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PostSubject: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 12:54 pm

Maze and his two daughters would appear from thin air and the grad hallway of there home after leaving the tavern. "Did you two have a good time?"
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 1:01 pm

^Aura looked up at her father smiling.^ I sure did. It was a great time.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 1:19 pm

"Uh-huh, ME TOO~!!!" Mana grinned, skipping further along the hallway before turning to face Daddy. "SO~!! Whats we gonna start with~?"
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 1:29 pm

"Well you see-"
Una: MAZE RITUKE~!!!!!
Yoko: Maze where are you?
Seen walking down the stairs were Maze soul partners Una and Yoko...with the kids around now and with helping out the new village Maze...really didn't have that much time to hang with these two. "Oh hey you two hows it been?"
Una: Don't hey us~! Where the hell have you been?!! You leave us to watch your kids but can't even spend some time with the two of us? Poor Yoko here thought you'd had forgotten about us.
Yoko: Maze doesn't love me anymore wahhh~!!! *Yoko starts to cry*
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 1:49 pm

Mana jumped, startled by the sudden appearance of her aunts, Yoko and Una. As soon as she saw who it was, she hurried over and hugged Una first. Then when Yoko started to cry, she glared at Daddy and gave Auntie Yoko a tight hug~!! "Of course Daddy loves you, Auntie Yokoooooooooooo~!!!!"
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 8:54 pm

^Aura punched her father in the arm^ Heartless creature...
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 9:01 pm

"Hey come on it's not like that. Una, Yoko your my family. Oh course I love you two and if I haven't been spending that much time with you all I'm sorry but I swear I'll try better." Maze pleaded with his soul partner speaking from the heart. Una folded her hands and give a sigh.
Una: You didn't have to be so dramatic about it...but you better keep up to your word.
Yoko wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her white sweater.
Yoko: So..so you still love us?
Maze smiled as he walked over to little Yoko and ruffed her hair. "I do now and I always will." Yoko looked up and smiled as Maze ruffed her hair.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 9:41 pm

Mana smiled, glad that her Auntie Yoko was happy again. She then gave Daddy a meaningful, impatient look...
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 9:50 pm

"Now then let's your training started." Maze turned toward his kids pointing toward them giving them a serious look. "Follow me you two. Una, Yoko you come to." Maze made his way up the stairway to the second floor and went down a hallway stopping at an all white door.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 9:53 pm

^Aura followed her father as he walked his path stopping when he did when they got to door. There where many doors like this in the house...what made this one so special?^
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 9:55 pm

Mana skipped along behind, and stopped behind the others. She peered at the door, not remembering it from before.... Tilting her head to the side, she waited.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 10:09 pm

Maze opened the door which would lead the family to a wondrous forest filled with life. The trees reached high into the sky the rocks cover in moss. "Everyone this is Mythical Forest."
Training Time Girls 99941_22
Maze would look over to Una getting a nostalgic feeling...this was where they had first meet after all on that fateful night. This is where Maze grew up. "Come on everyone we need to move deeper into the forest."
Una: Maze that way leads to...
"I know...let's just keep moving." Maze would start walking down an all but to familiar path.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 16th 2010, 10:20 pm

^Aura let out a sigh following her Father jumping over rocks or ducking under low branches. This place felt so alive. It made Aura smile.^
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 17th 2010, 12:37 pm

Feeling the trees pressing in towards her, Mana started to feel a bit claustrophobic, her breathing quickening as her eyes darted from tree-trunk to tree trunk. Sticking close to Daddy, she clutched at his arm, obviously scared. She hated being confined; buildings were bad enough. This was also her first time in any sort of forest. Suddenly, she felt like the the scared child she was, and she shivered slightly, reaching out to clutch at Daddy's hand.
She peered around Daddy to see her sister off to the side. She felt envious of Aura's ease in the forest, while Mana trembled like a leaf. She couldn't even stop looking around with wide eyes, trying to take in every shadow, and she jumped at every leaf that rustled, or every twig that snapped...
"Wh-where are we going, Da-Daddy...?" Her voice shook, clinging to his arm.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 21st 2010, 2:45 pm

"Don't worry Mana. We're going to my home village...The place where I was born." Maze continued down his patch. After hours of walking the family would reached a very rundown own. Most if not every building where was covered in moss and where decrepit. "This is it. Moliz Town." Una's eyes would started to water. She quickly cover her face not wanting the children to see her crying. Maze clinched his fist in anger. It was hard to see this place after so long....and for all this time to pass and for him to not get any closer to finding who did this to his town...it made him frustrated. But Maze surged off these feelings and looked down on Mana clutching. "Still not scared are you?" Maze teased smiling.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 21st 2010, 3:38 pm

