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 Kaerei, Spirit of the Black Swamp.

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Spirit of the Black Swamp

Posts : 95
Village of Residence : Dusk...
Join date : 2009-05-07
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Voodoo, Shamanism/Druidism

Character sheet
Character Race: Spiritual Entity/Otherworldly Being/Weapon
Character Info (Highlight):

Kaerei, Spirit of the Black Swamp. Empty
PostSubject: Kaerei, Spirit of the Black Swamp.   Kaerei, Spirit of the Black Swamp. Icon_minitime1May 8th 2009, 1:10 am

Name: Kaerei
Age: Unknown (She does not seem to age.)
Origin: Unknown (Otherworldly)
Species: Otherworldly Entity; Unknown.
Weight: 133 lbs(Adult), 73 lbs (Child) (Varies)
Height: 5'7 (Adult), 4'10 (Child)
Race: 'Frog Spirit' (Unknown), Weapon.
Known Family: None (So Far.)
Occupation/Aliases: Voodoo Master, Explosives Technician, Spiritual Shaman/Heretic, Poison and Acid Master, Frog Master, Swamp Hermit.
Soul Attributes: Swamp

Likes: Unknown.

Dislikes: Unknown.


Kaerei's anatomy is very complex and detailed, compared to most others'. Her entire body is adapted to many conditions that normal people would not be able to survive. To start from the top, her hair is long, straight and silver, and as an adult, it would flow down all the way to her waist. As a child, it is made into two very large and unkempt pigtails on either side of her head. The strands of her hair are able to be sharpened, stiffened, elongated and controlled at her every will and whim, making them a weapon within themselves. Moving down to her eyes, they are very special, being able to see any sort of invisible object, any spirit/supernatural entity and able to trace and assess the power of these things. Her eyes are also coated in a special film that allows her to see clearly in any sort of water she swims in, no matter how dense, murky or dark. This also allows her to see through mist and hindering gases, hence why she can see clearly through her own. Kaerei's mind is virtually insane in all ways, leaving her to be a very deadly and misunderstood person. With a mind like that, she is typically an erratic person in general. Kaerei's nose is special, for she can smell specific fumes in the air released by living things. With these fumes, she can smell changes in emotion via chemical properties, she can locate movement of people anywhere within a certain distance, and she can decipher any other gases in the area that may not be noticeable to any other people. Kaerei's ears are very keen as well, only because she can pick up many different sounds and decipher them all at once. This assists her in pinpointing her prey. Kaerei's mouth is one of her most important features. Her salivary glands are specially made to produce acid and toxins, which her mouth is generally always coated in. The intensity of the acid and toxins increase or decrease depending on her emotions. Generally, these will break down whatever enters her mouth and destroy anything that will harm her body before it is able to enter her body. However, this links into her stomach acids being so incredibly powerful that Kaerei can consume literally anything, so it doesn't matter much. Back to Kaerei's mouth, she can regurgitate and instantly produce a seemingly infinite amount of acid or toxins right from there, using those for attacks. In addition to this, her larynx and vocal cords are very, very, VERY highly adapted, allowing her to make almost any noise at any pitch or volume, be it a croak, a gentle and beautiful song, or just her raspy, froggy voice. Her croaks have enough power to shatter mountains if concentrated well enough, making her voice very powerful. Also, because she has so much experience in the art of sound waves, Kaerei can generate sounds that can relate to any of the senses, meaning she may be able to create illusions and trick the mind, turn off senses of others who hear her voice, etc. It depends on the reception. Finally, she is able to talk to animals, but more specifically, amphibians and reptiles, being able to control them with just her voice, making her even more deadly.

