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Tsukiko Woulfe

Tsukiko Woulfe

Posts : 15
Age : 27
Village of Residence : Chaos
Join date : 2009-09-22
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Dancing~
Kekkei Genkai : Ikimono Metsuki/ Dance of The Moon

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PostSubject: Tsu's Techs   Tsu's Techs Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 4:37 pm

Ikimono Metsuki-
Ikimono Metsuki is a kekkai genkai that was created when to sets of DNA clashed. In this case, it was the DNA of the wolf and the human. This kekkai genkai was passed down in the Woulfe clan ever since, almost a century ago, a Woulfe woman mated with a wolf. The thing is though, the kekkai genkai can only be passed on through woman. The day there is no woman born into the clan is the day the gene dies. But, luckily it has survived for alteast a century. This Kekkai Genkai allows the user to see through the eyes of all animals, no matter how large or how small, within a hundred mile radius. It also enables the casting of a very powerfulll genjutsu that is almost impossible to break. This genjutsu convinces the target that they are whatever animal the user feels like. But, it is extremly diffuclt to master, and the diffuclty increases depending on animal size and the time lapse of the genjutsu. Even a small child can make someone belive they are the smallest of insects for atleast five minutes, but it takes alot of experince and training to make someone belive the were, say, a rabbit for an hour or so. Tsu has mastered it more or less, much more then Aya had as a Genin.

Dances of the Moon-
Dances of the Moon is a Kekkai Genkai created by former Woulfe's who channeled the power of the moon into dance, each dance bringing on diffrent effects. Dances can be created by Woulfe's on their own, but the original ones are passed down through all who know it. The Dances will vary by the elements the user possess.
Dance 1:
Creates a circle around the opponent or the land underneath them. A Huge pillar of moonlight shall raise from the circle to the skies above, the cold no oxygen climate of the moon felt in the blast. The persons caught in it could suffer frostbite, being frozen completely, or dying from lack of oxygen.

Dance 2:
Creates mutliple circles wherever Tsu feels. See Dance One for effects.

Dance 3:
Mutiple circles appear on the ground, an after image of Tsu in each of them. They mimic her movements, and she can travel freely within all of them quicker then you can blink.

Dance 4:
Tsu completely vanishes for a period of time, and this being every trace of her. Chakra signature, etc. She could probably still be seen by say, Shen's MRI, though. It lasts about 20min at her current strength.

Dance 5:
Usually coupled with clones , the fifth dance imatates the hunting patern of the wolf. It will first envelop the area in a hazy mist, and erases the sound from the users steps, letting them sneak soundlessly through the fog to their opponents.

Dance 6:
Let's moonlight be manipulated like a liquid with the propreties of liquid nitrogyen, it can be used however the user likes or lays a layer of moonlight over their skin like a protective armor.
( Will Put The Rest Of the Dances Up Soon~ ....Jutsus are comin next~ )

Last edited by Tsukiko Woulfe on September 22nd 2009, 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tsukiko Woulfe

Tsukiko Woulfe

Posts : 15
Age : 27
Village of Residence : Chaos
Join date : 2009-09-22
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Dancing~
Kekkei Genkai : Ikimono Metsuki/ Dance of The Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Tsu's Techs   Tsu's Techs Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 5:03 pm

Earth Style: Living Earth
Making any part of earth come alive to do her bidding.
She usally uses it on vines, roots or tree branches.

Earth Style: 3D Sharp
It strengthens Tsu's genjutus.

Earth Style: Call Of The Wild
Much like a dog whistle,
it draws all animals within a 100-metre radius to aid Ayaka.

Earth Style: Threat Extingushed
As long as Tsu's chakra holds up,
it will prevent the opponent from using fire jutsu.
A green buddha will apear behind her during the jutsu.
However, it cannot stop fire like, for example, Zeik's Hellfire.

Rock Style: Gorgon's Glare
By catching someones eye and holding it for five seconds, she can paralyze the body, making it slowly turn stone. The paralysis doesn't last as long as it takes to stonify a person, though, and there is a fifty fifty chance of not being made a statue.

Rock Stlye: Dome
The dome can be used for protection or attack. In an attacking situation, it will dome over an opponent, explosions happening on the inside, where as it can be used for protection in the obvious matter.

Moon Style: Angels Tears
A light rain falls from the sky, either a) healing all injuries of the skin (No bone repearing...)
or b) Is like an acid rain to opponents, and eats away at anything to get to the skin.

Moon Style: Goddess' Children
Summons a dozen silvery beings to aid Tsu. The beings body have the propreties of liquid nitrogen, and freezes almost everything that it touches/ touches it.

Ice Style: Moisture Freeze
Enables the user to freeze almost any moisture around them. Ex. Air, Water, Trees, etc.

(I'll put more up later... >_< )

Last edited by Tsukiko Woulfe on September 22nd 2009, 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tsu's Techs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tsu's Techs   Tsu's Techs Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 5:41 pm

The only one I have a problem with is this
"Earth Style: 3D Sharp
It makes genjutsu real. Erm, um, like taking an illusion and making it solid for a period of time"

This is something called reality warping... essentailly its REALLY hard to do. Like, someone like Itachi can only make his genjutsu "so real" and even then it's still rather easy to break out of. To make something completely 100% percent real is a strength that a Kage should have no question.

So having a move that "strengthens your genjutsu" rather than "making it real" would sit a lot better with me other than that you get the OK from me for now... I can only imagine the rest of the crap you can do.

Tsu's Techs Mask_of_zorrosig
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Tsukiko Woulfe

Tsukiko Woulfe

Posts : 15
Age : 27
Village of Residence : Chaos
Join date : 2009-09-22
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Dancing~
Kekkei Genkai : Ikimono Metsuki/ Dance of The Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Tsu's Techs   Tsu's Techs Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 5:49 pm

I see, but, yannow, I didn't mean completely real. Just, more.... Physical, almost. Touchable for a period of time~?
But yeah, I'll stick with 'stregthens'. x3

<3 Zorro.
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PostSubject: Re: Tsu's Techs   Tsu's Techs Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 5:52 pm

I get what you're saying... I'll just observe its use and go from there.
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Tsukiko Woulfe

Tsukiko Woulfe

Posts : 15
Age : 27
Village of Residence : Chaos
Join date : 2009-09-22
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Dancing~
Kekkei Genkai : Ikimono Metsuki/ Dance of The Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Tsu's Techs   Tsu's Techs Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 5:54 pm

Cool Beans. Thanks, X-Kuuun~! x3
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PostSubject: Re: Tsu's Techs   Tsu's Techs Icon_minitime1

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