Mana would be trembling the entire way, sticking close to Daddy. She was about to break down into hysterics, but then they came upon the town in ruins. "Moliz town...?" She repeated softly, looking around. She would feel Daddy's arm tense as his hands balled into fists, and she idly wondered what was it about this place that made Daddy angry...
His voice startled her, and she sweatdropped, "No! No, I'm not scared!! I never was~!!! I was just... I was just... -- Okay, maybe I'm a little scared." She looked down at her feet, ashamed. She peeked up from under her bangs to see Daddy smiling at her teasingly. She flushed scarlet, and angrily pushed herself away. "I'll show Daddy... I'm not scared!!" She muttered, going off a little ways to explore the space between the decrepit, moss covered buildings. Maybe it had been a street?
She kept in sight of the others, in case Daddy wanted to start their training then. As she walked along the street, she tried to imagine what it would have been like here when Daddy had been a little boy. She could almost see the bustling streets, with hawkers at market carts, trying to sell their wares to silly tourists. Of course, this was just her imagining the place, and there wasn't any magic or anything involved, so it was likely that the town looked nothing like this back then.
She was so deep in thought that she stumbled over a loose stone and almost fell. She regained her balance at the last second and looked around frantically to make sure no one had seen her trip. Thankfully, she had passed behind a wall, so no one would be able to see her at that point. "Phew... Thank goodness~" She smiled to herself, starting to hum a tune very softly. She didn't ever remember hearing it, but it was familiar, so she hummed the tune anyways.
She had been gone for only a few minutes. She was out of sight, but not out of earshot, she made sure of that. The buildings around her seemed to have more wall intact then those at the very edges. As calm as Mana could be now, she started heading back, before stopping behind a wall not too far from Daddy, Aunt Una, Auntie Yoko and Aura. If she peeked through a the gap between the bricks, she'd be able to see them, but they wouldn't be able to see her~!! She giggled softly, then peered through the gap to 'spy' on her family. Mana was pretty sure someone would catch her almost right away, but it would be fun while it lasted~!!
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 22nd 2010, 2:48 pm

^Aura would too wonder off into the ruins of her fathers home town. The charred ground crunched as she stepped forward. She looked at some of the old buildings trying make out what they once where. It was hard for her to believe her father came from this place.^ Father..what happened here?
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 26th 2010, 12:56 pm

"I'm sorry Aura but I don't know.." Maze's voice was sad. It was full of shame. All this time and he's nowhere near close to finding out who did this to his home. "Girls please follow me." Maze pointed to Mana who was hiding. Maze could see her eye peeping threw the hold in the wall. "That means you silly girl." Maze started walked deeper into the ruins of his old home town.

(short time skip)
After walk for a while rituke family would come to an old shrine. Maze looked to Una and Yoko. "You know what to do." The two would run over to the shrine and stood in front of the alter putting there hands together in a praying fashion chanting. Maze looked back at his children kneeling down next to them and put his arms on there shoulders. "Know you two your going on a little trip ok? Daddy isn't going to be able to come with but when you get there a nice man will be there to greet you. He'll be your teacher."
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 26th 2010, 1:15 pm

Mana was still confused as to why Daddy was sad, but she sighed, coming out of hiding when she was spotted. "Yes Daaaddyyyyy...." She followed along behind, not as scared as she was in the forest.
As they walked along, she cast her gaze around, trying to take in the decaying buildings, trying to figure out why Daddy was so sad. Even though it was Daddy's home town, it couldn't be his fault that it was like this... Could it? Daddy's voice startled Mana as she was pulled out of her daydreams. What was it that Aunt Una and Auntie Yoko were doing? Whatever it was, Mana found it quite odd. As Daddy went down on a knee in front of them, Mana immediately shifted her attention back to him.
"What.... What do you mean, Daddy? A trip... We're coming back, right~? You'll be here when we do get back, right....?" Mana asked, her voice trembling. She always hated being away from Daddy. With never having met Mommy, Mana felt very attached to her Daddy. "Right....?" A tear formed in the corner of her eye. She didn't really want to leave anymore.

(Typical little kid behavior... xDD)
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 26th 2010, 1:19 pm

Maze ruffled Mana's hair smile. "Of course. I'll be right here when you guys get back." A portal would open between Una and Yoko opening a gateway to the realm of magic. "Aura please take your sister threw the portal."
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 26th 2010, 1:22 pm

Yes dad...^Aura was rather sad her dad was sending them away but she took her sister's hand and walked toward the portal. As she was about to step threw Aura looked back toward her father biding him farewell before takening her and her sister threw the portal.^
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 26th 2010, 1:27 pm

The portal would close behind the two as Una and Yoko returned to Maze's side.
Una: I hope they'll be ok..
"Don't worry Rakan will train them well."
Una: Of course he will. I mean look at his last student.
Una looked to Maze. "Master Rakan trained me well...but if where to see me now...he'd only see disapointment." The dark markings on Maze's arm started to glow...The mark of Maze's training with Evangeline.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 26th 2010, 1:29 pm

Mana jerked her sister to a halt for just a moment as she turned and waved to Daddy, "You better still be here... Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai, Daddy~!!!" After that, she allowed herself to be pulled through the portal with wide eyes, not knowing what to expect.
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Jack Rakan

Jack Rakan

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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 27th 2010, 4:00 pm

The two girls would arrive on a sandy beach next to what looked like a never ending ocean of water. Barely in view the girls would see a dark figure standing on the water. The waves reached back to shore didn't seemed to be coming in naturally. It was as if something out there was making the waves this way.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Time Girls   Training Time Girls Icon_minitime1January 28th 2010, 1:13 pm

^Aura started to walk down the shore line. The calm waves splashing against her shoes. She looked out at the blue ocean seeing in it's distance a shadowed figure. Aura started to clutch the hilt of her zanpakuto.^ Mana do you see that?
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