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 A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 11:36 am

Wave walked down the dirt trail road hopping sooner or later an opponent would cross him by. The trail was surrounded by lush green grass with swayed in the soft breeze of the morning winds.

Last edited by Wave on September 2nd 2009, 11:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
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Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 11:41 am

*Siblyx was walking down the trail as well, but in the opposite direction as this person was minding her own business whistling a tune when she came up on the site of another individual, she stopped and payed him no mind, but kept walking only to walk past him a couple seconds later. She then stopped and asked him...*

Hey, you seem like you're in the mood for a battle...

*Sibs turned around and flipped her hair behind her, it constantly got in the way... but she loved it nonetheless*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 11:45 am

Wave smiled as he stopped walking. < I might be...Tell me what's that to you miss? > Wave spoke to her in his badass pirate like voice not even turning to her. He didn't really sound like that but he'd thought he mess around with this women had just so happen to meet.
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 11:48 am

*Siblyx would crack up laughing, not really taking this individual seriously.... she had an abillity that let her sens the power levels of individuals via close contact, when she walked past Wave she knew then hat his powers were a bit over her own, but not by much. She wasnt intimidated*

You can cut the tough guy act...

*She would say smiling, she would then extend her hand*

My names siblyx, and I would like to take you up on your non verbal challenge!

*She would chuckle a bit hoping Wave would cut out the badass game*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 11:55 am

Wave would spin around tell he faced Siblyx and took her bowing as he introduced himself. < I am Wave Soul Weapon of the sea. It is a pleasure to meet you miss Siblyx. > Wave rose from his bow tell holding Siblyx's hand and from the hand shake soul energy started to crackle. This most likely happened from there two soul energy's meeting.
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Posts : 288
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Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 12:01 pm

Likewise Wave, so you're just like me huh? Thats awesome...
*Siblyx let her hand linger in Wave's, she wanted to learn more about him and she knows she could if she just got a handle of what soul energy was and how to use it like Tear did that one time... ah well, maybe next time. For now she would take a couple steps back, and give the 'ok' to Wave, it was clear that both of them wanted to fight*

Dont give me that ladies first bullshit.
*She would say striking a stance, her eyes would glow a neon green every now and then as the air around her got hot, and the ground started to steam*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 12:10 pm

Wave started laughing. < Ladies first? And let myself be in a disadvantage? Never! > From the front of Wave's wrists grew out the heads of two anchors. < Now let us began.. > Wave would punch at Siblyx's direction shooting blasts of soul energy at her. These blasts of soul energy would take the forms of sharks and would viciously try to bite at her with there hundreds of sharp teeth.
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Posts : 288
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Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 12:15 pm

Good, lets burn...

*Siblyx would rise off the ground steadily boosting plasma from her beet to sustain her in the air, she wuold then flip clean over the sharks while manifesting circular plasma cannons out of the plams of her hands (iron man like), when she straightened up she fired a widespread blast of plasma from her palms towards wave going at a fast speed.*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 12:28 pm

(Love iron man. Favorite marvel super hero ^^.)

Wave walked over and stood in the space between the two blasts as Wave sucked in his gut making himself 2 dimensional and let the 2 beams fly right pasted him. Wave would exhale once they had passed regaining his normal fatigue. Wave would then stretches his leg and kick in a wide circle that reached out far pasted Siblyx in hopes to round house kick her.
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Posts : 288
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Village of Residence : Dusk Village
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Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 12:36 pm

(I despise Iron man...)

Stretching would be a cool power...
*Sibs would extend one hand out towards wave while the other she put up and caught wave's foot, assuming wave was like rubber since he had to throw a kick towards sibs instead of just plain on stretching his leg out, he should snap back towards her like a rubber band... she decided to use this to her advantage and fire a faster plast towards wave who should return to her like a rubberband and come twoards the blast*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 12:53 pm

(What?? Why?)

As Wave snapped back he would twist his upper torso spinning it out of the way of the blast. Wave would then snap twist back as he was now right next to Siblyx after being pulled back to her and would deliver a monstrous anchor punch to Siblyx coming out of his spin aimed at her face.
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Character Race: Autonomous Weapon: Plasma Sword
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 1:05 pm

(For a multitude of reasons, firstly because of tony stark, I dont like his character.)

*Siblyx had wave caught now, at the begning of the match she was ionizing the oxygen molecules around her making the enviroment around her extremely hot, and now with Wave being so close it was time to torch this dude. She took the punch, she didnt Know wave could react so fast, but it wouldnt happen again she used her boots to stabilize herself in the air and then grabbed wave's arm as her eyes glowed red, instantly herself and wave and a couple feet around them erupted in an intense dome of flame, this flame was pretty damn hot*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 1:18 pm

(What?? But Tony was so cool..)