Kaerei's body is just as complex and detailed as her head is. Kaerei's skin is very smooth and extremely permeable, but is covered in films of very, very strong acids and toxins at all times, making sure nothing is able to penetrate her extremely permeable skin. Not only this, but her toxins and acids provide insulation and keeps her body temperature stable at all times, even through cold and heat. Her skin also allows her to absorb liquids and restore her own health by doing this, if she wills it. Her skin is also extremely stretchy, mostly in the cheeks for storing up acids and poisons. Also, Kaerei has both lungs and gills, and has the ability to breathe through her skin, if she wants, as well as through the water with ease. Kaerei's skin also allows her great water resistance as well as the ability to float along water, or, if she truly wants to, to 'walk on water.' Kaerei's organs are also adapted to these acids and toxins. Kaerei's bones are extremely flexible and tough, almost to the point of that they are incapable of being broken. If they are dislocated, Kaerei is easily able to snap them back into place. Kaerei's blood and any other liquids in her body are made completely of the highest types of acids and toxins, as well as been infected by the Black Blood thanks to Medusa. There are so many acids and toxins in her body that there is literally no type of poison that can affect or harm her body, and if there is, her body is made to instantly adapt to and take control of it. Her body cannot physically be harmed by acid at all, and her insides are so strong that she can drink any type of acid as if it were kool-aid, as stated before, her stomach acids are strong enough that Kaerei can literally consume and break down anything that enters her body. Kaerei's legs are her most powerful feature, giving her the ability of insanely precise acrobatics, balance and nimbleness. Also, they are powerful enough to launch her high into the air easily, and deliver incredibly powerful kicks. Because of her powerful legs, Kaerei is also a lot faster than most people consider her. Her legs are also made for swimming, and she moves even faster through water than she does on land (which is still very fast.) Finally, Kaerei's tongue is insanely long, reaching to great lengths and is extremely sticky, as well as coated in the same poisons and acids as the rest of her body. It's used for multiple purposes.

Kaerei's attire is specially made to fit her acidic and toxic capabilities, as well as her extremely drastic living conditions. Therefore, her clothes are specially made so that no acids can burn through. To ensure this, they are also blessed with shamanistic and druid magics. To start off, she wears an incredibly large, rubber-looking hat that resembles a traditional Japanese Straw Hat with giant, menacing frog eyes on them. These Frog Eyes seem to be directly linked with Kaerei's own mind, allowing her to see through them and show emotions through those eyes. Those eyes also have incredibly potent, hypnotic power as well as many other hidden abilities, as well as some hidden spiritual properties. As a child, her hat has changed into a hood, sporting the same eyes, however now colored purple. There is no difference in ability, only appearance.

Kaerei, as an adult, wears a mostly skin-tight shirt with oversized, long sleeves, however it shows a large portion of her belly. She also wears skin-tight pants that seem to be very stretchy and flexible, as a special attribute for maximum movement and mobility of her legs in any direction. These are for maximum wind and water resistance in the air and through the water, making both liquid and wind slide off of her easily. Kaerei wears special shoes that allow her to have extremely good traction, or alternatively, get rid of any traction she has on her feet, depending on what she wishes. Around Kaerei's ankles and waist are extremely stretchy, compacted flaps which extend outward into parachutes. This is to allow her to float down from high areas and delay fall-time in the air.

Kaerei, as a child, has an entirely different wardrobe than as an adult. Her clothes are still specially made to resist her acids and toxins, however they are a little less efficient in other aspects than her adult form. For starters, she wears a black, white and gray striped, sleeveless dress, which provides the same mobility for her legs and also acts as a parachute in place of the flaps that are on her clothes as an adult. Also, because her dress is sleeveless, Kaerei wears extremely large, rubbery frog-themed gloves, which allows her to touch things without burning them, just like her sleeves do as an adult. Finally, Kaerei does not have boots anymore, but now has typical slippers on. They still provide the same ability of having great traction or no traction, but are not really as comfortable.

Kaerei, the mysterious hermit/shaman/heretic frog girl who is the center of spirits from the black swamp, giving her the alias 'Spirit of the Black Swamp.' She is a loner, usually only heard singing an ominously eerie tune when people pass through her swamp "Gekogekogekori... Gekogekori.." She kills most who come to the black swamp, giving it the name. A psychopath to every extreme, less than no outside contact with other people except when she takes a life. She is twisted, demented, insane and destructive to the extreme, though when she is not in contact with any living creature, she is extremely docile and gentle... Though still very menacing, creepy and vile. Kaerei also seems to be highly adept at explosives, too, most of these being bombs. She has integrated her knowledge of explosives into some of her attacks (Such as the Swamp Grenade or her Geko Geko bombs). Not much is known about her, other than that she is not of this world. Her personality remains a very large mystery, as are a great many other things about this Frog Spirit.

