very carefully..." He touched her head, immobilizing her for the time being "... Alright. Now it is time for the Soul Energy. The Soul Energy is energy that comes straight from the soul and is guided through your body or weapon by wavelength, and Soul Energy can be used in an infinite amount of ways and can take damn near any shape or form. I will need you to guide the energy of your soul using the force omitted from your soul... Are you ready?" Khrona let go of her head, giving her motion again.
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Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk
Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk

Posts : 304
Age : 14
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-08-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Reverse Rejection, Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman Beastkin/Weapon/Black Blood Hybrid
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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 6:47 am

Chroma nodded, moving her arm just to make sure she had motion once again. She coughed "Alright... Time to summon the energy from my soul..." Chroma concentrated once again, using her wavelength to pinpoint her soul... But at the same time, she felt a stronger presence in the area... A stronger soul... An extremely large, overpowering, overshadowing soul... She quickly opened her eyes and noticed that her Father's soul, was very apparent to her. And it did not just stop where it was. It was growing, pulsating an extremely large distance. The entire pit seemed to be filled with his soul. She shuddered "Chi...chi....chichiue... Your soul... I can see it..." Chroma took a few steps back in fear, but soon after she regained her composure and continued to delve into her own soul. She could indeed feel the energy coming from it. Now it was just a matter of getting it out... Khrona said to her that she needed to guide it out via her own wavelength... Well. Let's see how hard that can be. She concentrated on her wavelength once again, making it more concentrated, the high concentration going into her fist, and then, with a grunt, soul energy would shoot out from her soul and through her wavelength, guided to her hand and finally, out through Fienne in a sort of white-ish blast, which shot her up into the air, then fell back down "... Dammit... Wrong hand... I will get the hang of it soon... But at least I know HOW to do it..." She sighed, coughing.
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 6:55 am

Khrona was impressed "OO! Soul Perception? Ha! You learned that all on your own! Well, aren't you just the Speedy Gonzalez? HAHAHA" He paused, dropping his head "Yeah, I know. That was lame." As the blast of energy shot out of her sword, Khrona knew that she had used her Soul Energy... But it didn't seem that she did it CORRECTLY... But she was still learning. As long as she did it, she would master it later. He walked over to her "Now that you have learned the basics... It's time for you to learn something more powerful. Something that you will be needing... Something that will bond you and your weapon together." Khrona smiled "Soul Resonance." Khrona would help her up, then immediately begin to explain "Soul Resonance is the amplification of the wavelength from a Weapon and a Technician, continuing until they hit the limit where their power is highest and most powerful. Your wavelengths must be synchronized, your minds must be synchronized... your souls must be synchronized. If not, the Resonance will fail. Once you Resonate, EXTREME power will come to you, sometimes your weapon may change shape or form, unlock untold power, give you new Soul Abilities or Soul Energy and perhaps even change your own form as well. Once you become a Death Scythe, you will have even more potent power than now... But as you know, since you have 2 weapons, you will need 200 souls; 198 normal and 2 Witch souls. Huh. How tough it will be for you..." Khrona then thought about it again "... WAIT A TICK. You're a weapon too! That means you need an extra 100... Meaning you need to collect 300 souls, meaning 297 normal and 3 Witch souls. Damn girl. You're pretty screwed, but when you get those things... You will be just about as powerful as I am." Khrona smiled, petting his little girl.
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Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk
Monochrome Girl Dipped in Insanity :: Anbu of the Dusk

Posts : 304
Age : 14
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-08-29
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Reverse Rejection, Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman Beastkin/Weapon/Black Blood Hybrid
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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 7:57 am

Chroma sighed "Alright, chichiue... I will try the Soul Resonance." She looked to Fienne and Fienne's face appeared in the blade "Anytime you're ready, Chroma..." Chroma nodded "Tamashii no Kyoumei... (Soul Resonance.)" She gripped Fienne tightly, a great power surging out of Chroma's body. They were trying to connect souls. To match wavelengths. Chroma's wavelength could connect to Fienne's good natured one, especially her life soul. Fienne continued to amplify their souls as Chroma sent her wavelength into Fienne. Chroma held Fienne up now, suddenly Fienne bursted into a large, glowing white-ish sword. Each of the 6 swords also became just like the first one as well. There was the face of a goddess imprinted in the sword's energy... This was Fienne's face. Chroma slashed all of the swords simultaneously, making huge vertical explosions of pure Soul Energy from wherever the blades hit, making 6 giant explosions shoot straight upward that covered a wide radius. Once all 6 of the super giant explosions stopped, Chroma's swords all reverted to normal and she fell to her knees "DAMN... Soul Resonance takes... a lot out of ya..." She just needed practice. But at least she had it "... I think... I think I'll call that... Goddess Requiem..." She then heard what her father said about the 300 souls "... I'm sorry, WHAT? 300 SOULS!? 3 OF THEM BEING WITCH SOULS?" Suddenly, she had her energy back "Goddammit, I'm gonna have to train a lot now! Shit, this will be very difficult.. and it will be a looooong journey..." She sighed, dropping her head, fatigue rearing its ugly head after her explosion of energy. Her Life Soul started to heal her tiredness, but at a slow rate, since this soul was underdeveloped. She walked away slowly "I need to train... and I haven't even used Gig yet... Oh, how bad this will be..."

Last edited by Chroma on August 31st 2009, 8:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1August 31st 2009, 8:07 am

Khrona sighed "Well. I've taught her the basics. She can only fend for herself now..." Khrona sighed "And I guess it is time for me to find my younger sister.. Any piece of her remains... So I can bring her back..." Khrona clenched his fist "And that scientist... That mad man..." Khrona's wings extended, breaking through some boulders in the pit with ease, the gust from them echoing throughout every crevice of this massive pit "I swear that he will pay for what he did... To me... To my family... To her.." Khrona began to walk toward the exit of the Pit, Misery and Despair following looking a bit saddened. Khrona grabbed them and they flew out of the pit.
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PostSubject: Re: Back from Chroma's victorious first battle!   Back from Chroma's victorious first battle! Icon_minitime1

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