The intense heat would make Wave's rubber like skin bubble. < Ahh shit HOT HOT HOT!!!! > Wave started to frail about the heat was getting to his head. < Ahh~!!! Oh oh ya.. > Wave would then activate Blok an armor of soul energy would cover Wave's entire body. The soul energy around Wave would burn Siblyx like acid. The armor would hold up in the heat for a while but not forever.
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 2:22 pm

(I also dont like how Marvel tried to make tony on par with Reed Richards, tony stark invented the ipod lol...there can only be room for one genius man)

*Sibs would let go once she felt her hands burn a bit but she would shake off then pain. She would then make two plasma swords sprout from the back of her arms as she attepmted to slash at the off balance wave in the air with great speed at close range, she would keep the dome of fire surrounding her and wave, so if he fell he would fall through the fire first*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 4:44 pm

(If that's the case everyone needs to step down for Bruce Wayne.)

Siblyx's slash would damage Wave's blok leaving slash marks on the armor that would quickly repair it's self. < Feisty little lady.. > The Wave would fall threw the flame dome around although with blok still active he would be unharmed. Wave could slowly feel blok's power decreasing and had to act fast. Wave made the soul energy in blok to expand and rap around him in the shape of a small ball around Wave. The ball would hit the ground and would extinguish the flame around it. Inside the ball Wave touched down on the ground and clapped his hands together and gathered energy.
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Posts : 288
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Village of Residence : Dusk Village
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Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 4:54 pm

(I am a batman fan...)

It is bad to be fiesty?
*Sibs would trail Wave towards the ground reabsorbing the flame back into her being, giving him no time to rebound for as of now she had the upper hand a second or two after wave motioned to gather energy siblyx was in front of the ball at point blank range, and figured that his technique that he used to defend earlier was no doubt weakening... now she had to unleash all she got, with her hands extended close to the ball she unleashed a constant searing jet of flame upon Wave which would no doubt wear down the shield and hopefuly burn him alive*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 5:19 pm

(Me too. Frankly I think batman is the greatest super hero of all time....but Iron man is my favorite.)

The dome would hold up for only a few seconds before completely breaking. At the moment Wave would release the gathered as he began to spin. Instantly a large tower of soul energy formed it's self around Wave. The tower would pierce the flame dome around the two and reached as high of the clouds. The tower would be able too block the blast of fire leaving the point of contact cracked and unlike blok it needed time to fix it's self. The tower began to spin as Wave did and with it's rapid spinning the tower would constantly change the air currents around the area. With the constant change of air currency Siblyx wouldn't be able to keep up a flame and if she was able to start one up it's combustion would be random and there would be no way for her to control it. With that the dome of fire around us would surly disappear. Wave would then faze threw the walls of the tower. < You misunderstand. I find fiestyness very attractive. > Wave would look to Siblyx smiling.
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 2nd 2009, 5:44 pm

(Batman, Spiderman, Green Lantern, Silver Surfer... and the X-Men)

*Siblyx didnt pay much mind to wave's last comment, she had realized that wave was a squirmy little fucker and she was growing frustrated. As such, she stiffened her wrist and sliced in a downward motion, she would be magnetizing the particles in the air creating enough to cause a great devastating lightning bolt, but this lightning bolt shot downward through the tower hopefuly striking wave along with it. While this was going on the atmosphere around wave and sibs would change, it would be getting harder to breathe*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 2:41 pm

(Batman = A+, Spiderman = A, Green Lantern = C, Sliver Surfer = A+, X-Men = B-)

The lighting bolt would strike the tower however with Wave outside of the tower it would act as a lightning rod and would conduct the lightning harmlessly to the ground. Although it was getting harder to breath Wave would only turn to Siblyx giving her a smile. To be honest Wave was almost tapped out of power......But he didn't want to show it.
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Posts : 288
Age : 35
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2009-08-31
Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 8:00 pm

((Ah... you need to come up on that young GL type shit dude.))

*Siblyx would return said smile, she planned on inhaling deeply focusing all the mangnetized ions into a particle beam blast towards Wave, but that would kill em... so she stopped and asked if he was alright. She didnt want anyone to die, yet*

You good?

*She would say as she slid her hands in her pockets, although she didnt let her guard down*
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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 4th 2009, 5:22 pm

(( GL will forever be my least favorite. There where to many of them and they got so little done.))

< Ya never better.. > Wave forced the words as if he was being choked. < Y...Your pretty good miss....miss Siblyx. > Wave coughed still having a very hard time breathing. It was at the point he couldn't take it anymore...So he used what energy he had left to make a sort of oxygen helmet around his head. Wave would take a deep breath in relief.
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Posts : 288
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Village of Residence : Dusk Village
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Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1September 6th 2009, 1:47 pm

You too!
*I would smile to Wave, he was also a pretty nice guy when he wasnt busy being a pirate. But the reason why it was becoming harder to breathe was due to the fact that I was ionizing the oxygen molecules into cold plasma, there was hardly any more oxygen left in the air to breath, and as of now I could snap my fingers and the whole area would be engulfed into an ice strom. I might as well name this move...*

*I would say questioningly, the name souls alright... it need a bit more flare, but nonetheless I would hold my finger upwards and snap my fingers the immedeate are would freeze instantly turning what was a forest with a trail into a frozen tundra of epic proportions freezing wave along with it*
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PostSubject: Re: A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx   A Weapon's Battle Wave v.s Siblyx Icon_minitime1

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