Kaerei's Myth
Kaerei... The demon spirit of the black swamp... Most who enter her swamp sign their spirit over to her... Predicting their death. Kaerei... Totally insane in the worst possibly way... psychotic shaman.... heretic... spirt. It is not known of where or when Kaerei actually comes from, for little is known about her as a person. No one lives to tell the tales of her, but those who do can say this... Her swamp is alive. It is under her control. She is the swamp, one with it... The Black Swamp of Damnation. The swamp seems to be a secret place that is only stumbled upon by accident, also why no one knows about Kaerei. It also is said to move to her own will, making it even more mysterious. It is unknown as to whether Kaerei herself is a spirit, whether she is a human, a frog or something else entirely... Or perhaps all of them. Her body, totally immune to acids and poisons whatsoever, no type of toxins or diseases can best her, which explains why she can live in such living conditions for such an incredibly long time. She has control over spirits as if they were part of her... And they just might be. All of the souls of the ones she's killed, and perhaps some that have just wandered into her power. She has control over all frogs, amphibians and reptiles whatsoever, and those not under her influence are quickly changed due to her... powers. In this evil swamp of hers, she also does... Voodoo. Those who do know of her, as few as they may be, know that she is the master of Voodoo dolls and rituals, making her one of business as well. The price for some of her voodoo magic is your spirit, however, making you a type of soulless being that works under her command. She also has a very wide selection of various poisons and acids, the most in the universe. These can be used for instant death, a fatal disease or... many other things of the like. Her purpose in this world is completely unknown, but she may just live her as a ferryman for souls... such is Kaerei, the dangerous, shamanistic heretic spirit of the Black Swamp.

Kaerei's Vescrutian Story
Kaerei used to reside in the Nightmare Village, though wasn't really that active because of her secluded and psychotic nature... She used to work under Mahk-X, who she referred to as her 'diamond master.' She seems to be taking her loner path again, following orders from no one but herself. That was the life she liked best. Under the control of her diamond master, however, she acquired Sage Mode, which is very powerful for her. She has the power to summon up unnatural energy which she can use to her will to increase her power by a great amount. Another thing she did under her 'diamond master' was kill Ignatius Zephirum. It was a cruel and fatal death, but that was Kaerei's favorite kind, of course. Kaerei also fought in a battle against Zeik Hellgate, in retrospect, was never finished, and also fought against Bloom and accidentally changed her life. Kaerei accidentally stuck part of her spirit inside of Bloom via a Voodoo doll and it has manifested itself into another being entirely inside of her known as Kuiin. Kaerei only felt remorse because of what would happen if her former Diamond Master found out, but now that she is not with him, she will use this to her advantage to track down and kill Bloom, thus taking back the energy that is rightfully hers. Kaerei also senses a great insanity in this village of Reality... and she likes it. It fills her with a further lust for blood and spirits, and it is making her lose what little of her mind she has left... much like a few of the people in this village. As of right now, a black swamp has appeared in the Reality Village from seemingly nowhere surrounded by a thick, black mist... It is best that all do not check it out.

After some time alone, Kaerei was confronted by a witch. A snake witch, no less. She was going to kill her, however Medusa offered something that Kaerei needed... Soul abilities and Magical Lilypads and the Black Blood, as well as the ability to change into a weapon. Kaerei humbly accepted Medusa's gifts in exchange for Medusa being able to come and ask her for anything that she needed and for an Earth Potion... With that, Kaerei became A Weapon, however she had 3 weapons inside of her; A File, a Hook, and accidentally a Syringe. Those would be useful. With that, Kaerei became dormant once again, humbly mixing potions in her swamp... Until she thought about something. She wanted to have concentrated power. More speed. She was already quite speedy, but she was not blindingly fast. She needed to be smaller... Lighter... Nimbler (if that was possible) and sleek. This called for her to become smaller, a child, no less. She went to the Kage of the Reality, Maze, and using his magic, he gave her the ability to shift into a smaller form of herself that had abilities that were increased and concentrated x10 of speed and power at any given time. While in her child form, or as she calls it, 'Tama Form,' Kaerei can move at unimaginable speeds that makes her invisible, not even a blur to leave a trace of her trail. Her hair is pony tails that she can use as blades, helicoptors or stretch it out like whips or something. Her dress acts as a parachute now and when she spins, she can cut and poison things, since the dress is razor sharp and her entire body has poisonous and acidic toxins all over. Her gloves have the highest concentration of natural poison and acid, meaning that getting touched with her gloves was more than lethal. Her gloves were also extremely durable and coated with magic given to her by Medusa and some lingering magic that Maze used to change her, meaning that her gloves could not only deliver extremely powerful blows, but could also deflect various attacks and large objects and whatnot. Her fingers are also incredibly sharp, like that of a blade, though they may not look it. How very useful.

Swamp Soul
Kaerei's soul is extremely flexible and can be used by almost anyone, though Kaerei's soul itself has the ability to eat the souls of others extremely quickly when she is paired up with someone. Her Swamp Soul also has the special ability to corrode anything quite quickly with intensity that varies so that whatever she does want to corrode will always corrode within 10 seconds regardless of power, however the more intense she needs it to be, the larger and more destructive/explosive her soul energy is. Her Soul also allows her to control swamp water at will, meaning with a wave of the hand, she can make swamp water move as if it were her own body through the air, even when she is not in the immediate area. Her soul also has the ability to change into a voodoo doll that will almost instantly rob the life of someone if they come within the vicinity of her wavelength, and in addition to that, people who come within her wavelength have their powers weakened or 'corroded' as well, at least until they get out of her wavelength vicinity. She can merge her soul with her Black Swamp and therefore cover the entire area with her soul, and that goes for any body of water, since her soul allows her to instantly change whatever liquid she touches into swampy acid/poison... stuff. If she shoots her wavelength through you, there is a high chance that not only your soul will corrode, but your body will, too, and depending on the power, she may be able to disintegrate you instantly altogether. A powerful soul, indeed. A final thing to note, her Soul has the ability to do Experimental Voodoo. Experimental Voodoo is a special ability that will allow Kaerei's soul or wavelength to take the form of a voodoo doll around her and that doll will take any and all attacks completely, literally stopping any from hitting Kaerei altogether. The strength of it depends on its size. From Medusa, Kaerei also recieved a special new and powered up Soul Protect ability that Kaerei called Soul Wipe. Soul Wipe allows Kaerei to literally wipe her own existence from anyone's ability to sense her. This goes for ANYONE AND EVERYTHING. NO ONE will be able to sense her when she uses Soul Wipe, meaning that she technically has erased her presence from existence. She can also use the normal Soul Protect as well, which only hides her Soul's presence. She also has an upgraded ability of the Soul Feedback, which is Soul Contact. Soul Feedback allows Kaerei to find souls of people in the set vicinity and see them (even through walls, which is what I got from the manga, I'm guessing), but Soul Contact allows Kaerei to find any person under any circumstances (unless somehow they have the Soul Wipe ability). Soul Contact does not only lock onto a soul AND nullify the Soul Protect, but it can lock onto other things such as heat signatures, power signatures, anything and everything that gives off a trace of your existence will be apparent to Kaerei, unless of course you have the Soul Wipe ability.

Soul Abilities
Because of the powerful magic placed inside of Kaerei's soul, Kaerei can use both normal wavelength and magic that a normal witch could use, making her double the danger.

Soul Perception Abilities

Soul Perception: The ability to see, assess and analyze one's soul. By focusing on an individual soul, a skilled Soul Perception practitioner can actually "read" a soul and make accurate judgments about the person's characteristics, personality and wavelength. This can be used to hear or see one's soul.

Soul Feedback: An advanced version of the Soul Perception. The ability to feel and pinpoint one's soul from most distances in addition to the normal Soul Perception abilities. Unlike normal Soul Perception, Soul Feedback can see through a witch's Soul Protect ability, which is normally extremely useful. Aside from allowing someone to see through a witch's Soul Protect, Soul Feedback allows one to sense souls accurately over long distances and notice even the slightest changes in one's wavelength.

Soul Contact: A very much advanced Soul Perception AND Soul Feedback, and an ability only accessible to Kaerei. Using the masterful power of Soul Perception, Soul Feedback and her spiritual Shamanistic/Druid abilities, this allows Kaerei to lock onto a soul, a wavelength, and/or an energy source of any kind under any circumstances (unless somehow they have the Soul Wipe ability). This means she can lock onto a soul anywhere, find heat signatures, find DNA, etc. etc. Basically, there's no way to hide no matter what you do.


Soul Voodoo: An odd, dangerous and adept Soul Resonance. Allows 2 souls to be joined by Kaerei (the means don't matter), and once joined, Kaerei makes her own soul that of Voodoo, meaning that whatever is done to her body or soul that is harmful in any way is automatically done to the foe. It works with anyone, and if they don't have a soul, it merges with their heart or brain for voodoo effects. Only negative affects happen, in most cases, however.


Soul Corrode: A very dangerous wavelength ability that comes from the corrosive properties of her Swamp Soul. Her wavelength will corrode and weaken the wavelengths and souls of those that happen to come in contact with hers. Once it is touched, it's over, unless your wavelength can overpower hers in some way. Otherwise, your soul will very quickly deteriorate into nothingness.

Soul Steal: Uses own wavelength and forms it into hands that will grasp onto the foe's soul and consume it upon contact. This ability can be transmuted through a weapon to have the slightest touch of said weapon have the ability to instantly absorb and consume the soul on contact without having to rip it out of the body. Although, Kaerei has specially made hers so that it has the ability to steal the collected souls of those she comes in contact with... Which is a very devastating ability.

Soul Drain: Expands wavelength to drain the soul wavelength/energy/chakra/spirits/etc from the foe using her own wavelength and anything else she can find. This wavelength is so very potent and powerful that just be standing in the vicinity of her wavelength while this ability is active will cause those energies to be drained into her for power.

Spirit Claw Hook: Wavelength shoots out a like a hook and latches onto one's soul, making Kaerei have direct contact to your soul in all ways unless the hooks are forced off. The more hooks on, the more powerful the soul has to be to get them off.

Soul Possession

Soul Possession: A typical possession of someone's soul or body, similar to that of Masamune. Because of the nature of Kaerei's wavelength and weapon form (syringe), anyone who is to use Resonance with her, try to wield her as a weapon, or try to shot their wavelengths into her, or just contacts her soul or wavelength in any way with their soul or wavelength will cause them to be under her Soul Possession. Normally, stronger souls than hers can easily break away, but because of the corrosive and debilitating nature of her soul, it isn't so easy because she constantly weakens those around her, making her Soul Possession job much easier. She may even take the souls of powerful warriors.

Soul Siphon: A unique form of Soul Possession. Using her wavelength shot out as a cord from her Syringe, Kaerei siphons out your own soul with contact. So once it's done, Kaerei has your soul.

Soul Magic

Soul Protect: The ability to hide one's soul and soul attributes by coating magic around the soul and wavelength of the soul.

Soul Wipe: An insanely advanced version of the Soul Protect, causing Kaerei to wipe her own existence/presence from anyone's ability to sense her, and can even hide against the Soul Feedback ability. This means there is literally NO way whatsoever to know where she is unless you actually physically SEE her. Otherwise, her presence is a mystery.


Soul Disperse: Disperses own soul into oblivion if a body is dying and finds a new one. It may take the shape of something else until a body is found. The user keeps not only their own powers, but gains the powers of the body they take as well.

Because of the magic within Kaerei's soul, she may also create Familiars just like any other witch can.

Her familiars are frogs and tadpoles, similar to that of Eruka Frog, though Kaerei can make multiple. There isn't much known about her familiars as of yet, because they are rarely seen, but they have power, indeed.
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